What can I eat to feel full that's not fattening?



  • taramcfarlan
    taramcfarlan Posts: 53 Member
    I know it's full of fat but I swear when I eat half or a quarter of an avocado, it helps keep me from reaching for other foods, the (good) fat keeps me full for a long time. I've lost weight with avocados. You might want to try it. Otherwise, nonfat or lowfat Greek yogurt helps too.

    lilc110 - I think I will try that!! thank you so much!!
  • taramcfarlan
    taramcfarlan Posts: 53 Member
    Protien, fat, ad fiber all help you stay full. Fat is healthy for weight loss.....but the calories add up quick.

    Some people can eat (drink) some non fat protein & stay full.....not me. I think I need a combination.....you will have to test some things out.

    Breakfast - I like greek yogurt, add FiberOne & slivered almonds (protein, fiber & fat)

    Oatmeal (fiber) made with milk (protein) & sprinkle on cinnamon & chopped walnuts (fat).

    Snacks....I like an apple smeared with peanut butter (fiber & fat). PB2 is a powdered peanut butter, way less fat, good for apples....not for toast.

    String cheese (protein & fat) & veggies (fiber). If you like dip, try using dry ranch seasoning & adding it to plain greek yogurt.

    Hard boiled eggs & veggies (protein, fat & fiber).

    I love how you put what they are in parenthesis! Thank you, I appreciate all the advice, info and tips! I will be jotting this down!
  • taramcfarlan
    taramcfarlan Posts: 53 Member
    May I ask what's wrong with fat? Are you having trouble meeting your other macros and are trying to balance it out?

    I am learning here in these posts that fat is not so bad, it's the calories that add up. I'm just trying to lose weight, and have a "satisfied" feeling at the same time.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Chicken breast .

    8 ounces, 220-240kcal.

    Eat that with 150g of brown rice (150kcal)

    Broccli/mushroom/veggies ( 50kcal)

    Soy sauce/curry spice ( 20kcal)


    You have a 450kcal meal with complex carbs/ protein/ some fat....

    Switch the chicken with Salmon here and there to get Omega 3 fatty acid.

    Switch the spices for diff. tastes.

    Switch the rice with whole wheat noodles for diff. texture/taste.

    There you go.

    You can eat that 3-4 times/day and you'll be jacked.
  • taramcfarlan
    taramcfarlan Posts: 53 Member
    thank you all for the responses, I have seen some great ideas that I will be jotting down for sure!!! God bless you all!
  • javabeanshd
    javabeanshd Posts: 3 Member
    My dietician said to me to eat protein and a small amount of carbs, particularly fiber. She said the protein makes you feel full, but that the feeling of "fullness" doesn't kick in for about an hour. For carbs the feeling of fullness kicks in in about 15 minutes, but you are hungry again soon thereafter. So the combo of small amount of fiberous carb (she suggested a handful of Fiber One cereal, dry, without milk) and whatever I like for protein (chicken salad?). It seems to work...
  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I Love the Quest Bars!!!!!!!!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Chicken breast .

    8 ounces, 220-240kcal.

    Eat that with 150g of brown rice (150kcal)

    Broccli/mushroom/veggies ( 50kcal)

    oh man, this is how I used to eat when I tried to be healthy. So boring! I never even seasoned it or anything.

    OP - fat is your friend :)

    For breakfast lately, I have been eating bacon and 'banana pancake' (mush a banana up with an egg, fry in bacon fat in pan). It keeps me full for 4-5 hours until lunchtime and I have no urge to snack.
  • WTM2014
    WTM2014 Posts: 23
    Beans are very filling and full of fiber!! If you eat a half cup before a meal it will fill you up nicely.
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    Fat isn't fattening.

    Probably if you ate higher fat meals in general you would be less hungry for snacks. Fat is very satiating and it's good for you- good for hormone regulation, good for your skin, good for your thyroid function.....eat more fat.

    My thoughts, too.
    My diet is very high in fat and I'm not nearly as hungry (and am much happier) as I ever was eating low-fat.

    Someone also mentioned Quest Bars--those are great, especially if you're short on time. They have a ton of fiber and low sugar (especially for a bar). I'd avoid most other bars, though.

    Good luck! Some good ideas here.
  • paperfiish
    paperfiish Posts: 52 Member
    Edamame is my favorite go-to snack. It's quick to prepare but takes some work to actually eat so by the time you've eaten a serving you feel full and pretty satisfied. You can also add different kinds of flavors to it, so if you're feeling like something salty or spicy then add sea salt and cayenne, or if you're craving a little sweetness try a really light drizzle of honey. A handful of nuts and some dried cranberries/other fruit is also a great midday pickup, or when you're just craving that mindless crunching baby carrots are really great too.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Too many calories is fattening, not specific foods.

