Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Leash, how are you feeling today? Better, I hope :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for checking Kelynn... its hard to tell cause I'm really sore from the car accident. Unfortunately I still have a lot of back pain and he said that should go away if it worked but I'm going to give it a few days and then decide what to do from there. Have a great Saturday! I'm going to make some chocolate chip breakfast bars (gluten free) so if they are good I'll give ya the recipe.

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Kelynn~ no worries! :wink: When and if you have time is fine. I'm not too worried about it.

    Leash~ I was so hoping it would be an immediate and magic improvement for you ~ as were you, I am sure! Hopefully another day or two and the worst of the injection site and car accident soreness will be gone so you can tell if there is improvement (((hugs)))

    Erika~ hope you got a nice run in! :smile:

    10 easy miles this morning. We have been so lucky with our long run weather. It has been very nice everytime. Today was absolutely gorgeous. Mid 60s crystal clear blue sky and bright sunshine! Perfect! :bigsmile:
    I just realized we only have 10 runs left before race day! Woohoo!
    I feel ok, sinus headache and a little congestion but I swear running opened up my airways and I felt better then, than I do now.

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hi guys -- quick check in --
    Got in 4 miles last night --
    Today we helped package food at the YMCA food drive -- went shopping for hunting boots -- then played basketball -- went to church -- came home for another 4 miles! What a busy day! Oh -- ate horribly -- but I'm thinking good deeds and lots of exercise should cancel that out -- right????

    Becky -- I'm so excited for you -- great weather -- and you'll be tapering in no time. HArd to believe its almost time!!!

    Leash -- sending you super power vibes!!!

    Enjoy the day!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Oh -- B -- did you get that double digit done???
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    So, I did manage to get my six mile tempo run in yesterday, then I ended up doing seven hours at the office, so the rest of my day was kind of a bust. Had football tickets and completely missed the game. Had to skip lunch, so that helped with the diet!

    Accountability time:
    Weight 168:smile:
    Last week 168.5 (because the ticker rounds down, it didn't move this week:frown:
    The diet part has been pretty good (no swine club days), although some days, like last weekend on the road, you have to make do with the choices you have.
    I have come the realization that losing weight in weeks where you don't get all your runs in is hard. Staying within your calories on a rest day is not easy. Thank God for exercise calories, or I think I would just give up. It has made me realize that the last few months of slacking on the cross training has its price, which is good motivation to get back into it a bit. Several of my running buddies have signed up for Ironman (next summer? fall?) so they are already talking about ramping up their training, so that will give me some 'real-time' peer pressure to get back at it. Of course, the talk is changing the schedule, so track day moves to Monday. :noway: :frown: :ohwell: I have been on a Track Tuesday schedule for so many years, it all of a sudden really does feel like planets are coming out of alignment!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Tom -- you must let your friends know the importance of Track Tuesday. You may be risking your TM -- cause Track Monday -- well that just doesn't cut it!!!

    Got in 9 miles -- 8 miles at tempo! Tough but so glad it's done!!! For me tempo was a little under a 10min pace. I'll take it -- that would give me a 4h20m marathon. Goal is 4h30m.

    Enjoy the day!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey kids. Still alive and mostly kicking...have had some nagging pain since Baltimore that got pretty bad yesterday, so I'll be calling to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm nervous because this is my first "injury" but I'd rather go get it looked at now than keep pushing and make it worse. Do not want. :cry:

    Julie- way to go on that pace!

    Leash- Sorry to hear about your accident, hope that pain and the injection pain get better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Tom- Track Monday just doesn't have the same appeal, but just maybe it will catch on. Good luck!

    Becky- WTG! Glad you've had good weather.

    Everyone else...hi! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Afternoon all. The Philly full is done. 3:53:52. I'm sore, I'm done, I'm thrilled. PR by 20 minutes. Have a great day all.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all- I'm sicker than a dog :embarassed::sick: Can't keep anything down and aside from feeling terrible I hate being sick because I hate laying around in PJs and being lazy all day, although I don't really have a choice today- I have to really pull it together and muster up my energy just to walk to the kitchen to get myself some water :indifferent:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Afternoon all. The Philly full is done. 3:53:52. I'm sore, I'm done, I'm thrilled. PR by 20 minutes. Have a great day all.

