I see many with very pour nutrition in their diet.



  • azdeha
    azdeha Posts: 58 Member
    Aragorn is lovely too. But I think it was Legolas surfing down the stairs shooting arrows that caught my attention. I like a man who can keep shooting and not get tired out.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Aragorn is lovely too. But I think it was Legolas surfing down the stairs shooting arrows that caught my attention. I like a man who can keep shooting and not get tired out.

    Don't we all?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Aragorn is lovely too. But I think it was Legolas surfing down the stairs shooting arrows that caught my attention. I like a man who can keep shooting and not get tired out.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member


    That's really cool!

  • azdeha
    azdeha Posts: 58 Member

    That's really cool!

    Thank you. It's what happens when I have too much time on my hands and a party to go to.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    oh yeah he's the one. great choice but also...is he sawyer? or just sawyer ish?


    What's a sawyer?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    That's really cool!

    Thank you. It's what happens when I have too much time on my hands and a party to go to.

    Well, hi5 to you! That's really awesome :drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    beauty....still IDK they all kinda look alike to me. *ducks*
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    oh yeah he's the one. great choice but also...is he sawyer? or just sawyer ish?


    What's a sawyer?

    behold the sawyer

    tumblr_m64uk7OR2H1r9413r.gif from "lost". another dirty dirty men place.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    oh yeah he's the one. great choice but also...is he sawyer? or just sawyer ish?


    What's a sawyer?

    Do you even Lost?
    And i'll take 2, please. Sawyers, that is.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Twenty Nine pages in... all I want to know is CAN I STILL HAVE BACON?!!


    Anyone? o.O
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    RE; Kili....I've read the book. Please don't remind me *rocks back and forth in a corner*

    There there my friend, there there. Hopeful thoughts!

    There's always Legolas...(LOTR edition...not sure about Legolas 2.0...or would Legolas 2.0 be the LOTR version since it's 60 years later....)

    Legolas Version Hobbit has a bit of the fat face going on and I'm all "Do not want." But he didn't float my boat the first time around either.

    Now Boromir or Aragorn on the other hand...Yes please.

    I've got a type.

    is aragorn the dirty one? b/c if yes me likey...and he goes with the theme we have going.

    They're all dirty. Aragorn is probably the less dirty one cause he fell in a river.
    Yes, slightly less dirty, but he cleans up well. :bigsmile: I liked him in History of Violence too.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member

    beauty....still IDK they all kinda look alike to me. *ducks*

    but...dimples and a gun....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OMGOMGOMG i sersly can't tell if they are the same person or not? can i haz both?
  • azdeha
    azdeha Posts: 58 Member
    Twenty Nine pages in... all I want to know is CAN I STILL HAVE BACON?!!


    Anyone? o.O

    Survey says......

  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Did she ever say what endocrine disease she had?

    Insulin resistance, severe hypoglycemia, carcinoid tumors, extreme ventricular tachycardia, and exercise induced syncope, and Osgood-schlatters.

    This is what she actually said.

    Waaaa???? What the....:huh:

    yes, I quoted myself. hahahaha. Wanted to add:

    If she had carcinoid tumors, she'd have had surgery and been on chemo.

    If she had had "extreme ventricular tachycardia" - how did she do gymnastics and cheerleading and continue training as if she were still a gymnast and cheerleader? I'm not saying she couldn't exercise, but if it is "extreme", I don't see this happening.

    And Osgood–Schlatter, when I looked it up, says that there are painful lumps just below the knee and is seen most often in young adolescents (9-16). So again, how could she be doing all this training back in Middle School and High School and continue on as an adult? Especially as it seems treatment lasts 2-3 years and requires an orthopedic cast.

    It all seems...odd.

    I REALLY suggest being quiet because you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am having surgery to remove the tumor. You don't NEED chemo for carcinoid tumors. I don't at least.

    I didn't have v-tachy when I was a cheerleader and gymnast. I JUST was in v-tach two weeks ago when I was in the hospital.

    You can still be an athlete with osgood-schlatter. It's called you suck it up and deal. I eventually had to quit because it got to a point where it was too painful for me. And yes, I was in PT for over 4 years for my knees and was casted TWICE on both knees from my hip all the way down to my ankle.

    So please, do yourself a favor and actually know me, my situation and what I've been through before you say anything about me ever again.

    Okay Ali. What else should we know about you? I really would love to know which doctor told you to do green tea supplements. Are they actually a licensed doctor?

    And why is your goal to be underweight? Shouldn't you want to be at a healthy weight? And did all these diseases and issues pop up at the same time? Especially one as active, I'd have imagined regular check ups. And through it all, how are you able to continue training as you have claimed you have continued if everything just snowballed on you?

    Who said my goal was to be underweight? Certainly not I.

    My goal is to be 120-125 lbs and 18-20% BF. I am 5'3". That's a perfect weight for someone of my height.

    It started in 2010. When I was at practices, I began getting very dizzy, high heart rate, clammy skin, passing out. Went to my pedi who referred me to a cardiologist. I was diagnosed with exercise induced syncope in 2010 after I had a stress test done.

    I was able to continue training the way I did until about that time. That's when I started experiencing fairly severe, impacting symptoms.

    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and hypoglycemia last summer.

    Heart problems are very common in my family so it is not a surprise that I am starting to develop problems. Both of my grandparents parents died from heart complications before their 40s. My grandmother has mitral valve prolapse and had to have her mitral valve replaced. My aunt had a stroke at age 28 and was then diagnosed with MVP as well. Doctors thought I had MVP but I was tested and results came back fine.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    OMGOMGOMG i sersly can't tell if they are the same person or not? can i haz both?

    When all the blood flows to one's vagina, vision can get blurry. It's normal. No worries.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    And Osgood–Schlatter, when I looked it up, says that there are painful lumps just below the knee and is seen most often in young adolescents (9-16). So again, how could she be doing all this training back in Middle School and High School and continue on as an adult? Especially as it seems treatment lasts 2-3 years and requires an orthopedic cast.

    It all seems...odd.

    Not defending anyone here …

    My husband and his brothers had Osgood-Schlatter as they were growing (or that's what I've heard from his family, they are starting to worry about our boys who are getting to that age). They must have had a much more mild versions, because there was no casting or anything. But a fair amount of pain. And, I don't know if it's related, but my husband now has arthritis in his knee (he's 38, so kinda early?). But I thought it had something to do with the fast growth or the growth-plates in the ends of the leg bones (by the knee) not coordinating well with the rest of the body's growth or something.

    I don't see how it relates to the other issues, though. And anyway, exercise isn't necessary to lose weight, a calorie deficit is all it takes. Exercise is better, but if one can't, then it's not doomed to failure from that. :indifferent:

    Dang, did I just exclude myself from the posse? Or was I even in consideration.

    edited to clarify whose brothers :huh:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Twenty Nine pages in... all I want to know is CAN I STILL HAVE BACON?!!


    Anyone? o.O

    Survey says......


    okay this one...definitely NOT sawyer. or aragorn. So....yeah i'm not a racist after all, they DON"T all look the same.