What are they putting in our food?!



  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    In for food phobia.

    ....while simultaneously eating extremely processed supplements...

    But vitamins are magic pills because chiropractors and homeopaths sell them . . .

    Dunno about magic pills. But some help me a lot. YMMV.
  • iwtfytj
    iwtfytj Posts: 41 Member
    What if I told you...everything is made up of chemicals?


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    EVen worse, they've been hiding Dihydrogen Monoxide and Hydrogen Hydroxide in our drinks for YEARS!

    This stuff is deadly. Really deadly.

    as little as a tablespoon can kill.
    Everyone who ingests it dies.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Minerals in a food I ate the other day---->3 milligrams(mg) of sodium, 145 mg of potassium, 6 mg of magnesium, 7 mg of calcium, 65 micrograms(ug) of manganese, 480 ug of iron, 100 ug of copper, 120 ug of zinc, 12 mg of phosphorus, 2 mg of chloride, 7 ug of fluoride, 2 ug of iodine and 1-6 ug of selenium. Amino acids, Leucine, Lysine, Valine, Isoleucine Vitamins: Carotene, E, K, B1, B2, nicotinamide, B6, and C...............wait.......oh yes it was an apple.....

    Read more: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5867454_composition-apple_.html#ixzz2sCPuUIiS
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    What if I told you...everything is made up of chemicals?

    We have a winner.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I watched the same documentaries back in the beginning of January. I decided to eat a plant based diet since. I've done pretty well except when eating out - you never know what a restaurant puts in their food. My husband is going to go vegetarian as soon as the Super Bowl is over. Not only does eating a plant based diet help with weight loss, but it may help with many health issues that are caused by eating the crap that is in processed food. Feel free to friend me if you want to go on the journey with me:-)
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.

    And that will inform me which dyes are in Caramel Color or what is in "natural" or "Artificial" flavors? I'm not claiming a person doesn't have agency. I am claiming that companies are actively and creatively hiding things people watch for which new terminology.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.

    Google? Why would use this? It's controlled by the food industry.....(yes sarcasm)
  • Paralyza
    Paralyza Posts: 19 Member
    What if I told you...everything is made up of chemicals?


    Traumatized! But I do get my eggs from an old lady who has a coop.
  • Try to keep it to whole foods, fewer ingredients, nothing you can't pronounce (unless it's foreign food :) ) As a general rule, if it's made in a lab or a factory it probably shouldn't go in your mouth. If it's made on a farm, you're in better shape. The fewer steps of processing before it gets to you, the better off you are.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.

    And that will inform me which dyes are in Caramel Color or what is in "natural" or "Artificial" flavors? I'm not claiming a person doesn't have agency. I am claiming that companies are actively and creatively hiding things people watch for which new terminology.
    Someone who is "eating clean" and that concerned with what's in her food probably isn't going to choose that food, first of all. And second, I'm pretty sure one can find a website somewhere that will say what is likely in "caramel color."
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    What if I told you...everything is made up of chemicals?


    I love these. I saw one for an orange before, but haven't seen these. I need to save them :).
    Complete straw man.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Minerals in a food I ate the other day---->3 milligrams(mg) of sodium, 145 mg of potassium, 6 mg of magnesium, 7 mg of calcium, 65 micrograms(ug) of manganese, 480 ug of iron, 100 ug of copper, 120 ug of zinc, 12 mg of phosphorus, 2 mg of chloride, 7 ug of fluoride, 2 ug of iodine and 1-6 ug of selenium. Amino acids, Leucine, Lysine, Valine, Isoleucine Vitamins: Carotene, E, K, B1, B2, nicotinamide, B6, and C...............wait.......oh yes it was an apple.....

    Read more: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5867454_composition-apple_.html#ixzz2sCPuUIiS

    Yep. And it didn't have transfats added for texture, Propylene glycol, potassium bromate, BHA and BHT, etc etc.

    It's not "chemicals" that are the problem. It's those added to something that should, by all rights, decay in a few days, to keep it shelf stable for a week in a truck and another week on the shelf.

    WHile the "food documentaries" are typically based on psuedoscience and hokum (see, also, "Supersize me"), there ARE additives in food that some people are highly sensitive to, and which are there only for convenience.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member

    WHile the "food documentaries" are typically based on psuedoscience and hokum (see, also, "Supersize me"), there ARE additives in food that some people are highly sensitive to, and which are there only for convenience.

  • Paralyza
    Paralyza Posts: 19 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.

    And that will inform me which dyes are in Caramel Color or what is in "natural" or "Artificial" flavors? I'm not claiming a person doesn't have agency. I am claiming that companies are actively and creatively hiding things people watch for which new terminology.

    I agree
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member

    Someone who is "eating clean" and that concerned with what's in her food probably isn't going to choose that food, first of all. And second, I'm pretty sure one can find a website somewhere that will say what is likely in "caramel color."
    If someone is eating Total they aint eatin' clean, at least my my estimation.

    Caramel Color varies wildly. I really shouldn't have to spend 4 hours on the internet to determine if a company is using a potential carcinogen.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think reading the label doesn't work. Many times the companies hide the common terms with new fancy ones that mean the same thing. Some people have issues with MSG, regardless of if it's bad. So the companies change what they call it to a dozen different names. Natural and artificial flavors can cover a broad range of things that are unclear.

    Protein powders such as whey should be bought with the least additives possible. I'm not sure the validity of an article years ago, but the more stuff they add the more adulterants get added also.
    And clearly the person posting on MFP has no access to Google to look up terms he or she doesn't recognize on a label.

    And that will inform me which dyes are in Caramel Color or what is in "natural" or "Artificial" flavors? I'm not claiming a person doesn't have agency. I am claiming that companies are actively and creatively hiding things people watch for which new terminology.

    I agree
    Your OP claims you're trying to eat "clean." Why are you choosing foods with those ingredients listed?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Someone who is "eating clean" and that concerned with what's in her food probably isn't going to choose that food, first of all. And second, I'm pretty sure one can find a website somewhere that will say what is likely in "caramel color."
    If someone is eating Total they aint eatin' clean, at least my my estimation.

    Caramel Color varies wildly. I really shouldn't have to spend 4 hours on the internet to determine if a company is using a potential carcinogen.
    So then if you see it listed as an ingredient, don't buy that food.