Doctor Who Fans Unite!!!



  • libertyfoye
    Nine: For all of the sass and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (I cry every time I watch that one.)

    I did weep when Eleven left though, but I am ready for silver fox Capaldi.
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    There's two types of people in the world:

    1. Doctor Who Fans
    2. Those that haven't watched Doctor Who yet
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    <<<< My 13 yo in his costume I made him for last Halloween. Even had a working light on top. It now sits in his room with a bookcase inside.
    He is the ultimate Whovian-
    Knows just about every line from every episode from number 9 on, plus most trivia he has learned from the datacore on all the previous doctors.
    Has tally marks in permanent marker on his left arm, that he refreshes every day. (we limit him to only one arm)
    Wears a red bow tie 24/7, Because Bow ties are cool!
    Has number 10 Sonic Screwdriver, the big Tardis that makes all the different sounds and the doors open.
    Has the desktop Dalek that runs around saying 'exterminate'.
    And of course a couple of Tshirts, and several books.
    My daughter found him a package of Jammy Dodgers for Christmas to round out all gifts Whovian.

    Did I mention he is an Aspie and tends to get a bit obsessed about things he likes?

    He started watching the shows online this past Summer, and in 6 weeks had watched every episode from 9 on, plus a few of the classics.
    He then was successful in turning me into a major Whovian. Eccleston was my first Dr, but Tennant is definitely my favorite. And I love the 11th/Amy/River Song whole story line. LOVE Alex Kingston ever since ER.

    We also found the 8th Dr movie online and watched that together. It was really good. I liked him. Too bad it didn't reignite the series back then.

    We have all the new episodes on DVR and are going thru them all again. We have to have SOMETHING to do between now and August!!:bigsmile:

    ETA I forgot, I just cut my son's hair to look like Matt Smith's. He actually favors him a bit!
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Ran across this one tonight. It made me smile.

  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Hello Sweeties.

    My attempt at being River Song (Wow, my face was fatter back then)


    My sister's much better costume as Oswin Oswald

  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    I don't need to post a picture, my profile picture and ticker show my loyalty enough. obsessed since august 2011 and I have yet to look back.
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    There's two types of people in the world:

    1. Doctor Who Fans
    2. Those that haven't watched Doctor Who yet

  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    For me, it goes, 11,5,2,9.

    Then the others :)

    Had a lovely conversation with an eight year old last week about how many masters there had been (do you count Jacobi?).
    Nice to see younger ones watching classic episodes.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    My all time favourite:)

    The hat I made for my daughter last year:)
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    My all time favourite:)

    My Doctor!!! :)
  • ashleysarvi
    I always get upset when the Doctor regenerates because i never feel anyone can be as fantastic as the prev! but then i keep watching and I fall in love all over again. Actually after 10 I refused to keep watching I didn't want him replaced. But after like 6months I was bored and after a while I was totally on board with 11. I cant pick a fav they are always so amazing! now my fav companions are Rose and Amy!
  • smboaty
    There's two types of people in the world:

    1. Doctor Who Fans
    2. Those that haven't watched Doctor Who yet

    Yes - this is so true. We now have gotten MY mother into it and so now there are 3 generations loving it. Not that the generational thing is new Im sure, will all the years its been on :)
  • smboaty

    Did I mention he is an Aspie and tends to get a bit obsessed about things he likes?

    This is my daughter in a nutshell. Sometimes it amazes me (and scares me lol) with how much information she can retain about whatever she is currently obsessed with :)

    Not diagnosed, but I have such strong suspicions that she is, or has VERY similar characteristics.
  • SirDoctorofTARDIS
    SirDoctorofTARDIS Posts: 113 Member
    I am so happy my friends convinced me to watch it about a year ago...that's when I binged on netflix from 9 through whatever is current on netflix in about a week and a half
  • cshouston81
    I just don't get the craze over the 11th. I guess I do (young girls and recent bandwagon jumpers), but he was mediocre at best. They never differentiated him from Tennant so I just never got used to him. I'm glad he's gone... >_>

    Modern era, the 9th is MY doctor. I actually got teased by my friends for watching it back in 2005, and now they're all "fans" because of the popularity explosion. I like the 10th Doctor as well, but I wouldn't consider him my favorite. I'm looking forward to seeing what Peter Capaldi can bring to the role because he's a pretty excellent actor, in my humble opinion. And because it's fun to see all the little girls whinge about him being "old".
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    I started watching with the 9th and I loved him! So sad he was only there for a season :( I'm only about 4 episodes into Matt Smith so no spoilers please! lol I'm planning on making this huge throw for myself and a friend:


    Going to takes ages but it's so worth it!
  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
    Love David Tennant! Still making up my mind about this new doctor....

    Reason #0944 to be fit- to be ready for a whole lot of running when the doctor finally chooses me as his next companion :happy:
  • swoods85
    swoods85 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started watching Doctor Who about 2 years ago but since then I have been obsessed. It could be considered a sickness really...
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I just don't get the craze over the 11th.

    I never got really attached to Matt Smith, either, but if you think he's no different than Tennant then you're not paying very close attention lol.