I see many with very pour nutrition in their diet.



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I know how to do it just have a problem keeping it off because I am also a gourmet cook and I love to eat what I cook.

    And people should take your advice why????

    My diary is open also, if you dare.

    Did I ask you to take my advice? I offer and if the shoe fits wear it. If it doesn't move on.

    You know, I eat fast food many times per week and I'm pretty confident that by any measure I'm significantly healthier than you've ever been in your life.

    Your ideas about nutrition are outdated and wrong.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    I will encourage and give advice as I please.
    I hate to pull this line, but no one asked for your advice about this. I have asked people on my friends list, hey, I feel like I may have eaten too much, can you check out my diary? You don't need to post a topic to the whole of MFP about how people don't eat right. If someone specifically asks for advice, THAT is when you give it.

    Okay, my reply may have sounded really rude. But people get offended really easily if someone judges or even if they mean well and try to give some advice when the person on the receiving end did not ask for any advice. My aunt has told me a few times that I should eat less here or eat less of that, or will even give me a disapproving look or shake her head to herself, but really at me. And I get offended. Why? because I didn't ask for her advice. Being get offended and take judgements over what they consume really personally sometimes. I hope I didn't sound like everyone else telling you about being up on your high horse. Because that isn't true. I know that eating a lot of processed foods is bad for your health. I would eat completely clean if I could, but I can't go completely without having something cooked or something added to it. It just wouldn't satisfy and I would fail at changing to a lifestyle like that.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    my favorite chef on TV is Paula Dean but ohhhhhhhh if I lived at her house I would weigh twice what I do now :flowerforyou:

    I don't cut all the crap out but I try to eat some what healthy

    I love Paula too and have used many of her recipes. I make her Divinity Candy recipe for my favorite Son in Law every year for Christmas. Another of my favorites is Emeril Lagasse.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    My Italian grandparents are 20 years older than you and eat massive quantities of white bread, pasta, fatty meats and sweets. They have never been anywhere near overweight. I guess they were doing it wrong. My great Grammy used to poor gravy for the pour people at the soup kitchens since those people were pour.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    I am not saying you won't lose weight. But you should eat healthy and sure once in a while you can splurge too but just be careful what you eat on a regular basis. If you make good choices in the fast food places you can do it. You can stay below your calorie goal also, how ever when your sodium intake is twice the recommended for your goal you are a walking heart attack looking to happen. Like I said it is about balance. There is more to look at in your diet than calories in an calories out.

    Did you know that they've found the link between sodium and blood pressure to be much weaker than once thought? While it's true that too much sodium can be bad, so can too little. And obesity has a much stronger relationship with heart disease than sodium intake. So does genetics, if I recall correctly.

    Just an anecdote: My grandfather had a stroke at the age of 29 (causes not clearly understood for that one … he was a WWII vet so maybe something related there, it's impossible to tell). So both my grandparents ate relatively low sodium for most of their adult lives. My grandpa still had a heart attack at 65, another at 68, and then congestive heart failure progressing until he died at 74. My grandma, on the other hand, didn't have a stroke until she was in her 80s. Same diet, different genetics, different outcome (and again, anecdotal is all, it's just an example)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?

    I'm surprised a 70 year old knows how to get to a website.

    Well pilgrim you just learned something. My 71 year old builds computers so you learned something new today. Not to mention I make a great living on this computer as a virtual assistant to Realtors across the country. Old doesn't make you stupid.

    Pardon me for interrupting. I'm sorry so many have questioned your wise expertise and sage advice.

    However, your post comes across with a "know-it-all" attitude that isn't usually well-received from newcomers to this website.

    Forgive me if I choose to question your belief system about food and weight loss. However, I have been quite successful at losing weight all while eating McDonald's, fast food, and other indulgences. Your post really does come off judgmental as you can't look in someone's diary and know their personal goals or strategies to fitness and health. You have an opinion about certain foods while others do not share it.

    Looking down on others or shaming people's choices is sort of frowned upon here. It's not exactly the best way to introduce yourself.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Seven pages of piling on.......nice.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    my favorite chef on TV is Paula Dean but ohhhhhhhh if I lived at her house I would weigh twice what I do now :flowerforyou:

    I don't cut all the crap out but I try to eat some what healthy

    I love Paula too and have used many of her recipes. I make her Divinity Candy recipe for my favorite Son in Law every year for Christmas. Another of my favorites is Emeril Lagasse.

    my mom used to cook like Paula :heart:
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    I eat 6 slices of bacon everyday...sup

    I so love bacon :love:

    Oh I don't think anyone loves bacon more than I do. And I used to start every morning with bacon, eggs and toast. All I am saying is it is better to be moderate in everything. I do allow myself bacon twice a week.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I eat 6 slices of bacon everyday...sup

    I so love bacon :love:

    Oh I don't think anyone loves bacon more than I do. And I used to start every morning with bacon, eggs and toast. All I am saying is it is better to be moderate in everything. I do allow myself bacon twice a week.

