Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I think I'm getting sick. I was hoping my throat hurt yesterday from the bruises, but I think it's a little more than that today.:grumble: Oh well. I have 3 weeks so better to get it over with now than 3 days before!Happy Friday! :flowerforyou:

    Your throat hurts from the bruising:noway: What kind of work outs have you been doing??

    Leash - sorry to hear about your accident. I always end up super sore from head to toe the next day after a crash like that. Hope you're not too messed up.:flowerforyou:

    Competetive thought for the day - the boys are bickering about something inconsequential and I made the comment that 'it's not a competition'. The younger son replies 'Dad, we're brothers. Life is a competition'. Think we have some unresolved sibling rivalry there? :laugh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I got in a car accident tonight, some idiot rear ended me and was going quite fast, I then hit the person in front of me because of it. We stopped and then decided to pull over because it was dark and we were in the middle of the street. So me, and the guy, that I hit BECAUSE of the girl that hit me pulled over... guess what?! She didn't pull over, yup, she fled the seen, what a FU*KING BIT*CH. I mean seriously that is just so fu*ked up.... please excuse all of my cussing. I just can't take this *kitten* anymore!!!! As if my back and body wasn't already messed up enough, man it hurt bad when she hit me.. hopefully I can still get the injection tomorrow.... and PLEASE let it help... the guy that I hit said that he thinks he went to high school with her so he's going to track her down if possible and he knows that it wasn't my fault so thats good, he was really nice. Gloria (my car, remember) is not messed up too badly, her front is worse than her behind. I just reallllly need something good to happen to me.... seriously!

    I don't know what I would do without this site and this group... I'm really glad we started this and all have a love for turtles :laugh: .. it seems dumb to feel like you know people online but I do feel like we give each other great support even if it has NOTHING to do with exercise or weight loss so thanks for letting me rant, yet again! I hope you all have a better night than me... I believe that tomorrow will be a miracle injection... seriously I'm kind of counting on it!!!!

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Leash- SO sorry to hear that :cry: Glad you (and Gloria) are doing ok, though. Hang in there girl. Good luck is bound to come your way... (and I like that you changed from the heart after your name to the drinks :wink: :laugh: )
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Leash -- so sorry to hear about the accident :flowerforyou: -- hope you are feeling okay! Wishing you a miracle injection that gives you super-like powers!!!

    Didn't get to exercise last night -- kids were at Earth Kids Club -- guess that's a good reason to skip it. Hoping to run tonight! Tomorrow we are headed to decorate boxes for the YMCAs Thanksgiving food drive.

    Oh -- DH and I just signed up for a Turkey Trot. We are getting VERY close in time -- and I DO NOT WANT TO BE BEAT!!!! (I share that competitive edge!) any pointers on how to get super fast between now and Thursday :bigsmile:

    Tabbydog -- congrats on the weight loss! I didnt' weigh this morning -- had to run the kids to a dentist appt. hoping to weigh tonight after my run! Looks like next week will be your big break thru week -- CONGRATS!!!! Keep it up -- and stay away from teh cupcakes - no matter WHO is offering them :bigsmile:

    Becky -- FEEL BETTER {{BIG HUG}}:flowerforyou:

    Enjoy the day!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I am proud of me:laugh: ~ I was actually on my way to work out when I swear I heard Ray's voice in my head ~ telling me to be careful not to get sick and to stay wrapped in bubble wrap until race day ~ SOOOO I turned around and came home! :bigsmile:
    I don't feel terrible but definitely a minor cold thing going on.

    Tom~ haha~ don't ask! You might not want to know! :tongue:
    Your boys sound terrific! I'm glad you are able to have a sense of humor with them.

    Julie~ Earth Club and decorating boxes for the food drive are absolutely valid reasons to miss or reschedule your workouts!
    Don't worry, I bet with all your family drama fueling you , you're going to kick DH's butt and run like the wind!

    Tabby~ woohoo! :drinker: Nice job on the weigh in!:bigsmile: I wish we lived closer. I could help you shovel muck and you could help me with jiu jitsu! :wink:

    Does anybody have ideas for some gluten free side dishes for Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes are ok, correct? but stuffing wouldn't be. Obviously desserts/treats will be tricky as well. Suggestions? I really don't want my youngest DD to feel left out in anyway!

    I forgot today was weigh in day. I'll try the scale after my run tomorrow. Its a terribly evil TOM to approach the scale (sorry guys) but I'm hoping that explains some of my incessant eating. Probably not, but one can always hope!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Does anybody have ideas for some gluten free side dishes for Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes are ok, correct? but stuffing wouldn't be. Obviously desserts/treats will be tricky as well. Suggestions? I really don't want my youngest DD to feel left out in anyway!

