BEST weight loss advice!!!!! Simple & easy



  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Pretty strong words coming from someone who has a baby pig as a profile pic. LOL.

    In most cases it might be that simple, but weight loss is not a black and white issue. It is different for every person.

    at the end of the day it all boils down to calories in vs calories out. So, no it is not different for every person ..

    Now, the amount of calories you need to lose, maintain, gain will be different….but the concept is the same for all of us ….

    This is barring any medical condition ...

    So what your saying is, If I only at 500 calories a day, I should see the scale go down.
    you wanna make a wager on this?
    Of course you would. It would be a lot at first and gradually slow down as your body adapts to needing fewer calories to survive, but you will never stop losing until you eventually die of starvation.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    " 'Weight loss' is not complicated."

    But I will say again:
    Sometimes, even if the answer is right, it is the question that is wrong.

    Who REALLY wants to lose weight?!?!

    It is FAT loss that we are looking for (in the same way that a bodybuilder doesn't want to gain WEIGHT, s/he wants to gain muscle mass).

    And I don't believe that "fat loss" is as "simple & easy" as weight loss.

    Sure it is...

    eat at a calorie deficet, get enough protien and do resistence training..see simple..not easy.

    I know this too as I have only lost 3lbs in 2months (net) but have gone down almost 2 sizes...the 6's are a bit snug atm but the 8's are well...not loose but...not fitting right.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    It annoys me when people complain about posts! We are all here to help each other! Weight loss is more complicated than that else we all wouldn't be here! You don't seem like a very patient person. I suggest you find another message for intolerant impatient people!!!

    In, because we are all here for the same reason.



  • training2bme
    Actually, it's not as simple as that. I used to be a competitive skater and before a competition for about 2 weeks I'd almost double my training. HOWEVER, in that time frame, I'd gain about 2-3lbs, even though I was eating the exact same thing. I know I wasn't under estimating because my diet was VERY closely monitored, as in I followed a meal plan and never had anything outside of it.

    It also has to do with what your body chooses to adsorb and keep. In those two weeks, my body would keep more of the protein that I was eating and so I put on weight. It was muscle weight so I didn't mind. When I'm really stressed, my weight will drop like crazy, not because I'm not eating but because my body just isn't absorbing any of it.

    A better example would be someone who has a cup of coffee everyday. Skipping their morning brew will see themselves gaining about half a pound that day as they would be retaining more water than they usually are.

    But the fact is, there are many things that contribute to weight, not just calories.

    I had the exact same problem when I was marathon training. Burned about 6000 calories a week training for 7 months and 3000 the day of the marathon. How much weight did I lose? NONE and I weighed, measured and logged everything I ate; trying to trim down for it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Then why did I stop losing weight when I was eating too few calories and start losing it again when I upped my calories? And why did I again stop losing it when I started lifting heavy things? What's the simple equation for those scenarios?

    As a sort of newbie here (but not to message boards in general), I definitely can see how seeing the same questions over and over again would be annoying. There would be about half the number of threads if people used the search function.

    But if weight loss really was that simple, this site wouldn't exist.

    You would have lost weight again eventually, eating too few calories. It's called a plateau. But you figured out you could eat more and still lose weight, so congrats!

    You started lifting heavy things while still eating at a deficit and stopped losing weight? Forever? Really?
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Pretty strong words coming from someone who has a baby pig as a profile pic. LOL.

    In most cases it might be that simple, but weight loss is not a black and white issue. It is different for every person.

    at the end of the day it all boils down to calories in vs calories out. So, no it is not different for every person ..

    Now, the amount of calories you need to lose, maintain, gain will be different….but the concept is the same for all of us ….

    This is barring any medical condition ...

    So what your saying is, If I only at 500 calories a day, I should see the scale go down.
    you wanna make a wager on this?

    yes, on a 500 calorie diet you will lose weight. It will be a lot of muscle and what not, but you will lose weight.

    why do you think you would not lose weight eating 500 a day? Even seen pictures from concentration camps, how many calories per day do you think those people ate?

