Non judgemental Friends Please....?



  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I'm eating pot pies on an almost daily basis. Feel free to add me. It's likely to make you feel better about your eating habits.
  • CandiceInspo
    Add me, I promise to tell you what you want to hear, give congratulations for your every effort (both good and bad). I promise to blow smoke up your *kitten* in a very non-judgmental way.
    Lol i like the sound of that :D FR sent
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Of course you are free to do as you please. Just some food for though - what sort of friend sits idly by saying nothing or "no biggy, tomorrow is another day" if you show time and time again you have no idea how to change your habits or are going down a bad path to get there.

    I don't like friends who judge every little thing (lots of salt and fat, yum) but if I start complaining about my blood pressure or cholesterol to them some tough love might be in order.

    Change can be hard and uncomfortable. Be ready.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am also one of those non perfect people who makes mistakes and may slip and eat something i shouldnt or may not get to the gym as often as i should. I get tired of the perfect ones on here tearing people down. So add me if you need encouragement and not a daily beat down.

    Exactly! i envy the "perfect" ones but i just cant be one of them nor tolerate them bringing me down :) lets do this together

    Does not want to be judged, yet calls people "perfect" thus judging them.
    Seems legit.

    perfect is what they are. they have the self control and determination and im just finding mine. I'd like to be perfect one day minus the judgement :) dont see no judgment there. Good day

    How do you know they are "perfect"? Are you with them everyday? Judgement goes both ways. *shrug*

    Fortunately for me i see judgement and appreciation as two different things.

  • CandiceInspo
    Of course you are free to do as you please. Just some food for though - what sort of friend sits idly by saying nothing or "no biggy, tomorrow is another day" if you show time and time again you have no idea how to change your habits or are going down a bad path to get there.

    I don't like friends who judge every little thing (lots of salt and fat, yum) but if I start complaining about my blood pressure or cholesterol to them some tough love might be in order.

    Change can be hard and uncomfortable. Be ready.

    exactly my point.... i want them to give me chance to take this slow. a dramatic change would be nice if only i could stick to it. i cant. i want to take one step at a time and i like people who respect that. :) FR sent!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I'm obviously overweight and need a major change in lifestyle but i also have other issues which I'm currently trying to recover from. So it would be great it if i could find friends who would support and encourage me and not judge me for the slightest misstep.
    Sometimes i might overeat and sometimes i might under eat..... Im trying to place myself where I'm comfortable and healthy and not depressed.
    So non judgmental people add away.... and judgmental lovelies please stay away and refrain from commenting.

    Is it just me, or is this post judgmental?

  • laurenoraange
    Hey! I am finally getting back on this I just want to lose the ten pounds I've been wanting to lose for forever!! I hope this app helps!!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Good luck OP. Sunshine and rainbows don't always get the job done, but whatever.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i judge. i'm empathetic, and critical, and supportive, but i judge.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    I hear you... I have my food diary public to all my friends, but I certainly hope that if my friends see my "bad" eating days, they won't judge me. I prefer to encourage my friends' successes: liking their work outs, congratulating them on days-in-a-row logged, and of course weight-loss. I never would criticize anyone for being honest. If you ate a box of cookies or half a pizza, then track it - there is no point in hiding it from yourself. If find that my bad days (weeks) help me to do better the following day or week. Ignore all the haters out there. You don't have to eat a certain way to be on MFP. The important part is that you are here, tracking what you do eat and trying to reach your goals. I will definitely be your non-judgmental friend!
  • CandiceInspo
    Good luck OP. Sunshine and rainbows don't always get the job done, but whatever.


    i like sunshine and rainbows as i work a parade and if anybody will be raining on mine, it will be me :) thanks, Good day
  • Deebzodebster
    Deebzodebster Posts: 3 Member
    Good response :)
  • CandiceInspo
    I hear you... I have my food diary public to all my friends, but I certainly hope that if my friends see my "bad" eating days, they won't judge me. I prefer to encourage my friends' successes: liking their work outs, congratulating them on days-in-a-row logged, and of course weight-loss. I never would criticize anyone for being honest. If you ate a box of cookies or half a pizza, then track it - there is no point in hiding it from yourself. If find that my bad days (weeks) help me to do better the following day or week. Ignore all the haters out there. You don't have to eat a certain way to be on MFP. The important part is that you are here, tracking what you do eat and trying to reach your goals. I will definitely be your non-judgmental friend!

    Thanks a lot :) some of these users were actually starting to scare me :D but i have already met some great motivating people and i hope theres more where that came from :) FR sent!
  • ballr01
    ballr01 Posts: 10 Member
    "Judgemental" such a vague word if my opinion. We judge fruit for ripeness, food for taste and clothes for weather, this word is multi purpose in use. As a paramedicine professional I have seen people at their worst and best and I beleive this to be their extra day of living best they can from Cancer or alcohol abuse and realizing they just need a warm bed and nutrition for a day. I feel a person needs to set goals, stick to them and if they fall get up. If they choose to stay down suggestion or alternatives may be given but ultimately accountability falls back to those choices. I try to start each day positive and be the best I can for me, don't get me wrong I like when someone gives me a compliment but I also believe each negative has a positive, we just need to process and find it. If we didnt stumble or make mistakes we wouldn't evolve. It's where do we see ourselves realistically, and I mean ourselves not what society commercializes or conveys as the ultimate appearance. Everyone is beautiful some are just tarnished by falling into a trap of society and bad choices with little to no self accountability. I do judge myself regularly I am human, judgeing others well I do not have enough time in the day but I can listen and suggest based on my life experiance. Feel free to add me as I learn from people to make me reach my goals.
  • christinapike2
    christinapike2 Posts: 13 Member
    If anyone on this site judges, then I believe they are on the wrong site. I think we are all here for the same reason. I am very much an emotional eater and have yo yo dieted for years! It always helps to have a "buddy" to keep you motivated on good and bad days. Good luck to you.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I think we are all here for the same reason.

    No we really aren't.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    but what is your are doing something wrong that is making you gain more weight? Do you still want encouragement to gain more weight?

    seems counterproductive…

    I friend people bc they have had success and will tell me when I am doing things wrong, because I want to learn from them and do it right...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Honestly? If you ONLY want "judgement free" get off these forums (or learn to accept the good with the bad). People judge. Sometimes it's bc they are judgemental *kitten*, yes...but usually, it's because people here are going to tell you the bold blunt truth about things you may not want to hear. Find some friends, and stick to posting on your and their walls....bc the forums are full of judgment (thank goodness), from people who know what they are talking about and will never tip-toe around the truth.

    Also, if your profile pic isn't you, you ARE going to have people ask you why you think you're overweight. Not everyone reads profiles, and your photo doesn't look like it's from a's just a pic of a girl, people will assume you.

    isnt that why i said "refrain from commenting"? i know people can be judgemental i just dont want their friendship or comments and so far posting on this forum has brought me more good than bad. ive already met a few very nice people . thank you for the concern :) Good day

    LOL good luck to you OP …

    maybe you should start a non-judmental group or something…

    How are you ever going to make the changes necessary for long term success if you do not listen to people who have had said success…?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am also one of those non perfect people who makes mistakes and may slip and eat something i shouldnt or may not get to the gym as often as i should. I get tired of the perfect ones on here tearing people down. So add me if you need encouragement and not a daily beat down.

    Exactly! i envy the "perfect" ones but i just cant be one of them nor tolerate them bringing me down :) lets do this together

    you envy the perfect ones but won't let them criticize your approach so that you can make the changes that they made, to get to where they are, which is where you want to be?

    That would be like being hired for a job and saying…I will accept this job, but I will not accept the training and I am just going to do it the way that I see fit to do the job….wow…
  • GEMMA_2014
    You are not setting yourself up for failure, You have decided to make this a positive experience. Choose your friends wisely. Negative people are like a slow acting poison. They are immune to the poison they spread so they need new victims.

    I hope you are successful with your weight loss and I want you to remember your best friend is you.