Want to lose 60 lbs in 3-5 months



  • Based on that height and weight, I don't think your timeframe will work.

    Why is that?
  • Whats your basal caloric intake? Mine is 2300/day. If I ate that, I'd stay the same weight. depending on what yours is, you may not want to go as low as 1200/day, or you'll slow your metabolism down. I tend to consume around 1500-1600/day, but I work to burn 400-500. That leaves me with a net for the day of around 950, or a 1150 deficit, which equates to about 2.3lbs each week (using the 3500 number as each lb of fat)
  • Whats your basal caloric intake? Mine is 2300/day. If I ate that, I'd stay the same weight. depending on what yours is, you may not want to go as low as 1200/day, or you'll slow your metabolism down. I tend to consume around 1500-1600/day, but I work to burn 400-500. That leaves me with a net for the day of around 950, or a 1150 deficit, which equates to about 2.3lbs each week (using the 3500 number as each lb of fat)

    Im not sure, ive been doing 1200 the last 3 days.....before that it was probably easily 3000
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Also guys keep in mind I am only 22 (23 in April) idk if thats a factor but I feel like being young will benefit me

    Ah, yes, youth. That will help you. :) But your youthful metabolism won't be enough on its own. :) You're in the right place and you have the right idea.
  • srobertking
    srobertking Posts: 74 Member
    I'd set a smaller goal. Maybe even take it 5 lbs at a time. That's what I did. If you want a buddy feel free to add me.
  • Man I really took being fit for granted for my whole life....I definately wont anymore thats for sure.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I'd set a smaller goal. Maybe even take it 5 lbs at a time. That's what I did. If you want a buddy feel free to add me.

    This. This helps me a lot. I get exhausted looking at the same goal for months at a time, making tiny baby steps towards it. If I'm trying to lose 70 pounds, and one week to the next I lose 3 or 4, that gets me about 5% of the way: I start to feel like I'll never get there!

    I make my goals by 10s and 15s. That way I focus, focus, focus on 15 pounds. If I lose 3-4 pounds, then I'm already 1/4 of the way to my goal. Then in a couple weeks:
    "S***, I need a new goal!"
    So I make a new goal. Adding small victories on the way to your big one keeps it fresh.
  • Just uploaded two photos......My profile pic is what I looked like Christmas 2012...the other is what I look like now just so you guys can get and idea of the weight gain. Thanks for the advice and keep it coming lol :smile:
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are 22, 6' something and 250lbs and you want to eat 1200-1500 calories a day? Good luck - you might not have any muscle mass left at the end of 4 months....

    Do not do this to yourself, unless you want to be a skinny stringbean with no strengh and no muscles and your metabolism shot for life....

    I'm 46, 176lbs and 5'8 (so a LOT older, smaller and female - all things that contribute to having a slower metabolism) and I lose weight eating at 1600-1800 calories a day and doing P90X3 and weights......
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Whats your basal caloric intake? Mine is 2300/day. If I ate that, I'd stay the same weight. depending on what yours is, you may not want to go as low as 1200/day, or you'll slow your metabolism down. I tend to consume around 1500-1600/day, but I work to burn 400-500. That leaves me with a net for the day of around 950, or a 1150 deficit, which equates to about 2.3lbs each week (using the 3500 number as each lb of fat)

    Im not sure, ive been doing 1200 the last 3 days.....before that it was probably easily 3000

    1200 is a terrible idea. East 20% less than your TDEE

    ^^^^200% agree.

    Let's say you workout 3 hrs a week.

    BMR = 2300 calories
    TDEE = 3700 calories
    TDEE -20% = 2960 calories.

    At 1200 calories (if it's legit) you're either going to burn yourself out, or sacrifice a TON of LBM/muscle mass. I would not recommend it at all. You' probably do better and feel better at 2300-2500.

