Biggest Loser Finale...what is going on??



  • palmirana
    palmirana Posts: 34 Member
    She looks disgusting. Where did the muscle tone in her arms go ?!?!?!?!?!
    There's absolutely no way she went home and did it healthy. She HAD to have starved herself.
    You don't just lose months of muscle tone thanks to training on the ranch within a couple weeks like that. Not without seriously destroying yourself.
    I was all for her winning ... but not like that.
    Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed.
    She needs to gain weight, now.

    Before she left, she was gorgeous, she had a lot of muscle and looked healthy. She only needed to lose only a few more pounds to be on perfect weight. Now she lost all of her muscle and strength and is so unhealthy.
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    I have 3 episodes to catch up online.. it sure sounds like everyone is talking about this.. must be bad..
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I wish people would stop saying she looks disgusting, awful, etc. It's not nice to say about anyone, fat or thin.

    I'm hoping she just got overly competitive, went for the money, and now will moderate.
  • WontShareChocolate
    So the biggest loser finale crowned Rachel the winner, she looked pretty darn thin to me but her BMI is 18, to drop over 60% of your body weight is incredible! To be ridiculed and made out to be anorexic afterwards has got to SUCK. She looks skinny to me not fit but some people do just want to be skinny I wouldn't call her anorexic just model thin.
  • WontShareChocolate
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.

    *****es be jealous

    Not everyone is pro-ana.

    Adult women come in all shapes and sizes.

    I hover around 105 and am 5'2" and am perfectly healthy. 19% body fat and ranked in the superior fitness range for my age by an extensive fitness study that I participated in at the local university.

    Your taller then me and you want to get down to 100 pounds? That brings your BMI to 18.3 which is below "normal". Which means you might get a lot of comments about how you look too thin just like Rachel has been getting I think it's just shocking to see thin people outside of a catwalk lol so most people are like "whoa whoa..." Where as it's just thin vs fit in my opinion.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.

    *****es be jealous

    Not everyone is pro-ana.

    Adult women come in all shapes and sizes.

    I hover around 105 and am 5'2" and am perfectly healthy. 19% body fat and ranked in the superior fitness range for my age by an extensive fitness study that I participated in at the local university.

    Your taller then me and you want to get down to 100 pounds? That brings your BMI to 18.3 which is below "normal". Which means you might get a lot of comments about how you look too thin just like Rachel has been getting I think it's just shocking to see thin people outside of a catwalk lol so most people are like "whoa whoa..." Where as it's just thin vs fit in my opinion.

    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 to 103 pounds. I have a small frame. I've always been this weight and I eat a lot 2000 to 2300 or so. No one ever says I look too thin or gross. I get lots of compliments and people say I have nice curves. My doctor says I'm not underweight and that I'm very healthy. She says I have a small frame and points out that it's genetic (my family members being small also). I also lift weights A person can be small and fit as well. I don't think it would look good as everyone's goal weight.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    I compare it to this: Matthew Mc Conaughey, Christian Bale........ lost weight for a movie and big money. Afterwards they gained it back to a healthy weight. I am pretty sure, that Rachel was all in for the money and tortured herself at the end. But who would not if your are that close to the finish line????? Who are we, to blame her for this? Of course it isn't healthy but now she won the money, can concentrate to work on her fitness and find a good healthy weight for herself. Rachel did everything right.
  • Dugleik
    Dugleik Posts: 125
    I haven't seen it.. Maybe I should catch up? What season is this on, anyway??

  • acorvinus
    Rachel looked so much better before the finale. Seeing her between makeover week and now is disturbing! I've read things before about the show leading to eating disorders with past contestants. I hope the backlash from the show wakes up the people behind this show and they seriously address these issues! As someone that has suffered with eating disorders for right at 15 years I am horrified to know that so many people are seeing this as being portrayed as healthy.
  • ashleyparisian
    ashleyparisian Posts: 2 Member
    Did you guys see the look on Jillians face when she came out? Its was a OMG look like not the good OMG....
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    From Jillian's facebook page:

    So here it is.

    Bob and I want to take a moment to congratulate all of the BL contestants on their hard work. We're not comfortable commenting on Rachel’s journey because weren't her trainers and weren't given an opportunity to work with her at any point. Any questions about the contestants on the Biggest Loser should be directed to the show’s producers.
  • WontShareChocolate
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.

    *****es be jealous

    Not everyone is pro-ana.

