I see many with very pour nutrition in their diet.



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I am seeing posting and when looking at their food diaries it is a nightmare. Take it from an old lady who has lost a whole ton of weight in my life. I know how to do it just have a problem keeping it off because I am also a gourmet cook and I love to eat what I cook.

    You can have bread but cut back to 2-3 slices a week and do whole wheat vs white. A little pasta goes a long way. You can have a slice or 2 of bacon a week. It won't kill you. I see people staying below their calorie intake but everything else is out of control. You need a balance. If you don't eat a good healthy diet you may lose but you are not making choices that are going to keep the weight off.

    You don't have to deprive yourself but for God's sake stay out of McDonalds if you are serious. Learn how to cook. It is fun and you will feel much more satisfied. If you are eating packaged meals you are filling your body with sodium and crap that will make you sick. If anyone would like recipes let me know I will be glad to help you out. some of you are asking for a stroke or heart attack and I am not some kind of health nut believe me.

    The offer for recipes could go in that thread with maybe a tag that says "Gourmet Cook Willing to Share Recipes" because I do believe you were truly trying to be helpful and it just came off in a negative way :bigsmile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    I think you need to be *taking* the advice, not giving it.
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member

    ETA: If it didn't work for you (because you couldn't stick to it), why would it work for us? :\

    It works for me but as most here have learned it is easy to fall off once you hit your goal. I weighed 275 and took off 150 lbs when I was 30 I am now 70 and have gradually crept up to about 180 over the years until a year and a half ago when I decided to get serious again. I had hit 235 which was the highest I had been since I was 30. In a year and half I took off 25 lbs but just decided to get real serious and get back down to a healthier weight again.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    Well- not too many, or better yet, none at all... because that's a sign of pour nutrition in one's diet.

    Or if eaten at mcdonalds ;)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    You have some valid points. Be that as it may, I like food and will eat as I please. Seems to be working.
  • dollarstitch
    dollarstitch Posts: 26 Member
    are you thawing your chicken in water before you cook it? I saw on a tv show that you shouldn't because it makes the chicken dryer.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    I will encourage and give advice as I please.
    I hate to pull this line, but no one asked for your advice about this. I have asked people on my friends list, hey, I feel like I may have eaten too much, can you check out my diary? You don't need to post a topic to the whole of MFP about how people don't eat right. If someone specifically asks for advice, THAT is when you give it.
  • Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    The issue has nothing to do with you being blunt.
    The issue has to do with the fact that you're attempting to tell everyone what they should or shouldn't be eating.
    Most of us here have done our research and know the ins and outs.
    This is a place to encourage people and give them advice if they ask for it. Giving advice is totally different from barking orders about nutrition.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    You certainly have an odd way of encouraging people.....
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    ETA: If it didn't work for you (because you couldn't stick to it), why would it work for us? :\

    It works for me but as most here have learned it is easy to fall off once you hit your goal. I weighed 275 and took off 150 lbs when I was 30 I am now 70 and have gradually crept up to about 180 over the years until a year and a half ago when I decided to get serious again. I had hit 235 which was the highest I had been since I was 30. In a year and half I took off 25 lbs but just decided to get real serious and get back down to a healthier weight again.

    It clearly doesn't work for you.

    Your problem is going on a "diet" and then ending the diet. Tell me if this sounds familiar:
    Eating a bunch of "diet" food
    Avoiding the food you love because it's "unhealthy" or even "pour nutrition"
    Losing weight
    Gaining all the weight back after you're off your diet because you go straight back to your old eating patterns.

    Does this sound familiar? Yeah. Most of the successful people here have learned to eat the food they love in moderation and lose weight. By learning how to eat for the rest of their lives, incorporating their favorite foods, these people are successful. You will be unsuccessful as long as you focus on your arbitrary rules.

    Seriously. You can eat McDonald's, and whatever you else you want, and be healthy and lose weight. Learn to focus on nutrition goals and not "good food" vs "bad food" and you too can find the success that so many people you're pooping on already have.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    are you thawing your chicken in water before you cook it? I saw on a tv show that you shouldn't because it makes the chicken dryer.

    I've heard that salt can dry out meat. That might be part of it as well.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    With all due respect, I think that you grew up in an era where nutrition information was very poor and you have not kept current over the years. :flowerforyou:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    I love this kind of down-home, no nonsense, folksy wisdom! I feel confident that I can continue to succeed, mainly because I'm doing the exact opposite of what's suggested, but boy it sure does make me feel warm and nostalgic.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    I would love chicken recipes. i can bbq it and bake it but it ia always dry. thanks for volunteering to help

    This will go for both chicken leg quarters and boneless skinless chicken breasts. I quite often marinade my chicken for a couple of hours in the fridge with a little olive oil, lemon juice, seasoned salt and pepper and garlic powder.

    When you bbq try not putting it right over the fire and you don't need a really hot fire either. put the coals to one side of the grill put your chicken to the side and close the cover for about 10 minutes, turn it over and when the juice runs clear it is done. I sometimes like to put it over the coals for just a minute or 2 to brown it just a bit. It should be moist at that point. Most people tend to over cook it which makes it dry.
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    I am seeing posting and when looking at their food diaries it is a nightmare. Take it from an old lady who has lost a whole ton of weight in my life. I know how to do it just have a problem keeping it off because I am also a gourmet cook and I love to eat what I cook.

    You can have bread but cut back to 2-3 slices a week and do whole wheat vs white. A little pasta goes a long way. You can have a slice or 2 of bacon a week. It won't kill you. I see people staying below their calorie intake but everything else is out of control. You need a balance. If you don't eat a good healthy diet you may lose but you are not making choices that are going to keep the weight off.

    You don't have to deprive yourself but for God's sake stay out of McDonalds if you are serious. Learn how to cook. It is fun and you will feel much more satisfied. If you are eating packaged meals you are filling your body with sodium and crap that will make you sick. If anyone would like recipes let me know I will be glad to help you out. some of you are asking for a stroke or heart attack and I am not some kind of health nut believe me.

    Thank you for your words of wisdom ... seriously. I know that you mean well, but some people have to find their own way.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome to MFP I see you joined this month. Many of us have been here for years and been very successful not only losing weight, but improving our health. We have learned to balance "healthy foods" with good tasting foods. We've learned that bread, bacon and fast food are NOT the reason people get fat because eating too many calories is the real reason. We also know that you have to have some sodium to function especially since many of us are athletes.

    Here's some better advice:
    -Record your calories accurately.
    -Make sure your calorie and macro nutrient goals are appropriate.
    -Hit your calorie goal, macro goal and micro goals.
    -Get active.
    -Make changes you can sustain forever.

    Thanks for making a friendly and helpful response to the original poster. She was trying to be helpful and I would hate to see her discouraged from participating on the boards because appeared judgmental.

    To the original poster (OP in myfitnesspal lingo): That's so great you're a good cook! It will really help in your lifelong journey toward !health. As a cook, you know the qualities of food, and that will help you make more healthy versions of favorite. I suggest you use those cooking skills as a way to eat in a way you can sustain, so you don't keep gaining it back. My 14-year old daughter and I are pretty good cooks, and we make a game out of trying to recreate tastes we love in more healthful ways. Everything in moderation. I don't deny myself anything, and we don't change recipes because we feel we can't eat them without the changes; we just want to be able to enjoy more of it while staying within my calorie goals and getting lots of nutrition. For example, if I want traditional swedish meatballs, I know I can have them, by just accounting for it in my daily totals. But I've found that my re-worked recipe for swedish meatballs allows me to enjoy the same great taste while 1) decreasing fat, 2) increasing fiber, 3) adding a serving of vegetables to the dish, and 4) enjoy a larger portion. Today, I chose the opposite. It was feeling like an oatmeal cookies and popcorn for dinner day, so I had them, enjoyed every bite, and don't feel a shred of guilt. I hit my major nutrition targets today, I exercised, and I average 8 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. I lose slow but steady. I want to encourage you in your journey!
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    My mother died in 2008 and I don't think God died and left you in charge of me so I don't answer to anyone.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Have we been lectured about how mean we all are and how this is such a clique and we should just learn to accept other people yet?? Cause I'm bored until people start whining.