fifty shades of grey



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why will this not die? DIE!!!

    I've never been one for banning or burning books until this one came along. Talk about dumbing down. GAH.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    this is not what a dominant and submissive relationship are supposed to reflect. it was an abusive relationship more than anything.

    Theres a difference between a healthy Dominant sexual relationship and an Abusive relationship. If it gets your rocks off though, go for it. lol


    With the history of domestic violence not being recognized as a crime, i'm surprised soooo many women love this series. HUGE difference between dominant and being a bully.
    I have a friend who's constantly posting on FB about her husband being a narcissist, jealous, controlling and emotionally abusive. She read these books a few weeks ago and gushed about the "love story."

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hate it for this reason. Mind you I am Ina D/s relationship.......those book are not about a sane BDSM relationship, it romanticize abuse

    Following text not mine but reflex how I feel.
    Wanna know the BDSM mantra? Safe, sane, consensual.

    So let me explain why this book was devoid of all three of these things.

    Safe - In the first few chapters of the novel, Christian Grey tracks Ana’s cell phone to find her at a club. Takes her home when she’s drunk, changes her when she’s so intoxicated she doesn’t remember him doing so,and informs her he will be keeping tabs on her for her own benefit. This is not the behaviour of a respectable Dominant. This is the behaviour of a power hungry, abusive *kitten* who really can’t take no for an answer.

    Sane - One of the most important parts of BDSM is aftercare. Scenes can be extremely traumatizing and intense for the submissive. Aftercare is anything from petting to cuddling to holding to sweet talking, whatever degree of gentleness a bottom would need to pull them out of “subspace”. How does Christian provide aftercare? He submits Ana to a traumatizing first time spanking experience AND THEN ****ING LEAVES. AND GETS MAD THAT SHE DIDN’T TELL HIM SHE WAS UPSET. He’s the one who should ****ing know better! That, again, is not the act of a responsible Dominant. It’s the act of a selfish abuser.

    Consensual - Did I mention he undressed her when she was belligerently drunk? Tracked her phone to locate her? He also buys her a new car despite her saying no countless times. Now, consent is important for any kind of sexual activity at all. Consent means informed, consent means enthusiastic. Informed, enthusiastic consent. This is crucial in a BDSM setting. Scenes can be extremely intense, especially for the bottom. What is Christian’s form of obtaining consent? Handing Ana a ****ing contract highlighting all the things he wants to do her *kitten* and asking her to sign it. She was a virgin (Don’t even get me ****ing started.) who had never before been exposed to BDSM. Entering in that kind of relationship takes a gargantuan amount of trust and knowledge so you know exactly what you’re getting into. Not reading a list of kinks on a piece of paper and signing your rights to say no away. Christian didn’t offer her resources, he didn’t offer her information. He gave her an ultimatum. That is not the sort of consent a responsible Dom/me would seek from their submissive.

    ****. This. book. It’s written in a ****ty way, it’s a terrible example of a BDSM relationship (ask anybody already involved in the lifestyle and watch them go blue in the face just thinking about it), which is already faced with enough prejudice and misunderstand, and it romanticizes and glorifies abuse.

    There were many posts I wanted to quote, but I'm going with Yanicka's. ^THIS. So much the above.^ I think this post (and the ones prior to this explaining just how bad both the scenes, writing, and the overall misrepresentation that book just released upon the world) pretty much says it all.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I found it dull & repetitive.. :yawn:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Also, if you want bdsm erotica I can recommend Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. Now that is HAWT

    Hi-freaking-five! I love that series!!! :drinking:
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    So let me get this right, everyone who read this series hated it? The author sure made a lot of money off of people who hate her work.

    It's called hype and marketing.

    I bought the first book because so many people were talking about it and I"m sure that's the reason a lot of people bought the book. I did not buy the subsequent installments because it sucked so bad. I barely read the first one it was so awful.

    I would love to know who she had as her marketing agent for when I get published. Whether or not someone likes the book isn't the reason she's making money it's the fact that people talked about it and bought it that put the money in her pocket.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    It's also just a very badly written book.

    ^ This.

    *poorly written
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Why will this not die? DIE!!!

    I've never been one for banning or burning books until this one came along. Talk about dumbing down. GAH.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    with love ladies, you aren't really reading it to critique the writing are you:huh: ... I personally enjoyed it for what it was, smut, easy read with a hot kinky control freak male lead! I dig that lol and I will be going to see the film version when it arrives in the sunny UK!

    It certainly wasn't meant to be critically acclaimed so enjoy it for what it was...
    If you want to read smut and there's plenty of well-written smut with even likable characters out in the world, why would you give your time and money to the worst-written drivel about obnoxious, insecure, abusive creeps ever published?

    Go read something good.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why will this not die? DIE!!!

    I've never been one for banning or burning books until this one came along. Talk about dumbing down. GAH.

  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I liked it but I think the Crossfire serie by Sylvia Day is much much better.

    I ready the first 50shades and part of book two...couldn't do anymore than that because it was just getting too repetitive and I was annoyed with the poor writing.

    I too enjoyed the Crossfire series better.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Terrible book...nobody has sex that much or that rough the first time.
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    For sure however I already have a medium size dragon down my back so I will just live vicariously through you and demand pictures if you ever do ;)

    Did you read the Imriel and Naamah trilogies too?

    Yes I did...I also read Carey's Sundering Duology as well
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Love me some Christian -Swooooon-
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I heard about it, but never read it. just didn't seem realistic to me based on what I've heard.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Terrible book...nobody has sex that much or that rough the first time.

    Well, not that rough the first time but there in comes Yannickas post about why Christian Grey is a bully and a narcissist not a dominant. But that much? Yep :D

    SuzieLynn, I read Imriel - glad I stuck with it as he really hacked me off in the first book but he grew on me and that was a great love story too. I read the first Naamah book and it blew me away but the others were not published way back when I got it. I never got around to reading the next two, and had no idea there was another book. I have such a lot of respect for the author though. Terrific writer!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I love to read. I read all three of the Fifty Shades of Grey books, they were quick easy reads with some *exciting* parts. I didn't love it, but it kept me entertained. Unlike a lot of James Patterson books where the writing makes the book too painful to read. Those are absolutely different genres, by the way.

    Favorite series of all time: The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Amazing.
    Yeah ... James Patterson isn't a good writer, either. He's nearly as bad as EL.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    this is not what a dominant and submissive relationship are supposed to reflect. it was an abusive relationship more than anything.

    Theres a difference between a healthy Dominant sexual relationship and an Abusive relationship. If it gets your rocks off though, go for it. lol

    ^Amen. This book is trash. Twilight fanfiction, nope.