hello anyone here need to lose a serious amount of weight?



  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. I started 4 weeks ago at 291lbs. I am down 15 lbs so far. I have about 130 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • I just got back on here today and I have about 63lbs to lose to get to me goal of 200. I need all the help I can get so feel free to add me!!!
  • Hello, I am Sarah. Feel free to add me. I started my journey in March 2013 at a whopping 367 pounds. I am now 308......So close to getting under 200 but since I want to be at 175, I still have over a hundred pounds to go. I could use all the friends and support I can get. Just now starting to get active on MFP and hope to remain that way daily for the rest of my journey. :):wink:
  • shelzwillis
    shelzwillis Posts: 12 Member
    I have a serious amount of weight to lose as well. I am 5'3 and a half... I have got to lose at least 50 lbs. I know I must take baby steps and one of my worst habits is I like to drink! Then of course after my husband and I drink he wants to eat, and I am talking like Waffle house..........BAD BAD BAD. After I have been drinking, I am up for it too. He is a bad influence although he also wants me to get back into my size 8 jeans.......
  • My name is Sarah, I also started did well and abandoned for approx. 6 months, had too many things going on and got out of my habits. I am back to make a change as well, I have found that once habits are created they really aren't that hard to stick to, the hard part is forming them.

    I have gone back to the gym, today will be my fourth day this week =). My goal is to lose 60 lbs, which I am trying to do before I get re-married at the end of September. I have faith that I can and will do it. I am going to Jamaica for my honeymoon and I will not go feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. So I suppose I have given myself an ultimatum in a sense. My fiancé is losing weight with me, which I thinks help tremendously when you have someone who is forming the same habits as yourself.

    I also gave up soda around the same time I fell off the wagon, I LOVE diet coke and I haven't had a drop in almost 6 months. I really think this has helped both when I wasn't dieting and now that I'm back.

    I read that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water everyday. That is supposed to make you obber healthy and help your weight loss, so something to think about =). Starting today I am going to try and drink 1 gallon of water per day, (more then half my weight but it makes it easier to keep track of).

    Good Luck, and I would love to have you as a friend if you would like to add me!
  • dzjellybeans
    dzjellybeans Posts: 10 Member
    I started this journey at 344 pounds on January 1st. I have tried every diet you can think of and would have a little success but have always gained it all back and then some. This time I am being active. Exercising and eating smaller portions. I did give up Coke. I did drink at least a bottle a day. So far and I down to 325. 19 pounds in the first month is motivation enough for me to keep on trucking. Hopefully soon I will kiss those 300's bye bye!

    Feel free to add me. I could the encouragement and support.

  • I'm new herem, never dieted/tried to loose weight before. My goal is to shed 51lbs from 226lbs. I'm starting out really hopeful I can do this. So far i am down 6lbs (water weight, I'm sure).
  • Rankinlm
    Rankinlm Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm with you I have a total of 110 to lose starting at 271 and I'm down 20 so far!! It's been about a month for me! I'm always looking to find great motivating friends so anyone feel free to add me :)
  • JesChernosky
    JesChernosky Posts: 37 Member
    I need to go down about 60 to be where I was when I got married 8 years ago. I'd actually like to be down 80, though.
  • Hi, I am new to this site. I decided when my grand daughter was born that I needed to do something. I had not weighed myself in more then a year since my husband had gotten a scale that he could track on his ipod and I did not want my weight going into his hands!! After watching my food intake and starting to exercise for about 3 weeks I could tell my work pants were no longer tight and I quit washing the one or two pairs that were cut bigger so I could wear them again. Well, long story short I decided it was time to actually step on the scale to see what my weight was or I had no way to track my progress. I weighed in at 236, so who knows what I actually was up to...anyway my grand daughter was born March 3, 2013 and today I weigh in at 165... I have to say that it is all hard work and a lot of watching Dr. Oz. I try everything I read in the magazines or on T.V. I jokingly tell people when they ask me what works that I am doing so many different things I am not sure, but it is coming off so I am keeping up all the things I am doing...drinking green tea, no soda! Only 2 cups of coffee a day so I don't raise my insulin level and eating lots of nuts and greek yogurt....I swear my refrigerator is packed with fruits and veggies and of course chia seeds. I am not very computer literate and need to figure out how to actually upload my picture to this site. Good luck to everyone, I hope we can all reach our goals this year!
  • Same here. I really need to get serious!

    CW: 281
    Short-term GW : 200

    I am looks like I may try counting calories and excercise.

    Good Luck!
  • HI! We can encourage each other. I started on January 1st and have lost about 22 pounds so far:) Keep up the great work!

    PS...I started at 278 and want to get down to about 165. It seems so overwhelming, but one day and pound at a time!

