Goodbye Coffee Creamer



  • oTraceyMichelleo
    I use Splenda and H&H...but I add a tsp of pure vanilla extract (12 cal) to the whole pint of H&H so it's already flavored. This is only my 3rd week, and I haven't weighed yet (batteries in my sale have been dead for years...LOL!) so I don't know what my progress is number-wise, but I've been on minimal grains (except my morning oatmeal) and I've lost a lot off puff and have a lot of energy I know my coffee creamer is not keeping me down! Ha! I go a little over my allotted calories each day, but I don't log any activity...I will progress, not obsess!!!!
  • ajdryna
    ajdryna Posts: 5 Member
    You are a wonderful, wonderful person. I cannot imagine giving up my coffee and I have to have cream and sugar in it. I love Splenda so that isn't a problem but the creamer is. I have searched for creamer and the lowest calorie creamer I have found was still 40 calories and when you try for low carb as well - forget about it. I just ordered Da Vinci French Vanilla and if it does what I need it to do, even if I have to splash a thimble of skim milk to make it white for a visual sensory effect it will make all the difference in the world. Thank you!!!
  • shygirlnot4u
    shygirlnot4u Posts: 26 Member
    I personally stopped drinking coffee completely... I started drinking a tea called: sun valley premium sister's tea instead and I love it! not only has it helped me restart my weight lost journey again. I do add a little bit sugar to it and I don't miss coffee.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't know what type of creamer you are using but I haven't found them to have that many calories..? About 35 per tablespoon. I know I love coffee creamer so I couldn't give it up, now I just put 2 tablespoons in my coffee

    That's exactly what I do. Two tablespoons is pretty satisfactory for me. I am trying to switch to Natural Bliss though so that I'm putting at least less unnatural things in my body!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I've been drinking coffee for so long I think it must have been in my bottle as a baby! Lol Seriously though, I've done black with sugar, black with nothing, with milk & sugar and now i just use a bit of milk. I use 2% milk so that isn't too bad. If I had to I'd cut calories somewhere else before I gave up my coffee. I do have the vanilla flavored almond/coconut milk (45 calories) that I use for my protein shakes - maybe I'll try that in my next cup. I also have the chocolate one too. For that matter I have vanilla protein powder - I wonder how it would taste? My biggest issue right now is falling way short on my protein
  • tracy2331
    Options I use heavy cream. It's the equivalent of breakfast and 2 snacks calorie-wise, and that's just fine by me. Don't want no lousy soy milk, almond milk, any of that uber-processed ridiculously unnatural JUNK. My commitment is to REAL FOOD. Things that grow, run, and bloom. I have one vice, and that's my coffee cream, and if in order to have it I have to sacrifice later on with a few extra crunches or a few less chunks of turkey, so be it!!!!:drinker:
  • Greytfish
    Lose the creamer. Keep the coffee.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I'm not safe to be around other humans without my coffee and and my full-fat, flavored creamer. I just make it fit into my daily calorie goal.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    When I first started losing weight I went bat **** crazy and cut out all kinds of stuff including sugar and half&half in my coffee. I soon realized that it just didnt work for me. Coffee tasted like crap, I refuse to drink crap. I realized after a time that if I really wanted to be successful, I need to have the things that i love in moderation. I fit my coffee into my daily goals of calories/macros, if I can I will have extra coffee, when I don't have the calories, I don't have extra. I would much rather have one really good cup of coffee than three cups of crap.
  • Greytfish
    Oh, and get better coffee. Seriously.

    If you need to add creamer to drink it either your coffee is garbage or your palate is impaired.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Why not give up the creamer and keep the coffee!? Coffee has a lot of health benefits.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh, and get better coffee. Seriously.

    If you need to add creamer to drink it either your coffee is garbage or your palate is impaired.

    This! I buy coffee that was roasted within the week. I buy it whole bean and only as much as I'll use in a week's time. I grind the amount I need right before brewing. Also, I brew with boiling water and a Clever Dripper. It makes one *perfect* cup of coffee at a time. It's spoiled me for almost every other method of coffee brewing (though... I do love a French press or a Chemex).

    Oh... and for the record, I still use half & half in my coffee. I like black coffee, I just like it even better with cream. And, I find it pretty easy to fit it into my TDEE/macros. :smile:
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    Try green tea! It's comes in flavors, has caffeine, and better for you~
  • jacklo
    jacklo Posts: 17
    It would be nice to cut out all caffeine in theory, but since I'm in fat burning mode, operating at a caloric deficit, and now intermittent fasting, there is no way I could give up my coffee, as in addition to being a thermogenic, it's also great for suppressing my appetite during fasting hours.

    To give it some flavor, I use liquid Stevia flavored in either Hazlenut or Vanilla. It comes in a dropper bottle and can be found at most health food stores.

    As far as a creamer is concerned, for me personally, I'm more worried about sugar than I am about fats, and so cream is not an issue. Calories are calories, however, and so portion control is key. Good luck.
  • MLR930
    MLR930 Posts: 95 Member
    I use the fat free powdered kind, I don't like my coffee dark soI use 3 teaspoons and it' sonly 30 calories. I realized I was doing the same as you and had to stop. You could also get the Coffee Mate individual little cups of coffee creamer those are also 10 calories each.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Yep, I found this out the hard way, too. Was shocked at the calories and I went over my sugar allowance with my coffee. Switched to sugar free italian cream and love it.
  • Bellusion
    Any diet that made me give up coffee would never last!!!
  • laceylain
    Try green tea instead! I was a habitual coffee drinker, but with all the sugar and cream, it was only slowing me down. Now I drink up to three cups of Tazo green tea a day, and I swear by it! It gives me great, healthy energy, and it curbs my appetite tremendously. Plus it has a ton of other health benefits!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My husband and I don't use creamer, but put 1% or 2% milk in our coffee. However, those still have calories, sugar, not the perfect solution. For me it works because I only drink 1 or at most 2 cups of coffee per day.

    I always think I'll go to black coffee but I just don't see that happening. I have weaned myself down from a decent pour of milk in the coffee to roughly 1-2 TBSP. And just one packet of sweetener.

    I probably will never give up coffee completely. TMI but it helps me stay regular haha. Anyway, later in the day when my coworkers are still having coffee I do switch to tea as others have mentioned. Earl Grey, Tazo decaf chai, and Lemon Lift are a few of my favorites. I think that would be great for someone who drinks coffee to warm up and take a moment out of a busy day. Different "benefits" from coffee but still a great break from just drinking water.
  • Appalachiacola
    I drank two cups of coffee prior to a meeting I had this week. Coffee with creamer. Right before the meeting I realized I was jittery, amped up, but not in a good way. I drank a couple of glasses of water and decided then that one cup of coffee a day with or without the creamer was really all I need. Getting healthy for me means losing weight, sure, but it also means listening to my body.