I see many with very pour nutrition in their diet.



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    I respect blunt honesty. Hopefully you do as well.

    There is a time and place for it though. A public forum, requires some tact. I was just discussing how to make your point clear without being offensive with a group I am working with. It is amazing how much further you can get when your wording is changed to be less offensive.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Currently eating a box of baklava.

    Can I get in on that?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Actually at my age I could give a rats *kitten* less if you like what I have to say. I came here for encouragement and help and to give encouragement and help and be helpful. I am not meaning to be offensive to anyone. If you don't like what I post I could care less. I will encourage and give advice as I please. Don't like it don't read my posts. Simple as that. I am blunt and to the point. Some people can't take it. Oh well. Tough cookies.

    I respect blunt honesty. Hopefully you do as well.

    There is a time and place for it though. A public forum, requires some tact. I was just discussing how to make your point clear without being offensive with a group I am working with. It is amazing how much further you can get when your wording is changed to be less offensive.
    Given the replies she's received, it's hardly a surprise.
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    Judgement....it works better when you don't make poor spelling mistakes.

    Way to be up on that high horse of yours.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Judgy McJudgerson much?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    I am not saying you won't lose weight. But you should eat healthy and sure once in a while you can splurge too but just be careful what you eat on a regular basis. If you make good choices in the fast food places you can do it. You can stay below your calorie goal also, how ever when your sodium intake is twice the recommended for your goal you are a walking heart attack looking to happen. Like I said it is about balance. There is more to look at in your diet than calories in an calories out.

    As an athlete I have to eat much more than the suggested max of 2500 mg (The Institute of Medicine recommends 1500 mg of sodium per day as the Adequate Intake level). I need to consume around 3500 mg per day because I am very active. My blood work comes back perfect.

    I do understand that there is more to look at than just calories. Fat is essentail to health and various metabolic activities. Carbohydrates are needed for energy, plus they are usually great sources of fiber and micronutrients. Protein is essential for repair of muscles. That is why I said determine appropriate macro nutrient levels and make sure to hit your micronutrient needs.

    I can easily eat ice cream every night and fit it in my calories, macros and micros. We each need to find what works for us and how to balance this forever.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?

    I'm surprised a 70 year old knows how to get to a website.

    Well pilgrim you just learned something. My 71 year old builds computers so you learned something new today. Not to mention I make a great living on this computer as a virtual assistant to Realtors across the country. Old doesn't make you stupid.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    ohhhhh!! OP works with realtors!

    it all makes sense now
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?

    I'm with you... something just doesn't add up :huh:
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    darn this thread!!! Mickey D's is all i can think about right now.

    i am SO heading to the nearest golden arches tomorrow
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    I am not saying you won't lose weight. But you should eat healthy and sure once in a while you can splurge too but just be careful what you eat on a regular basis. If you make good choices in the fast food places you can do it. You can stay below your calorie goal also, how ever when your sodium intake is twice the recommended for your goal you are a walking heart attack looking to happen. Like I said it is about balance. There is more to look at in your diet than calories in an calories out.

    As an athlete I have to eat much more than the suggested max of 2500 mg (The Institute of Medicine recommends 1500 mg of sodium per day as the Adequate Intake level). I need to consume around 3500 mg per day because I am very active. My blood work comes back perfect.

    I do understand that there is more to look at than just calories. Fat is essentail to health and various metabolic activities. Carbohydrates are needed for energy, plus they are usually great sources of fiber and micronutrients. Protein is essential for repair of muscles. That is why I said determine appropriate macro nutrient levels and make sure to hit your micronutrient needs.

    I can easily eat ice cream every night and fit it in my calories, macros and micros. We each need to find what works for us and how to balance this forever.
    I wonder though...are you the average poster? There are many folks here... with many journeys.
  • chell_dare
    While this advise may have been well intended, the approach was simply awful. Everyone is here to make a change. In my 10 years of "dieting" I've gone from needing to lose 10 lbs to needing to lose over 200. It is not about drastic changes or will power. I've done all that. I lost 120 lbs in 7 months a few years back. I lived on green beans and fish. The weight fell off, but the minute the weight was gone, I wanted real food again. Gained back the 120 plus another 50 for good measure. I've done denial to the hilt, and lost and gained more weight than I care to think about. I've juiced, done Atkins, cabbage soup, Nutrasystem, and so on. This time i'm not dieting. I'm not giving up foods I know i'll crave until they throw me off my goal. I'm going to try something that will work for the long haul. Keeping my calories in check and moving more. If I want bread, I will eat bread as long as I have the calories for it. These are changes for the rest of my life, not just until I reach a goal weight. I'm ready to get off the diet bus that only seems to stop in fatville. I judge no one and cheer on anyone brave enough to make their diary's available for scrutiny. Bacon and white bread won't kill me as quickly as constantly dieting and gaining huge amounts of weight back is going to. That said, my grandmother lived to the wonderful age of 95. She cooked everything she ate in bacon grease and thought nothing of eating pie for breakfast. She didn't eat the "right" foods, but she never over ate either. She ate what she wanted in moderation and never stopped moving. She would have made it to 110 had it not been for breast cancer. Those of us who battle our weight face judgement everyday, we don't need it here. Try a more positive approach next time, more people may actually hear your message. Good luck to all!
  • daniicaliforniaa93
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?