    GREAT JOB! :bigsmile: :drinker: You rock, Nitz. Can't wait to hear more about it :smile:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Afternoon all. The Philly full is done. 3:53:52. I'm sore, I'm done, I'm thrilled. PR by 20 minutes. Have a great day all.

    That's awesome...congrats!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Afternoon all. The Philly full is done. 3:53:52. I'm sore, I'm done, I'm thrilled. PR by 20 minutes. Have a great day all.

    Woohoo! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
    That is sooooo awesome Nitz! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I can't wait to hear the breakdown and if you can identify the difference between this one and your others!
    Awesome time! :drinker:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Tom~ what?!?! No more Track Tuesday??? :noway: What ever will we do? :huh: Seriously, I think that' is great that you have a new goal/training plan in mind! Nice job on the weight loss, especially with the travelling! :drinker:

    Julie~ that is an awesome pace!:bigsmile: Way to get out there and get it done! :bigsmile: :drinker: I hope it has been a relaxing weekend for you...or at least a peaceful one! :wink:

    Shuntae~ I'm sorry to hear about your possible injury. :frown: Please keep us posted on your doctor's appointment and the results.

    Kelynn~ take it easy and rest. I hope you feel better soon! You sound perfectly miserable! :frown:

    Today is a rest day for me. This cold is moving fast. Friday~throat, yesterday~head, today~chest....hopefully it's gone tomorrow!
    I got on the scale and I am definitely giving myself a Swine Queen rating with a big fat F for the week. Back up .8 pounds :sad:
    No one to blame but myself. :explode: I'm running out of ideas about how to hit my reset button and get my act together. Thinking about going with protein shakes for 2 meals a day for the week, obviously not Thursday. It would be a calorie cut for me, but not too low. I've got to change something or I'm going to put on all the weight I've lost while I'm tapering and recovering from the race. :mad:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Nitz thats an amazing time!!! Nice job and CONGRATS! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Great "Elf" moment this weekend...

    We are at the mall and Santa is there! My daughter waits in line to see him. When we get to the car she says...
    "Mom, that was the REAL Santa"
    It was? How do you know?
    "I sniffed him"
    You sniffed him????
    "Yes -- and he smelled like candy canes - NOT beef and cheese!!!"

    I almost wrecked the car!!!

    Happy Monday to all!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Julie - That made me laugh out loud! Beef and cheese??? Also, your pace is so fast!

    Nitz - Great stuff! You should be really chuffed.

    Becky - I hope your cold is gone soon. Try not to sweat the weight gain. 0.8 pounds could just be a normal fluctuation. I know we all know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves that it is a downward trend over several weeks, even months that we should be looking for rather than the immediate loss or gain. I'm trying to beat that in to my head at the moment!!

    Kelynn - sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you are feeling much better today. You need to be well for Thanksgiving and your birthday!

    Shuntae - good luck with the docotor. I hope he can help and that you heal quickly.

    Tom - good luck with the schedule change. I'm sure after a little wobble the planets will get used to Mondays rather than Tuesdays!

    Leash - How are you feeling today? Hope the whip lash pain is subsiding and also that the injection is working. Take it easy.

    I did manage to get a short run on on Saturday. The weather was foul. It was cold, but not freezing or anything - but there was this drizzily mist which seemed to penetrate everywhere making it feel a lot chillier than it was. I didn't go as far as I wanted as my knee started to seriously twinge, so I had to end the run early. I think my knees are feeling the change of inserts in my shoes and that perhaps I need to take it a bit easier on the distances whilst they're getting used to them. At least I hope that is all it is. Rest day today (I'm absolutely shattered, so its probably for the best).

    Accountability time - I am definitely SWINE at the moment. The weekend with my friend was great, but I ate so much cake and drank way too much wine. It was ridiculous, but great at the same time. I'm going to have to try and be good as much as I can and try not to slip in the week because my weekends all the way up to Christmas have all sorts of celebrations and get togethers and there is always food and wine!

