
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ssan (is that supposed to be Susan?). - I'm so sorry to hear what all you have gone through. A lot of us here have had some health problems, mine is not nearly as bad as yours, and probably most of us have tried again and again to lose weight. Give yourself a break. You've really been through the wringer! Forget about what you've done in the past and think of this as a fresh start. You're right, I think, that logging is the key. Look for small successes. They add up. And come back here often to let us know how you're doing. Tell us more about yourself too. Where do you live, do you have family, do you have pets, do you work, have hobbies and interests? Stuff like that. Post every day or we will worry.

    Yesterday I fell face first off the wagon. I was ok for breakfast and lunch, but we went to Cracker Barrel for supper. I intended to have a plain salad with grilled chicken. But I just could not face yet another grilled chicken salad! What I wound up with was an 8 ounce pepper crusted sirloin, baked sweet potato with BUTTER, and TWO pieces of grilled sourdough bread. Then, went to get an ice cream cone!!! I was up four tenths of a pound this morning. Boo Hoo. Ok, so that's over and done. I'll do much better this weekend.

    We just got back from swimming at the Y. I was surprised how many people were there. Luckily hubby and I got there first and got our lanes before the crowd got there. It feels so strange to swim when it is so icy and cold outside. We are going to the lake cabin tonight. It will be chilly downstairs, but upstairs will be ok. Hopefully the pipes won't break again.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ssan and Laurie I do believe a lot of us here weight in every day. I have to weight in every day for medical reasons. I'm on water pills and if I gain 2 lbs or more over the course of my day I have to up the pills. That only happened once in the last month or so.

    Good luck to all we are in for the long run. It's not a race on who gets there first. It's who last the longest. That's who will make it.

    See you all lighter
  • ellenaj52
    ellenaj52 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been trying to keep my sugar content below that recommended, but have found that even if I have two pieces of fruit daily, that is enough to put me over my limit. Anyone else out there having problems with this. It certainly makes me aware of how much sugar there is in foods. Yet, I find it a constant battle. I have had friends that have eliminated most of their carbs too (even complex carbs) and are losing weight and looking great. Yet, I find that if I go this extreme I become very tired (lost my source of fuel) and get very constipated. Anyone else out there experiencing those issues? I agree that fruits and vegetables should be eaten, but fruit has a lot of sugar in it also. An orange is better to eat than a glass of orange juice as it floods your body with sudden sugar.

    Are people losing weight even though they eat some carbs. It seems people seem to do better on a low carb or no carb diet?
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,good luck to your husband & Hope you have someone to be with you.Everything in hospital takes so long.just sitting there makes you feel like you did a hard days job.:grumble: I take my iPad & a book,puzzle book,paper & pencil plus a couple snacks if needed.Don't forget comfy footwear & a light sweater. Hope he will soon be home with you.

    Pat in Ohio
  • Hello All,
    I too am new to this massage board. I am 55 and like many of you, have had share of my physical set-backs. But darn it I am determined as always!
    My February Fitness Goals:
    -Keep weight training 1 hour 3x week
    -Increase my cardio time
    -yoga once a week
    -swim 1/2 mile a week
    It seems to be a common thread with all of us is that we seem to do everything right, but the scale doesn't budge! I am going to stay the course, make some further adjustments to my diet and keep moving forward!
    Take Care All and Hang In There!!!
    Signed...FitForRiding, from (yes finally getting Rain-Snow in) Northern California
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Thanks for the comments, it is supposed to be Susan. I just did 15 minutes on the elliptical. They say exercise helps with the tiredness and I do feel better. I will do another 15 minutes later. Baby steps. I live in Ontario Canada across the st Lawrence river from Massena new. York. So walking outside is hit and miss. I am a law clerk but cut back my work to 2 days per week with all the time off I needed for surgeries etc. I plan to retire in May but may keep on working 2 days per week because I
    Ike it. Time will tell. I am married with 2 grown married children. My son got married January 2013 and they are expecting a baby in. March, 2014 - so that is exciting. And something good to look forward to. I have 2 grand daughters from my daughter and son in law who are 11 and 13. So this is the first baby in a long time.

    That is about it. Sun is shining although -12 Celsius
    Take care everyone. If we can get through the weekend the week should be easy. Less temptations during the week I feel

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Morning,

    Ellen that is why I took the sugar function off my daily report. It lumps the sugar from processed food in with the fruits. I switched to keeping track of my fiber instead. I also track my mono and saturated fats. For me keeping the saturated fats within guidelines and my fiber at or above guideline is more important to me.

