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  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Happy February everyone! Page 3 already!

    It's very wet and windy here - walking the dogs - their ears were flying behind them and we were just walking, battling against the wind! We only stayed out 20 mins instead of the usual hour + !! It was definitely enough!

    I've had an interesting week - it started on Monday with the funeral of a friend who died suddenly earlier in the month - standing room only in the church, What a beautifully moving celebration of her life.

    Then on Tuesday I went with others from my dog training centre to the TV studios in Manchester when our friend was taking part in a TV programme with her dog! It was fascinating to see a TV programme being made! A long tiring day but an experience that I won't forget in a hurry!

    Also, at work the review of support staff hours has meant that I will be losing hours in the next academic year. The information came out this week. Having thought about it I am actually looking forward to being able to have more 'me' time and still keep a job I love doing! I will be able to take the dogs out in the afternoon instead of at night!'

    I had a lazy morning curled up with a book! With the wind howling round the bay window, it seemed the best thing to do - and it was such a good story - I didn't guess the end right up until the last paragraph!

    Let's hope that by the end of the month the weather is kinder to us all wherever we are in the world!

    Rejoicing with those of you with good news and prayers for those of you who need them. I do love reading your posts! Keep drinking water, eating well and moving more and we'll all have a fabulous February!

    MA in UK
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    February 1st and already 3 pages in the making! oh my goodness! I popped over to share my goals so I haven't done much catching up yet but I will. Time is limited for now so forgive me please.

    Tina, that planking was too funny! I would be the one in the bottom photo for sure!

    Jane, I am planning to be in Denver on Tuesday the 18th and leaving on Wednesday the 26th. Much of how much I get around while in Denver will depend on DH's cooperation as we will be driving SD's car. But a meetup would be great if doable.

    FEBRUARY GOALS: 1) 50 minutes of activity/exercise 4 days a week 2) no eating after 7 pm 3) fast 1 day a week (will drink water)

    I did get in my 50 minutes of activity/exercise for the day - I had my sweet grandson early this morning and he is like wrestling with 22 lbs of joy :bigsmile: Everyday Health has a calories calculator for playing with a child or pet :laugh:

    Oh, if you haven't seen the MetLife Peanuts video for Super Bowl Sunday here's the YouTube link: it's awesome!


    Did you know that Ground Hog day and Super Bowl fall on the same day for the first time? Maybe he can tell us who will win the Super Bowl.

    Plano, Teral :flowerforyou:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Laurel, I just caught that you lost 12 pounds in January; that is wonderful and so is ONEDERLAND!!! It had been alluding me for several years and I finally saw it again. :bigsmile: Keep up the good work.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce and Sylvia: I double-checked. My baking soda has sodium but not aluminum. My baking powder has sodium aluminum bicarbonate. Sorry for the mix up.:ohwell: If you have aluminum free baking powder, I need to find out what brand you’re using.:flowerforyou:

    LinC: Right now it needs to be all about you. No apologies should be needed here or elsewhere. Log your calories, log your steps, and look at the future with hope.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Karen from NY and Marise: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    LaurelFisher: Dogs make excellent walking buddies. Congratulations on your success. Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I am so happy that Linda’s memorial service left you feeling more at peace and that she had many friends there.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It sounds as though Bernie the cat is a massage therapist. I had a cat who was a medical practitioner. She gave great massages and also served as a feline heating pad when I had cramps during my TOM. :bigsmile: We like cooking whole chickens, too. We usually bake them in the oven, but occasionally boil them.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Glad to hear your brother is getting off to a good start. You are so good at supporting people who need it. I’m proud to know you.:flowerforyou:

    Texasgal: Welcome to onederland!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I am home after an association meeting where I finished my term as secretary. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I declined to run again and have already turned my things over to the person who is taking over my position. I am so relieved. I’ve done this for years and it is good to be “retired.”:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    holy cow, page 3 already....

    Weigh in this morning...lost 2 lbs. check it out ... 81 lbs lost woooooohoooooo :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Welcome to the new women.

    Pat - yay welcome back, it's so good to hear from you.

    I hope to catch up with all the posts tomorrow.

    :heart: Sandy from snowy ON
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Barbie, one of my resolutions has been to acquire a taste for yogurt; the other day I finally finished the cup of yogurt for the first time. Next shopping I will buy one more and hope to finish it too. All the best with your yoga venture.

    Thanks Katla; having not been there in about 7 years I am working hard to keep it going. :happy:

    Off to watch When Calls the Heart! a great start to February.

