After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • Tmsmith007
    I am 46. 5'9" and heading towards my goal of 150 from now 182. I can tell you from experience that women like that are vampires. They just "know" that you are working on yourself, and they feed themselves on the self pity, failure and destruction of others. I have gotten the same flak and at first I was dumbfounded, but now...I just stay focused on my goals. Some people will always be skinny, but oh so ugly and you know what? Ineffective! Because now I have no time for their craziness. Keep up the good work, take that 10 lbs off and keep going. Hope I was able to bring a little encouragement to you. Best wishes for your continued success.
  • 100poundstogo
    100poundstogo Posts: 16 Member
    Let me first commend you for doing such a great job! Some people are just mean spirited and disrespectful. Keep doing what you're doing and int he end you are the winner.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Dear god, just ignore it. You have a whole thread of fabulous support and you choose to invest so much time on spitting out anger instead. It's like another thread I participated in recently; nine of ten give compliments yet the OP had to focus on the one who "refused to give" him what he wanted to have, approval. In one ear, out the other. Or do you want to spend time and energy on being pissed off, pick a fight?
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    We all like to live in our comfort zones
    But the world outside our homes has some realities. harsh or good. it depends what they turn out to be for you
    but really truth and reality do not change whatever way we like to look at it.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Or do you want to spend time and energy on being pissed off, pick a fight?

    ...with a user who has a single post back in October and was clearly trolling.
  • melybelyc
    There is an arsehole born every minute. I am not sure why anyone would get a sense of satisfaction by making someone else feel bad. You are doing a great job of getting fit and healthy. You look wonderful. Try not to let stupid people's opinions matter. Really, are you ever going to see these people again? Why let a random stranger's opinion matter.

    Try to remember that there are only a few people's opinions that should matter in your life - and you get to choose who they are!

    My standard thought is, well you are ugly - at least I can diet. It makes me smile to myself and I can let it go.

    Please don't let yourself fail because of a random stranger. You are so much better than that!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    There is an arsehole born every minute.
    Exactly. So why not accept this fact and move on to better, healthier and more productive ways of thinking? Pick the positive rather than the negative, choose the constructive advice, steer yourself actively in a happier direction. But no, unhappiness has to be chosen, has to be provoked, reacted upon, and sought out... Did it bring high quality to OP's day to tell the troll to *kitten* off? Put a smile on her lips? Doubt that.

    There will always be people who think differently than we do, some of them are rude and others not in their way of presenting respective opinions, but in the end, if we hold ourselves in high esteem, it doesn't matter whether someone happens to be of the rude type. The crap just washes off of us and we can go on with our good day.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    You look awesome! Keep it up :)
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    Unfortunately, there will be *kitten* no matter what you look like. One day people are going to tell you you are looking "too thin" just wait ><
  • theresaritter
    theresaritter Posts: 4 Member
    Don't let them get to you. They are there for the same reason as you lose weight or get in shape. they must feel insecure about themselves. That was terribly rude and hateful. Im sorry you had to hear that. All the more reason to stick it out though, show them!
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    Simply put: screw the haters. Who are they to judge? They aren't perfect either. You've made amazing progress so keep your chin up and ignore anyone who doesn't support you 100%! You can do it! By the way, I'm like 190 and I can't run a mile and a half so YOU ROCK!!!
  • kathyflannery129
    kathyflannery129 Posts: 151 Member
    There is no cure for stupid unfortunately.....don't let others bring you have done an amazing job and you look need to become your own have done this by hard work and willpower, it belongs to you don't let them or anyone take this away from can lose weight, you proved that..and they are stupid and insensitive and there is no cure for that....
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    Don't let a handful of sihtheads sabotage you. You are the owner of your emotions. Laugh at those jerks. "I'll lose the weight, but you'll still be a d*ck!"
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    OP - I think you're being a bit too sensitive on that comment from back in October. As others pointed out, you have PAGES of positive posts and support here. One post by an obvious troll from months ago is NOTHING. Please, ignore it, and if you're going to comment, maybe comment on all the great stuff people are saying! And maybe let us know how it is going for you ;)

    I read your post and then some of the replies....look, no matter what, you are still obese. But, you know that you are WAY LESS obese than you were. You know that you are doing the right thing for you. And when we see the starting pic and your 265 pick, we too can see the progress. That's your clue -- you're doing the right thing! Those girls at the gym? They didn't know where you started from. They didn't have a handy picture to see "oh wow, she started even larger and now look at her, she's doing great." So to them, you were just someone fat working out.

