WHO: Governments should regulate fast food to slow obesity



  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    So.....is that a reasonable cost/benefit ratio? Is there nothing upon which we, as a nation or a species, could have gotten a bigger bang for the buck? Do you realize that tthe lion's share of government revenues from tobacco levies don't go toward smoking cesation OR tobacco-related health care costs?
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Seriously, what's the government going to do... give us all rations that meet a caloric limit every day? I think not.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    In. For mistitled post and fear mongering.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member

    There is no such thing as "unbiased". It's your biases that cause you to discount the message you didn't want to hear.

    We all have biases. When you can follow the research in spite of your own personal bias... and change your preconceived notions... that's when you're on to something.

    Hey I spoke the same party line as you did 18 months ago. Follow the facts. You will be surprised where it leads. Start with the movie Forks Over Knives.

    Start with more propaganda? A video from a doctor who is known to simply cherry pick information and ignore studies that don't mesh with his theory, is not substantiation of your nonsense

    Point of correction, Dr. Greger had nothing to do with Forks Over Knives.

    You are right on party line. Whatever you think is right.

    My original point was education. You seem to be reasonably educated to your point of view, and have a set opinion.

    And yet you sound like you don't actually know what causes heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S. I could be wrong about you, by the way.

    This is the problem. There is a huge economic machine behind everyone believing that meat, dairy, and eggs have absolutely nothing to do with heart disease, so these industries fund studies/research that support their point of view, and cloud the causes.

    And people easily buy into this because they don't like the message. They don't want to know that bacon and eggs will kill them when they are older. And so it goes.

    The original link you posted from his site

    But the studies that Greger cites, must be totally on point?

    Again please substantiate your nonsense that meat, dairy and eggs will be killing people when they get older. Not a video from a biased site, or propaganda masquerading as a documentary

    sorry man, I had to go get lunch.

    It's funny you are so convinced of your point of view, sounds like me a couple years ago.

    You are really attacking my point of view, strong words I think.


    Your education about nutrition is lacking. You have succumbed to the very problem you are decrying. You have a bias. I was you 2 years ago.

    just read the first article.
    i don't think anyone ever argued that medicine, as a whole, supports consuming milk, eggs and meat. Is that what you're trying to say?

    Atherosclerosis leads to coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis begins in childhood.
    High LDL is a major risk factor.
    High LDL is caused by saturated fat in our diets.

    What it doesn't say is what are sources of saturated fat.

    Do yourself a favor and compare the nutrition values of an ounce of cheddar cheese with 15% fat ground beef with 1 cup of black beans.

    Whole plants foods don't have saturated fat.

    You ever notice how dietary guidelines always say to limit lean meats dairy and eggs to X amount OR LESS?
    You ever notice that the same guidelines say to include X amount of fruits and vegetables OR MORE?
    This isn't rocket science to interpolate what is causing our health problems.

    My diet that avoids animal products meets the guidelines.
  • raileneperkins
    raileneperkins Posts: 37 Member
    Education is the answer, not legislation. Teach people how to do better and eat better, than they will have the tools they need to do so.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    There is no such thing as "unbiased". It's your biases that cause you to discount the message you didn't want to hear.

    We all have biases. When you can follow the research in spite of your own personal bias... and change your preconceived notions... that's when you're on to something.

    Hey I spoke the same party line as you did 18 months ago. Follow the facts. You will be surprised where it leads. Start with the movie Forks Over Knives.

    Start with more propaganda? A video from a doctor who is known to simply cherry pick information and ignore studies that don't mesh with his theory, is not substantiation of your nonsense

    Point of correction, Dr. Greger had nothing to do with Forks Over Knives.

    You are right on party line. Whatever you think is right.

    My original point was education. You seem to be reasonably educated to your point of view, and have a set opinion.

    And yet you sound like you don't actually know what causes heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S. I could be wrong about you, by the way.

    This is the problem. There is a huge economic machine behind everyone believing that meat, dairy, and eggs have absolutely nothing to do with heart disease, so these industries fund studies/research that support their point of view, and cloud the causes.

    And people easily buy into this because they don't like the message. They don't want to know that bacon and eggs will kill them when they are older. And so it goes.

    The original link you posted from his site

    But the studies that Greger cites, must be totally on point?

    Again please substantiate your nonsense that meat, dairy and eggs will be killing people when they get older. Not a video from a biased site, or propaganda masquerading as a documentary

    sorry man, I had to go get lunch.

    It's funny you are so convinced of your point of view, sounds like me a couple years ago.

    You are really attacking my point of view, strong words I think.


    Your education about nutrition is lacking. You have succumbed to the very problem you are decrying. You have a bias. I was you 2 years ago.

    just read the first article.
    i don't think anyone ever argued that medicine, as a whole, supports consuming milk, eggs and meat. Is that what you're trying to say?

    Atherosclerosis leads to coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis begins in childhood.
    High LDL is a major risk factor.
    High LDL is caused by saturated fat in our diets.

    What it doesn't say is what are sources of saturated fat.

    Do yourself a favor and compare the nutrition values of an ounce of cheddar cheese with 15% fat ground beef with 1 cup of black beans.

