WHy I follow a low fat raw vegan diet



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm glad you found the right thing for you. I have to say I admire your determination. I'm vegan (not raw - for ideological reasons) and I sometimes find it difficult to eat enough. Since the food has a lot of water and fiber in it, I find myself hungry every 3 hours because I can't really eat that much in one seating. I suppose for you it's much more difficult. You can't be lazy like me...
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Wow, those vegan tacos look awesome. Do you have a recipe for the one you showed?
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Thanks for you open and honest account, you have done well!
    Your food looks awesome and so do you.
    People want to know how to lose weight, there's one way, if it worked for you it might work for them!
    Thanks for sharing .
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    My groceries for 2 weeks and my greens for 2 weeks...


  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    You did an excellent job of explaining your thought processes and why you feel this was the right decision for you. I also like that you didn't spend a lot of time trying to tell everyone else that you believed it was the right decision for everyone.

    To draw a comparison, an alcoholic has a serious drinking problem, but many people *can* drink like gentlemen and ladies. Similarly, it sounds like you had a food problem, and it sounds like you've done a marvelous job of fixing it for yourself. You sound happy, and that is good.

    What a relief to find a polite, accepting and respectful reply!

    OP, good on you for finding what helped you. There was nothing in your post that said we should all do as you do. You simply shared what you found to be the best way for you to eat. Congratulations! Keep up the good work.

    yeah, this. also:
    Ridding my diet of all the highly processed and highly addictive food, allowed me to gain back the sensitivity to know what it was my body was asking for.

    I absolutely know what you mean by that. I can trust that my body is telling me the right things these days - whereas before I started eating fresh, simple food, I'd have just been craving KFC or burgers all the time.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    My groceries for 2 weeks and my greens for 2 weeks...

    How much do you spend on that much food? Do you have any spoilage buying produce two weeks at a time?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Sorry but your food does not look yummy at all. Good for you losing 56 lbs, though.
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Holy bananas that's a lot of produce! But it looks delicious... And your pictures of your meals that all looks fantastic! Can I ask, did you always eat that large a portion for each meal? Or did you work up to that over time?
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Wow, those vegan tacos look awesome. Do you have a recipe for the one you showed?

    Take a huge bowl and fill it with diced-- tomatoes, scallions, cilantro, red bell pepper, fresh corn and avocado (optional). Then take romaine leaves and pile the goodness on!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Holy bananas that's a lot of produce! But it looks delicious... And your pictures of your meals that all looks fantastic! Can I ask, did you always eat that large a portion for each meal? Or did you work up to that over time?


    I transitioned into it, but that was easy for me once I started adding in the fruits (higher caloric value). Before I would do a lot of juicing - packs in lots of veggies in a low volume, but I think it's important to get the fiber in. It's so normal for me now to eat this way. AND it's so much fun when all of us LFRV get together with a huge bounty and have meals together ;)
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sorry, when you say 80/10/10, is that your macros setup? Because that is far from a healthy and balanced diet. Your way of eating is taking over your life. If that's not an unhealthy relationship with food, I don’t know what is...

    Yup. Disordered eating, revisionist thinking, obsession with eating seriously affecting her personal life, progression from one fad diet to another, unhealthy diet, etc. I'm seeing things like this on her pre-vegan high-protein diet:

    "My body does really gravitate towards Dukan naturally. I don't crave carbs at all, but I do crave protein"

    "I was really craving bad carbs this weekend, pad thai, lo mein, pizza, but it's the one thing I won't let myself have. I feel like even having one small carb will be a very slippery slope. "

    "I am a VERY happy Dukaner this morning!!!! I am so glad I started my fitness plan last night!"

    "I need to loose 15 lbs in a relatively short period of time (less than a month) and [Dukan] is the only way I know how"

    This is really all over the place and more than a little worrisome.

    I'm vegan and commend the OP on her journey to veganism and the HIGH CARB life. I understand that most of you here on a SAD diet will resist and not understand the way of thinking of veganism, high carb or why people eat raw.

    I'm not denying the OP may have orthorexia- an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy.
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    I'm honestly not expecting anyone to get this at all- and expecting to receive backlash if anyone reads this.
    A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. So 10% of calories from protein actually ends up being a lot- if you're eating 2,500 or more calories a day.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    My groceries for 2 weeks and my greens for 2 weeks...

    How much do you spend on that much food? Do you have any spoilage buying produce two weeks at a time?

    I spend more on food, but I spend less on going out and I save money on other things - for example my skin is so good now that I don't spend money on makeup" I buy in bulk, which makes it cheaper.

    I rotate my food in different places so it doesn't all ripen at the same time. I have gotten really good at this and storing produce in different ways to make it last longer.

    This is my wine fridge that I now use to store my bananas and oranges...

  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I agree with you -- when I was doing dukan I was loosing weight but it was all over the place. NOW that I am doing low fat raw vegan -- eating clean food-- I feel like this is what works for me.
    I think the reason that dukan worked so well for me in the beginning was because it got me off all the processed food, but in the end I knew that eating that much animal products couldn't be healthy and basically what I did was eat more of the fruits and veggies and cut out the animal products.
    I don't obsess about my food - this is just what's normal for me now. I eat what I want when I want. I never restrict myself from eating anything - the difference is that now my body has been so clean that looking at highly processed food doesn't even look like food to me anymore. AND if I have the choice between a delicious and fresh raw meal over a cooked one- I will choose the raw one mostly all of the time.
    I appreciate your comment, but rest assured that I am happy and healthy - and don't worry I'm not trying to convert anyone. Just sharing my story :D
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member

    I'm not denying the OP may have orthorexia- an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy.
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.