    I hope you all have good starts to the week.

    Erika x
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Thanks everyone!!! I'm hurting today... and I'm happy about that. Nothing left out there this time...

    I think the main difference between this marathon and the other ones is I didn't have a plan heading into it... I just decided to run. Mile 1 was 9 minute pace exactly... mile 2 was 8:16. Normally I'd start thinking... "need to slow down" or "you can't hold that for the whole thing". Not this time. I just settled into a very comfortable 8:28-8:30 pace and just ran.

    Somewhere around mile 9 or 10 I looked at my watch and started thinking "I might PR today"... The half marathon came and went with a faster time than my last half...

    Miles 14, 15, 16, 17.... still at 8:30 pace... "I might go under 4:00" Where is this coming from? 3 weeks ago I was a complete disaster by this point, now I'm cruising along like it's easy...

    Miles 19 - 21... through my childhood neighborhood... "Hi mom"

    Somewhere around mile 22 I started getting a little tired... looked at the watch... 3:14... "JUST AVERAGE 11 MINUTE PACE"

    Mile 24... 3:32... "I will need a complete breakdown not to finish under 4"

    Mile 25... I ran by a woman talking to a guy about how disappointed she was... I looked at her and said "you're about to finish a marathon... no disappointment in that"

    Finished strong, high fived the mayor of Philadelphia on the finish line... That was cool.

    Where's the next one? :laugh:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I'm hurting today... and I'm happy about that. Nothing left out there this time...

    I think the main difference between this marathon and the other ones is I didn't have a plan heading into it... I just decided to run. Mile 1 was 9 minute pace exactly... mile 2 was 8:16. Normally I'd start thinking... "need to slow down" or "you can't hold that for the whole thing". Not this time. I just settled into a very comfortable 8:28-8:30 pace and just ran.

    Somewhere around mile 9 or 10 I looked at my watch and started thinking "I might PR today"... The half marathon came and went with a faster time than my last half...

    Miles 14, 15, 16, 17.... still at 8:30 pace... "I might go under 4:00" Where is this coming from? 3 weeks ago I was a complete disaster by this point, now I'm cruising along like it's easy...

    Miles 19 - 21... through my childhood neighborhood... "Hi mom"

    Somewhere around mile 22 I started getting a little tired... looked at the watch... 3:14... "JUST AVERAGE 11 MINUTE PACE"

    Mile 24... 3:32... "I will need a complete breakdown not to finish under 4"

    Mile 25... I ran by a woman talking to a guy about how disappointed she was... I looked at her and said "you're about to finish a marathon... no disappointment in that"

    Finished strong, high fived the mayor of Philadelphia on the finish line... That was cool.

    Where's the next one? :laugh:
    I know I already said it, but I'm still impressed. Great run!:drinker:

    Track Monday:noway: :ohwell: did 400, 800 and 1200 m intervals at 7:45-8:00 minute pace. trying to get revved up for work, but feeling kinda tired.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    great job on the PR Nitz!! what a difference a couple weeks makes, huh? i seem to remember someone writing off marathons altogether not long ago :huh: but i went back in the thread and couldn't find it -- i don't know who that guy was. seriously, congrats on an outstanding race.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    unfortunately, my double digit day on Sat was swapped out for an early morning raquetball match. for those of you not familiar with the finer points of this sport, a brief summary -- you and a competitor enter a small box to do battle, outfitted in dorky goggles with a sawed-off tennis wracket tied to your wrist. you run around chasing a bouncy ball that richocets off every wall in the place, swinging wildly at it while only managing to connect about half the time. you leave the box completely drenched in sweat, wondering how it's possible to be so winded from running around in a space about the size of your living room. and then about 3 hours later you're so sore you begin to think you literally may not be able to move again. sounds like fun, right? it was definitely a good workout, and a good calorie burn. but the rest of the day was easily consumed by other activities, and i logged a big fat ZERO in miles. still working on the Saturday strategy...