"Unclean" IIFYM Success Stories and Pics please?



  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    I realized that it was not my nutty buddy bars that was making me fat, but because I was eating 2 or 3 of them with a big glass of milk, along with eating a big bag of doritos, a big bottle of coke, a big bowl of frosted mini wheats, a whole pile of spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, a big glass of sweet tea, a pb&j sandwich with another glass of milk, and ALL on the same day. Is it any wonder why I gained weight? I learned that all I had to do was just eat less and get off my *kitten* every once in a while.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    my crappy before pic


    one of my after photos (me on the left with QLD Bodybuilding champ)


    I'm a volume eater so the majority of foods I eat are "clean" I'd say but I still fit in plenty of treats when I want to.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Also, for those that have had success with IIFYM, do you find that most of your calories did come from cleaner eating or did you just stick to pizza, burgers, and stuff but eat less of them?

    I didn't really think in these terms...I thought in terms of having balance to my diet...hitting my requisite protein and fat goals and then rounding the rest out with carbs. I thought in terms of hitting my nutritional requirements and getting most of my nutrients from my diet rather than supplementation.

    If you're eating a balanced diet and trying to meet your nutritional requirements with your food, you're going to find that nutrient dense foods are an essential component of your diet. IIFYM simply takes away the good food/bad food stigma of certain foods. If I'm rocking my nutrition, what does it matter if I have a slice of pizza? It doesn't. If my nutritional requirements have been fulfilled for the day, I don't get extra credit for more broccoli...so why not have a little ice cream?

    The idea is really to stop with the foolish demonization of foods and the notion that in order to lose weight you have to suck on celery sticks and eat salads all of the time. Your macro ratios are going to be dependent on overall nutritional and fitness goals as well as any particular medical issues. IIFYM doesn't stand for eat anything you want, whenever you want...you still need to plan for a diet (noun) that is going to deliver the best performance and health results.
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    I was totally beating myself up for eating a cookie and pop tart in the same day...until I saw this thread. You guys rock!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Also, for those that have had success with IIFYM, do you find that most of your calories did come from cleaner eating or did you just stick to pizza, burgers, and stuff but eat less of them?

    I didn't really think in these terms...I thought in terms of having balance to my diet...hitting my requisite protein and fat goals and then rounding the rest out with carbs. I thought in terms of hitting my nutritional requirements and getting most of my nutrients from my diet rather than supplementation.

    If you're eating a balanced diet and trying to meet your nutritional requirements with your food, you're going to find that nutrient dense foods are an essential component of your diet. IIFYM simply takes away the good food/bad food stigma of certain foods. If I'm rocking my nutrition, what does it matter if I have a slice of pizza? It doesn't. If my nutritional requirements have been fulfilled for the day, I don't get extra credit for more broccoli...so why not have a little ice cream?

    The idea is really to stop with the foolish demonization of foods and the notion that in order to lose weight you have to suck on celery sticks and eat salads all of the time. Your macro ratios are going to be dependent on overall nutritional and fitness goals as well as any particular medical issues. IIFYM doesn't stand for eat anything you want, whenever you want...you still need to plan for a diet (noun) that is going to deliver the best performance and health results.

    ^^well said
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros. Basically set up a calorie goal and proper macro goals (X grams of protein a day, X grams of fat a day, X grams of carbs a day) and eat basically whatever you want to meet those macros. It's also referred to as flexible dieting. It's an alternative to "Clean Eating" which cuts out tons of foods due to the claim that they are "unclean". IIFYM helps by setting up a plan that's easy to follow and doesn't cut out foods that taste good and that you enjoy which is why people are less likely to give up on their weight loss or go on binges on IIFYM as opposed to "Eating Clean"

    ^ + 1 trillion. You rock AJ.

    Suz,,,you said mouth(M in IIFYM) before....what are MACROS?!? What is C and F and P? (this is sarcasm)Hehe...nice post above, read it, live it, love it.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Threads like this make me feel like an *kitten* for being a "clean" eater... you know, whatever that means.

    Just eating "clean" does not an *kitten* make. Eating clean, bragging about it, and tell non-clean eaters they are unhealthy makes you an *kitten*.

    Also know that "clean" doesn't really have a definition. If you say "I try to eat mostly whole, unprocessed, nutrient dense food. That's just what I prefer, and you are are welcome to eat however you'd like" then no one would ever think you were an *kitten*.