    Hell, I'm 14 years older than you and my TDEE -20% is 2100 calories.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Just uploaded two photos......My profile pic is what I looked like Christmas 2012...the other is what I look like now just so you guys can get and idea of the weight gain. Thanks for the advice and keep it coming lol :smile:

    Sounds like you haven't set up a complete profile with MFP, yet? That is, you haven't worked out your BMR or your TDEE?

    Here's the first link...


    And you could try to get adopted by an experience MFP member, who would guide you one on one, here....


    As everyone is saying, don't get all bent on losing a certain amount, ( IE, all of your excess weight ) by a certain time. Take it from me, you want to retain your LBM, while you are losing fat, or you're not gonna be happy with the result. And the last 10 lbs or so, might take alot longer to lose, than the first 10.
  • Whats your basal caloric intake? Mine is 2300/day. If I ate that, I'd stay the same weight. depending on what yours is, you may not want to go as low as 1200/day, or you'll slow your metabolism down. I tend to consume around 1500-1600/day, but I work to burn 400-500. That leaves me with a net for the day of around 950, or a 1150 deficit, which equates to about 2.3lbs each week (using the 3500 number as each lb of fat)

    Im not sure, ive been doing 1200 the last 3 days.....before that it was probably easily 3000

    1200 is a terrible idea. East 20% less than your TDEE

    ^^^^200% agree.

    Let's say you workout 3 hrs a week.

    BMR = 2300 calories
    TDEE = 3700 calories
    TDEE -20% = 2960 calories.

    At 1200 calories (if it's legit) you're either going to burn yourself out, or sacrifice a TON of LBM/muscle mass. I would not recommend it at all. You' probably do better and feel better at 2300-2500.

    Hell, I'm 14 years older than you and my TDEE -20% is 2100 calories.

    It's legit but only for the past 3 days so have no idea for the future.....what about 1600-1800
  • What is LMB and TDE
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Go read the links sloth3toes put on here - it's all in there....
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    What is LMB and TDE

    Lean Body Mass (Muscles) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Try at least 1,800 for a month and see how you're doing. We women like a little muscle on our guys. No string beans allowed :)
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    You didn't put on 60 lbs in 3-5 months, so why expect it to come off that quickly? You could drop weight rapidly, but you'll likely lose muscle along with the fat. (And, I hate to mention it, but rapid losers are at a higher risk of rebound gain.) So why not aim for a slightly more realistic weight loss rate (1-2 lbs/week) and add strength training to your cardio/running? Not to mention, you'd probably look even *better* (muscles, hey now!) when you do get to goal.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Look up LOW CARB, HIGH FAT ! That's your best bet, get into ketosis & you'll never be hungry, lose your cravings, and feel awesome !!!! Worth taking a look. I'm 45, tried a lot of diets, it's the best thing I've ever come across as far as not feeling deprived ! Bacon, macadamia nuts, almonds, coconut, meat, salad with full fat dressing. Yummy !
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Look up LOW CARB, HIGH FAT ! That's your best bet, get into ketosis & you'll never be hungry, lose your cravings, and feel awesome !!!! Worth taking a look. I'm 45, tried a lot of diets, it's the best thing I've ever come across as far as not feeling deprived ! Bacon, macadamia nuts, almonds, coconut, meat, salad with full fat dressing. Yummy !

    Funny, I eat all of that, and bread and pasta and potatoes in moderation, and I lost weight too..... Glad it works for you, but you do NOT have to cut out one specific food group in order to lose weight.....
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    It took me two years to lose about that amount, but I'm a girl and a lot older than you. I still think 3 to 5 months for that much weight loss is a little unrealistic. You have to make changes you can maintain so you don't gain it back. How about focusing on making small changes, logging your food, figuring out how many calories you eat daily before cutting back, and starting to add more protein and veggies and cutting back on processed food.
  • kaylerato
    kaylerato Posts: 18 Member
    op do whats works best for you. I know many people who separated from the military and have gain alot of weight because of the lifestyle change. You are 22 years old and once you set your mind to it,the weight will come off.experiment with calories,see what is going to make you feel satisfied. GoodLuck:happy: and have fun in Puerto Rico