    Plano, Teral
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    yannijanni, I hate it that I put someone in tears:laugh: I love thinking about my childhood. I feel very fortunate that I had such a loving supportive family, then and now. Not everyone has that.

    I usually don't do this but here goes. We are planning on going to the Myrtle Beach area for summer vacation with the family. We have found that renting a house is the best way to do it. We have never done the condo thing but might be willing to try it. Because we were wanting June because it is a little cooler and would be better with my MS the prices are pretty high. So my daughter who helps me so much with travel arrangements suggested I ask my different forum buddies that I have come to trust if they might have a summer home that they rent out. The reason I would rather have a house than a condo is that with a condo you have neighbors, you can't be spontaneous in going to the beach. It has to be more planned, get everything together, get on an elevator with a wet body with who knows who. But maybe I would enjoy it.

    My daughter wants to come over and watch the Super Bowl tomorrow night, plan a dinner to have and everything. So I may be going over calories tomorrow, not sure. Will have to make sure that I get my all exercise in before the game since my bike is upstairs and our big screen is in the family room downstairs, Charlie's man cave! :laugh: We really don't like football but if she wants to do it and offered it then we will.

    Some one asked how we get our cute little faces etc on our posts. It is one of our new ladies. When you are making your post up in the upper right corner is 'add smiley'. Click on that and you will see them:heart:

    See you later, Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gang. Cold with some snow today. I got an entire chapter done and sent off today, went to see dad, exercised, and did my nails! Oh and I went with Leonard to take his jeep in for the lift in preparation for our trip this summer. Pretty productive day!
    Leonard’s cousin had to have more surgery on the other side of his brain and they did a CT that showed a laceration in his spleen. They are trying to wean him off the ventilator which would be good. He did fine for about an hour then they had to sedate him, so put him back on. The pressure in his head is good and he opened his eyes once. So a little better today. Thank you for all your good wishes!

    Donnaanne: I love my ice water but in the morning I’m with you…blech!

    Jb: your life does sound busy! Wow!

    Michele: wow you sure were running around today! That would exhaust me!

    Sylvia: yes Bert is at Freeman. I didn’t think they were a level 1 trauma center though. But it seems he is getting good care.
    When I can get straight answers out of his family it all sounds reasonable.

    Linda: hi and welcome I had a friend who used to live in Jerome. What a lovely part of the country

    Susan: oh no!!!! Now I want crusty bread dipped in drippins!

    Patsy welcome back. Better choices come day by day

    Nancy: great job on being so committed and on your weight loss

    Anamika: your park sounds lovely!

    Renny: glad mom seems perkier!

    Heather: oooh zucchini tots ! Can you share the recipe

    DeeDee: I am so sorry for your loss Hugs to you my friend

    Askewcr: welcome aboard!

    Linda: do you have a good diabetic cookbook? I can’t seem to find one I like

    JoAnn: welcome to our group!

    Pat! Welcome back! We missed you

    Patricia & Karen: welcome aboard

    Jill: woo hoo fewer meds! What a victory!!!

    Barbie thank you for the thread.

    Feb goals:
    Stick to my eating and exercise plan
    Drink that damn water!
    6000 steps a day, 10 minute walk at lunch
    Do something I enjoy once a week.

    Ok gals I have to run. I got interrupted several times so I know I missed a few. Hugs to all. Take care, Meg from snowy Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Joyce.........I just got kind of misty; it was evident it was such a good memory for you!!!........and it could probably be chalked up to being more emotional with Linda's service being today, I've done more than my share of crying all day. So, don't feel bad!!!

    Laurelfisher..........Don't know how I missed it, saw someone else mention it...........You lost 12 pounds in Jan.???? WOW!!! that is fantastic.........bravo for your hard work and excellent results!!!

    G'nite again!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, I have two containers of baking powder.

    Rumford brand has: monocalcium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, and cornstarch.

    Featherweight brand has: monocalcium phosphate, potato starch, and potassium bicarbonate.

    The Featherweight one came from the health food store and was about 5 times the price of the sodium version.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did an hour of yoga on the Wii using the My Fitness Coach. What's nice about it is that you can set the time of your workout (15min, 30, 45, 60, 90). The bad part is that when they marketed it, I don't think they did any user-testing because there are times (like in down dog) when you aren't looking at the TV and there's no way to know when you should come out of a pose. Well, it's good for something different.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do an hour of balance games on the Wii.

    Susan - I guess I got home around 3:30. I remember my grandmother used to take the bacon drippings, run them thru a sieve, and use the grease for frying punchke (?sp) and crusckiki.

    Linda - welcome! 20 days of logging is a good start, then you'll be doing another 20 and then another and before you know it, it'll be a habit.