    I'm surprised a 70 year old knows how to get to a website.

    Well pilgrim you just learned something. My 71 year old builds computers so you learned something new today. Not to mention I make a great living on this computer as a virtual assistant to Realtors across the country. Old doesn't make you stupid.

    It doesn't make you the giver of unending wisdom either miss.
  • scopetrek
    scopetrek Posts: 16 Member
    You do you,I do me ok?

    if doing ourselves was working, why are we all on here trying to find "fitness pals"? we should do each other..lol:laugh:
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    the only thing i have to add is nutrition is always changing. its all about finding what works for you..
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    I know how to do it just have a problem keeping it off because I am also a gourmet cook and I love to eat what I cook.

    And people should take your advice why????

    My diary is open also, if you dare.

    Did I ask you to take my advice? I offer and if the shoe fits wear it. If it doesn't move on.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    ohhhhh!! OP works with realtors!

    it all makes sense now

    HEY! :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Actually I was about to ask how she got that job, because I'd love to do my current job from my sofa while wearing my pjs.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    I am not saying you won't lose weight. But you should eat healthy and sure once in a while you can splurge too but just be careful what you eat on a regular basis. If you make good choices in the fast food places you can do it. You can stay below your calorie goal also, how ever when your sodium intake is twice the recommended for your goal you are a walking heart attack looking to happen. Like I said it is about balance. There is more to look at in your diet than calories in an calories out.

    As an athlete I have to eat much more than the suggested max of 2500 mg (The Institute of Medicine recommends 1500 mg of sodium per day as the Adequate Intake level). I need to consume around 3500 mg per day because I am very active. My blood work comes back perfect.

    I do understand that there is more to look at than just calories. Fat is essentail to health and various metabolic activities. Carbohydrates are needed for energy, plus they are usually great sources of fiber and micronutrients. Protein is essential for repair of muscles. That is why I said determine appropriate macro nutrient levels and make sure to hit your micronutrient needs.

    I can easily eat ice cream every night and fit it in my calories, macros and micros. We each need to find what works for us and how to balance this forever.
    I wonder though...are you the average poster? There are many folks here... with many journeys.

    When it comes to the sodium intake mine is not average. The rest of it is. As I stated, "We need to find out what works for us and how to balance this forever." If that means you stop eating bread and fast food that's fine. For many people that's what it takes at first, but coming in and saying that nobody should do *THIS* or that everyone should do *THAT* is a highly inappropriate blanket statement.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    I am not saying you won't lose weight. But you should eat healthy and sure once in a while you can splurge too but just be careful what you eat on a regular basis. If you make good choices in the fast food places you can do it. You can stay below your calorie goal also, how ever when your sodium intake is twice the recommended for your goal you are a walking heart attack looking to happen. Like I said it is about balance. There is more to look at in your diet than calories in an calories out.

    As an athlete I have to eat much more than the suggested max of 2500 mg (The Institute of Medicine recommends 1500 mg of sodium per day as the Adequate Intake level). I need to consume around 3500 mg per day because I am very active. My blood work comes back perfect.

    I do understand that there is more to look at than just calories. Fat is essentail to health and various metabolic activities. Carbohydrates are needed for energy, plus they are usually great sources of fiber and micronutrients. Protein is essential for repair of muscles. That is why I said determine appropriate macro nutrient levels and make sure to hit your micronutrient needs.

    I can easily eat ice cream every night and fit it in my calories, macros and micros. We each need to find what works for us and how to balance this forever.
    I wonder though...are you the average poster? There are many folks here... with many journeys.

    When it comes to the sodium intake mine is not average. The rest of it is. As I stated, "We need to find out what works for us and how to balance this forever." If that means you stop eating bread and fast food that's fine. For many people that's what it takes at first, but coming in and saying that nobody should do *THIS* or that everyone should do *THAT* is a highly inappropriate blanket statement.
    AGREED. Granted, this happens daily here.