    Linda sounds like they are keeping a close eye on water retention for you. A good plan for your health.

    Sylvia I have the same problem when I go out to eat. Seems almost no matter what I order I am up in weight the next day. Discouraging.:grumble:

    Drlewando great exercise plan.

    SueSD concert sounds great!

    Joyce prayers and hugs hope his hospital stay is short.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Ssan sounds like you are ready to take charge of your health. Healing after what you have been through is a process. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Hopefully you can look at your new diet and exercise routine as a way to rebuild that beautiful body of yours. You survived. Something to be really proud.:smile:

    Went back to the same Kindergarten class again yesterday. No outdoor recess because of the cold. They watched Happy Feet instead. It was cute movie about working together. As a follow up to How to Make a Smile we worked together and wrote a How to Plant Kindness.:flowerforyou: They came up with the Bully scenario and having a bystander telling the bully to stop. It ended with the bully saying sorry and the two of them shaking hands. Working with this group gives me hope for the next generation.

    600/250 cal goals. I do well until the evening. Need to get to bed earlier. I think that would help.
    At least 20 min for meals. I am doing better at slowing down my eating
    Mindful breathing and posture.

    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint For What Are You Hungry For
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Joyce,prayers for you and hubby.
    Susan ,welcome.:flowerforyou:
    Hubby is off this week-end,so gonna go to a Mexican resturant for lunch.
    HUgs to you all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    I have noticed since keeping a food diary that sugar can be a problem.. But the most alarming thing I noticed is the amount of salt food contains, even though I am trying to get away from processed foods. For some reason my food counter is set higher then before Christmas, so if I am lower than the recommended carbohydrates, sugar and salt values I am happy. I am diabetic, so I have to watch carefully, so the food counter is useful to identify problem foods!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All,
    It's been a while since I've checked in, my last weeks have been a challenge. I was suppose to take my Personal Training test and had to reschedule because of computer issues, then my rescheduled date had to be cancelled because my student was sick and couldn't come in. Now I have to reschedule again.
    I'm not sure how but I've torn my meniscus and it has really been sore and has kept me from my cardio work outs. I am to get an MRI to see how bad the tear is but the doctor said I also have really bad arthritis in that knee as well. It is finally starting to feel better and today I plan to go to the Y and work out in the pool. A couple of days ago I started coughing and now have a sore throat, but I just have to get some kind of work out in.
    Yesterday morning as I was pulling out of my garage to go to work I noticed a guy walking down the street, he had a heavy coat on with a hood and it covered his face. I pressed the button for my garage to go down and it wouldn't go. The guy stopped and started back towards me but something about him creeped me out and I drove off and he kept coming towards me, then I turned around and went the other way and he did to. I really couldn't go anywhere leaving the garage door open so I ended up calling the police. I had to wait for them to come so I could get out and shut the door manually. When I got home last night, it was working just fine again. When the guy saw me on the phone he finally left, it was below 0 so I know you need a heavy coat, but he wouldn't show his face and he wouldn't leave. I don't think he wanted to help.

    Joyce IN, Prayers for you and your husband, hang in there.

    Ann Carol, When I go to a restaurant I also ask for the go box right away, that way I have it out of sight and I walk away feeling good without feeling stuffed.

    Ssan, Give yourself some love and a break, you have been through a lot and taking baby steps might be the way to go right now.

    Laurie St Charles MO, Welcome

    Sylvia, Wow I haven't been to Cracker Barrel in forever, it would be hard to resist if I did. I feel the same way about chicken, it's like the go to for anyone wanting to lose weight but I do get tired of it. I do eat fish, turkey and ground sirloin but not as often.

    Ellen, You are right about sugar, it is hard to get away from it. I think the sugar in fruit is better at least, but it does have a lot.

    I don't know if any one else does this, but it's hard for me to get veggies in, so I started drinking low sodium V8 juice, but I heat it up in the microwave and add pepper to it. It's really good and warms you up on a cold day.

    OK, long post. Everyone have a happy and healthy day, Patty, Cincinnati
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies,

    Another extra busy day.........made it to half of tai chi and all of yoga, substitute teacher and she gave us more than the ususal Sat. am workout; all good! Then hopped on one of the bikes for 16 min. Slept really well last night, a welcome change. Quick trip (??????) to grocery store yielded a wait behind 3 over filled carts IN THE EXPRESS LANE.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Ooommmmmmmm!

