How weird are you? Pet peeves/phobias/oddities you do?



  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    Phobia: emetophobia - intense irrational fear of nausea and vomiting (feeling nausea can cause me to panic for fear that I might have to vomit - which is strangely traumatic for me.) It's not just uncomfortable for me, it's terrifying. :sick:

    I have this too! My other two phobias are agoraphobia and thanatophobia.

    Pet peeves: loud talkers in quiet places, nail biters, uneven numbers, people who shove their beliefs, ideologies, politics, etc down your throat without asking. I could go on and on. It's amazing I get along with anyone, really.

    Oddities: I have a terrible habit of picking at my lips or chewing the inside of my cheek, or peeling things. It's like stress relief for an anxious brain.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I've just realised I get annoyed when people do the washing up at work, rather than using the dishwasher.
  • HaleyNorman1
    I eat ranch dressing on toast......
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Peeves- when people are folding laundry and they don't match up their socks and fold them together, instead they throw them as singles into their drawers.

    Phobias- don't really have any that you can see, illness is a phobia of mine

    Oddities- I have sanitizer in my purse, my car and at every sink in my house (see phobias) and I eat ranch on baked potatoes
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    Peeves - Self-absorbed idiots, duck-face selfies, people who "speak" text, the cast of most "reality" shows and the chronically tardy.

    Phobias - Burning alive and getting eaten by a shark

    Oddities - Can I just say yes, I am odd? Foremost, I like odd numbers (possibly just to annoy the multitudes of people I know who need everything to fit into even numbers), I'm superstitious ( I like to walk the same path to work, use the same door, and being in EMS I believe that if the "Q" word is uttered all hell will break loose (Yes I have historical evidence supporting this). :-)
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Anything that is both salty and sweet.
    Dancing and girls who insist that you must do so.

    Jellyfish. Major phobia. Tell me that jellyfish sometimes come around a beach and I won't go near the water.

    Love squares and multiples of squares, try to arrange everything around that.
    Occasionally space out for 30+ mins, sometimes in the middle of conversations or parties.
    Have been known to do nothing except eat and sleep for over a week.
  • bethyv1030
    bethyv1030 Posts: 226 Member
    peeves: people who are mean or rude for no reason at all, oversharers(ppl who tell wayy too much about themselves to ppl they haven't known long or on a personal level, being late, unprofessional ppl, air heads(not the candy)

    Phobias- spiders and sea weed. I will cry if that ish touches me

    Oddities- I find myself having to count the time it takes me to get from one light post to the next and so on when driving. Especially on a highway to see how many seconds between each post. I always hope it's an even number. Don't know why!?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Peeves: People eating food grossly , People saying incredibly disgusting rude things to me when they find out im vegan , Men cat calling me and getting really aggressive and mad when I tell them to **** off , people who say yolo, people who say swag,swoopy bangs being constantly tossed to the side you know, people who are late, people

    Oddities: I see/hear/know spirits , ufos/aliens , telepathy
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    being in EMS I believe that if the "Q" word is uttered all hell will break loose (Yes I have historical evidence supporting this). :-)

    I work in Corrections. We don't use the "Q" word either. Same reason, slightly different hell.

    Another oddity: I won't eat raisins because they make me think of ants. I don't have a fear of ants, I just don't want to eat them. I get incredibly sad that raisins almost always accompany delicious cinnamon breads. Don't understand why someone would ruin perfectly good cinnamon bread with ants.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    +1 for everyone who's said that people eating noisily is incredibly annoying. The woman opposite me at work does it and I could happily stab her at lunchtime - otherwise she's lovely!

    also people being late. At all. Like even 30 seconds.

    My only phobia is heights, and that's not too bad normally.

    I dont really have any oddities, I dont think... Wait - I just checked with my wife and apparently I do.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    I have serious anger issues toward women who judge the entire gym area from their throne on the treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike. judging noises, outfits, make-up or lack of it, music, smells, techniques in activities they have never done, frequency of attendance and whether or not that person is good enough in general to be working out in their space... and then log on to MFP about it, post in detail all the things they hate about people in their area trying to get healthy and then encourage others to do the same, in writing, in front of a million people scared to go to the gym for this very reason.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Pet peeves:
    People who go on about how much they want to do something, but find a million excuses not to. You don't want to do it, just admit it!

