Anyone else...not a runner, hate gym?



  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    Maybe try finding a physical activity you enjoy? Play the drums, gardening, team sports, roller skating? It is good that you walk the dog.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I don't like running long distances. I find it boring.

    I like crossfit type workouts, circuit / weights / bars/ rings/ skipping ropes :D

    Why run for 40 min if you can burn the same amount of kcal in 15 min doing HIIT?

    Depends on the preference, but I rather look like a sprinter than a marathon runner. Two extremes, I know, so don't hate :(
  • Austinetc
    Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
    I am totally into cycling. Yes, you have to get over fears of cars (and their drivers).
  • ozmakitten
    Yep! Agree with you! I love the outdoors to walk, ride my bike and swim! Hate being inside. Weather permits it in my country but I guess not everywhere you can go outside in the snow. I don't chase my own kids but I do chase the kids I teach! Keeps me entertained and fit.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm not a runner so I don't use the treadmills, the only machine I use is the assisted pull ups. I use the gym for free weights, classes like Bootcamp and Circuit training.

    I only joined the gym so I could use the squat rack, before that I worked out at home for over 2 years.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    got a love hate relationship with running, hate to do it, love the effect it has on my body particularly my legs, never been in a gym though i prefer to do things at home in private (i've seen the faces i pull while exercising embarrassing) but love outdoor bootcamps in the cold, rain, or snow, not so much when it's half way decent weather
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    MP3 player dies.. legs stop moving... falls off treadmill
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm not really a fan. I walk mostly (which so far I enjoy more than running because it takes less attention than running, lol), and I lift weights 3x a week, that's it.
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    I loved the gym in the States, but now there are no classes in the afternoons when I can go. So I ride my bike back and forth to work every day, and do FitnessBlender videos at home. I don't miss the gym now. I don't like running. Dog walking I do like :)
  • f1redshoes
    I've been out for a run so few times in my life I could probably still list them all. I also can't really be bothered with gym machines. My exercise all comes from various sports - dance and gymnastics, predominantly, then I'll play various sports if someone gets a game going or I'll go to the park and run about/practice tumbling with friends. Even extra conditioning or cardio is walking, exercises at home or workout DVDs. The only reason I even know about gym stuff is because I'm studying personal training, but I hope to see clients either outdoors, in their homes or for studio classes wherever possible!

    I do *want* to be good at running, but I really don't enjoy it. I still drag myself out occasionally with Zombies, Run but not often enough to get better.
  • tcat100
    tcat100 Posts: 33 Member
    I hate going to the Y because I get "looks." If you read my profile, you will see I posted: When I get done I want to say to them, "yes the fat lady can run!" There are so many other ways to get in a good work out. I love to snowshoe and hike. I also have a friend and she will get together with a couple of girlfriends and flip tractor tires to help build and tone the upper body. It may sound frugal but I have used milk jugs and filled them with water, sand and rocks and use those. Also, if you can find a low-key tall building and run the stairs...that is another way to get out of the gym. You know those sledding hills? I like to do sets on those in winter and summer. Hope this helps and I hope I don't sound crazy.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    I ran into boredom with running, normal lifting routines, etc. after awhile as well. Crossfit fit the bill for me as far as improved health and staying interesting. I agree with what has been said here, find an exercise that is challenging and interesting to you. It doesn't have to be only running or only lifting.
  • momontheg0
    Love that idea!:bigsmile:
  • momontheg0
    Totally agree!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I actually hated running but I wanted to train for a 5k because "all my friends were doing it "lol Anyway, I downloaded a zombie 5k app and I really enjoyed it! Zombies chase you and it's just really entertaining.. lol
  • momontheg0
    I've lost all my weight without going to the gym yet everyone I know keeps telling me "Well you're gonna have to go sooner or later." I laugh at my friends who think you just get a quick gym membership, chug detox garbage to lose weight and some how just going to a gym = toning up, then they think when they're at goal they never have to exercise again. Bahahaha. I can see why so many people fail at diets now. I use to think that way!!!

    But now I've learnt this. Just do what you enjoy doing and can do and are happy to keep on doing, otherwise you'll give up on it as you hate it. I love cycling and walking so I cycle and walk. A LOT. I also do like the occasional weights session as well as some youtube videos. I don't know why but sometimes I just get in the mood to push my limits. But I don't think i'll ever be a runner. My knees can't take it, it bores me and I just haven't ever really enjoyed it. So I don't force myself to run. Just do what you like doing and take it one step at a time. =D
  • momontheg0
    So awesome and inspirational! You go girl!!!
  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    I hate the smelly, stupid gym.....hate. I love the Wii! Also, an exercise hula hoop puts a big smile on my face almost daily. Weight training can be done in your home and is imperative to toning. Find what you like and do it.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    The absolute only exercise I will do is dancing. I'd rather not eat at all than do sit ups lol. Instead, I turn up the music and my little ones and I dance around the house. Much more fun and still very healthy!