    When I discovered clean eating, I made it my religion for a while. Then, only doing clean eating backfired and I fell off the wagon for months, regaining a lot of the fat I'd dropped. Now I'm a IIFYM gal, but I respect people who eat clean 100%. It's just not for me, or I feel deprived. I still tend to consume mostly whole unprocessed foods, (I learned how to make my own pasta, for example!) but I don't think sugar is evil, or whatever I was on about when I believed it was The Only Way. Pfft.

    I was mostly being sarcastic :P That's why I said "clean" because clean eating is very much defined by the individual. But I feel you guys. I have a serious sugar addiction and as soon as I have a hit (donut, cookies, ice cream, candy, etc) I have the hardest time getting back on track and it's often a downward spiral of binging from there. I don't totally deprive myself, I will eat out about once a month and enjoy a good meal. It's them sugary sweets that get me. For me personally, I find I do best when I keep to whole foods and no junky treats. Treats for me are making protein desserts and whatnot. As Dr. Sarah Solomon says, "cheat clean, stay lean" and that works for me. I do admit to srs jelly for those who can iifym regularly and with success.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?
  • WheezyFbb
    WheezyFbb Posts: 41 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?

    The only parameters I make sure I hit are calorie intake (deficit, surplus or maintenance) and protein intake at 0.8g/lb. I don't really count anything else. Chances are if you're eating 100+ grams of protein a day, you will get all the fat and carbs you need with it.

    Just don't do something silly like drinking 4 protein shakes a day to get the protein.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?

    MFP tracks my macros for me. I'll open up my diary for a little bit, if you're interested in looking, but generally you just kinda get good at knowing what you can and can't fit in.I know I'm eating between 1700 and 1900 calories. I know I was around 110-115g of protein, and I know I like to get at least 55g of fat (I like fat). With that in mind everything else just...fits.

    I never plan any further any in advance than the morning of and half of the time I just wing it. I might tweak things (less rice here, more chicken there, toss in a protein shake because I decide to eat a crap ton of pizza that day) but generally everything fits without much work
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I want to play! I don't have my most recent pics, but here's the old one. I didn't have much to lose, but the before pics are 1200/day, 'clean' eating, After is 2200/day plus weights


    More than my body, I can point to the athletic things I've accomplished. Races won and placed in, PRs smashed. Sorry not sorry for not being 'average'. :laugh:
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?

    The morning of usually. Depends really... it's not hard.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?

    Make sure each meal has some protein in it.

    At the end of the day, I whip up a dessert to hit macros. Normally contains stuff like yoghurt, cottage cheese, protein powder, fruit, cereal etc. In all honesty, I enjoy this more than most typical desserts. (I don't like that much sweet stuff) Although, sometimes I'll add some pop tarts or something if I need the carbs.

    Not even afraid of the insulin fairy :laugh:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I needed this thread today. Hopefully one day I'll have pics of my own to add.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    How do you guys keep track of all the different dietary parameters? I find it hard enough to pick foods just watching caloric intake. I can't imagine trying to figure out different foods to hit all the other parameters, too. I don't even know how I would go about choosing foods to hit macros. It sounds like playing food Tetris. How far out in advance do you plan your menus?

    The only parameters I make sure I hit are calorie intake (deficit, surplus or maintenance) and protein intake at 0.8g/lb. I don't really count anything else. Chances are if you're eating 100+ grams of protein a day, you will get all the fat and carbs you need with it.

    Pretty much. All I track I pay attention to is protein. If I eat one good serving of meat a day (a chicken breast) I usually hit it without trying.
  • bumpadeebumpbump...need to find out more about this macro mallarky!
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I don't eat clean at all, I have a really poor diet because of money, how busy I am and the fact I hate the majority of fruit and vegetables and all fish doesn't help this but I have been losing weight. I do try to balance myself but it is very hard for me, so I take vitamins and omega 3 oil to try and give my body what it is missing.

    I haven't been able to weigh myself for over a month (I might be able to tomorrow as I am seeing a nurse, how exciting!) but I have dropped an inch off my hips and almost three off my waist so I can't be doing too badly :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    IIFYM here........ and a type 2 diabetic....... 3 years of weight loss and 15 months in Maintenance..........



  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    This thread is amazing. Bumping and tagging for later. :wink: