Great alternative for Ice cream lovers!



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Everyone has their likes and dislikes--it's when they tend to influence others with a strong statement---you know what I mean don't you? Didn't you say pistachio ice cream was"gross"? You should say it's a personal preference, since some people love it.

    Obviously when I say a food is "gross," then I'm stating my OPINION. I shouldn't have to state that.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Everyone has their likes and dislikes--it's when they tend to influence others with a strong statement---you know what I mean don't you? Didn't you say pistachio ice cream was"gross"? You should say it's a personal preference, since some people love it.

    Obviously when I say a food is "gross," then I'm stating my OPINION. I shouldn't have to state that.


    When I saw this was at the top of my topics again, I let out a big sigh wondering why it is still going. Out of morbid curiosity I clicked on it, and the gif made me laugh.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Everyone has their likes and dislikes--it's when they tend to influence others with a strong statement---you know what I mean don't you? Didn't you say pistachio ice cream was"gross"? You should say it's a personal preference, since some people love it.

    Obviously when I say a food is "gross," then I'm stating my OPINION. I shouldn't have to state that.


    When I saw this was at the top of my topics again, I let out a big sigh wondering why it is still going. Out of morbid curiosity I clicked on it, and the gif made me laugh.

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    In...for more crazy veggie "ice cream" ideas. Though, to be honest, my gag reflex is kicking up just thinking about some of the possibilities (beet ice cream; eggplant?!; artichoke).

    And for the person who tried the "but there's pistachio ice cream" arguement. Um, that's REAL ice cream, made with cream and sugar and eggs and nuts. The zucchini/banana/mint thing had none of those ingredients.

    I read Beet ice cream as beer ice cream.

    I came in to approve.

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Do you know the ingredient difference between cool whip and ping pong balls? Water. LOL! Not really true but if it is non dairy- what is it? :)
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Why do we need an alternative for ice cream?

    Cause if you eat it, youll get fat. I usually substitute ice cream with this:


    PM me if you want the recipe.

    probably already been said but I just had to:

    eating at a surplus makes you fat not a particular food :huh:
  • Skinny Cow's ice cream is only 150 calories per bar and OMGosh so good! Chocolate > Vanilla def. :)
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I agree, if the OP finds that the recipe gives an ice-cream fix & is easier to fit into her eating plan - go for it! I for one love experimenting with things, as although some turn out to be unmitigated disasters, sometimes a new flavour sensation is born :love:

    For ice cream, over here in the UK we have little pots of Aero ice cream that are my emergency ice-cream fix. Have thought of getting an ice cream maker to experiment with making my own, but know it would sit on the side unused as I would never have time to do it :laugh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I made Zucchini Mint Ice Cream last night.
    It tasted great! So I thought I would share the recipe

    Here is the base recipe
    1 cup frozen raw zucchini chucks
    1/2 cup frozen raw banana chunks
    A drizzle of raw organic honey to your desired sweetness
    1/8 tsp mint flavoring or to taste

    Peel bananas and zucchini. Cut into small chucks and freeze in an air tight container. I used a plastic freezer bag
    Place frozen zucchini and banana chunks into a food processor or high speed blender
    I added the mint and honey before blending.
    Blend until it turns a nicely blended ice creamy texture. Don't over blend

    Fold in chocolate chips, nuts, fruit or what ever you want to add to mixture.
    You can eat it now or put back in the freezer in freezer safe container.

    for the love of god, NO

    zucchini ice cream...come on man!

    Why not? They have pistachio flavored ice-cream. I'm pretty sure the zucchini is simply filler anyway. You wouldn't taste it since the banana and mint would be overwhelming and zucchini has little flavor by itself, it would add nutrition and increased portion size with minimal calories, etc.