    So why do we grow teeth?
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    Most American diets are NOT paleo or atkins or low carb.

    They are not even high protein. If anything, they are high in both fats & (refined) carbs.

    THAT (together with sedentary lifestyles, increased portion size and other factors such as lack of nutritional understanding education) is the reason why most Americans are fat, overweight & sick.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    ... A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. ...

    You're cute, kid. :wink: You're wrong as hell in the most adorable way, but I appreciate your gumption to stand so adamantly behind what you so wrongly believe, and so very publicly. That takes nads.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,002 Member
    I'm sorry, when you say 80/10/10, is that your macros setup? Because that is far from a healthy and balanced diet. Your way of eating is taking over your life. If that's not an unhealthy relationship with food, I don’t know what is...

    Yup. Disordered eating, revisionist thinking, obsession with eating seriously affecting her personal life, progression from one fad diet to another, unhealthy diet, etc. I'm seeing things like this on her pre-vegan high-protein diet:

    "My body does really gravitate towards Dukan naturally. I don't crave carbs at all, but I do crave protein"

    "I was really craving bad carbs this weekend, pad thai, lo mein, pizza, but it's the one thing I won't let myself have. I feel like even having one small carb will be a very slippery slope. "

    "I am a VERY happy Dukaner this morning!!!! I am so glad I started my fitness plan last night!"

    "I need to loose 15 lbs in a relatively short period of time (less than a month) and [Dukan] is the only way I know how"

    This is really all over the place and more than a little worrisome.

    I'm vegan and commend the OP on her journey to veganism and the HIGH CARB life. I understand that most of you here on a SAD diet will resist and not understand the way of thinking of veganism, high carb or why people eat raw.

    I'm not denying the OP may have orthorexia- an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy.
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    I'm honestly not expecting anyone to get this at all- and expecting to receive backlash if anyone reads this.
    A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. So 10% of calories from protein actually ends up being a lot- if you're eating 2,500 or more calories a day.
    By your logic where 5% is a good amount of protein for infants based on mothers milk, then there shoul be no arguement that because 11% of calories come from cholesterol and 17% from fat with over 1/3 coming from saturated fat is the least we can do for ourselves. Basically it's the fat and cholesterol on a percentage basis that contributes the most to a growing baby. Thanks for the heads up, I'm glad I checked.

    EDIT: I was wrong, fat constitutes 50% of calories in mothers milk....oh well.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm sorry, when you say 80/10/10, is that your macros setup? Because that is far from a healthy and balanced diet. Your way of eating is taking over your life. If that's not an unhealthy relationship with food, I don’t know what is...

    Yup. Disordered eating, revisionist thinking, obsession with eating seriously affecting her personal life, progression from one fad diet to another, unhealthy diet, etc. I'm seeing things like this on her pre-vegan high-protein diet:

    "My body does really gravitate towards Dukan naturally. I don't crave carbs at all, but I do crave protein"

    "I was really craving bad carbs this weekend, pad thai, lo mein, pizza, but it's the one thing I won't let myself have. I feel like even having one small carb will be a very slippery slope. "

    "I am a VERY happy Dukaner this morning!!!! I am so glad I started my fitness plan last night!"

    "I need to loose 15 lbs in a relatively short period of time (less than a month) and [Dukan] is the only way I know how"

    This is really all over the place and more than a little worrisome.

    I'm vegan and commend the OP on her journey to veganism and the HIGH CARB life. I understand that most of you here on a SAD diet will resist and not understand the way of thinking of veganism, high carb or why people eat raw.

    I'm not denying the OP may have orthorexia- an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy.
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    I'm honestly not expecting anyone to get this at all- and expecting to receive backlash if anyone reads this.
    A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. So 10% of calories from protein actually ends up being a lot- if you're eating 2,500 or more calories a day.

    thank you and OP for all the great info. I agree not many on here will understand but I do and wanted to give you some support because your right there will be backlash from people who are still so addicted to processed foods that they can't help defending their habits.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I think the protein debate opens up a huge can of worms. BUT if you guys are interested here is the World Health Organization's (WHO) report on protein and Amino Acid requirements:

  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I felt like this about food myself once... they called it anorexia after a year or so. No disrespect, your path is your own and congratulations for finding something you think works for you, sincerely. But, and I say this with love for you, eating something should never make you feel guilty. That is clinically the beginning of a disorder that stems from a need for control.. by removing yourself from your friends? You've placed emotions in to food vs. people. I'm not a doctor? But the one I had to see to conquer my food habits was pretty clear about putting my relationship with food above my relationship with life.

    Nothing we eat is evil or bad. It may not all be the best of choices? I mean I'll eat an apple before a snickers, but in moderation there is no reason to deny ourselves meats, cheeses, etc. You are completely allowed to experiment with your body, by all means find out how it affects you long term.. but please be careful what information you deal out to others, clinically what you are doing could be very harmful by denying nutrients from various foods. I may be wrong in that and I welcome anyone else to correct me? But I know both of my grandparents were raised on meat and dairy (evil foods) and both of them maintained incredible body structures without restricting anything.. IMO.. today's culture has gotten so fad obsessed they've forgotten how to just eat normal.

    Well said.