    Mashed potatoes are fine- stuffing is not. I will send you a PM later on with some thoughts, if that's ok :wink:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    confessions of a little piggy -- i was sent out last night for a late milk run (because you know, the kids can't possibly have breakfast cereal without any milk right?!?). so as the gas station, i just couldn't pass up the 99 cent bag of chili cheese fritos on the way back up to pay for the milk. the good news -- i actually controlled the portion, and only had a small handful before closing the bag back up and putting it away for later. BUT, that won't make up for the 3 full plates of pizza and pasta i just ate at the itialian buffett (peer pressure resutling from lunch with the work guys). SO -- tomorrow will definitely be up early and double-digit miles. NO EXCUSES! right team? :huh:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Tom~ haha~ don't ask! You might not want to know! :tongue:
    Your boys sound terrific! I'm glad you are able to have a sense of humor with them.

    Does anybody have ideas for some gluten free side dishes for Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes are ok, correct? but stuffing wouldn't be. Obviously desserts/treats will be tricky as well. Suggestions? I really don't want my youngest DD to feel left out in anyway!

    Does it involve blind folds and silk ties? Just asking! :wink:

    You can make gluten free stuffing if you use GF bread and make it from scratch. A lot of GF bread gets really crumbly, so if you want to cube it, you have to get one with the right texture.
    I make a wild rice stuffing with dried apricots and cherries with sauteed green onion and celery and toasted pine nuts. It is great, but making it is a bit of a production. I can post the recipe if anybody is really interested.
    Homemade mashed potatoes are fine, but if you buy garlic mashed potatoes from places like Boston Market, they are often not gluten-free because of all the stuff they add.
    I make a kick-*kitten* pumpkin pie, using gluten free gingersnaps to make a crumb crust instead of graham crackers. Also a bit of a production,and I can post the recipe if anybody is really interested.
    I also stew fresh cranberries in port wine to make cranberry sauce. Love it!! (Not much of a production,makes the house smell fantastic, and I can post the recipe if anybody is really interested.)
    (I would post the recipes regardless, but they are involved, and I type really, really slowly, so I do't want to make an afternoon of it unless somebody is really interested:laugh: )
    Betty Crocker has come out with GF cake and brownie mixes that are availbable at Walmart and most chain grocery stores if you want something quick and easy for dessert., and you can always fancy them up. Your local Whole Foods or health food store may have something a little more exotic, like GF gingerbread or spice cake.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    B...B...B....a double digit -- really? WAKE UP!!! you're dreaming about chili cheese fritos!!!! Just messing :bigsmile: Good luck with that run tomorrow!

    So all you doctors -- self-proclaimed and otherwise -- I have a new ailment. I swear getting old stinks! :grumble: Newest problem -- I get headaches which leads to neausea after most every meal. Been keeping a journal but can't find anything in common. I know -- most would stop eating-- but not me -- gotta keep testing to see if it will happen does:frown: any ideas????
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    The nausea with a headache sounds like migraine, but why you would get it after every meal is a mystery to me if there is not anything in common. A chat with a proper doc might be in order.

    Not run today or yesterday. Bad work, bad neigbours - me = grumpy and no time for running and sorry, not much time for posting today either. Definitely going for a run tomorrow morning and then spending the rest of the weekend with my best friend for her 30th birthday, so things will be improving!

    Take care all,

    Erika x
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    B...B...B....a double digit -- really? WAKE UP!!! you're dreaming about chili cheese fritos!!!! Just messing :bigsmile: Good luck with that run tomorrow!

    So all you doctors -- self-proclaimed and otherwise -- I have a new ailment. I swear getting old stinks! :grumble: Newest problem -- I get headaches which leads to neausea after most every meal. Been keeping a journal but can't find anything in common. I know -- most would stop eating-- but not me -- gotta keep testing to see if it will happen does:frown: any ideas????

    Hmmm~ even if there is nothing obvious in common with the food, I wonder if it could be a common additive. MSG, food dyes or something similar pops into my head.OR~ hate to bring it up~ a gluten sensitivity? BUT if it's happening when you're eating fresh foods, that theory goes out the window. 2nd thought is, maybe a blood sugar issue?
    It sounds miserable no matter the cause. Not eating does sound like a worse option however! :wink:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    :flowerforyou: Tom and Kelynn~ thanks for the suggestions and hints!!!! I will gladly take any ideas you have. I won't make you type out the recipes yet, Tom:wink: Complicated/involved and cooking don't go well together for me The Betty Crocker mixes are pretty good. Trying to track down the sugar cookie mix. I always start the 1st round of holiday baking the day after Thanksgiving. I think I will need to make a trip up to Trader Joes and Earth Fare early next week and see what I can find.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Guys!!

