Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • I am in week 3 of my second cycle of T25. Did both Alpha and Beta and we purchased the Gamma DVD as well. I LOVE THEM ALL! Especially in love with Gamma. Have lost some weight but dropped an entire size (almost 2 sizes). The workouts are quick and you get a good sweat. They have a modifier so you don't feel like you can't keep up or acheive. Shaun T is so motivational and fun to watch. And all the people he is working out with have been in the focus groups so they aren't some hardbodies that were hired to look pretty while working out to boost DVD sales. They have made transformations too so its great to see that it does work. Buy it! you won't regret it!!!

    Have you been seeing results because you tightened up your eating to match their plan? I started this week but had so much food in my house I didn't want to waste I couldn't get on a super clean plan until this friday.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I used to workout but ever since I got married a year and half ago I stopped and have gained significant amount of weight. I'm wanting to lose at least 25 pounds. I haven't really worked out since then. I work full time and can only workout in the evenings and on weekends. Would this program work or should I try something else? I have been eating healthier but is this something I can do to get fit in a few months without concentrating heavily on diet?

    I would say to go for it, especially because of your time constraints. I wouldn't say you have to "concentrate heavily" on diet to get results, but I would suggest at least trying to make healthy choices: no need to deprive yourself, but just know that you won't see as significant results if you aren't eating right.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't read all the posts (wow, 11 pages!!!) but I will post just to bump the thread and I can keep reading all your results

    I just finished week 4 of alpha and my scale is NOT my friend. I keep gaining and losing the same 2 lbs. I never took measurements because I am so disgusted by how I gained all this weight back after I lost it once already. I'm not following the diet plan set for the program I was eating between 1400-1600 calories before but for the past week I am eating my TDEE -25% (1900 calories) hoping I'll see a change.

    With that being said, I don't see much change in my body (without measurements it's hard to say) but I do see biceps again, it's a start. Maybe I'll measure myself this morning, do my last week of alpha and try to be excited for beta. Even though my scale doesn't show me anything and my belly hasn't changed yet, I'm not giving up! It's frustrating not getting results but I'm tired of being fat. I have a closet full of clothes I can't wear!!

    About the not showing instruction, could you imagine how long the workout would be if he explained what the next moves were and how to do them?? I do agree they sometimes take too long to get to the modifier but I prepare myself by watching the videos before I workout to them (I watched two of the beta workouts already).
  • missyq2525
    missyq2525 Posts: 1 Member
    Been doing T25 for 5 results yet. Love the workout and I sweat...but I have a very hard time losing! Great that its only 25 minutes!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Been doing T25 for 5 results yet. Love the workout and I sweat...but I have a very hard time losing! Great that its only 25 minutes!

    Are you following the nutrition guide? Your diet is very important when it comes to seeing results.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    OK after reading through most of this. I don't feel like such a failure after all. Don't get me wrong...I am losing inches. Almost 4 just off my waist alone so that is results! I've been a little down about the STUPID scale. Mainly because I've been stuck in the 150s forever. I am on week 9 have lost over 10+ inches and prob only 1lb (my weight keeps bouncing from 157 to 154...I even got to 152 ugh) I see everyone is getting different results, many of you like me mostly inches not much weight. However still getting great results. Overall this program is a winner!! Oh and btw it really does get fun once you start beta! I love this phase.
  • The idea of high-intensity training is NOT new. Check out - developed by a friend of mine who has shown me the medical research backing up that 10 minutes of high-intensity training six days a week is better than 45 minutes plus three times a week. I have taken this and combined with isometric drills (i.e., far faster in building muscle than normal weight training) and a five-minute high-intensity sprint at the end using a $38 mini trampoline.

    Bottom line, from my personal perspective, high-intensity training is the right thing for me and my schedule but I've used Fit10 and modified it. If you can't motivate yourself, go with T25 or so. However, once you start 10 minutes of high-intensity workout in the morning you won't be able to start your day without it.

    Hope this helps.
  • I started T25 and have finished week one....i take the vitamins regularly which i find taste horrible and i have the same amt of energyas before nothing too exciting...drank 2 shakes which are chalky and terrible tasting so done with those...i eat 1200 calories a day which seems to be sufficient for me...Like u i feel like there are no results...i actually feel fatter than ever and weigh the same...i thought maybe it would be inches that i lost yet i feel like the incredible hulk when i put my clothes on...feel like they r bursting at theseams which wasnt the case before i started these workouts...not sure why but getting a little depressed there are not even the slightest results
  • ReverendNewman
    ReverendNewman Posts: 23 Member
    Just finished Alpha. Starting Beta on Monday. Haven't lost anything on the scale. But that's OK. I do feel tighter and am stronger. Plus I started really hitting the weights about a month ago too, so it could be muscle weight. I still suck wind on every workout, and it ain't pretty when I'm doing it. I don't modify all that much, but I do have to stop every now and then to catch me breath. I hit the gym at 4:30 AM and then as soon as I get home, I'm hitting T25 at like 6. I'm sure my strength and stamina are compromised with this level of training that early on an empty stomach. When I do do it in the afternoon, with some calories in me, I do feel like I am stronger and have more energy. Duh!