    Have a banquet to go to tonight, must be ready and leave the house by 4:00pm............trying my best to save calories for it.

    smwert................Welcome back; wow, you've been through a lot.

    BTW, Gwen is not my mother; my mother died at 90 after living with me 4yrs., she had dementia
    just very quietly confused. Gwen is a woman, now in her mid-80's, who I had the absolute pleasure of meeting in an exercise class 8+ yrs. ago. She's a sweetheart and also special to me because she comes from a tiny town in Pa. right by where my dad was from on the Susquehanna River. She's a widow, with no close family. It's a difficult balance to help out w/o "taking over".......I had been setting up her meds when she first got out after this last hospitalization; then they became less complicated so she did them and I checked them a few times, then turned it back over to her at her wish. Soooooo.......finding coumadin replaced with a vitamin was not a good sign; will try to start my Thursday routine with her meds again, to set up for the week. Yes, her dr is aware............and I have known her longer than I've known Gwen.

    Katla...........Fabulous that your son is back; been on the waiting side there way too many times----but the homecomings are wonderful.

    Best to everyone.....those with losses--WOHOOOO!! Have a great weekend , everybody!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The dog and I just came back from a walk and we're both relieved. In my case, it is emotional relief from worrying about his digestion. Thanks to Tammy for the suggestion to feed him pumpkin.:bigsmile: :blushing:
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well, I got some sleep - a friend suggested Tylenol PM, I got rid of my clock, I am a clock watcher. I am going to take it tonight too just to be sure I have two night's worth of good sleep. I am also taking Estroven to help with those hot flashes.

    This morning started off right with Dr. Furhman's Green Meanie Smoothie (Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Green Apple, 1/4 Banana, Blue Berries, Amond Milk). I also had my wake up coffee - haven't been able to give that up yet.

    Today, I plan to make Vegan Split Pea and my Spinach Lasagna for the rest of the week. I also plan on going to the Farmer's Market to pick up Eggplant Lasagna (wihtout cheese) and some more kale chips for snack (I haven't made my own Kale chips yet).

    Later today I hope to go work out (weights and some cardio - I missed yesterday due to the lack of sleep!

    Ready to lose this weight once and for all!

    Looking for friends - My name is Angie, I am 50 years old, 5'5", 162 pounds, live in AZ - need some accountability... and fairly new to this forum..

    Thanks you!
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Wow, had no idea this thread existed. I'm new to the topics, have added a comment a few times, but am a bit hesitant. Nice to hear/read from others in the same age group and with the same goals. I was surprised to see there are so many that use MFP just as an everyday thing, not as a weight loss tool. I don't know WHY that surprises me, just does. I just got back from walking at our school. I do that daily until spring, when I can walk outside again with my dog. Too cold and too much snow now. In a couple more months, hopefully that will change. My goal for February is to finish healing after surgery a couple weeks ago so the DR will let me start my strength training; to continue on my weight loss journey; stay healthy and continue to win when I argue with myself about IF I should walk that day or not (I do win, but sometimes I argue with myself for quite a while!!). Hope all is well with everybody ... stay warm and between the ditches. I say that 'cuz I hit a deer the other day, and I'm still not over it.

    Gean -- Northern Minnesota ... like WAY North!!
  • *bump* :flowerforyou:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good grief...I just threw my fitbit in the washer attached to my work-out (zumba) clothes! I remembered it about 5 minutes later, and there it was...underwater and agitating away! I grabbed it out and dried it off. As of now, it's WORKING! I can't believe it, but I'm happy!! I have mine synced with MFP...I want those extra calories to use. (oops. Just checked it again. Now it's not working.)

    We finally got some rain after months with none. We need it badly here in So. CA. It wasn't a lot, but it will help. There is snow in the mountains too.

    Praying for health for so many of you who are not well...and your family members too. Also praying for some relief from the weather.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Quick update, failed the stress test, he had a cardiac catheterization this afternoon and they put in 2 stents. All of his blockages are bow taken care of. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I am still really, really tired.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Joyce.......Best to your DH; hope his post procedure course is smooth and swift. Take care of yourself, too.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    The dog and I just came back from a walk and we're both relieved. In my case, it is emotional relief from worrying about his digestion. Thanks to Tammy for the suggestion to feed him pumpkin.:bigsmile: :blushing:
    Yippie! :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, I'm glad your hubby came through ok. Now, if only he knew a cardiac nurse to take care of him...

    Take care of yourself, too.
