Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi there, I'm back. Been out of touch for a month or more. Lost my focus and feeling sluggish. I thought I could stay for accountable to myself without logging in my food or reading up on the community. Boy was I wrong. I need that outside influence. We are leaving for our kids' house for Thanksgiving after the storms have come through and roads cleared. I'm hoping we can leave Sunday or Monday.
    Well, anyway, I'm back and need some encouragement here. I haven't even gotten on the scale. I don't think I could face it. right now. I don't think I 've gained much cause my new size still fits...I just feel sluggish.

    I am back too after a long time away and learned like you that if I don't log in and keep with the program that I get off track WAY FAST. ENjoy your thanksgiving with the family and safe travels on those Idaho roads. I'll pray for no snow for a few days. Phyljen
  • ClaryPR
    05/11 = 204
    12/11 = 198
    19/11 = 195 =D
    Well, I've lost 9 pounds to this day. I am very happy that I can lose more weight this month.

    Take Care People
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have been doing daycare for more years than I care to admit....ok I worked my way through college at daycare centers...spent 2 years teaching second grade...started at a daycare center as a toddler teacher just till I could get another teaching job, worked there for 10 years, had 2 kids worked 2 years at various centers, had my third child and started a home daycare, that was over 8 years ago...so I have over 2- years experience in early childhood education.

    A provider who is doing her job will welcome you to drop in at anytime. She may get a little irritated if you show up at nap-time and ring the doorbell or talk loud but she should not be upset with you for coming to see your child or drop them off. I have had mother's schedule their breaks so they could stop by and nurse they child on their break. Same with phone calls. Just don't expect them to answer the phone...expect them to call back when they have a minute.

    I have successfully used the family picture with my own children. Something that will help make them happy. Remember they love you and this new person has not developed any type of trust with your child....that will take time. That provider should be sympathetic to the good-byes. Develop a routine.....one child in my care needs mom to pick him up and hand him to me, then we say good-bye and I set him on the couch to observe the others until he decides what he wants to do, another child while he was transitioning we would stand at the window and watch mom leave and wave and she would roll down her window and wave back.

    I do agree that sometimes it is not a good fit. Depends on the provider. I have never had a child leave my care because it was not working, but I work with the parents and develop a relationship with the child. When you pick up your child is she still crying or is she having fun? If she has been crying all day I would start to worry. Also depending on the age of the child talking about the drop-off routine will gradually help them know what is going to happen.

    "Tomorrow I am going to take you to Terri's (name of your provider) And I will talk to Terri a few minutes and I will read you your favorite board book. Then I will give you a hug and kiss and then I have to leave and go to work. Then you will play and do fun things with Terri and when I am done with work I will come and pick you up!"

    Talk about it every night until it becomes routine.

    I know this is hard. When my son started a preschool program (I had mostly toddlers and babies in my care and wanted him to get some time with a group of kids his own age) I had to physically carry him onto the bus while he was screaming " they will never take me alive" and put his seat belt on and walk away. It was gut wrenching but he was always happy and smiling when the bus returned him.

    If it is a good provider this should start getting better with time.

    I could go on a lot longer on this topic but need to get some other things done.

    Have a great weekend!


    I am so excited I am getting spiral perm this afternoon. My hair needs help.

    My company comes this evening so not sure how much time I will have in the next week to check-in so

  • jesse14472
    11/01 SW: 188.6
    11/12 186.7
    11/19 186.4
    11/30 GW: 183.6
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Just-Peachy - oh my, your son really played you, didn't he? How did you get him to stop? Maybe I am over-reacting?! Kara is not as bad as some of the stories that have been shared - it's not like she doesn't want to stay - it's more like she wants me to stay with her.
    He still plays me, but now it's my fault for letting him... :blushing: That day I turned around and went back was the end of it. He saw me, realized he'd been busted and it just stopped. He had become comfortable with "Nana", was making friends with the other kids and had finally figured out I really was coming back for him.
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    SW for November 11/8 - 159.5 (could not bear to change that on my ticker, so it is only reflecting 3 pounds)
    11/21 - 152.2!!!
    Woo-hoo! It has been a long time since the scale has moved in that direction. :happy:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    A lot of us had left and now are back, I am so happy to have our group again! I did miss everyone, but life is so busy... Sigh
    Anyway, glad to hear about the daycare stuff, I just over worry because of what happened I guess.

    I weighed in today at 150.4 (yay! back to my last weigh in)
    I started my TOM yesterday, so that explains the high/fast gain. But I am down again now, I am happy that I did so good last night on my hardest day of the week. I tried writing in a journal when I felt like munching and I knew I wasn't hungry. Then my hand got tired so I brushed my teeth and that seemed to work. Why are the weekends so hard to not pig out! Plus it is raining so I am logging cleaning exercise instead of doing my park walk. Arg But I am going to be good again today and start the week off right.
    BTW I had gotten rid of all my pants and got a smaller size in September and last week I didn't have much to wear to work that fit so I had to go out a buy a bigger size Friday. I am ok with that though, I want to feel like I need to get back into my 6's. Might help me stay on track a bit. Plus I will look nicer at work in pants that fit, lol.

    I wish everyone a happy Sunday! :drinker: Drink that water!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Well ANOTHER sunday weigh in and ANOTHER 164! UGH lol Through the week i bounce from 162 to 164 and every time weigh in comes around im at 164! ..... My floor mat did not come ontime and we are having thanksgiving here in our what is now an empty office and so im not putting up my elliptical untill after thanksgiving then its time to buckle down a lot. I still want to get to at least under 160 so like 159 haha but 155 would be ideal by the end of december which is about 6 pounds off of my goal for the end of the year I really wanted to be under 150 by the end of december but thats not looking possible : ( .
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I've been a little tormented by 55tolose's post, so thanks Jenn for saying what you did. 55tolose, this is one of those training moments of Motherhood to listen to your own voice. If what I or others say to you doesn't resonate then keep listening to your child and searching yourself.

    Sometimes kids are manipulative and we need to not get sucked in Sometimes they are working through a painful but necessary developmental step and we need to support and guide them forward. Sometimes they are genuinely suffering and trying to express something that they do not have the words for and we need to hear them and speak for them.

    You'll regret some of your choices in hindsight - guaranteed. For me personally though, the choices I made when I didn't listen to my child are more painful today than the choices I made when I didn't listen to family, friends and experts.

    Jenn offered good advice - to arrive unannounced. And maybe it's just not a good fit - it could be something as innocuous as there's a dog next door who barks alot - know what I mean? Adjusting to the bigger world is a process we must all go through and you will do your child no harm in being thoughtful about how that happens. If this is not the right situation, you will find other options.

    Good luck.

    Karinf : I have been over and over my post and i cant seem to find a reason you would be tormented by it? Please do tell.
    I never said don't listen to your instincts obviously you do what you know is right for you I was just trying to offer up what i do. and what i used to do is call. they were my brothers sisters and mom not daycare and he still cried and was fine. Sometimes kids just don't want mom to leave no matter who they are being left with.

    ((( If what I or others say to you doesn't resonate then keep listening to your child and searching yourself.))) And what is this supposed to mean? I did not quote what anyone had to say nor did i agree or dissagree with what anyone else said so why am i being told that what people said didn't reasonate to me? I didn't question in any way the answers that anyone else gave here is my original post below.
    NOTICE THIS SCENTENCE STRAIGHT FROM MY ORIGINAL POST AT THE BOTOM...(((I really found that calling to find that he was already calmed down calmed my nerves pretty good. I always knew because my family had told me before that he was always fine after about five to ten minutes but it just helped to call .......)))). Now she said herself that she knew all along that her daughter started playing right after she left but the crying stressed her out I was trying to say i understand the feeling and this is what I did.

    Now i will have you know i did not Not Listen to my child... When I called I spoke directly to HIM!

    dmg Altho i never have had my kids in a daycare I havehad\ my family watch them and my son around a year old would do that same thing. he would cry sooo hard and when i left i was pretty stressed wondering how he was doing and after a few times of that i couldnt' handle it anymore and i would call about five minutes after i left and 99 percent of the time he was already playing and having fun. he cried like that from about 9 months untill about 2 years and still does rarely if i leave him with a friend ....He is 3 years old.

    I really found that calling to find that he was already calmed down calmed my nerves pretty good. I always knew because my family had told me before that he was always fine after about five to ten minutes but it just helped to call ........

    I wonder if the daycare would let you do that?
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I've completed Week 1 of sugar-free!!! YAY!

    I brought my daughter to a birthday party today, and passed on the chocolate cupcake birthday cake, as well as the chips (which are usually my downfall). I stuck to the veggie tray and had mainly brocolli, cauliflower, celery, as well as a few carrots. Since I've completed Week 1, I decided to start allowing a limited amount of carbs. For example, I bought some rye bread so I can have a slice of bread or toast once in a while.

    Terri - thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences with child care. I will start talking to her more about our routine and what is expected of her, and see if that helps. Thanks.
  • murgy973
    I'm in I just started this program about two days ago and my goal was to lose 5 pounds. Does anyone have any good exercising tips? :smile:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member

    Karinf : I have been over and over my post and i cant seem to find a reason you would be tormented by it? Please do tell.
    I never said don't listen to your instincts obviously you do what you know is right for you I was just trying to offer up what i do. and what i used to do is call. they were my brothers sisters and mom not daycare and he still cried and was fine. Sometimes kids just don't want mom to leave no matter who they are being left with.

    ((( If what I or others say to you doesn't resonate then keep listening to your child and searching yourself.))) And what is this supposed to mean? I did not quote what anyone had to say nor did i agree or dissagree with what anyone else said so why am i being told that what people said didn't reasonate to me? I didn't question in any way the answers that anyone else gave here is my original post below.
    NOTICE THIS SCENTENCE STRAIGHT FROM MY ORIGINAL POST AT THE BOTOM...(((I really found that calling to find that he was already calmed down calmed my nerves pretty good. I always knew because my family had told me before that he was always fine after about five to ten minutes but it just helped to call .......)))). Now she said herself that she knew all along that her daughter started playing right after she left but the crying stressed her out I was trying to say i understand the feeling and this is what I did.

    Now i will have you know i did not Not Listen to my child... When I called I spoke directly to HIM!

    dmg Altho i never have had my kids in a daycare I havehad\ my family watch them and my son around a year old would do that same thing. he would cry sooo hard and when i left i was pretty stressed wondering how he was doing and after a few times of that i couldnt' handle it anymore and i would call about five minutes after i left and 99 percent of the time he was already playing and having fun. he cried like that from about 9 months untill about 2 years and still does rarely if i leave him with a friend ....He is 3 years old.

    I really found that calling to find that he was already calmed down calmed my nerves pretty good. I always knew because my family had told me before that he was always fine after about five to ten minutes but it just helped to call ........

    I wonder if the daycare would let you do that?

    I am so sorry - I meant the poster with the original dilemma - I was so upset for her - I got the names mixed up with all the quotes and things and I'm so sorry I caused you grief.

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Ooohh OK I am sorry No problem That makes sense
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, checking in:

    Nov 1: 146
    Nov 10: 145.5
    Nov 21: 142.25

    I suddenly dropped 3 pounds yesterday. I thought it was a joke, but it was still gone this afternoon. I don't know why. I'm drinking lots of water. Anyway, I don't have high hopes for achieving the 5lb challenge this month, but I'm gonna try to shave off one more pound. Good luck, everyone.
  • debbiepringle
    debbiepringle Posts: 76 Member
    My weigh in this week is 195.3, a loss of 10.8 lbs since November 1st.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    My weigh in this week is 195.3, a loss of 10.8 lbs since November 1st.

    That is FANTASTIC debbiepringle...whatever you are doing is working so DON"T stop..

    Hope everyone meets their goals for November, but please let us not forget our holiday this month "THANKSGIVING...." Don't stress soooo much on your diet for that day....remember what you are thankful for, family--fun--and this new healthy lifestyle you have made for yourself...overindulging on 1 holiday dinner is not the end of the world...so please remember to think of what you are thankful for--celebrate that and enjoy your family (i wil be without my dad this year :brokenheart: ...that;s why I put his pic for my profile, really miss him)...and after the big feast Friday do a double workout, HA!!!!!!

    Have a great day all...off to the YMCA with my mom (she is a new member now :bigsmile: ) to get in a good workout......:flowerforyou:
  • lisafrancis629
    Hi everyone. Just weighing in.

    Nov 1 - 199.2 SW
    Nov 22 - 194.8 CW

    Had a really good week and got my mo-jo back :happy: So I'm down 4.4 for the month. Going to do my best to get thru this Thanksgiving weekend and still make the 5 lb challenge. I'll have to have my 3 little nieces to keep me busy playing, do crafts, dancing, etc, so I won't have time to be nibbling all weekend.

    Good luck everyone and Happy Thanksiving to those that celebrate it.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I did so great over the weekend until late last night. My boyfriend brought home my fav treat and I just went hog wild! ARG
    But other than that I did really great for the weekend and today is a new day. I didn't weigh today, guilt from the night before, but I am going to try really hard to stay good all week and keep doing what I did this weekend next weekend and I hope to drop a few lbs. I know that I am not going to get to the 5 lb goal this time but I am planning to talk with my sister-in-law about walking a long walk while we wait for the bird to cook. I also read a little tip that dark meat is a no no and the white is so much more less fat, so I will be doing that. As well as filling up on lots of salad and green healthy stuff! I am very happy to have the holidays starting this week, one of my favorite things is seeing family in the happy holiday setting. I am also taking the kids to the new movie "Tangled" on Friday so they will let me hit a few sales. :happy:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Murgy973, welcome! Exercising tips? Hmmm, what kind of exercise are you doing now?

    Alioth, debbiepringle, lisafrancis: Congrats on your losses!! :drinker:

    Tina, you threw me for a loop with that picture of your dad... I thought we had a new male member for a minute! I miss my dad too. Hugs for you! :flowerforyou:

    Jenn, dare I ask what your favorite treat is?? mmm... Great job getting back to business today!

    Happy Thanksgiving this week to my american friends (I'm in Canada - our Thanksgiving came and went in October).

    I'm sticking to my sugar-free / limited carbs diet this week. My planned indulgence this week, however, will be Friday night. We have tickets to a Spirits festival (the kind you drink, not the kind that say 'boo' :laugh: ). Needless to say, I will be indulging in the drinks, and will be eating the fancy hors d'oeuvres. Then back to normal on Saturday.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    dmgaloha- He went to Chilies for dinner (I didn't go, I was being good and eat at home) and they have this chocolate molten cake with caramel and hot fudge inside and ice cream and hot fudge on top. I think it must be around 1000 calories. We shared it but still! I was already over calories by 200 because I had a 110 yogurt and corn on the cob that I didn't plan on but I figured at the least they were healthy. But with the cake I went WAY over. But I had a low calorie breakfast banana :tongue: so I guess I am on track again.