November Challenge for the outcasts:)



  • Not to scare you and maybe its just in my case but it seems to get worse and worse ha! But she still brings me all the Joy in the world!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Still holding on to 140lbs. My jeans are fitting right nice today. So even if the scale hasn't moved, I'm not feeling discouraged. This weekend, my goal is to eat tons of fruits and veggies and only whole grain carbs. I'm hoping to still see 138lbs on the scale Monday morning.

    Wish me luck.
    Not to scare you and maybe its just in my case but it seems to get worse and worse ha! But she still brings me all the Joy in the world!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm at 219 even today! :)
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm at 219 even today! :) 5.4 down 4 to go!
  • Jenn-I think 3 is worse than 2...I have a 7 year old step-daughter and I truly believe that! They are too smart. My son though-he is stubborn like me so 2 really may be terrible...though hopefully, it won't last long:)

    Jackie-better to hold than to gain. Plus if your clothes are fitting better, you may be building more muscle and that is why the scale isn't moving!

    Margie-I don't know what to say-you just keep dwindling!
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm at 170lbs today. Had a very stressful beginning of the week, so I'm happy to have lost any weight at all. Have been struggling to get back on track lately.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Still at 237#, had electrolytes yesterday and thinking that did not help ( have an imbalance and labs were off ). I have some health issues; did not realize how 'draggin' I was til I got topped off with a little high test yesterday. Had some fresh trout yesterday and today....YUM!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Checking in 124.5, yeah!!

    And, yes, 3 is worse than 2 year old's. :bigsmile:
  • Hello,

    Is it too late for me to join?

    Name: Rei (nareiko)
    Start weight, 11/06: 164.3
    Today's weight, 11/20: 162
    Goal weight for 11/30: 160
    What will I do:
    1) Eat more vegetables, fruits, yoghurt.
    2) Less carbo, fried stuffs, fast food and bubble tea.
    3) Go to gym for atleast 3 times a week. Walk to gym (about 30mins each, to and fro)

    1) To be able to take photos with my son and actually looks good in it!
    2) Fit into my old M size (Asian sizing) clothings again.
    3) 26 inches waist like before. =( Instead of 41inches as of now.
  • Im back at 153... havent been doing so great... but not too terrible either
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Felling better today, more energy. Puttering around house,washed some of fabric stash and set into packs for sewing projects. Up and down stairs to laundry and ironing, hope burned some cals.
  • nareiko..never too late to join...I will add you to this list this week:) how old is your son?

    sarah-the weekends are tough..we will get through it:)

    maeadair...glad you are feeling better!

    i took yesterday off so i had to workout today-we are going to have breakfast and go out and rake away some more calories-drank a bit much yesterday!
  • Hi Nicole,

    Thanks! My son is coming to 16mths old in 1.5 weeks. =)
  • He is so cute nareiko! It goes by fast!

    How did everyone do this weekend?
  • Is everyone boycotting this week?!!?!?!?
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm not boycotting, just nervous to step on the scale. It's TOM for me, and I'm afraid of water retention...and of Thanksgiving coming up. I have been trying to exercise as much as my schedule allows for, but still.... I'll probably get on the scale later today just to see how I'm doing.

    Hope everyone is having a good week and not stressing too much about Thanksgiving.
  • Don't stress for Thanksgiving! Just get up and do a workout in the am, and get a nice walk after dinner! Kick it up a notch on Friday. Some of us-including myself-may not reach our goals by Tuesday next week. Don't give up! I am kicking it into December!

    Pre-Thanksgiving stats......We have lost a total of 29.1 pounds:drinker:

    Name……................................SW MFP ……….11/2……….Goal for 11/30.........November loss so far

    Nicole (princesspurple)……...149…………..138.2…………..134...........................136.7/-1.5
    Sarah (sarahp43)………..........184…………..155…………….150...........................153/-2
    Mary (mcanals123)……...........178…………..175…………….165...........................175.5/+.5
    Kimberly (albredera)….............187………….169.1………..….164.1.......................168.2/-.9
    Jackie (fitnewlife)……...............172…………...140……………136 ………………..140/0
    Kathleen(kath711).....................127...................127....................123 …………….....124.5/-2.5
    Margie (mbodine)......................233.6.................224.4...............215...........................219/-5.4
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi, I'm at 218.8
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Well the scale hasn't budged. I don't like it but I'm not going to let it get me down.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Thinking I have to re-adjust my goal for end of month, maybe 233 is more realistic.. Did get on scales and down 2 lbs. (235) Yeah! :happy: Planning a love fest with my exercise bike the next few days (schedule permitting). :laugh: Work has been stressful, flipping poor body doesn't know if is day or night.
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