    Whole plants foods don't have saturated fat.

    You ever notice how dietary guidelines always say to limit lean meats dairy and eggs to X amount OR LESS?
    You ever notice that the same guidelines say to include X amount of fruits and vegetables OR MORE?
    This isn't rocket science to interpolate what is causing our health problems.

    My diet that avoids animal products meets the guidelines.

    Did you ever notice that there are plenty of healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet that includes plants and animals?
    You choose one way, I choose another. It's REALLY that simple.

    Did you ever notice that there are overweight rocket scientists? Yeah, nutrition really ISN'T rocket science.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    like that would ever happen.... people should just have it every now and then.....
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Many plant foods have saturated fat, and saturated fat is one of many contributing factors to high LDL.

    Stop making sense. :smile:
  • People have freedom of choice. People know whats in McDonald's meat just like they know poison is in cigarettes and they still choose to partake in those activities. The government cant really stop someone from shooting up heroin if they really want to just like they cant stop someone from eating 5 cheeseburgers.

    Regarding meat consumption, its pretty sick that we have fields and fields of wheat for our animals that we are just going to slaughtered but people are starving to death and dying right next to these crops. We basically have imprisoned animals like the Nazis
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Good eating habits start at home! Lead by example or get out my way!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Many plant foods have saturated fat, and saturated fat is one of many contributing factors to high LDL.

    Stop making sense. :smile:
    Kinda makes you wonder why the majority of people that actually have heart attacks have average to low LDL.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    People have freedom of choice. People know whats in McDonald's meat just like they know poison is in cigarettes and they still choose to partake in those activities. The government cant really stop someone from shooting up heroin if they really want to just like they cant stop someone from eating 5 cheeseburgers.

    Regarding meat consumption, its pretty sick that we have fields and fields of wheat for our animals that we are just going to slaughtered but people are starving to death and dying right next to these crops. We basically have imprisoned animals like the Nazis

    So many gifs... Must not succum to temptation...
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Many plant foods have saturated fat, and saturated fat is one of many contributing factors to high LDL.

    Stop making sense. :smile:
    Kinda makes you wonder why the majority of people that actually have heart attacks have average to low LDL.
    Because sugar. Or maybe wheat belly.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Many plant foods have saturated fat, and saturated fat is one of many contributing factors to high LDL.

    Stop making sense. :smile:
    Kinda makes you wonder why the majority of people that actually have heart attacks have average to low LDL.
    Because sugar. Or maybe wheat belly.
    You watching youtube again.:happy:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Many plant foods have saturated fat, and saturated fat is one of many contributing factors to high LDL.

    Stop making sense. :smile:
    Kinda makes you wonder why the majority of people that actually have heart attacks have average to low LDL.
    Because sugar. Or maybe wheat belly.
    You watching youtube again.:happy:

    Well, yeah! I'm not a rocket surgeon!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People have freedom of choice. People know whats in McDonald's meat just like they know poison is in cigarettes and they still choose to partake in those activities. The government cant really stop someone from shooting up heroin if they really want to just like they cant stop someone from eating 5 cheeseburgers.

    Regarding meat consumption, its pretty sick that we have fields and fields of wheat for our animals that we are just going to slaughtered but people are starving to death and dying right next to these crops. We basically have imprisoned animals like the Nazis

    Interestingly, the only ingredient in a McDonald's hamburger patty is ground beef.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    People have freedom of choice. People know whats in McDonald's meat just like they know poison is in cigarettes and they still choose to partake in those activities. The government cant really stop someone from shooting up heroin if they really want to just like they cant stop someone from eating 5 cheeseburgers.

    Regarding meat consumption, its pretty sick that we have fields and fields of wheat for our animals that we are just going to slaughtered but people are starving to death and dying right next to these crops. We basically have imprisoned animals like the Nazis

    Interestingly, the only ingredient in a McDonald's hamburger patty is ground beef.
    Salt and pepper also, but they actually add that during cooking.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I would have to disagree...Our government is active enough in our personal lives already. Instead of intervening with free enterprise, how about they provide proper funding to teach child about food and health choices from an early age. Also, lets work harder on their lunches...Set the example.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People have freedom of choice. People know whats in McDonald's meat just like they know poison is in cigarettes and they still choose to partake in those activities. The government cant really stop someone from shooting up heroin if they really want to just like they cant stop someone from eating 5 cheeseburgers.

    Regarding meat consumption, its pretty sick that we have fields and fields of wheat for our animals that we are just going to slaughtered but people are starving to death and dying right next to these crops. We basically have imprisoned animals like the Nazis

    Interestingly, the only ingredient in a McDonald's hamburger patty is ground beef.
    Salt and pepper also, but they actually add that during cooking.

    Yeah, they sprinkle some on at the grill. I just meant IN the patty. But yeah.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    In to catch up later and for rocket surgery.

    (Unrelated note: If you look up "Surgery" on Wikipedia it opens with this:
    Surgery (from the Greek: χειρουργική cheirourgikē (composed of χείρ, "hand", and ἔργον, "work"), via Latin: chirurgiae, meaning "hand work") is an ancient medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, or to help improve bodily function or appearance.

    Are the in the future!?!)