100 days Challenge!! who is with me??



  • I'm in, I'm gonna keep it realistic for me and shoot for 10 pounds :)
  • Count me in, too! Please let me know what I have to do. Tomorrow will be my Day 1...
  • Shahelene
    Shahelene Posts: 133 Member
    I'm so down ...count me in
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member

    i ahve put down this sheet for you all to get started with the challenge.... here is the link to the spreadsheet :)


    so for now please fill this up and later i will copy these stats into a computed spreadsheet which will record our progress....

    I Hope i have sent to invite to all.... who are left i will send in couple of hours....have to get going for work now... :);)

    but please weigh In today.... as Here we start with our Day 1.... :):)
  • Count me in. It could be just the motivation that keeps me going! Thanks
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    Guys there Were some setting issues...

    Please try Logging in your weight Now

  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in for losing 33 lbs too!!!
  • Im in. I need this motivation. Im new here and want to feel better by the summer. I want to do the 30lbs.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm in. I'm going to aim for my goal weight of 65kg/143.3 pounds by then. I have around 15.6 pounds to lose. :)
  • I'm in! I'd better be realistic, tho...20 pounds??
    What type of dieting are folks doing?
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Guys there Were some setting issues...

    Please try Logging in your weight Now


    Can I do it on Saturday (tomorrow for me) since that is my weigh in day? Just before I make it official of joining do we have to log in every week or can we log in every two weeks to a month because I'm aiming to weigh myself once a month.
  • i am in too !!! first time i have ever joined this and i love it so far !! cant wait to see where we all go
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    I'm in as well...25 pounds
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    So Guys here is the Game Plan

    STEP 1 : Go, weigh Yourself Today!!
    STEP 2 : Record Your weight in the spreadsheet
    Below is the Link
    To set it up:

    1 - Enter your name of the first available row
    2 - Enter your starting weight in the column labeled SW
    3 - Enter your goal weight in the column labeled GW

    STEP 3: We will record our weight weekly once… so next weigh IN should be on Feb 7 th.

    PS : I have sent YOu the group invites to all of you ... If anyone missed please send me a message....
    Lets help each other in achieving our dream weight and body......

    In case you guys are facing any issue with the spreadsheet please let me know... Happy To help.
  • LynndaMaree
    LynndaMaree Posts: 88 Member
    Hello, please, please, please count me in. I'm ready. Thank you.
  • trulytanisha
    trulytanisha Posts: 3 Member
    Sweet!!! This is going to be excellent!!! I'm already signed up on the sheet and everything!! :D
  • dsaintphard
    dsaintphard Posts: 8 Member
    count me in as well.... let me know what are the steps that i need to take to be apart of the challenge. i tried reading on the previous post but its was too much lmao
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    Hello, please, please, please count me in. I'm ready. Thank you.


    Sent You the invite. Please accept.

    All the Best On your First Day. :)
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    count me in as well.... let me know what are the steps that i need to take to be apart of the challenge. i tried reading on the previous post but its was too much lmao

    Hi there,

    I have sent you an Invite.

    link to the spreadsheet


    Just put In your weight to get started :)
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    im in ! but im new to the site, i have no idea how to work it yet or what dieats to try so help please !

    Hi there,

    its actually Pretty simple..... just follow Your GuT ....All You need is to find the exercise which suits you....and eat right....

    and by eating right there is no specific diet or you need not starve yourself.... Just eat until you are full...... in your stomach and not your in your mind.... follow your body signals... your Gut is your best friend....

    Eat nutritious and high fibre food....

    Leave behind the processed food.

    say hello to a healthy start.....

    just go Day by Day...Every Day :):)

    All the bEst