Body Dysmorphia?



  • sunshine11111
    sunshine11111 Posts: 48 Member
    I do the same thing.
  • karmic_fit
    karmic_fit Posts: 24 Member
    I think it's something we all have to deal with to a greater or lesser degree. I was fat for a long time. I've only been thin for a year. I have to accept that it will take a while to see myself the way I really am. I also have the issues with loose skin and knowing that I'll never have the flat, firm body I want. I think that exacerbates the BD issue.

    This is my first time posting to a forum, so I apologize if i don't quite do it right. I just wanted to point out what this previous poster said 'I was fat for a long time' I myself have been 'fat' for the entirety of my life; that's 30 years of social behavior to get over, and I can only imagine that when i reach my goal weight it will take years for me to truly accept it. I just wanted to let you know that it took years to think of yourself as 'fat' and it might take years to think of yourself as 'thin' but that either way you should be proud of what you've accomplished, not just the weight-loss but the hard work and dedication you put in to learning new habits and taking care of yourself better. You've already proven that you can change the way you think about food (and i'm assuming that took time) now you have to be patient with yourself as you learn to change the way you think about YOU.
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    Photos. Several full length photos in well fitting clothes. Mindfulness exercises help. Looking at my WHOLE self in the mirror, not just my face as I used to do.
  • This is one of the greatest websites for body dysmorphia:

    Input your info and view others who are your same size. You'll see youself in a whole new light!

    WoW That was just totally shocking for me. Thanks for this link