How weird are you? Pet peeves/phobias/oddities you do?



  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Pet peeves: Chomping/Noisy eating, sniffing, biting nails/picking nails

    Phobias: Touching paper when hands have just been washed

    Oddities: Turning off switches when nothing is plugged in - it annoys me!, having to put the nib back in of pens if they're left out
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I like my car stereo volume on an even number, feels wrong otherwise
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Pet peeves: When girls dumb themselves down so boys will like them. Just be yourself!!

    Phobias: No true phobias but I am not fond of spiders and the dark

    Oddities: I can't touch velvet, gives me the willies. Libraries and the produce section at the grocery store make me want to pass gas
  • my Oddities: I check locks over and over, - Before bed, before leaving the house to make sure its locked up

    Pet Peeves : tardiness, when my hubby refuses to take out the garbage and thats the only thing he has to do, it takes FIVE mins!

    Phobia : snakes, spiders
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Oddities: I have mild OCD with numbers (nature of my job), for example today is day 872 in a row of logging in on MFP lol

    This, there is a truck stop I drive by every morning on the highway and I feel the need to count how many trucks are parked every morning. Geese flying overhead in V formation? Have to count them too.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    Oh boy.
    Pet Peeves: People that blow their nose on the ground or shift snot to their throat and spit it out. When people replace the toilet paper the wrong way (must go over the roll). Clutter in general (I have OCD as well. This sends me into a panic).

    Phobias: Bees/wasps. Brown recluse spiders (I live in the Midwest). My house catching on fire while we're in it.

    Oddities: I cannot use the bathroom if I have shoes on. It's really uncomfortable for me to even try.
    I'm sure there's a lot more but I haven't had enough coffee to think this morning.
  • Pet peeves: When people eat/chew loudly or slurp soup/cereal off the spoon...drives me absolutely nuts :angry:

    Phobias: Snakes send me running! Oh and turtles really freak me out!

    Oddity: I can't individually close my right eye, only my left. Also, I can't roll my tongue...I have heard that it is genetic, but I don't meet many people that can't do it...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I'm weirdly picky about certain things.

    Litter box - not gross to me. I'll clean it out daily. No prob.
    Cat's food dish and food - skeeves me out. I really prefer that my husband deal with it, and the smell of most cat food makes me feel sick. I love our cat or I couldn't handle it at all.

    Messy bedroom with clothes on the floor - not a problem. Cluttered living room - I can deal with it for a week or more before cleaning up.
    Messy kitchen with a few rinsed dishes in both sides of sink, and a few sticky spots on the counter - TOTAL MELTDOWN. This can't happen.
    Bathroom vanity with soap or toothpaste drips - NO!

    Scrubs (the kind medical personnel wear) kind of SCARE me - and even make me uncomfortable if I am standing next to a vet tech in Target...just as much as having blood drawn or going into surgery. Shopping in a thrift store it freaks me out to even brush up against the scrubs. Other medical stuff doesn't freak me out.

    I HATE showers. I can force myself to shower, but take baths 99.99999% of the time. I'll even call ahead when traveling to ensure I get a room with tub. I kind of feel like the shower water is "attacking" me. It's not pleasant.
  • summerbabe65
    summerbabe65 Posts: 19 Member
    Pet Peeves: people who don't wipe away their eye gunk. People who eat popcorn REALLY loudly in the cinemas.

    Phobias: Looking at a lot of concentric circles - bare with me - such as lots of penne pasta viewed fromt he top. I don't know why but it makes me get goosebumps and sick. Also dark areas which I have not gone through before:

    Oddities: after using say a faucet I always wash the stop with a splash of water.
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    pet peeve: crying for attention.

    Phobias: the house is going to set on fire, burglars, my cat is also horrifying.

    Oddities: I collect teapots, I cant have the tv or radio on an odd number. I cant go to sleep without looking out my back door first. If i watch a show and it ends/concludes I cannot bring myself to watch the last episode.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Pet Peeves: Not rinsing the dishes and the food gets all hard on it.
    Phobias: ANIMALS
    Oddities: I clean my house when it's already clean... I guess I have OCD...LOL
  • OatFloats
    OatFloats Posts: 119
    Pet peeves: Time-wasters and tardiness

    Phobias: small to very small (microbial) animals, public displays of affection

    Oddities: I have OCD, so the list here is quite long
  • missbrendalynn
    missbrendalynn Posts: 74 Member
    Pet peeve - slow walkers, groups of people who walk abreast thus occupying the entire path, people who stop suddenly mid walking - generally, people getting in my way :explode:

    Phobias - worms. I have this completely irrational fear that they will crawl into my ears/nose when I'm asleep and lay eggs in my body and I'll have a worm in me forever :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Oddities - I have to drink water from a clear glass/bottle.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Pet Peeve is people picking at their lips, fingers, biting their nails down to little shreds etc.

    Phobias. Eh. None really - some things bother me, but nothing really terrifies me. Crane Flies are about the closest thing. Spazzy maniacal little hellspawns.

    Oddity - can't stand touching cotton wool or stuff that's been through a dishwasher and hasn't had the soap/whatever rinsed off properly.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Pet peeve - slow walkers, groups of people who walk abreast thus occupying the entire path, people who stop suddenly mid walking - generally, people getting in my way :explode:

    Phobias - worms. I have this completely irrational fear that they will crawl into my ears/nose when I'm asleep and lay eggs in my body and I'll have a worm in me forever :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Oddities - I have to drink water from a clear glass/bottle.

    So do I, now!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    light bulbs freak me out. i change them regularly, but i always wear gloves and safety glasses, and role up my sleeves. deathly afraid of them exploding in my face and impaling me with glass.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    pet peeve: people who dont acknowledge you were nice and let them out in traffic or make a left turn
    phobias: tie between snakes and ****ting myself
    oddities: i have to chew bubble gum when doing any type of sport
  • Pet Peeves: I work with all men, and they "chew" and "spit" all FING day, It literally drives me mad, I have to go outside and scream.

    Phobias: I am TERRIFIED of crickets. TERRIFIED. I was even put on Celexa to calm my anxiety in the summer...and I moved from a ground floor apartment to the top floor to be further away from them.

    Oddities: I can't have the foot of my bed facing out any door-I once read in Feng Shui if your bed faces out a door you are asking the angel of death to take you in your sleep (I know crazy but why risk it)
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Pet Peeve: People who are late.
    Phobia: Snakes, spiders and "slow" heights; I can jump out of an airplane or go zip lining but ferris wheels scare the crap out of me!
    Oddities: (superstition?) The pillow on the ambulance cot has to be opening down or there will be a cardiac arrest that day. (Believe, it happens every damn time!)

    Cardiac arrests probably happen in most emergency units on a daily basis - it's just that you're only looking for them on the day you feel they should occur, you see that they have, and thus your obsession and subsequent compulsion are strengthened.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    Pet peeve- Loud eaters and people who are chronically late, also, people who can't spell simple words make me crazy!

    Phobia--I am terrified of falling. Not heights, I can look out glass elevators and sky scrapers. I cannot look over the railing of my banister at home, one flight up!

    Oddity-I am almost 51 and love Eminems's music(the rapper). Blows my kid's minds!