Doctor Who Fans Unite!!!



  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Tenth Doctor for me but my hubby is a fan of pretty much all of them! I should post a pic of his birthday cake I had made for him a couple years back...I'm pretty sure a few of you might just be in love with a cake!
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Gotta say I really like this guy, he's not getting the love he deserves tumblr_mr0juiL27a1sqtfido5_250.gif

    Or this one
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Tenth Doctor for me but my hubby is a fan of pretty much all of them! I should post a pic of his birthday cake I had made for him a couple years back...I'm pretty sure a few of you might just be in love with a cake!

    Yes! Do it!!!
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Gotta say I really like this guy, he's not getting the love he deserves tumblr_mr0juiL27a1sqtfido5_250.gif

    Or this one

    What are you talking about?!? I know way more Matt Smith fans than David Tennant fans!!! You know how many times I've heard "bowties/fezzes are cool" uttered??? And Eccleston...after David Tennant he's my next favorite...I wish he wasn't so against participating in the Doctor Who specials. How awesome would it have been to see him in the 50th anniversary special? Even though I KNEW he wasn't going to be in it, there was some little part of me that still hoped someone had roped him into it
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    10 was/is probably my favorite but 11 is REALLY close. After Tennant was gone I thought I would start to hate the show but Smith had me right back into it within a couple episodes. That was pretty tough act to follow.

    FYI I would have her babies.
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    9, 10 & 11 are my fave but I enjoy all the doctors and I got my kids hooked on who too!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I first watched Dr Who from behind the sofa when I was a little kid, back in the early 80s. :drinker:

    Which Doctor? There were quite a few in the 80's. Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy? :smile: You still watch it?

    I can't remember, I was too young to remember the name of the actors.... my favourite one from when I was a kid was Sylvester McCoy, but I watched it with at least one or two doctors before him (can't remember exactly), I probably saw it with all those listed above if they were the 80s ones, just was too young to pay attention to who the actors were when I was little

    I've seen a few of the more recent ones although not since i've been living in the Gulf because it's not on the TV here :sad: but I'd love to catch up sometime
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    10 was/is probably my favorite but 11 is REALLY close. After Tennant was gone I thought I would start to hate the show but Smith had me right back into it within a couple episodes. That was pretty tough act to follow.

    FYI I would have her babies.

    OMG YES!!! I would have her babies if I could!!! :happy:
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    Definitely David Tennant. They've all done a good job but it was totally believable the way that Rose fell in love with him. And I was so happy with how they resolved that - by giving her his "clone". I'd love to know what happened since then, but it wasn't touched on when she came back because she wasn't really that character (in her most recent reappearance).
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Definitely David Tennant. They've all done a good job but it was totally believable the way that Rose fell in love with him. And I was so happy with how they resolved that - by giving her his "clone". I'd love to know what happened since then, but it wasn't touched on when she came back because she wasn't really that character (in her most recent reappearance).

    I know! When I heard Billie Piper was going to be in the special I was sooo excited, but she wasn't really Rose. It was such a let down :frown: I hate to admit it but I still cry when I see that episode where the real Doctor leaves her with his's just not quite the same...
  • ClassicGirl79
    ClassicGirl79 Posts: 17 Member
    My husband got Seven to help him propose to me! He's our Doctor - the one we both fell for when we were kids on opposite sides of the country watching obscure British sci-fi and being generally geeky :-)

    25-ish years later, this:


    His handwriting's tough - it reads as follows:

    Lisa -
    There was Wagner's ring!
    There was the TARDIS phone ring!
    But the best ring of all is inside the box!!

    Sylvester McCoy

    So that's on our living room wall now. :happy:
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    My husband got Seven to help him propose to me! He's our Doctor - the one we both fell for when we were kids on opposite sides of the country watching obscure British sci-fi and being generally geeky :-)

    25-ish years later, this:


    His handwriting's tough - it reads as follows:

    Lisa -
    There was Wagner's ring!
    There was the TARDIS phone ring!
    But the best ring of all is inside the box!!

    Sylvester McCoy

    So that's on our living room wall now. :happy:

    OH NO!!! I can't see the pic!!! But still, that is SOOOO cool!!!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    My husband got Seven to help him propose to me! He's our Doctor - the one we both fell for when we were kids on opposite sides of the country watching obscure British sci-fi and being generally geeky :-)

    25-ish years later, this:


    His handwriting's tough - it reads as follows:

    Lisa -
    There was Wagner's ring!
    There was the TARDIS phone ring!
    But the best ring of all is inside the box!!

    Sylvester McCoy

    So that's on our living room wall now. :happy:
  • ClassicGirl79
    ClassicGirl79 Posts: 17 Member
    Fixed - silly code!

    Thanks! :smile:
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    My husband got Seven to help him propose to me! He's our Doctor - the one we both fell for when we were kids on opposite sides of the country watching obscure British sci-fi and being generally geeky :-)

    25-ish years later, this:


    His handwriting's tough - it reads as follows:

    Lisa -
    There was Wagner's ring!
    There was the TARDIS phone ring!
    But the best ring of all is inside the box!!

    Sylvester McCoy

    So that's on our living room wall now. :happy:

    So lucky!!!
  • julianamercedes
    julianamercedes Posts: 3 Member
    *Clicks on post from macbook with tardis decal in tardis shirt sitting on tardis blanket with tardis mug next to her in tardis blue room with dalek and tardis figurines and tardis decal on mirror* cough cough... i do not have a problem nope
  • julianamercedes
    julianamercedes Posts: 3 Member
    My boyfriend made me a TARDIS birthday card and on the envelope he wrote "come along Pon- uh, Luteraan!" It's framed on my desk. I introduced him to 11 so i guess that's our doctor, though i've been watching since 9!
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    My family cosplayed as Capt. Jack Harkness, the 11th Doctor, and Amy Pond and traveled to London to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration. True story.
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    *Clicks on post from macbook with tardis decal in tardis shirt sitting on tardis blanket with tardis mug next to her in tardis blue room with dalek and tardis figurines and tardis decal on mirror* cough cough... i do not have a problem nope
    My boyfriend made me a TARDIS birthday card and on the envelope he wrote "come along Pon- uh, Luteraan!" It's framed on my desk. I introduced him to 11 so i guess that's our doctor, though i've been watching since 9!

    Nice...My ring tone is the theme music from the show and notification ring is David Tennant saying "bingle bongle, dingle dangle lickety do, lickety da, ping pong, lippy tappy too ta." I have a spinning Tardis keychain, Tardis USB hub, Tardis cookie jar, Sonic screwdriver that doubles as a pen, another sonic screwdriver that doubles as a remote control and this little number that my husband bought me for Christmas:

  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    My family cosplayed as Capt. Jack Harkness, the 11th Doctor, and Amy Pond and traveled to London to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration. True story.

    You got pictures???
    Captain Jack Harkness...there's someone else who's sexy as hell :wink: I know I posted it earlier but I'm gonna again (just in case you didn't see it at the beginning of the thread lol): Here's me cosplaying as the 10th Doctor for the 50th anniversary celebration