    What are you doing? I'd love to get some results like yourself.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I started at 289. I am down to 269! Add me!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I had 109 to lose. I have 92 left to lose.
  • Mrsjebus10
    Mrsjebus10 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Logan. I'm 5'3" so I'm on the shorter side. My highest recorded weight was 240 and that was maybe 5 or 6 years ago. My husband and I started the weight-loss journey together and we both lost about 60lbs before our wedding in 2010. That year was a busy year for us, we had a lot of trips, lots of weddings, so we ate lots of food and didn't really maintain our weight loss, (code for gained some back). Then I got pregnant and only gained 20lbs, but our daughter was born 12 weeks pre-mature so while she was in the hospital, we ate out a lot because of the convenience. My husband also broke his foot two years ago which pretty much put a stop to his workouts and it's taken that long for him to have surgery and let it heal.

    We're finally back on track. I got a Fitbit and I'm tracking my food again with MFP. When I logged back in at the beginning of the year I was 205. Now I'm 190. I want to work my way down to 160, then eventually 140 (at that point would mean a 100lb weight loss for me) and maybe even lose more than that if possible. I try to work out at least every other day and when the weather gets nice again, I'm going to start running again.

    All the best to everyone in the group with your weight loss journeys! Fell free to add me and we can motivate each other :)
  • cpilling70
    cpilling70 Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking at 100lbs needed to lose but the most daunting thing is getting back into exercise. When I was young I was pretty athletic. Now I can't do a sit up and get winded walking to my car. I just need to get on the tred mill and start walking! I plan to go to the gym today even though it's about 20 below:)
  • Hi

    Yes I've alot to lose also, and it was my wedding pictures in 2012 that spurred me on I joined Slimming World and lost 1st 7lbs but found I couldnt get any further I took a break and started back again in SW and same old thing so then I found this and I think its brilliant I've just joined and I hope this can be the success for me.
    I was 6 stone overweight getting married and I hate my pictures I felt like a bit fat lump on honeymoon although my husband is very supportive but I really just want to shift it once and for all.
    My mini goal for May is to lose 1st 13lbs and then to lose 1 more stone for Sept and I will go from there :happy:
  • natalie_journey
    natalie_journey Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weight 218 and have about 80 pounds to go! I few months ago i was about 250 and I'm on a mission to lose this weight! You can go ahead and add me, I need some motivation myself, I'm kinda new on here even though i signed up a couple years ago, but recently started using it. :)
  • Wow. I'm looking at everyone's 200 numbers and saying "Man, I wish!" I'm getting there though.

    I'm Jewell. 23-years-old.

    I have a whopping 339 staring back at me on the scale.

    I've been struggling with my weight my whole life.

    I wanted to reach my goal weight before I was married. That was 7 months ago.

    I'm down 4 pounds since I put on my Fitbit, bought my Aria, and started using MFP on a day-to-day basis though.

    I'm looking for some supportive people to get me down at least half of what the scale reads now.

    Hi Jewell!
    I want to encourage you to keep going! Don't give up.
    You are me, 20 years ago. You want to lose the weight while you can, not 20 years later. I crossed the 300 mark about 10 years ago, and it is costing me my health, which is why I'm on here today.
    I was close to 370 at one point and now that I'm actually serious about this (I've gone up & down over the years), I'm 320 lbs.
    But you need to keep going. If you don't, you'll be in my shoes: Arthritis taking over my body making moving extremely difficult. I still get around perfectly, but everything is a world of pain.
    I've chosen to forgo medication because it interferes with working out and trying to get healthy. So DON'T GIVE UP! You're young, beautiful and on a road to not wasting the next twenty years. You can do this! If I can lose 50 pounds at over 40, you can lose what you need to as a young lady.
    Kudos to you!
  • Hey all -- I'm new here as well, though not new to losing/gaining/yoyo/stupid choices!

    I'm 41 and currently 320 lbs. I'm 5'10. I've been far heavier, but also far lighter over the years. I finally decided I was sick of living in pain, as I have arthritis, mostly caused by being overweight for so long. It's creeping in to my spine and I decided that I don't want to be one of those people who are 60 and in a nursing home because they can't take care of themselves.
    My mom is 72, doesn't need a single bit of medication, and going strong. She takes good care of herself. My father, on the other hand, is 75 and acts like he's 105 because he's never been active and has never taken care of himself. I don't want to be like him, complaining and in pain all the time.

    Life is about choices, and this is mine: Time to stop complaining and whining and being selfish and instead CHOOSE life. Being this overweight is slow suicide, don't you think?
    I wouldn't take a gun or a blade and kill myself, why would I allow weight to be my killer?

    Enough is enough.