    Now, should they have commented like that? Uh, probably not. It sounds rude in the telling. Especially if they were laughing. We can't cure people of rudeness or idiocy or meanness, etc. You have control over you and how you react though. Remind yourself that while you're still obese, you're doing the right things, you're making progress, and no one and nothing will derail you. Repeat that over and over to yourself and make it the truth.

    Always also bear in mind that they may also be sincere in truly wanting to know. So an answer like "well, it was hard when I was 330, but with 65 pounds gone already, it's getting easier every day." And let it go. If they weren't sincere, it won't matter WHAT you say. If they were, at least you weren't a jerk to them. When I first started, walking up the 3 flights of stairs to where the treadmills were wasn't happening. I took the elevator. I came with all 4 of my teenagers one day and rather than take the stairs, they stayed with me. A woman walked by, saw us waiting, started to go through the door to the stairs and then said "uh, you know there are stairs, right?" and then kept on going. She sounded VERY snarky to me, and I was annoyed but didn't let it get me down. I saw her in the locker room afterwards and I came up to her and asked her nicely why she felt the need to say that. She was instantly mortified. She had meant it as a way to inform, because a lot of people never saw the stairs apparently, because they were through another door. She apologized profusely. I felt better because i asked nicely and didn't attack her first, giving her the benefit of the doubt, and I felt better because I had confronted the situation rather than seethe about it for days, weeks, or months.

    So remember - they may have been laughing at something else (or had a weak moment of inappropriate laughing) and they may have been impressed with what you were doing and just immature at how to handle it but wanting to know.

    You are doing a great job. Remember that and keep going.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Life will be so much happier if you stop dwelling on the negative. You have 13 pages of wonderful supportive comments. Read those again. Ignore the asshat who deserves to be ignored.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I think there is a very sick reality in this country that when a person reaches a certain size due to morbid obesity, the comments (of any type) slow down or stop. People avoid all contact - even the sick insults.

    In some crazy way, people who make these comments to you (and posters above/below) who've lost so many pounds feel safe doing so because you've moved from obese to "fat", whereas before, they might never have commented. I'm not saying it's right or even fair, but they feel more comfortable to do it now than before.

    I think that's right. I think that is absolutely correct. It's awful, but it's correct.

    And I don't know how to keep those comments from hurting. I still don't want to go outside sometimes, even though the last comment I got was years and years ago. I'm so sorry that you got hit with the sh*twagon, as someone else said.
  • tashaturpen
    Dude those people are just jealous of the kick *kitten* job you are doing. Do not let them get you down. Its not about what they say or think its all about how you feel and what you want. Keep doing a good job.
  • AliciaNineteen72
    You are doing an AMAZING thing for yourself! You committed to get healthy! I've been there...I've been called fat and had children say insensitive things to hurts really bad. You are a beautiful worthwhile women! We here are MFP supporting and cheering you on!

    I feel the same way. Do this because YOU are going to feel better. There is a big difference between the pics you put up - you've done an amazing job, are pretty, and should not listen to what those girls said. Please don't allow their words to keep going in your head. Fight it, and put good things in their place. Seriously, you look good, and you're going to be so much happier if you keep doing your best to be as healthy as you can. Those girls must have been very insecure themselves to be so bent on making another human being miserable. You can do this!!!!!!
  • polostaber
    polostaber Posts: 7 Member
    The gym is a joke......and you now know why...As Tony Horton would say other peoples machines..doing the same boring stuff...and people watching people, some are there just to socialize. I don't want anyone to see me push that last rep...spend your gym members on some dum-bells and some work at DVDs.....there are so many out there...And work on your on self discipline.....keep logging you stuff on mfp. And then get ready for the unveiling.......
  • grneyedgoddess77
    grneyedgoddess77 Posts: 58 Member
    The only thing you can control in life is you - what you DO, what you think, how you respond to out side influences. You can't control anyones comments - you can only control how you react to them. Shrug them off. Give up that negative energy and focus on all of the good! Good people here helping you! Good advice! Good progress!

    I agree with a poster from months ago - your 256# pic looks healthier than I do now at 227. Keep it up!!!!