For gamers: What are you currently addicted to??



  • AcidWords21
    AcidWords21 Posts: 139 Member
    Max Payne 3 Multiplayer mode
  • Skyrim still though i seem to spend most of my time modding the hell out of it. :)
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thankfully nothing at the moment, when I get hooked on a game, that's all I do. But I'm feeling the itch to replay TWD or Arkham Asylum since I can't really afford anything new right now.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I stopped playing potentially addictive (or at least time consuming) video games about 10 years ago when I realized I couldn't find a good balance between playing and other commitments. I'm impressed (and a little jealous) that other people are able to find it.

    I had this problem too for many years which contributed to my huge weight gain. I used to be addicted to FFXI for the PC. I quit in Fall of 2009 and aside from dabbling with the SWotoR MMO for a couple of months, I've pretty much sworn off all MMORPGs.
    I like the social apsect of MMO's and it's too difficult for me to find the time. I used to easily sink in 6-7 hrs of game time a day every day. Now it's just 3-5 hrs a week.

    Currently I've been playing Gears of War, Assassins Creed on Xbox and Doctor Who Legacy on my phone.
  • I've recently gotten into this new sword workout... also feels like i'm playing a video game! Next best thing right?

    Its called Steel MBS...they have an funny blog too.
  • I am so addicted to coffee with cream and sugar ,,,,,,can drink alll day long help help get rid of the coffee:drinker:
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I fit in some time with Neverwinter, DDO, Rift, GW2.. but I picked up L4D2 on steam over christmas and I can't stop trying to get achievements and such... some of the asshats are working my last nerve but still very much fun (miss DAOC/COH)

    Phone -
    Knights and Dragons, Dragon Age, Dragons World

    Can't seem to want to play on my console at all..
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    Switching between Borderlands 2 and Vanguard SOH.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Switching between Borderlands 2 and Vanguard SOH.

    Vanguard is still up and running? Played beta and launch for a few months. Interesting game, with a host of issues back then.

    I've been trying to get addicted to my PS4, but there aren't any good games yet. Killzone is meh. Black Flag looks awful. Pathetic launch lineup.
  • Krisydee103
    Krisydee103 Posts: 416 Member
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    Switching between Borderlands 2 and Vanguard SOH.

    Vanguard is still up and running? Played beta and launch for a few months. Interesting game, with a host of issues back then.

    I've been trying to get addicted to my PS4, but there aren't any good games yet. Killzone is meh. Black Flag looks awful. Pathetic launch lineup.

    Vanguard's still around. I was the same - Played beta and stuck out the inherent bugs for a few months before they killed it for me.
    When I found out it went F2P I decided to try it out again. With newer hardware compared to 2007 you should be able to pretty much max out the graphics for eye-candy with decent FPS.
    Player base is smaller and there's only one server. Players are friendly and getting a group doesn't (so far) seem to be a problem.
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Well, I kind of browsed through the comments/replies, so I haven't seen a whole lot of XBox360 players on here, but that's what I use (my son's actually). He actually got me hooked on some games. I still play his old PS2 once in a while with some silly lego games because, well, I'm too cheap to get my own XBox and thinking of saving up for the XBox One eventually lol.

    So, my first game I got hooked on on the XBox360 was L4D, loved it, and then L4D2, still play them from time to time, but do not play online with others because I hate the feature where they can kick you out of a game, its stupid and immature. I don't even know if people play that online anymore.

    I also play COD MW3, Black Ops 2 and Ghosts. I haven't downloaded any of the new stuff yet because I haven't had access to the XBox in a few days. My son keeps me from getting too addicted to the games because it is in his room and I only play when he is on his PC (which actually is a lot lately since he started playing Day Z) and because he chats with his friends and I feel awkward being in his space during those times, though he seems to like that I game at all. He is trying to get me hooked on Assassains Creed and Skyrim, but I haven't found my niche in those games yet, I guess I prefer the first person shooters better. I am trying my hand at Battlefield 4, graphics are so much better than the COD Ghosts, but its harder to me.

    So, that's where I stand, please be nice, I'm newer to this gamer world and apparently I'm a peasant because I play mostly XBox and not PC games. But, honestly, I stare at a computer screen for work sitting at a desk for 40-60 hrs a week for WORK, so usually that's the last place I want to be when I'm off work, hence the XBox.

    I've tried Zumba on the Kinect, does that count too, lol, tried it for some cardio in my weight loss lol.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    NONE! I need a new game.
  • I'm currently addicted to Vagrant Story, a classic for PS1... I never got to finish it before and it's an amazing game!
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Elder Scrolls Online Beta... every time the beta is not in session I go through withdrawal. It's hard -_-
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    Final Fantasy XIV :love:
  • dru8376
    dru8376 Posts: 98 Member
    Right now...GTA V Online...otherwise, it's Uncharted 3 Online
  • On another playthrough of XCOM.

    I <3 PS+!

    I would never have looked twice at the game otherwise, but so glad I tried it because I love it!
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
  • mudknuckles
    mudknuckles Posts: 1,417 Member