    But this is the cycle I'm on right now. I'm really gonna tighten up my diet for Beta.
  • nndy
    nndy Posts: 1
    I just finished Week 5 which is the last week of the Alpha round. I will have to say that this is one of the first workouts Ive actually followed. .Ive been doing the workouts with my sister. I have a lot of weight to lose compared to her and even though the workouts are great we too have yet to see any results on the scale, like many have expressed on this board. However I have seen results in lost inches. So far in 5 weeks Ive lost 8inches all around. So it works.
    I cant wait to dig through Beta...
  • I just did the first week of T25 Alpha. I enjoyed it because it's only 25 minutes. I get bored real easy as I did with insanity. So I'm hoping i stick with this. I need to lose about 50lbs. I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who didn't lose anything at all yet. I don't feel as discouraged .
  • Was in relatively decent shape before starting T25 but I let myself go a little over the holiday/end of football season (gained about 10-15 lbs and did not feel great). Did half of Insanity a while back but I got a new job + continuing school at night, did not have time for it and quit. So I am familiar with Shaun T and his workouts, even though this was about 2 years ago. I play basketball once or twice a week to stay active but it is just not enough. Started at 6'1" 215, like I said I don't need to lose a ton of weight but more about getting into shape, would ideally like to be around 195-200 though. Not following nutrition guide but I have tightened up my diet. Finished Alpha last week, on day 2 of Beta now, I've lost about 10-11 lbs, just under 1/2 inch off my stomach, and actually lost 1/8 inch off my arms. In terms of looks, I can barely see some changes, looking at upper body mostly. My abs feel tighter and my body just feels better but you would not know it looking at me with my shirt off compared to when I began. Maybe a little difference but nothing mind blowing. My cardio and lower body are at a pretty good level as is, not really looking to make huge differences there though, I'll be content with whatever changes occur. Cannot wait for strength training to be incorporated though. Enjoyed Beta core cardio yesterday but have yet to use the resistance bands.

    Loved Alpha, to those saying they get bored I don't know how you can. You can always improve form, increase reps, just plain be better at the workout. That alone should keep one from getting bored, and if you are doing the workouts perfectly and with ease then maybe you should be doing a different program. Like I said, had pretty good weight results from Alpha but I've always been the type of guy that can add and drop 5-10 pounds so the real test will be seeing if I plateaued or if I continue to improve with Beta/Gamma. I would also like to see some changes to my upper body start to occur but I know that comes with time and more hard work.

    I cannot speak to Beta but I've heard most people love it. Alpha crushed me almost every workout, especially Total Body. The only workouts I 100% nailed were Speed and Cardio, all others I had to mix in various modifiers or take 2-3 second breaks to recover. Regardless of my Beta & Gamma results, I will be doing another cycle of this workout. I would and have recommended it to everyone. For those not seeing weight results, maybe look into a diet change, but 100% stick with this. Results will come if you work hard and eat right.
  • Littlehos1
    Littlehos1 Posts: 1 Member
    Do you automatically go to the Beta Cycle after you have done the Alpha for 5 weeks? Or do you wait until you have gotten extremely good at the Alpha? I still use the modified version in some of the workouts.
  • Pete0725
    Pete0725 Posts: 36 Member
    I completed P90x, took a week off to rest then started T25. I'm on week 4 of 5 of Beta and I like T25. Its a lot of cardio and Shaun T is a great motivator. So far I've lost 12lbs.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Did the alpha and beta stages looked fab no weight lost but lost cm felt great .... Got pregnant, stopped then I've just started again at 20wks preggo (no worries with this I'm have exercised throughout both pregnancies with no trouble, all modifications ) I skip the core focused days but the cardio and weights are fun... When bubs out 4months to go I'm guna start again reduce my calorie intake and see what happens yay can not wait .... Oh and I have gamma a s well so I'm gonna look hot!!!
  • Susan_777
    Susan_777 Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished the Alpha round Friday and I'm going to start Beta Monday. I still do the modified version due to a bad knee, but I would definitely say I don't 'Nail' my exercises but my form and capabilities have greatly improved. When I first started Alpha I had to take breaks every few minutes but now I only steal a swig of water every so often. I did not follow the meal plan but I did incorporate some recipes into my routine. I eat 1,400 calories a day and my HRM says I burn about 300-350 calories per workout. I only lost 8 pounds, 2 inches off my waist, but my body looks so much healthier. I've never really worked out before and I'm a 29 year old woman that let her body go. I'm hoping to lose 30 more pounds and I'm excited for Beta and hope it helps with my weight loss goal. I'll post an update when I'm finished.

  • Carrie1106
    Carrie1106 Posts: 2 Member
    I read through quite a few of the posts and looked at almost all of the pictures and watched the infomercial. What I noticed is that there didn't seem to be anyone over ~35 years old. Supposedly any physical shape or age can do this but I don't see anything to support this.

    I'm a 58 year old female and have run for the last 30 years, marathons, halves, you name it so I know what hard work is. I've completely fallen off the wagon and need something just shy of foolproof to get me going again. Could this work for the older generation?
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    You're going to work hard for 25 min. You want people to see how hard you worked? Eat well. I really enjoyed T25.
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    I just finished Alpha round and I know I've lost weight and inches, but I was dumb and didn't take starting measurements.
    I'm doing Insanity instead of going to Beta, but I really, really enjoyed T25. I thought it was PERFECT for someone with a busy schedule. EVERYONE has 25 minutes!!! Shaun T is awesome, but I do need him to be a little more "bootcamp-y" than he is in T25, hence I'm doing Insanity :)