vent time...



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    Interesting conspiracy/big brother theory. May I make a suggestion of compromise? Everyone remove their panties before coming on line... No more bunches! Problem solved.

    Alas, people already tried that, but then their profile pictures got reported.

    Maybe we need snapchat!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    Interesting conspiracy/big brother theory. May I make a suggestion of compromise? Everyone remove their panties before coming on line... No more bunches! Problem solved.

    Commando Shills.

    Sounds like a great Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle co-starring Jenna Jameson.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I get the feeling that *dry heave* was not part of the OP. You are so mean telling people not to be offended when someone is trying to be all logical and stuff with them... There is just no room for logic here :laugh:

    are you saying zucchini ice cream is logical?

    I was referring to the part about not having success with fad diets. I'm not sure I can defend zucchini ice cream... I could give it a go if you really want, but I'll need to grab my tin foil hat first.

    you referred to the point about fade diets by quoting the zucchini ice cream recipe?

    I quoted the recipe for my response regarding the dry heave and then brain leaped to the OP regarding fad diets. Do you need to borrow my spare tin foil hat? You can, just don't stretch it! :tongue:

    no thank you, I already have several ….

    Well, strap on and keep up! Seriously though, you have raised some valid concerns. How to solve them is another story.

    more than likely they will never be solved….which will lead to another vent thread…and thus, the cycle continues...
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    Interesting conspiracy/big brother theory. May I make a suggestion of compromise? Everyone remove their panties before coming on line... No more bunches! Problem solved.

    Commando Shills.

    Sounds like a great Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle co-starring Jenna Jameson.

    How the heck am I supposed to sleep with that pic in my mind tonight? :angry:
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member

    I get the feeling that *dry heave* was not part of the OP. You are so mean telling people not to be offended when someone is trying to be all logical and stuff with them... There is just no room for logic here :laugh:

    are you saying zucchini ice cream is logical?

    I was referring to the part about not having success with fad diets. I'm not sure I can defend zucchini ice cream... I could give it a go if you really want, but I'll need to grab my tin foil hat first.

    you referred to the point about fade diets by quoting the zucchini ice cream recipe?

    I quoted the recipe for my response regarding the dry heave and then brain leaped to the OP regarding fad diets. Do you need to borrow my spare tin foil hat? You can, just don't stretch it! :tongue:

    no thank you, I already have several ….

    Well, strap on and keep up! Seriously though, you have raised some valid concerns. How to solve them is another story.

    more than likely they will never be solved….which will lead to another vent thread…and thus, the cycle continues...

    Does it help you feel better by bringing awareness to these issues? If so, soldier on...
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Maybe there was a specific thread... but I noticed yesterday several butt pics that were near-pornographic... I was looking at full on cheeks with a thong riding up the middle and a good view of the thigh gap from the back.

    I'm not hyper-sensitive, and I haven't reported anyone (nor would I) but I may delete friends for this. I have 5 kids and I love being on MFP. I don't want to worry about leaving it open in my living room. But everyone is entitled to do what they will.

    Abs, legs etc. don't bother me. Nor do normal underwear shots even.
  • bloggymomx

    I was seriously just a bit sick in my mouth.

    I did too when I read that.

    And I can't believe someone is reporting pictures.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    I believe what people are trying to say is that there are no "good' or "bad' foods, just food that you eat and utilize as energy. So why restrict oneself to the point of torture? But hey, if you want to torture yourself with water fasts and the like, more power to you.

    IMO it is idiotic to restrict certain foods just because someone says they are "bad"...

    This isn't the board to champion fasting. It's a practice I am well educated in and advocate, if used properly, for spiritual, emotional, and physical health. But that's neither here nor there, and I have less than zero desire to convince you of jack.

    I agree, there are no inherently "bad" foods, though obviously there are vastly superior foods nutritionally. I take issue with the insensitive people here that don't realize that some people restrict for very good reasons. Those reasons can be sound, and actually help people lose weight, or maintain weight. Not everyone does it the same way you did. Me personally I low carbed for years and it was amazing. I've transitioned into a full pallet of food, but that season helped me break a life long sweets addiction, while eating more vegetables than I ever have in my life. That restriction, for that period in my life, was exactly what I needed to gain control until I got to a stronger place within myself.

    People need to do what works for them, not what some stranger tells them should work for them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    someone else on my FL got reported…WTF …he was told to "crop" his ab picture…good lord..
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    Interesting conspiracy/big brother theory. May I make a suggestion of compromise? Everyone remove their panties before coming on line... No more bunches! Problem solved.