    Personally, I like to save my empty calories for alcohol. And since I don't have a ton to spare, shy away from high calorie foods that contribute little to my overall macros. I get ice-cream has good qualities, the calorie to serving size is generally too high for me.

    when we start using zucchini as an ice cream substitute, something is wrong in the universe.....what is next, dare I even mention this, cauliflower ice cream....*dry heaves*

    Well, considering Guar gum (from the ingredient list above) comes from beans, I'm surprised you don't balk at that. There are so many fillers/ingredients in food that by themselves are hardly palatable. Ever eaten wheat by itself? Like a big 'ol spoonful? Just by itself, out of the bag? What about the beetles they use to provide red coloring? Ever eat the beetles? Does that bother you? Just curious...

    Anyway, your body, your food, none of my business. Personally, I like more calorie bang for my buck (with the exception of wine, beer, and vodka), but since I don't care what you eat, I don't expect you to care what I eat. Other people might find alternative recipes helpful or even, gasp!, appealing.

    I don't understand what you are trying to say here ...

    anyone, care to offer a translation...

    Basically, I don't know why you, or anyone else, feels the need to post, "ew that's gross" when it comes to alternative recipes. Why do you think I, or anyone else, cares? Personally, I wouldn't eat the OP's alternative to ice cream, but I don't care if anyone else does. Nor am I going to tell them what to eat.

    I was just bored this morning. All the "food nazis" (think gramar nazi) on this site crack me up. "There's no such thing as almond milk" or "Banana pancake? You mean banana omelet. hahahahaha" Good grief.

    Anyway, carry on. Eat your ice cream. Don't. Blend up steak in your coffee. Whatever works for you.

    here are my reasons:

    1. It is gross
    2. there is no need to do this, just eat regular ice cream
    3. Labeling foods "bad" and then avoiding or looking for substitutes is not a habit that leads to long term sustainable health gains. Just eat some ice cream, fit it into your daily macros/calories, and move on. Restriction diets never work, IMHO

    ^ This, but mostly #1.

    If you really like it I guess okay, but really? Seriously? I mean, come on! Live a little.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree, if the OP finds that the recipe gives an ice-cream fix & is easier to fit into her eating plan - go for it! I for one love experimenting with things, as although some turn out to be unmitigated disasters, sometimes a new flavour sensation is born :love:

    For ice cream, over here in the UK we have little pots of Aero ice cream that are my emergency ice-cream fix. Have thought of getting an ice cream maker to experiment with making my own, but know it would sit on the side unused as I would never have time to do it :laugh:
    How is it easier when real ice cream is about the same number of calories per serving?

    If she prefers the taste of her hydogenated oil sandwiches, that's one thing. But if she really and truly enjoys ice cream, it's silly to do this.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do you know the ingredient difference between cool whip and ping pong balls? Water. LOL! Not really true but if it is non dairy- what is it? :)
    It's oil.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    are we really still talking about this?

    just eat the real ice cream people! LOL
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I love ice-cream and I eat it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Do you know the ingredient difference between cool whip and ping pong balls? Water. LOL! Not really true but if it is non dairy- what is it? :)

    You know, they put the ingredients list right on the container.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Do you know the ingredient difference between cool whip and ping pong balls? Water. LOL! Not really true but if it is non dairy- what is it? :)

    You know, they put the ingredients list right on the container.


    And someone actually posted the Cool Whip ingredients earlier in the thread too.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    are we really still talking about this?

    just eat the real ice cream people! LOL

    With Cool Whip and a cherry on top!

    Well, no. This is actually when Redi-Whip is acceptable, for sundaes. :bigsmile:
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I'll take whatever ice cream or gelato you don't want.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    oooops meant to quote Wendyterry, thankyou I think a digestive might be a good alternative, our crackers are more savoury for cheese etc :smile:

    Well there you go. (I had to Google it) But yep, sounds perfect.

    And FTR, I :heart: Cool Whip! It isn't as good as real cream, but it has its uses (and can be considered a "convenience" food), and to me is quite yummy!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OK--DUH--This from a person who thinks Cool Whip is "Yummy".
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Everyone has their likes and dislikes--it's when they tend to influence others with a strong statement---you know what I mean don't you? Didn't you say pistachio ice cream was"gross"? You should say it's a personal preference, since some people love it.

    Obviously when I say a food is "gross," then I'm stating my OPINION. I shouldn't have to state that.
