"Unclean" IIFYM Success Stories and Pics please?



  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Threads like this make me feel like an *kitten* for being a "clean" eater... you know, whatever that means.
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    In to follow the AWESOMENESS of this thread :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Going to sit here in my happily average state and eat a chocolate caramel brownie :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Of course per the usual people come in here assuming that IIFYM/flexible dieting means total disregard for nutrient density and an entire lack of whole foods. Fortunately most people who actually practice it, understand it.

    The reality is that in practice, most flexible dieters who do it correctly, by limiting discretionary intake to a small portion of total calories, don't actually have a diet that differs much from a clean eater who happens to allow a few treats here and there.

    IIFYM works. But unfortunately, people form their straw-men arguments and assume that anything other than clean eating must just mean total disregard for health.

    I eat a diet that is mostly nutrient dense. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I also eat some pop tarts and some ice cream. I just make sure that the former represents the majority of my diet, and the latter represents a small portion.

    Here's a before/after. In full disclosure, the after in this snapshot is from late summer when I was lean. I'm nearing the tail end of a bulk currently. The before pic is the closest thing I have. Unfortunately I lacked the courage and insight to take a before pic when I actually started, but this is within a month or so.

  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    bumping to read later
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    Bump, love this!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Of course per the usual people come in here assuming that IIFYM/flexible dieting means total disregard for nutrient density and an entire lack of whole foods. Fortunately most people who actually practice it, understand it.

    The reality is that in practice, most flexible dieters who do it correctly, by limiting discretionary intake to a small portion of total calories, don't actually have a diet that differs much from a clean eater who happens to allow a few treats here and there.


    Also, when was your before, SS?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Of course per the usual people come in here assuming that IIFYM/flexible dieting means total disregard for nutrient density and an entire lack of whole foods. Fortunately most people who actually practice it, understand it.

    The reality is that in practice, most flexible dieters who do it correctly, by limiting discretionary intake to a small portion of total calories, don't actually have a diet that differs much from a clean eater who happens to allow a few treats here and there.


    Also, when was your before, SS?

    I started lifting in October 2010. The picture that was taken was about 4 weeks after I started lifting. It's pretty close to accurate. I weighed about 198 in the before pic, when I started lifting I was about 202lbs.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Threads like this make me feel like an *kitten* for being a "clean" eater... you know, whatever that means.

    Just eating "clean" does not an *kitten* make. Eating clean, bragging about it, and tell non-clean eaters they are unhealthy makes you an *kitten*.

    Also know that "clean" doesn't really have a definition. If you say "I try to eat mostly whole, unprocessed, nutrient dense food. That's just what I prefer, and you are are welcome to eat however you'd like" then no one would ever think you were an *kitten*.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    In to find later for ...inspiration. :wink:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Of course per the usual people come in here assuming that IIFYM/flexible dieting means total disregard for nutrient density and an entire lack of whole foods. Fortunately most people who actually practice it, understand it.

    The reality is that in practice, most flexible dieters who do it correctly, by limiting discretionary intake to a small portion of total calories, don't actually have a diet that differs much from a clean eater who happens to allow a few treats here and there.


    Also, when was your before, SS?

    I started lifting in October 2010. The picture that was taken was about 4 weeks after I started lifting. It's pretty close to accurate. I weighed about 198 in the before pic, when I started lifting I was about 202lbs.

    Well, you are rockstar, as you know ;)
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Threads like this make me feel like an *kitten* for being a "clean" eater... you know, whatever that means.

    Just eating "clean" does not an *kitten* make. Eating clean, bragging about it, and tell non-clean eaters they are unhealthy makes you an *kitten*.

    Also know that "clean" doesn't really have a definition. If you say "I try to eat mostly whole, unprocessed, nutrient dense food. That's just what I prefer, and you are are welcome to eat however you'd like" then no one would ever think you were an *kitten*.


    When I discovered clean eating, I made it my religion for a while. Then, only doing clean eating backfired and I fell off the wagon for months, regaining a lot of the fat I'd dropped. Now I'm a IIFYM gal, but I respect people who eat clean 100%. It's just not for me, or I feel deprived. I still tend to consume mostly whole unprocessed foods, (I learned how to make my own pasta, for example!) but I don't think sugar is evil, or whatever I was on about when I believed it was The Only Way. Pfft.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    IIFYM, Weight lifting with little cardio, -1 pound per week for the first 50 pounds. 4 bulk/cut cycles since getting down to 160 over 1.5 years ago. Currently a little over 170 and cutting again.