    So I had my injection, it was incredibly painful, I cried like a baby... it took 50 minutes and usually it takes 5-45 minutes but he said mine was difficult to get the injection into... of course!!! Story of my life haha. Soo right now I'm in a lot of pain but I'm hoping it will get better and it should IF the SI joint is the problem which is where they injected whatever they injected so it will take a few days or so but right now the injection site is causing the most pain. My neck is really sore from the accident, seriously WTF is wrong with people, I'm so pissed that that girl bailed, who does that?!... ok a lot of people unfortunately. Ok so this is the day that everything turns around for me.... I'm hoping by monday you will NOT read a negative post from me. Keep your fingers crossed :smile:

    Seriously, I appreciate you guys more than you know :flowerforyou:

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    B...B...B....a double digit -- really? WAKE UP!!! you're dreaming about chili cheese fritos!!!! Just messing :bigsmile: Good luck with that run tomorrow!

    So all you doctors -- self-proclaimed and otherwise -- I have a new ailment. I swear getting old stinks! :grumble: Newest problem -- I get headaches which leads to neausea after most every meal. Been keeping a journal but can't find anything in common. I know -- most would stop eating-- but not me -- gotta keep testing to see if it will happen does:frown: any ideas????

    Hmm thats strange Julie, I'm so sorry to hear this. Yea I think the journal would help and hopefully you will be able to pinpoint the food.. although I wouldn't be satisfied with that answer if I were you, gosh doctors just suck sometimes, I know they can help and blah blah blah but I wish that they were more genius and got things right the first time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :smile:

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes you guys...

    Have a great Friday!!!!

    Tom- Seriously I think I'm related to your kids haha... I was laughing so hard when you said that thing about life being a competition, that is soo funny, LOVE IT!!!

    Erica- Have fun with your friend, I'm sorry about your work and neighbors, you need a day off! Enjoy it.

    Bg- Oink Oink! ha jk! You didn't do too bad, damn peer pressure!

    Becky- I swear I hear Ray sometimes on my walk, "Alicia, don't even think about trying to run!" haha

    Tb- Nice weigh in girl!

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Oh my goodness, I think we *may* have found our beagle breeder! :bigsmile: I did some research, found a breeder that is about an hour and a half away. The puppies are reasonably priced, and there will be a litter born in the Spring :bigsmile: We are going to go look at the place at some point in the next month or so. Assuming everything looks ok, that's where we'll be picking out little Dunkin. ::fingers crossed:: :bigsmile:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Oh my goodness, I think we *may* have found our beagle breeder! :bigsmile: I did some research, found a breeder that is about an hour and a half away. The puppies are reasonably priced, and there will be a litter born in the Spring :bigsmile: We are going to go look at the place at some point in the next month or so. Assuming everything looks ok, that's where we'll be picking out little Dunkin. ::fingers crossed:: :bigsmile:

    Thats GREAT! I love the name "Dunkin" so cute!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi everyone

    Kelynn - Glad to hear you might have found your breeder. Good luck, I hope you find a lovely puppy.

    Leash - Sorry that the injection hurt so bad. I'm praying that it will give you the relief you need. Stretch out your neck and shoulders lots to help with the whiplash.

    Becky - I'm no GF expert, but I do make a stuffing which uses rice and dried apricots and sausagemeat (you have to be careful that this doesn't have gluten in) if you want the recipe. Also, you could look for cake recipes that use ground almonds rather than wheat flour. They tend to be on the richer side, such as chocolate cakes, or fudgy brownies.

    Hope you are feeling better today. Look after yourself.

    bg - Hope the pizza penance run went/goes well this morning!

    Julie - sounds like you've been busy! I hope you find the answer for your headaches and nausea. Good luck with the Turkey Trot.

    So - sounding like a Brit now - when is Thanksgiving?

    Tabby - sounds like you're doing really well. Hope you got out for your run yesterday and it wasn't too cold.

    Jess - as per usual you blow me away with your dedication!

    I'm sitting here in my tights ready to go out and run, so I suppose I should get off my bum and get out there.

    Have lovely weekends everyone.

    Erika xx
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Becky - I'm no GF expert, but I do make a stuffing which uses rice and dried apricots and sausagemeat (you have to be careful that this doesn't have gluten in) if you want the recipe. Also, you could look for cake recipes that use ground almonds rather than wheat flour. They tend to be on the richer side, such as chocolate cakes, or fudgy brownies.

    Becky- Sorry I never sent you that PM- I will! If you decide to use sausage for anything there is a brand called Al Fresco that is awesome! They have a couple different flavors- they're all GF and 100% natural- no junk in them. I find them near the hot dogs at the grocery store. I actually eat it a lot- I make a rice, peppers, onions and sausage stir-fry with them. :love:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    So - sounding like a Brit now - when is Thanksgiving?

    Erika- Thanksgiving and my birthday are on Thursday :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Leash, how are you feeling today? Better, I hope :flowerforyou: