Another stupid relationship post... Need opinions :/



  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I'm not reading the other responses (some you can probably just outright ignore) but here are my thoughts:

    You need to think about if these are things you can live with for the rest of your life. The child one is a biggie. Relationships definitely (unfortunately) end over this. Also, sex is a big one too......can you deal with that for the rest of your life?

    Obviously you love the guy, but yes, there may be some differences you can't overcome. So you might want to think sooner rather than later if you can deal with these issues for the long haul or not.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    If men dumped every women who lied no lone would be in a relationship. If women dumped every man who lied no one would be in a relationship. I can forgive a lie about his age. I can not forgive boring sex.

    that's a very strange thing to say. I've not once lied about my age. But, I definitely agree with you on the boring sex life, especially since he's seemingly not at all interested in learning how to please her.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I agree with pretty much everyone else....time to cut the cord. These are big issues and waiting around to see if he will "change" is wasting time you could be spending with some hot stud that wants to do you everywhere and anywhere WHILE giving you amazing orgasms.

    Don't waste your youth on someone that you aren't happy with. There is nothing worse than staying too long and then regretting it for the rest of your life. Yes, spoken from experience.

    Good luck OP!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    You make him sound too old, boring, and immature for me...and I'm actually in my mid-30s, married, with 2 kids. After 4 years and he hasn't put a ring on it...AND he's in his 40s (meaning he has no reason NOT to get married), he ain't ever gonna put a ring on it.
  • SpicyJ0614
    Thank you everyone for your replies. I just read all of them. I'm going to have to do some serious thinking in the very very near future. After re-reading my own post after reading all of your comments, it's crystal clear to me that I don't want to be in this relationship any longer.

    And to all of the comments about the lackluster sex life, I LOLed at some of your reactions. I don't really know why I never had the same reaction earlier. The last 4 years have not totally been devoid of orgasms (by any means)... just none that directly involved him :drinker: haha.

    I think the hardest part about ending this will be the loss of his friendship, because we do get along so well in that regard. We rarely argue or fight about anything, and coexist totally fine as "roommates" (can't believe I'm using that word since he is supposed to be my boyfriend, but that's how it feels a lot of the time).

    Thank you to all for opening my eyes a little bit more. Now on to the potentially complicated seperation of the things/household... something I've never had to do before. :frown: Where do I even start...

    ETA: His "youthful" traits (never married, no kids, etc.) may be what attracted me to him in the first place when I was 22, in college, with not much thought about the distant future. Now that I'm not 22 anymore, I'm realizing that what I may have wanted then was not what I want for myself now.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    And to all of the comments about the lackluster sex life, I LOLed at some of your reactions. I don't really know why I never had the same reaction earlier. The last 4 years have not totally been devoid of orgasms (by any means)... just none that directly involved him :drinker: haha.

    Once you fix that you'll wonder why you ever waited so long to leave him.
  • SpicyJ0614
    But does he care if you run in the bad section of town at night?

    I was waiting for someone to ask me that lmao. He doesn't care if I run / don't run, period. Right now he's peeved that I wake up early (read: 7am-8am) on weekends to workout because I disrupt his sleeping in. Lol whatever!!! If I knew how to post pictures on this site, I'd post the "whatever, whatever. I do what I want" South Park clip.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    This whole thing sends alarm bells ringing for me.

    The children thing is a deal breaker. If you stay with him when you want children and he doesn't, you will eventually resent him.

    As for the rest of it, he sounds like a very selfish man. Not interested in satisfying you in bed? Doesn't like you going out with your friends? Thought nothing of lying to you to get you into a relationship?

    I would assume the fact that he's 40 and never married with children says a lot about his nature. There are sometimes legitimate reasons, but in this case, it sounds like it's because he's the number 1 person in his life, and always will be.

    At the end of the day though, these are all the opinions of strangers; only you know how you feel. You are still young, you have no commitments with this man other than a few shared bills. It wouldn't be hard to leave - if that's what you wanted to do.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Wow It is definitely time to leave this relationship girl. You have compromised enough and he can't give you what you need and deserve! No orgasms for 4 years? WHATTTTT???? And he doesn't want kids and puts off proposal? You can find something better. FOR SURE! You will be happy when you do . :-)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Eh... That age lying thing, big no no for me.

    Leads to more problems down the road.

    Move on.

    he lied about something as simple as age, he lied about other things

    as far as the sex life goes, hes getting it somewhere else

    the marriage thing he is just stringing you along

    could i perhaps interest you in another 43 year old guy ;)
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    After re-reading my own post after reading all of your comments, it's crystal clear to me that I don't want to be in this relationship any longer.

    So, you're going to be single here soon. How you doin'?
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies. I just read all of them. I'm going to have to do some serious thinking in the very very near future. After re-reading my own post after reading all of your comments, it's crystal clear to me that I don't want to be in this relationship any longer.

    And to all of the comments about the lackluster sex life, I LOLed at some of your reactions. I don't really know why I never had the same reaction earlier. The last 4 years have not totally been devoid of orgasms (by any means)... just none that directly involved him :drinker: haha.

    I think the hardest part about ending this will be the loss of his friendship, because we do get along so well in that regard. We rarely argue or fight about anything, and coexist totally fine as "roommates" (can't believe I'm using that word since he is supposed to be my boyfriend, but that's how it feels a lot of the time).

    Thank you to all for opening my eyes a little bit more. Now on to the potentially complicated seperation of the things/household... something I've never had to do before. :frown: Where do I even start...

    ETA: His "youthful" traits (never married, no kids, etc.) may be what attracted me to him in the first place when I was 22, in college, with not much thought about the distant future. Now that I'm not 22 anymore, I'm realizing that what I may have wanted then was not what I want for myself now.
    Yes but those traits should be age appropriate. Which is why him lying about his age really IS a big deal. A 22 year old guy that wants to get married and have kids immediately worries me as much as a 40 year old guy who doesn't want any of those things but was surely willing to lie to score someone younger
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member


    TL;DR: In a 4 year relationship with a guy 14 yrs. older than me. Sensing that some differences between us aren't going to work forever. Need some help...

    You are only young once.
    Obviously the kids thing is a deal breaker.

    Go out and have fun with your girlfriends and enjoy being single. You'll be a long time married.

    It'll be a bit of a pull having to have The Talk and going through the admin of a break up, but I am sure the relief will also be overwhelming.

    And the place to start is to find somewhere else for you to live.

    Then move there.

    Maybe one of your friends has a spare room?
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi there. You aren't making a very appealing case for the boyfriend! If you had thrown in some positives or some indication that you stick around for any reason other than routine, I would say to work it out. But I think it's pretty clear that you are done with this relationship, so be done with it! Not that I blame you. That lying about age thing would have give me pause immediately. But sounds like you already got to the same conclusion. Best of luck. It might be annoying to separate the stuff but you're still young enough to find someone to spend your life with IF you want to... go... be!!! Get your 20s back.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    Honestly, based on everything you've said, I'd end things if I were you. There's no sense in wasting your time (and his) when you both have different goals. He's 40. He knows what he wants, and does not want. You also know what you want, and don't want. The two of you do not match up in some very important basics about what makes a solid relationship tick, and more importantly, last.

    Obviously it's your decision, but that's my two cents. Best of luck!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member

    I think the hardest part about ending this will be the loss of his friendship, because we do get along so well in that regard. We rarely argue or fight about anything, and coexist totally fine as "roommates" (can't believe I'm using that word since he is supposed to be my boyfriend, but that's how it feels a lot of the time).

    Thank you to all for opening my eyes a little bit more. Now on to the potentially complicated seperation of the things/household... something I've never had to do before. :frown: Where do I even start...

    ETA: His "youthful" traits (never married, no kids, etc.) may be what attracted me to him in the first place when I was 22, in college, with not much thought about the distant future. Now that I'm not 22 anymore, I'm realizing that what I may have wanted then was not what I want for myself now.

    At 22 and dating mode, I think all was relatively fine with this romance. As people should always grow in life, you started to figured out what is important to you and its not consistent to the relationship now. At 30+ when you met, he already figured what he wanted in life, and its okay for him to feel that way.

    The hardest relationships to leave are the ones where there are many positives and are almost "close" to being what you want.

    Would you start a relationship with him now? If not, you have your answer. If it ends up being seperate, find a level headed family member or friend to help you, make a plan with a date, set up a new situation and TAKE ACTION.
  • bloggymomx
    I've been lied to about age, past and much more....I ended it. I have no patience for dating liars nor do I ever condone that.

    Secondly, if you're doubting a lot about your relationship and future, It's probably your brain telling you it's not the right path for you. I'm not telling you what to do, but if I were you I would end it.
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    this is why i want to stay in shape, so i can be 40 and pick up 26 year olds
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    this is why i want to stay in shape, so i can be 40 and pick up 26 year olds

    Nothing wrong with that as long as you can please them in bed...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    this is why i want to stay in shape, so i can be 40 and pick up 26 year olds

    Nothing wrong with that as long as you can please them in bed...

    Yeah, it's pretty important for the 40-year-old to be able to give the 26-year-old an orgasm!
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