    Wow. The difference from 180 to 170 is huge! Those pics are inspiring.

    Thank you. I think the reason for the drastic difference between 180 and 170 was I joined MFP when I was around 185lbs and started tracking macros. I also got rid of a lot of the nonsense meal timing I had been on and got on a better lifting program. All thanks to the tough love I got from the "mean people" on these message boards after regurgitating some nonsense gymlore I had "learned". :happy: After I got over the butthurt I started doing some research and tried to learn as much actual science based information as I could, I realized they were all correct.

    I think I may have finally experienced some of the newbie gains some people get or at least gained back the muscle I had lost without tracking cals and macros. I had also lost most of the fat already around my face and neck so all that was left to lose was around my gut.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For various 'clean' people that have mention -
    Define processed.
    Define 'natural'.
    Define 'healthy' only using words that you can define and still be congruent with your intentions.
    why would I waste it by filling my body with foods it was not designed to eat? I still have a ways to go but the less processed I eat, the better I feel.
    Good for you.
    The more ice cream I eat, the better I feel. I just had a whole Viennetta. Fresh and I did minimal processing and didn't go for any additives. It made me happy! But I don't have any proof that it will make others feels better (bet it does, actually), so I don't go around suggesting it as a solution.
    Can you tell me what sorts of food you eat the human body was 'designed' for and why it is not for other sorts of foods?
    Cupcakes may be addictive, just like cocaine.
    Also, melon.
    Seriously; I've had to stop buying it, because I can't eat JUST ONE slice, I eat the whole melon. And generally it's a better deal to get 2 melons, so I can easily eat another whole melon the same day. Rare that there's any melon left from two large ones the day after I've bought them.
    So, I'm going to sue anyone that's ever sold melons because they made me fat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You guys are saying eating healthy is overrated and McDonalds is just fine? Flavored seaweed passed on as beef is just wonderful...
    There is only one guy on this thread with ripped abs, rest of you are just average.
    What u r saying is u loose weight if you just eat less of what you've been eating......medical awards all around lol

    Your definition of healthy eating is probably different than others. After all, mental health is important.

    Also, why on earth does someone need ripped abs to be a success.

    Also, there are a load of people that are a damn site more ripped than you that practice IIFYM - you ain't that special yourself precious.

  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Awesome results you guys!
    I soo can't wait to make my goals and post on the boards. :)
    So much inspiration on this site, i love it.

    I had a question..would IIFYM still work for people who have diabetes, PCOS, Insulin resistance?
    Just curious..i love learning!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I had a question..would IIFYM still work for people who have diabetes, PCOS, Insulin resistance?
    Just curious..i love learning!

    Yes, but people with the above conditions may have additional carbohydrate restrictions.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You guys are saying eating healthy is overrated and McDonalds is just fine? Flavored seaweed passed on as beef is just wonderful...
    There is only one guy on this thread with ripped abs, rest of you are just average.
    What u r saying is u loose weight if you just eat less of what you've been eating......medical awards all around lol

    I looked at your diary, then i lol'd.

    I just did, and also lol'd. Then I spotted the first page of his friends list and lol'd even more.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    In. Because Pizza and Ice Cream.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Diet composition does not affect body weight. A calorie is a calorie.



    Over 13 weeks, fed a controlled diet of 7322 kJ daily, virtually no weight variation despite changing the caloric intake from 10% fat to 70% fat.

    You do not need to eat "clean" to lose weight. And in fact people have lost weight eating Twinkies and the like.

    The reason I think carbs and sugar and processed foods have developed this mythical quality in dieting is simply because processed and high-carb foods tend to be both highly palatable and calorie dense. Which means a lot of people have a problem controlling their caloric intake while eating them.

    Of course it is equally possible to find highly palatable, low-carb foods that are also very calorie dense. A rack of baby-back ribs with no BBQ sauce is 1200 calories by itself.

    Also some people find that diets high in protein help with satiety, which helps stick to a diet
