Xbox or PS4 for 7 year old?

Looking to entertain a 7 year old boy.....

Xbox one - £429 + £40 per game
PS4 - £389 + £40 games
Nintendo 3DS - £159 + £20 games
Local sailing club - £36 per year + £4 boat rental

I'm sure he'll thank me when we're sitting out in the sea in our little 2 man dinghy getting cold and wet.
I can't wait!


  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I think maybe you posted this in the wrong section.... this might be more of a "chit chat fun and games" topic.... I didn't see any inquiry about fitness and exercise at all... :wink:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think maybe you posted this in the wrong section.... this might be more of a "chit chat fun and games" topic.... I didn't see any inquiry about fitness and exercise at all... :wink:

    This...... And ps4 or GTFO
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    Good point, should have been chit chat - can't see how to move it.
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    If this post is about fitness and exercise then choose neither and give him/her something that will spark physical activity. Video games are contributing to childhood obesity.
  • sageryu21
    sageryu21 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sure it doesn't matter if its about fitness or not. Just looking to get some insight from people he has come to trust...maybe. lol. As a gamer, steve2kay, i would say it depends on what kind of games he likes. Both are great systems with their quirks but it comes down to games and how much you want to spend. I'm going for a PS4 but I'm holding off until more games come out for it, which wont be until about springtime. also want all the bugs worked out too.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Boat, obviously.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Noooooo! Don't let him into games! They are Soooooo evil! They are totally the gateway drug to delinquency and a wasted life !!!

    How do you know the kid hasn't earned it already?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If this post is about fitness and exercise then choose neither and give him/her something that will spark physical activity. Video games are contributing to childhood obesity.

    By this logic reading books world also contribute to childhood delinquency. Should he avoid teaching the boy to read?
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Nintendo WiiU, cheaper and more age appropriate games. They also encourage activity (Wii Sports, Fit etc) and all the family can get involved.

    Happy choosing, Alan (Avid gamer and owner of several consoles)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Noooooo! Don't let him into games! They are Soooooo evil! They are totally the gateway drug to delinquency and a wasted life !!!

    How do you know the kid hasn't earned it already?

    Exactly. My 31 year old husband is a gamer and we have 5 different systems in our house. Gosh, it's awful - he holds a full time job (and is pretty successful at it), coaches high school sports, is a great dad and husband, does at least 50% of the housework, spends time with friends and family, and even plays with the dogs every day. Gaming has just ruined his life, I tell ya. It's a total nightmare.
  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    lol the kid is 7. Now he can learn to balance gaming with normal life so he doesn't get sucked into it. Parents have a big role in this.

    Nintendo has to most kid friendly games I think. Though I would personally go with a PS4. Just keep him of the online interactions as this can be quite graphic...
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    How about neither? A 7 year old will likely be just as happy with a Wii, and the games tend to be more age appropriate. Xbox and PS4 both have great games, but most of their games are geared towards an older audience.

    The Wii is cheaper, he'll have more options of age-appropriate games, and many of the games have multiplayer so you or his friend can play with him too. Get him an XBox or PS4 when he's older (and the price will drop on those too by then!)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    So many haters on gaming. As long as the child knows that his schooling, eating well and getting outside to play/exercise should be his main priority there isn't an issue on having some gaming entertainment. I have an Xbox 360, Wii U and 3DS and I'd only say for variety why not start him off with a Xbox 360? It's cheaper and there is plenty of games for it.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Looks like the fun police are in town!

    FYI, my father introduced us to gaming from around the same age (on an Amstrad CPC464). My homework was done, I was in bed on time and I passed all my exams at school. I think that all comes under the topic 'general parenting' ;-)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    He's 7.. What great decisions and grades could he have done to earn $500 toy?

    Show me 1 article that states, my child failed school because he/she spent too much time with a book.

    I will show you a whole community, that when a child watches too much TV, plays too much video games, etc. .grades drop.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Neither, for the same price you could get him a basketball hoop in the front yard. I have an Xbox, but I'm an adult, my kids don't use it, and for that matter, neither do I. I wouldn't get a kid a game console of any kind after spending some time with family over Christmas, my nephew is completely addicted, what a waste. There's a 19 year old across the street from me right now who literally spends more than half the day on those things, never had a girlfriend, not very athletic, never had a real job, sounds like a great way to have a 7 year old spend their time. Just this fathers opinion. My dad never bought me the latest game console, at the time I was really upset, now, I thank him for that.

  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    My sons play the Xbox 360. They are a variety of games, some educational, some fitness related, some junk. As to the earlier response, all three of my boys (the youngest being 8) are straight A students, Boy/Cub Scouts, and athletes, not delinquents.

    As long as their game play is monitored and kept within reasonable limits, it's not a bad thing.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Looks like the fun police are in town!

    FYI, my father introduced us to gaming from around the same age (on an Amstrad CPC464). My homework was done, I was in bed on time and I passed all my exams at school. I think that all comes under the topic 'general parenting' ;-)

  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    A coloring book and a Crayola box of 64 colors.

    If you really want to get them something electronic, consider getting a Leap Pad Explorer.