    Adult women come in all shapes and sizes.

    I hover around 105 and am 5'2" and am perfectly healthy. 19% body fat and ranked in the superior fitness range for my age by an extensive fitness study that I participated in at the local university.

    Your taller then me and you want to get down to 100 pounds? That brings your BMI to 18.3 which is below "normal". Which means you might get a lot of comments about how you look too thin just like Rachel has been getting I think it's just shocking to see thin people outside of a catwalk lol so most people are like "whoa whoa..." Where as it's just thin vs fit in my opinion.

    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 to 103 pounds. I have a small frame. I've always been this weight and I eat a lot 2000 to 2300 or so. No one ever says I look too thin or gross. I get lots of compliments and people say I have nice curves. My doctor says I'm not underweight and that I'm very healthy. She says I have a small frame and points out that it's genetic (my family members being small also). I also lift weights A person can be small and fit as well. I don't think it would look good as everyone's goal weight.

    I wasn't saying you can't be small and fit as well, I was saying there is a difference in being thin and fit, if she had more visible muscle and still weighed 105 the backlash wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is. She lost muscle so people naturally think she is starving when in actuality she might have just stopped strength training.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    She looks disgusting. Where did the muscle tone in her arms go ?!?!?!?!?!
    There's absolutely no way she went home and did it healthy. She HAD to have starved herself.
    You don't just lose months of muscle tone thanks to training on the ranch within a couple weeks like that. Not without seriously destroying yourself.
    I was all for her winning ... but not like that.
    Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed.
    She needs to gain weight, now.

    You guys, really, you NEED to stop calling her disgusting. Really. Stop.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    The competition is to lose the most weight. Not lose the most weight and preserve muscle.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I thought David was the only one who looked healthy. I thought Rachel and Bobby both looked too skinny, not just in their bodies, but in their faces. They didn't look healthy to me.…--photos-073035199.html?vp=1
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    From Jillian's facebook page:

    So here it is.

    Bob and I want to take a moment to congratulate all of the BL contestants on their hard work. We're not comfortable commenting on Rachel’s journey because weren't her trainers and weren't given an opportunity to work with her at any point. Any questions about the contestants on the Biggest Loser should be directed to the show’s producers.

    Bob had the same thing on his. Word for word. Well, except his said Jillian and I... obviously.
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Options must watch what the Dr Says!!!! it's at the end!! This is when she was 150
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm guessing that none of them ate or drank anything that day. Not healthy but not surprising given what is at stake. I would bet that after eating and drinking today, her weight has crept back into the healthy weight range.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm guessing that none of them ate or drank anything that day. Not healthy but not surprising given what is at stake. I would bet that after eating and drinking today, her weight has crept back into the healthy weight range.

    For all the other weigh ins, they are done earlier in the day, so the one on the big scale is just for show. I'm assuming it's the same deal for the finale, so hopefully they'd already started to eat again. (Although with 250k at stake, I might be tempted to hold out a few more hours just in case!)
  • fortally
    Just read an update online because I was still thinking about this at dinner.

    Looks like she was home for 3 1/2 months (not the one month that some had thought). 45 pounds in 3 1/2 months isn't quite so shocking. It's still an awful lot, considering she was working her way down in a healthy weight range.

    It also said she is now at 1600 calories for maintenance mode. I guess that seems about right? My TDEE at my 122 lb. goal (I'm eight pounds away) works out to 1708 (that's with a 30 min. workout every day). Only she knows what she ate during those three months, but maybe she did just keep up the extreme workouts and still ate somewhat reasonably?

    It's still disturbing, though. If it was her own personal journey I wouldn't be so bothered by it, but she went on national tv and became the winner (thus representative) of a show that is all about weight loss. Supposedly healthy weight loss that is done through hard work, determination, and healthy eating. Interestingly, I went to the Biggest Loser site and clicked on "fitness." This is what I got:

    "Page not found." Their fitness philosophy can't be found. Maybe they are re-thinking things in light of all the backlash over how Rachel looks. I hope so. Starving yourself and/or working out so hard you vomit (shown MANY times on BL) just isn't a healthy message to be sending. And last season they included KIDS. Picture Rachel at the finale and then imagine targeting kids with her gaunt image and the message that extreme weight loss should be celebrated - that's why I'm disturbed by all this.

    I really hope she just did it for the money and that her life will rebound a little into the healthier range. I didn't sound like it from her comments, but I can still hope...