    Commando Shills.

    Sounds like a great Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle co-starring Jenna Jameson.

    How the heck am I supposed to sleep with that pic in my mind tonight? :angry:

    I was going to take a few minutes and throw together an actual visual using good ole MS Paint for you, but I think you've been tortured enough.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh yes, and Ndj1979 I agree with you about the pics. Honestly I think it's more likely seething people who are upset at seeing bodies in better shape than them. This kind of board obviously is going to attract a lot of people who are dealing with self esteem issues, deep insecurities, etc. It's unfortunate that they feel the need to report pics, but all a thread like this is likely to do is make them even more angry.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I don't understand why you care so much what other people do

    Lots of supposedly grown ups around her seem unusually fixated on the lives, practices, and habits of other adults.

    It's...odd. It's one thing to discuss, and debate even, but there is an MFP contingent that seems personally affronted by what others choose to, or not to, put in their mouths. It's like they have a personal investment in it, which goes beyond reason.

    It's sort of comical. This is really the only forum I've seen where people repeat the same basic statements over and over again, and people of the same ideology jump in the thread to say "great post" and "well said!".

    Yes, it's equal parts bizarre and hilarious.

    I'm especially amused by the people who seem threatened by, or downright angry at, those who are trying some specific eating regiment, or avoiding trigger foods that might hinder them. The "YOU NEED TO EAT ICE CREAM TO LIVE!!!!" crew always shows up, straight mad at folks for putting the doughnut down or forsaking poptarts. And don't let somebody say they're a "clean" eater, that gets folks panties all bunched up.

    Sometimes I wonder if people here are secret shills for various food corporations. It's the only sensible explanation.

    Interesting conspiracy/big brother theory. May I make a suggestion of compromise? Everyone remove their panties before coming on line... No more bunches! Problem solved.

    Commando Shills.

    Sounds like a great Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle co-starring Jenna Jameson.

    How the heck am I supposed to sleep with that pic in my mind tonight? :angry:

    I was going to take a few minutes and throw together an actual visual using good ole MS Paint for you, but I think you've been tortured enough.

    I admire your restraint :smile:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    All my favorite user pics are the ones showing off lots of skin. The lines of the bodies are more inspiring and striking that way.

    I can't decide if I want to waste a frozen banana on zucchini ice cream. I'm curious.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    someone else on my FL got reported…WTF …he was told to "crop" his ab picture…good lord..

    So "crop" it and move on..
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    People need to relax about the cauliflower pizza crust, zucchini ice cream, etc.

    Sure, you don't NEED to eat those things to lose weight, but sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to create a caloric deficit with substitutes. (not that I've tried the ice cream. I go for frozen berries & greek yoghurt blended...mmmm)

    And 'just eat less of the normal ice cream'? F that. Some days it's going to be a whole tub of something, may as well do damage control where I can :laugh:
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Oh yes, and Ndj1979 I agree with you about the pics. Honestly I think it's more likely seething people who are upset at seeing bodies in better shape than them. This kind of board obviously is going to attract a lot of people who are dealing with self esteem issues, deep insecurities, etc. It's unfortunate that they feel the need to report pics, but all a thread like this is likely to do is make them even more angry.

    I would think that it is an ultraconservative elitist who believes we should all be covered head to toe, as opposed to someone with low self-esteem. Or perhaps someone who has felt slighted by the persons being reported and has chosen this as a passive-aggressive attack to 'teach them a lesson'. It is sad, but this is how our world works now.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    There are bad foods. If you eat it and the next morning your azz smells like a whole village of Guatemalan children crawled up there and died. That food is BAD. Dont eat it again. Thank you!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    People need to relax about the cauliflower pizza crust, zucchini ice cream, etc.

    Sure, you don't NEED to eat those things to lose weight, but sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to create a caloric deficit with substitutes. (not that I've tried the ice cream. I go for frozen berries & greek yoghurt blended...mmmm)

    And 'just eat less of the normal ice cream'? F that. Some days it's going to be a whole tub of something, may as well do damage control where I can :laugh:

    I am really not trying to be an *kitten*…but if you never learn portion control then how are you going to establish long term successful eating habits?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    There are bad foods. If you eat it and the next morning your azz smells like a whole village of Guatemalan children crawled up there and died. That food is BAD. Dont eat it again. Thank you!!

    are you referring to taco bell?
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    someone else on my FL got reported…WTF …he was told to "crop" his ab picture…good lord..

    So "crop" it and move on..

    Or change it to a cat like the other 1/2 of MFP
This discussion has been closed.