Squatting and deadlifting

I'm thinking about changing my routine from squatting and deadlifting twice per week to deadlifting five or six times per week, and squatting three or four times per week.
Is this a bad idea?

p.s. I've had a hamstring injury and I'm worried that I'll re-injure it.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    What's the logic behind doing this?

    what are you trying to accomplish?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    That's a big jump in volume and depends upon a lot of things:

    Diet, recovery, age, training experience/level, conditioning, sleep, stress, non-exercise activities, etc

    Plus, since you are already carrying a posterior chain injury, I would be wary of this.

    As per Jo, what's the rationale behind this?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member

    You know....

    Try it, report back after a month.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Deads are the greatest exercise known to man, but five times a week? That's a high intensity movement. I suppose if you cycled between full load and light load you could do it, but why? Squats as well. I don't even do the two on the same day anymore, I'd think that five times in a week would just wear me down and slow my progress.

  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    It's unnecessary, more is not always better. Rest is crucial for muscle development.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I'm hoping that it will improve my strength.
    I wouldn't be doing maxes or anything, just like 5x5 on around 70% probably.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm hoping that it will improve my strength.
    I wouldn't be doing maxes or anything, just like 5x5 on around 70% probably.

    strength gains require rest.

    I suspect at that volume you won't be getting it.
  • bitten2better
    bitten2better Posts: 39 Member
    If you're looking at doing a 5*5 want to improve your strength... That's about as close to description of StrongLifts 5*5 that you can come by...
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I'm hoping that it will improve my strength.
    I wouldn't be doing maxes or anything, just like 5x5 on around 70% probably.

    Can you no longer add weight to the bar every session on the programme you're currently doing?

    Your suggestion will not make you stronger UNLESS, you are following a very well laid out programme and you know your body and recovery potential backwards and inside and out (and can therefore refrain from pushing yourself too hard/too quickly). If you mess it up it will actually push you into overtraining rather rapidly and actually a) make you weaker and b) lengthen the time it will take you to recover your strength to your previous levels (depending on how much you f&ck it up)
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I'd be having two rest days a week, as well as the other 23 hours a day when I'm not at the gym, and I was hoping that that would be enough.
    There are millions of programmes out there and I just don't know which one to do. Plus, most include exercises which work the chest, and I'm don't want to work my chest at the moment, or they don't include the accessory movements which I want to do.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I'd be having two rest days a week, as well as the other 23 hours a day when I'm not at the gym, and I was hoping that that would be enough.
    There are millions of programmes out there and I just don't know which one to do. Plus, most include exercises which work the chest, and I'm don't want to work my chest at the moment, or they don't include the accessory movements which I want to do.

    You're not going to include any push exercises? Or just vertical push?

    What are the accessories you're looking for?
  • jorralee
    jorralee Posts: 74 Member
    Why don't you want to work the chest at all? i don't know what your lifts are but you could look into wendler's 531 in his new book beyond 531 he has so many workout templates you can follow all based around squat, deadlif,t bench and overhead press
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I'll be doing overhead press.
    The accessories I'm looking for will be for my shoulders and upper back.
    I have bad posture with my shoulders hunching/rolling forward. This is why I am not doing chest exercises and want to do a lot more on my shoulders/upper back.
    I also have a really weak core, so I was hoping to do core exercises, but also strengthen it a lot by deadlifting and squatting more regularly.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I'd heard Wendler 531 was a bit outdated and there are better, more recent programmes, but this may not be true.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I'd heard Wendler 531 was a bit outdated and there are better, more recent programmes, but this may not be true.

    It doesn't have a sell by date...

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm thinking you don't really want to be programming your own routine. It's going to lead to overtraining, muscular imbalances, getting weaker... chose a recognised routine that is the closest fit to what you want to achieve and your lifting experience and give it the old college try.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I'd heard Wendler 531 was a bit outdated and there are better, more recent programmes, but this may not be true.

    It doesn't have a sell by date...

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm thinking you don't really want to be programming your own routine. It's going to lead to overtraining, muscular imbalances, getting weaker... chose a recognised routine that is the closest fit to what you want to achieve and your lifting experience and give it the old college try.

    I mean outdated as in it has flaws, and that programmes since are better as they don't have the same flaws, like Windows 98 is outdated compared to Windows 7.
    I can't find a recognised routine that fits what I want though, that's the problem. There aren't really any routines that cut out chest completely, and focus on a lot of upper back and shoulder accessory, along with lots of squatting and deadlifting.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I already have a lot of muscular imbalances and I'm trying to use my own routine to correct these. I can't find a programme which is tried and tested and which helps with my specific muscular imbalances unfortunately.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Do you do any work on the posterior (rear) head of the deltoid?

    Cutting out chest does not sound like an intelligent idea, it will just start to lag behind other muscles.

    Besides, from what you say it sounds like it's your deltoid that is the problem. Just keep chest to once a week and then work your back two to three times a week. Make sure to hit your rear delts at least twice a week, it might help pull your shoulders back and make them look even again.

    Also, minimize your front deltoid work to once a week as well. Try avoid any isolations such as front raises. I would even consider removing the overhead press, although being an amazing exercise it puts a lot of stress on the front deltoid.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I think it is a great idea if you never want your deadlift to really progress.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'd heard Wendler 531 was a bit outdated and there are better, more recent programmes, but this may not be true.

    It doesn't have a sell by date...

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm thinking you don't really want to be programming your own routine. It's going to lead to overtraining, muscular imbalances, getting weaker... chose a recognised routine that is the closest fit to what you want to achieve and your lifting experience and give it the old college try.

    I mean outdated as in it has flaws, and that programmes since are better as they don't have the same flaws, like Windows 98 is outdated compared to Windows 7.
    I can't find a recognised routine that fits what I want though, that's the problem. There aren't really any routines that cut out chest completely, and focus on a lot of upper back and shoulder accessory, along with lots of squatting and deadlifting.

    5/3/1 is actually a very good program.

    The reason you shouldn't squat and DL as much is because it will be hard to progress with your lift and also think about recovery. I mean DLs are big heavy comp. moves you wanna give your body a chance to recover from the lifts...

    I also don't think building your own program is a good thing..

    Muscle imbalance often happens because of bad form and/or not working the muscles evenly, which is exactly what you are doing.

    I think you should work your chest, I do understand you have issues with a shoulder but that doesn't mean you cannot work chest at all. doing that WILL most likely lead to even more muscle imbalance which could lead to some pretty nasty injuries.

    I suggest you get a good program like 5/3/1, SL or even SS and start low weight, good form, correct your posture and go from there.

    Just my 2 cents though