    Moderate in everything. Except McDonald's. :laugh:
  • kenthepainter
    kenthepainter Posts: 195 Member
    I eat as healthy as possible, some days I don't but I try to keep the calories on track. If I'm gonna keep the weight off I need the "bad foods "once in awhile, nothing worse for weight loss than feeling deprived .
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Thanks for the advice, OP. It's clear that you mean well, but the post came off as kind of a bossy "know-it-all." A lot of people around here have been here a long time and have had great success simply following MFP's calorie logging method and eating what they want within their calorie limits. They don't want to be told what to do by a new person and they don't want misinformation to be spread either.

    I've been here on MFP maintaining for almost 3 years now, and I cook AND eat gourmet food (just like you) all the time, but I never have an issue with keeping the weight off. There's nothing wrong with eating foods you enjoy, as long as you keep the calories in check (mind your portions and earn more calories through exercise.)

    I do agree with you that for health, you should keep the focus primarily on well balanced, nutritious foods, but there's no one rule for everyone to follow when it comes to choosing which foods to eat for weight loss or maintenance. Like the 2 slices of bacon and 3 slices of bread a week thing. That's kind of arbitrary and meaningless for most of us.

    I get that you are trying to be helpful. This is a rough crowd sometimes. Good luck with your weight loss! :flowerforyou:
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Thanks for telling my what I may and may not eat. I ate McDonalds yesterday. Its all about balance. As per my ticker, I am not doing too horrible! !! Buh bye now!!!!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    MFP: easy website to troll, or easiest website to troll?

    Seriously, a 70 year old woman saying I don't give a rats *kitten*, "lol", "lookin good dude". Seriously? Seriously?!?

    I'm surprised a 70 year old knows how to get to a website.

    Well pilgrim you just learned something. My 71 year old builds computers so you learned something new today. Not to mention I make a great living on this computer as a virtual assistant to Realtors across the country. Old doesn't make you stupid.

    Pardon me for interrupting. I'm sorry so many have questioned your wise expertise and sage advice.

    However, your post comes across with a "know-it-all" attitude that isn't usually well-received from newcomers to this website.

    Forgive me if I choose to question your belief system about food and weight loss. However, I have been quite successful at losing weight all while eating McDonald's, fast food, and other indulgences. Your post really does come off judgmental as you can't look in someone's diary and know their personal goals or strategies to fitness and health. You have an opinion about certain foods while others do not share it.

    Looking down on others or shaming people's choices is sort of frowned upon here. It's not exactly the best way to introduce yourself.

    Well this is the thing...at 70 she deserves my smile and nod :bigsmile:

    on that note I am off to do something constructive :drinker:
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I eat 6 slices of bacon everyday...sup

    I so love bacon :love:

    Oh I don't think anyone loves bacon more than I do. And I used to start every morning with bacon, eggs and toast. All I am saying is it is better to be moderate in everything. I do allow myself bacon twice a week.

    Moderate in everything. Except McDonald's. :laugh:

    The #1 people are out again today!!! Geezzzzz!!!!
  • alicialetta
    alicialetta Posts: 7 Member
    Wow. Need a ladder for that horse?

    Yes. This 100%.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    I am seeing posting and when looking at their food diaries it is a nightmare. Take it from an old lady who has lost a whole ton of weight in my life. I know how to do it just have a problem keeping it off because I am also a gourmet cook and I love to eat what I cook.

    You can have bread but cut back to 2-3 slices a week and do whole wheat vs white. A little pasta goes a long way. You can have a slice or 2 of bacon a week. It won't kill you. I see people staying below their calorie intake but everything else is out of control. You need a balance. If you don't eat a good healthy diet you may lose but you are not making choices that are going to keep the weight off.

    I believe in staying young. My motto is "When I grow up I might grow old but don't try to hold me to it." I live my life one day at a time. Getting mad just raises your blood pressure and destroys your health and those how made you made could care less.

    You don't have to deprive yourself but for God's sake stay out of McDonalds if you are serious. Learn how to cook. It is fun and you will feel much more satisfied. If you are eating packaged meals you are filling your body with sodium and crap that will make you sick. If anyone would like recipes let me know I will be glad to help you out. some of you are asking for a stroke or heart attack and I am not some kind of health nut believe me.

    You know what's really funny? You don't write like a seventy year old at all. You write like someone who came of age in the last decade or two.

    Why do you think that is, Nancy?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    Pardon me for interrupting. I'm sorry so many have questioned your wise expertise and sage advice.

    However, your post comes across with a "know-it-all" attitude that isn't usually well-received from newcomers to this website.

    Forgive me if I choose to question your belief system about food and weight loss. However, I have been quite successful at losing weight all while eating McDonald's, fast food, and other indulgences. Your post really does come off judgmental as you can't look in someone's diary and know their personal goals or strategies to fitness and health. You have an opinion about certain foods while others do not share it.

    Looking down on others or shaming people's choices is sort of frowned upon here. It's not exactly the best way to introduce yourself.

    This reply gets bonus points for tact.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    popcorn2.gif Wow, 8 pages in just over an hour. Anyone got the Cliff notes?
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    popcorn2.gif Wow, 8 pages in just over an hour. Anyone got the Cliff notes?

    Ornery ol' sage tells the whippersnappers how to live longer.