    If what you are suggesting is true, then mass starvation would not be possible and everyone in Africa would be fat and happy …

    so how much are we betting on this..10k?

    are you saying on 5000 calories a day you will lose weight?
    why do you think you would not lose weight eating 500 a day? Even seen pictures from concentration camps, how many calories per day do you think those people ate? Could not tell you, I am not a medic, nor was I there to keep track

    so how much are we betting on this..10k? -- Really.. you have 10 grand laying around o.k.. I will bet your 10k vs me starting a post every day that says your the greatest. Deal

    are you saying on 5000 calories a day you will lose weight? -- Interesting.. look at Hugh Jackman, when he did his last Wolverine movie . He ate 6000 calories of chicken meat. now compare him with other movies he has done.

    I measure everything, I keep track of everything..
    -- I started out at 1700 calories in and 500 calories out - Nothing
    1500 calories in 500 out - No weight loss
    1200 calories in 500 - 1000 KC out - no weight loss
    1500 KC in - 1500 KC Out - no weight loss
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    " 'Weight loss' is not complicated."

    But I will say again:
    Sometimes, even if the answer is right, it is the question that is wrong.

    Who REALLY wants to lose weight?!?!

    It is FAT loss that we are looking for (in the same way that a bodybuilder doesn't want to gain WEIGHT, s/he wants to gain muscle mass).

    And I don't believe that "fat loss" is as "simple & easy" as weight loss.

    Sure it is...

    eat at a calorie deficet, get enough protien and do resistence training..see simple..not easy.

    I know this too as I have only lost 3lbs in 2months (net) but have gone down almost 2 sizes...the 6's are a bit snug atm but the 8's are well...not loose but...not fitting right.

    "eat at a calorie deficet, get enough protien and do resistence training..see simple..not easy."

    ^see, now THAT I can agree with...but you're talking deficit, and macros, and muscle building/retention....not what the OP said which is the oversimplified calories in vs. calories out.

    the problem with "calories in vs. calories out" is that people extrapolate it to such an extreme that they do the 1200cal/day HANGRY, metabolism-killing thing mentioned earlier and expect to get a great body without excess body fat. I just don't think that trying to simplifying it is helpful when people are often in too much of a rush and have never had the opportunity to educate themselves on FAT loss.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    But if weight loss really was that simple, this site wouldn't exist.
    Actually, for the majority of the overweight population, weight loss really IS that simple. However, simple does not mean easy. That's why most of us are here: to learn the simple facts, and then get support when it's not easy.

    For those of you asking "if that equation is true why did I gain weight eating the same way after I started taking a medication?!?!" Well, it's because that medication changed the "calories out" part of the equation...not because the equation is invalid.

    That makes sense. Maybe a lower heart rate or shallower breathing or other energy-using biological activities that if slowed even a little bit, over 24 hours, can lower BMR/TDEE. But all I'm saying is that, in the same way that medication could cause such a thing, couldn't internal endocrine balance (or imbalance) cause a similar decrease in "calories out"? And couldn't low calorie dieting cause the endocrine changes necessary to precipitate lower BMR/TDEE?
    It appears people that are overweight have a higher BMR.

    Sorry, I don't follow. Yes, being overweight generally provides a higher BMR, but I'm asking if it could be possible that there could be endocrine changes that might alter/lower BMR in the same way that some medications seem to do, but with an underlying cause of said changes being as a result of very low calorie diet. In other words, could it be that people hit a plateau because their hormones/etc cause a reduction in BMR in response to very low calorie dieting.

    Adaptive thermogenesis. That effects the front end of the equation, but still doesn't make it invalid.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I like this. It's basic and simple there are indeed many factors, but that's why I said this is simple.. Its the basic of basic.. Though we are on the internet annnnnd there will always be people doing "special" diets which I think we will be seeing some raging from them... Much rage to come. Much rage indeed. *Sits down with popcorn* Oh s**t they'll abuse me for eating popcorn because their diet says its bad. *hides*

    All in all.. Do what you want diet wise. If it works and you like doing it, then keep doing it. :flowerforyou: And I will keep eating my popcorn... omnomnom.

    LMAO....popcorn for breakfast, can I grab a beer and join ya!! HAHA
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    Wow. How old are you? "butt hurt"? really?

    In for the special snowflakes, butt hurt and general snide remarks made to those of us who wait...know

    it is simple as calories in<calories out=weight loss

    We have never said it's easy...just simple

    I know if I eat 2500 calories a day I too will gain 1lb a week...
    I know if I eat 2000 calories a day I will maintain my current weight
    I know if I eat under 2000 caloires a day I will lose weight
    I know if I eat under 1200 calories a day for an extended period of time I will get hangry, screw my metabolism and not have the body I want

    How do I know that Science says so...and those numbers are not arbitrary either...those are cold hard facts from tracking with a scale for long time...