    Patsy - There are diaries that I would like to see opened, too. I'm always on the lookout for new and different foods to have and many many times looking at someone's diary gives me a good idea

    Nancy - when is your birthday? Congrats on the loss. Great that you were able to give so much up. Baking powder/soda are in so many things, that must have been hard. I gave up white flour a few years ago, and today I don't have any sort of craving at all. I probably should give up sugar, but I've just been able to have less. I'm not crazy about sugar substitutes, that's probably the main reason. I don't think I could give up meat entirely, but I really don't care for red meats. Oh, I eat them, just not crazy about them. For the breads, what about yeast?

    swat - I don't think I'd completely give up on MFP. I know myself that when I get out of the habit of measuring my food, even tho I think I'm doing fine, it is just so, so easy to over-gesstimate. Maybe you could cut down, but I wouldn't stop altogether. I totally agree with Amanda

    Heather - I, too, need to follow a recipe. Bryan is good for just "throwing this and that in" and it comes out delish. My father was the same way. Not me. I need a recipe but I do have to take a little taste here and there to see if it needs more spices.

    DeeDee - how very sad for your friend. I can't imagine losing one of my children, either, much less a grandchild

    askewcr - welcome!

    katla - I did the same thing -- dumped my aluminum cookware years ago and have replace it with stainless steel. I've even started using that green organic pots that have a non stick coating. It's not the Teflon (that can be nasty stuff, too). I forget what it's called.

    Sylvia - I've done that before, gone to deep water class and forgotten my bra and/or underwear.

    JoAnne - welcome

    patricia - welcome to a group of women who know EXACTLY what you are going thru and are more than happy to share their thoughts

    karen - welcome!

    Marise - welcome! Yes, just posting here puts you in the group!

    Rose - welcome back! Your puppy sounds adorable

    Jill - how wonderful that you are off all your medds

    Sue in SD - happy belated birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day. Have a good dinner tonight and great massage Tuesday

    Fabulous Fifty - of course you can join us! We're glad to have ya

    Linda - you made me smile -- the new exercise shoveling s**t

    yanniejannie - so glad the service was so nice

    Kay - glad those Cadbury eggs are still on the store shelf. You don't need them. You SHOULD be feeling good

    Jane in CO - I wish the best for your daughter

    Barbie - many times when I'm doing yoga in my exercise room, one of the cats seems to think that I make a good bridge....lol

    Sandy - awesome weight loss. How long has it taken you? WTG!

    Meg - I just found my "Fix It and Forget It Diabetic Cookbook". It's for the crockpot. There are some recipes in there that I'm going to try.

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Well, dang! No wonder it was so quiet over in the other thread! :blushing:

    This is to mark my spot so I won't get left behind again...Thanks, Barbie, for the link!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    The Rumford Brand does not contain aluminum. That is the brand I buy. It should say aluminum free on the container.
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am still pretty sick, have been all week. So this is very short.

    Jill: HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!:drinker:

    Kay, and everyone, thanks for the input on my daughter and school!

    I re=read my original post and realized it did sound like the winter weather and cold was a huge factor for me not wanting her to go to Chicago. Hubby and I both really want our kids to spread their wings, and distance is not a factor, and the weather is a small part of the decision, pretty small. But since she hates to be cold, it IS a factor. She had not really done research on the school, she had just heard you "get a feeling" whether or not it's the right school for you, when you visit. She kept thinking one was just going to feel perfect, or magical, or something. Seriously. She just was "too busy" to spend the time to research what things are really important to HER, on the ones she applied to. So There has been a lot of time spent in the past few days on student reviews of her two major choices, and she found out several things that changed her mind on the IL one. A huge thing for her is food choices: healthy ones, and for her being a vegetarian, extra important. She would have to purchase their expensive meal plan both freshman and sophomore years, and many people gave the food bad reviews, and especially few vegetarian choices. That along with several other factors made her decide against it.

    Thanks again for your support, everyone, and I learn a lot from reading ideas from others, even though i have done this journey on health many times.

    One goal I have is to share more tips with everyone here.

    in Arizona
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: I gave up baking when I started this most recent weight loss journey. It was part of my plan to find recreation in ways that didn’t involve food. I am fortunate that my husband has been willing to support my journey and continues to work at improving his own health. He eats at restaurants about once a week with different friends so he can entertain himself with food without my having to join in.

    :flowerforyou: Jake bought two bags of chips for himself to eat with the salsa he makes as his treat for the Super Bowl. We’ll have a Simple Truth Organic feta and spinach pizza for our big meal as a special treat.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..18,000 steps today ----25 minutes of yoga
    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Quick bump here to bookmark this thread and commit my goals.