    Also, people who say they'll do something and don't, it makes me more annoyed if it's a company or service that you're paying for. The amount of times I've dealt with this! I've switched companies for some it's got that bad (and it'll take a lot for me to go through the hassle of that) This goes hand in hand with rudeness, usually they're rude!

    Not anything in particular that I'd call a "phobia" but I get scared in certain situations when it's dark and quiet at night and I'm by myself walking around (even if it's at home) but it's not the dark specifically as I'm fine if I'm still such as in bed, or watching a movie. I find reflections in the dark quite creepy too - I won't look near a mirror unless the light's on.

    I can't stand the feel of polystyrene, I hate it and it makes me cringe so much. When we get it in with packaging at work and it needs to be broken up before thrown away, someone else does it as I don't want to touch it!

    I also check things are locked probably way too many times, especially the car!
  • stephsmom93
    stephsmom93 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Pet Peeves: tardiness, people who cough without covering their mouths in a grocery store!
    Phobias: i can't eat in a house with a dirty kitchen or a dive bar. stink bugs! bugs period.
    Oddities: if i visit your house and i spot dishes in the kitchen sink, i have to wash them. i can't leave my house or go to bed if there is an item the sink and i couldn't pay attention to what we were discussing if you have dirty dishes in your sink! everything else could be a mess though...can't figure out the sink obsession. :ohwell:
  • ladylattier
    ladylattier Posts: 18 Member
    Pet Peeves: lateness (especially if I have to wait on someone), bad grammar/spelling, stupid people (I work in retail, so I deal with this all day).

    Phobias: Main ones are heights, tornadoes/bad weather and the dentist.

    Oddities: If I find hair in my food (even if it's my own), I will vomit. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so there are a lot of things that freak me out. Driving is a big problem... I live about a mile from my work and I drive there and to the grocery store (which is in between my house and my work). That's it. I would love to one day live somewhere where I didn't have to drive at all. Um... there's probably a bunch of others that I'm not thinking about right now.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Pet Peeves: tardiness, people who cough without covering their mouths in a grocery store!
    Phobias: i can't eat in a house with a dirty kitchen or a dive bar. stink bugs! bugs period.
    Oddities: if i visit your house and i spot dishes in the kitchen sink, i have to wash them. i can't leave my house or go to bed if there is an item the sink and i couldn't pay attention to what we were discussing if you have dirty dishes in your sink! everything else could be a mess though...can't figure out the sink obsession. :ohwell:

    My husbands fathers wife (not his real mother) is the dirtiest cleaner I've seen. I loathe going to stay at their place because it means eating off dirty/clean dishes with pet hair on it. I can't stand it. We got into a fight once when she came to stay with us and I insisted on doing the dishes and her relaxing. I'm the only person who can clean my kitchen the way I like it.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Pet peeves: loud eaters, people who are late, people who believe me dead when my problem is I'm partially sighted

    Phobia: People vomiting, I did it loads when I was little (had over 250 hospital visits under my belt before I was 5...) I don't mind it when it's on TV but I DO mind when it's in the same environment as me. If you're like my sister though and shut the door and are a quiet puker, as long as I don't hear it I don't mind. If I do... Expect to find me curled up in a corner
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    the sound of velcro makes me cringe - i hate spiders with a burning passion - and my biggest pet peeve is when ppl say hun instead of hon

    im pretty weird
  • Sarahs2576
    Sarahs2576 Posts: 418 Member
    Seeds from a slice of lemon in the bottom of my glass of iced tea grosses me out. I will use a utensil to pull them out or I CANNOT drink the tea. I don't care how fancy of a restaurant, the seeds are coming out!
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Pet peeves: Tardiness, dirty public toilets ( I will hold as long as I can until I get a good toilet)

    Phobias: SPIDERS! I will hunt it down until I satisfy seeing it being killed by me/my man. I hate 8-legged creatures

    Oddities: None
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Pet peeves - loud breathers, dog owners that don't curtail their dog's barking while they are out in the yard, people that stand too close to me in line, people who misuse words

    Phobias - worms, what is lurking under my bed

    Oddities - sometimes I "ghost type" words - or maybe I should say "air type" -- not sure what drives me to do it and what kind of words prompt me to do it...but I do it...weird