Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • 23 y/o
    sw. 294
    cw. 260
    gw. 222
    ugw. 199

    I've been working really hard at this and would love to support or motivate others!
  • MisStarr_83
    MisStarr_83 Posts: 21 Member
    Looking for a twin.
    30yr old female
    CW: 239
    I love having curves but they shouldn't be everywhere. My plan is to be healthy and fit not skinny.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    30 years old. 5'10". Current weight: 205.5, down from 214. Goal weight: 150-155, whichever fits me into a Size 9 dress again! Just finishing up 30-day Shred, on to Ripped in 30 next. Cut out all wheat, processed sugars, most dairy (except greek yogurt and about 1/4 cup skim milk mozzarella cheese a week), cut way back on alcohol (1 to 2 glasses of red wine every other week), switched from coffee to green tea.
  • momma2kas
    momma2kas Posts: 19 Member
    Looking for my twin! 37 years old, 5'4" mom of one beautiful 16 year old daughter.
    SW: 180
    CW: 174
    GW: 130
  • I am 32 and currently 119 my goal weight is also 110. If I tried to run while watching Once Upon a Time, I would fall off the treadmill! Haha :)
  • Looking for my twin. I am 5'4. My highest weight was 130 and I am currently 119, my goal is 110. I am 32 years old.
  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    5'4 and a half :wink:

    HW: 189+ lbs

    CW: 130lbs give or take a few (fluctuating atm)

    GW: 119lbs or just to be toned
  • starmonique
    starmonique Posts: 22 Member
    I am 23 I weigh 170lbs. My goal 135lbs. I am a mom to one and I work fulltime and I am skipping spring semester to get back in shape.
    Lets work together ladies, I hope i don't regret skipping this semester,
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    30 y/o
    SW: 143
    CW: 129
    GOAL: 117 I think? I'm not sure what I want! Just to look wildly healthy and sexy

    Anyone else have trouble with deciding their goal? Maybe my twins can advise :)
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    I'd like a twin too please :)

    I'm 40 (41 in a fortnight - aargghh!)
    5'6-7 ish
    SW 300lbs ish
    GW 200lbs ish
    Struggle to lose even when eating at 1400-1600 a day - I think my metabolism is faulty!
    Work hard in a fairly sedentary job, love walking by the sea with my lovely husband, we are very lucky to live in a gorgeous small coastal town in the UK.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I am 39, 5'7 and weight 207. My high weight was 323. Mom to five and wife. I workout 4-5 days a week doing zumba, I also run and lift weights.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    31 years old
    Start weight- 310
    Current weight- 240
    Goal weight- 180-190

    I have lost a lot of weight quickly with a very low calorie diet in the past few years. My plan right now is to build back up the muscle I've lost through strength training 3x a week. I'm focusing on heavy lifting and loving it! Some cardio thown in occasionally. I'm MUCH less worried about that number on the scale anymore, but focusing on how I feel and how my clothes fit.
  • thechels01
    thechels01 Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 29. I am currently about 162lbs, and I am looking to get to 135 as well. I'm not overly concerned about the number, but there was a time that I was very fit, and about 135 and a size 2/4. I'd like to get back to that, but ultiamtely, I want to lose this fat around my stomach, and love handles, and have my arms more toned. I am doing crossfit, and am endeavoring to cut out alcohol during the week, and eat better 6 days/week. Trying my heardest at a clean eating diet.
  • eljip
    eljip Posts: 5
    hey! I'm a 22 year old health and wellness student. I danced (everything! ballet, tap, jazz, etc.) for 9 years, so I've been reasonably fit for my whole life. I have been a bit lazier in the past couple years, and I'd honestly just like to lose a bit of weight, get stronger, better endurance, all the good stuff. I run about 3x a week, pilates on my own at home every day, want to do weight training but I get anxious in a gym full of people. Which is really ridiculous considering I know all the people at school in the same program and that's mostly who is always there, haha.

    anyone can add me, though!
  • 25 years old
    Height: 4'11
    SW: 141
    CW: 116
    GW: 105-110?

    I work out 4-5 days a week, mainly at home. Currently doing the Les Mills Combat (martial arts inspired, mix between HIIT workouts and martial arts cardio..).

    My goal weight at this point is hard to say... Any other petite ladies out there know this challenge as well!! 5lbs on a person my height is like 15 on someone who is of average height! My goal is to lose about 5-10 more pounds of fat, and tone up, so I might end up back at a toned 115 lbs and be happy! I am about to get the Les mills pump at home work out to add more strength training since I am moving on to focus on strength and stamina!
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    I am 24 years old
    My cw is : 71 kg(156 )
    My GW is 58 kg (127)

    I am not exercising now because of an ankle injury but ordered my 30 day shred video to begin once my ankle heals :)

    Feel free to add me if you are a lady (sorry guys haha)
  • I am 34 yrs. old
    My SW was: 165
    My CW is: 162
    My GW is:135-140

    Goal weight for me is kind of complicated because 4 years ago I got down to 138 and felt wonderful and just thought maybe a few more pounds but everything I seem to read tells me I would be healthier and look better weighing less than that but that isn't true IMO. I actually think I look sick smaller than that goal weight range I put above. I must carry my weight a lot differently than most people this height. Anyways, I am a mom of two boys and I strive to workout for at least an hour every week day on my elliptical, then also add in some ab exercises. I seem to be needing more motivation for my food choices rather than my work out ethic. I'm getting into the habit of the work out, I'm just struggling so hard with not eating whatever I want because I've always been able to until kids. If I'm your twin, please feel free to add me!
  • kimberlymarie30
    kimberlymarie30 Posts: 36 Member
    33 years old

    5'3" almost 5'4"
    SW: 250 lbs
    CW: 183 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

    I would love to find a twin!
  • chaparra71
    chaparra71 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, not your "twin", but a fellow farmer here! It is always interesting to find someone with "like" interests!

    Hmmm.,I was replying to someone, guess I clicked the wrong button!:blushing:
  • I'm 46 -- but forget all the time how old that truly is
    I'm 5'1 1/2" on a good day

    CW -- 143
    GW -- 125

    I'm just counting calories and doing cardio 5-6 times a week. No set regime just yet.
    It takes a village, people.....I'd love to find my triplets or quadruplets. ha!