    In the Colorado Foothills where we’re United in Orange

    Goals for February:
    Two days a week, consume fewer than 35 carbs
    90 minutes of strength training per week
    Organize the master closet
    Get the tax workbook done and sent to accountant
    Chiropractic adjustment and massage
    My word for 2014 = Release

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello all:drinker:
    Laurelfisher :bigsmile: congrats! Happy dance with you
    Heather:love: you are such a charmer! Love the picture of flowers outside and your jug of flowers in the kitchen
    Jill:drinker: that’s super! You get to be medicine free
    Skuehn58 :drinker: :flowerforyou: Happy birthday! Your tryst with the pretermer is straight out of TV ! Super thought about our 2 hands
    Linda:smile: nice to see you again
    Sylvia quite amused with your story :laugh:
    Yanniejannie:smile: I am always impressed with the way you care for others. Kudos

    Kay :bigsmile: great choice leaving the chocs in the store.
    Barbie:bigsmile: your choice of starting out with yoga once a week is great slowly you may increase it. Your roast chicken sounds great. Its your goals which kick off great response. Thanks!
    Janehadji :flowerforyou: congrats to you and your daughter.I would be so proud of a daughter like her too. In fact mine is equally talented academically, she is gifted in music and dance as well and has opted to teach dance. I am happy for her.
    Katla :flowerforyou: the 5:2 intermittent fast is based on the fact that the body is forced to use stored fat deposits, exercise continues as usual, it allows for excessive cals on another day like a feast. The underlying philosophy being no feeling of deprivation. As I see it, I have to follow portion control, making good choices and all other nutritional facts we have learnt on mfp, but a certain control that I need to bring over snacking and eating, personally may be inculcated in this regime.
    Sandy:flowerforyou: Congratulations! 88 lbs down (Applause)!
    Meg :heart: you always bring cheer! God bless you
    Grandmallie:heart: great to hear about your brother
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • brendaks62
    brendaks62 Posts: 20 Member
    trying to get caught up on reading the posts. so many for just one day.

    February Goals for me
    walk at last 5 days a week
    drink my water
    log on everyday
    log my food everyday

    thanks ladies. I think this forum will really help me be more accountable for my actions. hope to get past this plateau I seem to be on. only lost half pound in January. I think I mentioned before, but it is just amazing to me how fast the calories add up when you really start keeping track of EVERY little bit of food you eat

    take care ladies.
    Brenda In chilly Ohio
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kalley: CONGRATULATIONS! 81 pounds lost is an excellent accomplishment.:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Good luck with your Florida vacation. I hope it all comes together smoothly.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Congratulations on sending off an entire chapter. Best wishes to Leonard’s cousin. “Drink that damn water!” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I know how you feel. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia & Margaret: Thanks for the baking powder recommendations. I hope I can find one or the other in the stores here. Is the Rumford can a red and silver color? I think I may have seen it.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: My mom used bacon grease to fry most things. She had a bacon grease can and put all the extra drippings from frying bacon in it. There was a screened top to filter out the bacon bits so the grease was smooth. It was very tasty, but I not so healthy. Yeast breads are fabulous, but I don’t know of any yeast biscuits. Maybe someone has a recipe.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Enjoy your Superbowl Pizza. :flowerforyou: I am unlikely to watch. I really watched last year just to see the Budweiser commercial and never saw it during the telecast. I did find it within hours on You Tube. I’ll go to YouTube again!:flowerforyou:

    Today I passed along a responsibility to a neighbor and am grateful my turn is over. :bigsmile: Tomorrow DH and I are going to a Murder Mystery dinner theater in Portland at OMSI. It was a Christmas gift from DD and I’m looking forward to it. I hope we have fun. The show starts at 6pm and we’ll probably leave here by four in order to get there with enough breathing room to avoid worry about making it on time. I expect to get home pretty late.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Wow, 4 pages already!

    Welcome, Pat. I'm so glad to see you post again.

    Congrats to all who reached onederland ! I plan to join you there in 2014, but it may take me a while to get there.

    Chiming in about Angel Food Ministries, the founders are from my neck of the woods. It was a huge disappointment when they let such a good ministry go so far, far astray. Our church was heartbroken and has not found a suitable replacement for it.

    So sorry about the cousin with a brain injury, the loss of a friend's granddaughter, and the family issues with visitation described ny three of you.

    On a good note, I tied my own shoes today! I go back to the dr on Monday and start my physical therapy. Time will heal my problems, so I have much to be thankful for.