    I'd suggest something like nuts, nut butter or hummus with veggie or fruit slices as a snack. The fat and protein will help you feel full longer than a low calorie snack.

    But when I am short on calories and hungry between meals, V8 usually takes the edge off till meal time for me. I'm not a big fan of yogurt, but low fat greek yogurt is pretty filling and low cal.

    bcattoes - thank you for taking the time to write that for me. I will be jotting all this down tomorrow! I appreciate it!
    I buy frozen ones that are unseasoned, and I enjoy them like that. You can salt them yourself, or they also sell roasted ones that are crunchy. Those will depend on the brand, but they're more likely to be salted.
  • I eat pre-made boneless skinless chicken breast (I crockpot a big container of it with nothing on it - no spices, oil, etc. -- I just want to be full not taste a bunch of food) so I have it ready when I'm hungry. Steamable veggie bags, fruit, etc.


    Why take the enjoyment out of eating?

    BTW, OP, if you want to not enjoy eating, fixing uber-bland food like this is a good way to go about it.

    I have fitness and fat loss goals, not to just taste the food. To me, that's not my goal. I still eat fast food, candy, etc. -- but on a daily basis I need to stay full and not gain weight. Sounds normal to me for someone who has fat loss goals.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Ice cream, cookies, etc. just saying :wink:
  • rocketblaster
    rocketblaster Posts: 50 Member
    Have a look at my journal if you'd like. I'm getting around 1400 a day and I'm feeling pretty satisfied. Basically the only things I'm doing is eliminating junk food / processed foods. I sometimes look at other journals and wonder if I'm doing it wrong / how people cope because their meals are so small. Today I have carrots, a bit of left over sweet potatoes and salmon I added mayo and celery/onion to. It's a large container of food, I'm sure I'll be full until supper but I have a yogurt or apple if I get the munchies mid-afternoon. In the two weeks I've been back at this I've found if you make your meals (rather than buy premade food) you can really eat a lot of truly delicious, nutrient rich foods.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Melons are great for that sort of thing. They are very low in calories, have almost no fat, and are loaded with water and fiber to keep you feeling full.
  • MerMandy17
    MerMandy17 Posts: 117 Member
    I use sunflower seeds while I'm at work. It keeps me busy cracking and everything, so that I won't nibble on other things (read: vending machine things). Plus, the salt makes me drink more water! Win win win!
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    My favs right now are
    Apples or carrots and almond butter
    glass of 30 cal vanilla almond milk
    greek yogurt
    greek yogurt dip and veggies (this is the best stuff ever Yoguri - Greek Styley Yogurt Ranch Dip)
    kind type bars (I make my own)
    perfect bars
    egg whites
    1/2 sweet potato with greek yogurt
    nutballs with protein powder added (unsweetened coconut shavings, almonds, cashews, cranberries, honey and protein powder blended and rolled out)
    roasted chickpeas with seasoning
    cheese stick
    laughing cow wedge with a few crackers
    hummus and veggies (be careful surprisingly high in sodium)
    hardboiled eggs
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I eat pre-made boneless skinless chicken breast (I crockpot a big container of it with nothing on it - no spices, oil, etc. -- I just want to be full not taste a bunch of food) so I have it ready when I'm hungry. Steamable veggie bags, fruit, etc.


    Why take the enjoyment out of eating?

    BTW, OP, if you want to not enjoy eating, fixing uber-bland food like this is a good way to go about it.

    I have fitness and fat loss goals, not to just taste the food. To me, that's not my goal. I still eat fast food, candy, etc. -- but on a daily basis I need to stay full and not gain weight. Sounds normal to me for someone who has fat loss goals.

    Many people on here have fat loss goals, but this is the first time I have ever heard someone say that they want to eat to be full and not taste the food. I just can't comprehend it. According to your ticker you've lost weight, and I guess it is good you say you still eat fast food and candy, but I just don't understand why you don't want to taste food. Plain chicken breast with no seasoning whatsoever sounds like one of the most miserable things you could ever put in your mouth (other than cauliflower!). Some basic seasoning on those chicken breasts wouldn't add calories, or not significant calories.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I absolutely LOVE popcorn, but I probably need to avoid the sodium, as I tend to pile on the salt. A friend of mine from church found some 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn, so I may get some if I just can't stand it...lol. thanks for the tip!

    I love popcorn also but I put hot sauce on it instead of salt, don't even miss the salt. Dr. Oz says put 1/4 to 1/2 cup of popcorn in brown paper lunch bag,fold down and cook in microwave. Taste great!