    I eventually will be able to eat more then 2000 calories and not gain weight...why because I lift weights and that means I am maintaining muscle mass...then I am gonna bulk and build some I can eat all the foodz

    For those who "choose" not to believe this...have fun with your weight loss and being Hangry all the time...

    *waits to post butt hurt report*
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Pretty strong words coming from someone who has a baby pig as a profile pic. LOL.

    In most cases it might be that simple, but weight loss is not a black and white issue. It is different for every person.

    at the end of the day it all boils down to calories in vs calories out. So, no it is not different for every person ..

    Now, the amount of calories you need to lose, maintain, gain will be different….but the concept is the same for all of us ….

    This is barring any medical condition ...

    So what your saying is, If I only at 500 calories a day, I should see the scale go down.
    you wanna make a wager on this?

    yes, on a 500 calorie diet you will lose weight. It will be a lot of muscle and what not, but you will lose weight.

    why do you think you would not lose weight eating 500 a day? Even seen pictures from concentration camps, how many calories per day do you think those people ate?

    If what you are suggesting is true, then mass starvation would not be possible and everyone in Africa would be fat and happy …

    so how much are we betting on this..10k?

    are you saying on 5000 calories a day you will lose weight?
    why do you think you would not lose weight eating 500 a day? Even seen pictures from concentration camps, how many calories per day do you think those people ate? Could not tell you, I am not a medic, nor was I there to keep track

    so how much are we betting on this..10k? -- Really.. you have 10 grand laying around o.k.. I will bet your 10k vs me starting a post every day that says your the greatest. Deal

    are you saying on 5000 calories a day you will lose weight? -- Interesting.. look at Hugh Jackman, when he did his last Wolverine movie . He ate 6000 calories of chicken meat. now compare him with other movies he has done.

    I measure everything, I keep track of everything..
    -- I started out at 1700 calories in and 500 calories out - Nothing
    1500 calories in 500 out - No weight loss
    1200 calories in 500 - 1000 KC out - no weight loss
    1500 KC in - 1500 KC Out - no weight loss


    Under no circumstances were you only burning 500 calories out. Even if you were in a coma, you were expending more than 500 calories per day because your BMR is certainly above that. Do you mean you were burning 500-1500 calories from exercise?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It's not always so simple.

    I had successfully lost 91 lbs by eating at a calorie deficit (1200 cal a day). I faithfully logged everything I ate and drank into a desktop program similar to MFP. Suddenly I stopped losing. I kept adhering to the diet, even trying various approaches such as calorie staggering, lowering carbs, etc., and logging in everything I ate, but I didn't lose one ounce in an entire year. Due to being disabled, I was unable to increase my exercise.

    At that point, after researching, I decided to switch to a vegan diet. I lost 35 more pounds for a total of 126 lbs. I was able to eat 1300 to 1400 calories a day on the vegan diet and still lose. The diet was so restrictive, that I couldn't stay on it beyond the 6 month period, though. So, I went back to the original diet plan's maintenance program and kept off the weight for a few years until I had a two year period of steady illness and injuries, and I put the weight back on.

    This time when resuming my diet, I spoke to a diet doctor who advised me that the reason I stopped losing before was that my calorie deficit was too low, which caused my metabolism to slow down, which in turn caused me to stop losing weight. He said switching to a vegan diet reset my metabolism and caused weight loss to start again. So, the doctor told me that this time, I must eat 1500 calories a day. He said as my weight lowers, my ideal calorie deficit amount will lower and at those intervals, we can drop my calorie intake accordingly.

    The body is very complex, and weight loss can be just as complex.

    None of what you said invalidates the equation of 'eat less than you burn'. You just posted a bunch of reasons why either input or output can effect either the rate or direction of the equation. That doesn't make it invalid! Weight loss is simple. What takes people time is figuring out how to accurately track their calories and burns, granted. But the equation is SIMPLE. :flowerforyou:
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    SailorKnightW -- Yes.
  • RoseBlueGreen
    That is insensitive to say, they are not posting stupid stuff!!!! Some people dont know that if you work out at all especially with weights that muscle will weigh more and when you jump on the scale it will not budge but when you measure yourself the inches tell a different story. Some people do not weigh the food they estimate or guess or don't haul in the boxes and cans to make sure its all going in the food log right. It takes time but once its done right then its better. Some things you have to find on the web to make sure the info is right then input it in. Some people dont know that they may carry water weight and taking a diuretic may help a little but please make sure its ok first, some people dont know about a colon cleanse that helps clean out the colon. Some may need a new scale , theirs might be off becasue its been round long time. Don't depend on doctors scales as they are always off unless new. I just like to test the jeans as if they are loose Im doing good and I weight once a week in the morning, right after I wake up and then let it go for the week. I had to learn with weighing my food as before I never did and I was eating more then my share and I bag servings of snacks so I know how much I can eat. I keep alot of fresh fruit and veggies and we are on a low histamine diet due to my daughters condition. Instead of calling their post stupid help them out in a nice informative way-
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member

    ….now they get slightly snarky

    Only slightly.

    This attitude is all I am talking about. Do you know any more about being healthy than "calories in/out?" Is it valuable relevant knowledge? (I am guessing the answer is yes)

    That's all I am saying. There is more to healthy weight loss than in/out.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    For anyone who doesn't believe the OP is true, please feel free to start a thread about your situation and PM me a link to your thread and I will help you figure out what is barring you from losing weight according to this simple formula. I will have other smart friends of mine help chip in. We can help.

    I am not going to go through this thread, though, and address people's specific issues, but we're here if you want help getting on target.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    SailorKnightW -- Yes.
    Okay, see, that changes everything. There's a misunderstanding here.

    Your body burns a certain amount of calories just by being alive. It's called your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR. You can calculate a reasonably accurate number here, though there is always room for error because our bodies don't have a handy calculator output display:

    That's the basis of the calories out equation. Add to that your daily activities (standing, walking to the bathroom, etc) and any exercise you do and that number increases. Again, you'll never get a 100% accurate number but you'll get a good basis to start your trial and error for.

    I'm a 26 year old woman, 5'8" and 139lbs. I burn approximately 1450 calories just by being alive.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    SailorKnightW -- Yes.

    I'm sorry, but your numbers just don't add up. You are either wildly over estimating your calorie burns, wildly under estimating your calorie intake, OR (most likely) doing both.

    Can you open your diary so we can help?

    ETA: I checked your diary. You have days that look incomplete. Did you stop eating, or stop tracking? How are you calculating your exercise burns?
  • cathrynhicks
    What's worked for me is weighing portions of food and eating plenty of vegetables. I eat fruit, but don't overload as it's full of natural sugar. Exercise....if I don't exercise I don't lose weight no matter how well I'm eating. Hope that helps... :)
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    There are some people who have medical issues or are on meds that mess with their ability to lose weight... However, I think most people don't lose because they are underestimating the number of calories they consume. It's easy to do!

    Actually, I've always wondered about the meds thing. It seems that people say "LAW says: calories in vs. calories out, no exception" UNTIL there's talk of certain birth control pills or oral steroids, etc. So, what happens with those drugs--do they just cause the people to eat more without them knowing it, or does it make them sit on the couch more without them noticing? (Serious question; no snark)

    Calories out > calories in - it's not that simple.

    Steroids and birth control pills are actually made of hormones which cause the body to store fat. Some medications also cause the body to retain water, salt and fat, all of which will cause weight gain, or at least an inability to lose.

    I haven't noticed anyone mentioning age, either. I don't care what the commercials say, as we age our metabolism slows. We can combat it to some extent with exercise - but ask any gerontologist - it isn't a perfect solution. As we age our ability to taste food changes as well, which is why a 40 y/o will typically want more spiciness than a 20 y/o (of course, the taste buds may crave it but it doesn't mean the stomach will tolerate it - lol.) Really elderly people usually eat very little because food does not taste good to them anymore. Because of the metabolism slowdown, though, they have increased body fat.

    Women, regardless of age, typically have a more difficult time losing weight than men, because female hormones are made to hold on to fat. This prepares the body for childbearing. For some reason, the female body goes into fat accumulating/muscle wasting/bone squandering overdrive when women go into menopause.

    Type 2 diabetics, because of the insulin resistance, also have a harder time losing weight regardless of calorie intake - output. Insulin is a hormone.

    BTW, I'm a registered nurse an have been almost 20 years now, and a former diabetes educator.