Confessions of a chubby girl :)



  • fairefaerie
    fairefaerie Posts: 22 Member
    Sometimes if I have been very good on the calories all day and have about 100 left I eat a cookie.....and I don't LOG it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I get one cookie if I workout for more than 20 minutes. It's 85 calories, and I figure I can afford it!
    (Note: I used to get one cookie for every 10 minutes. I feel this is better :laugh:)
  • raetwssrae
    raetwssrae Posts: 16 Member
    I am another who doesn't even own yoga pants.. but I've got plenty of sweats.

    I won't go to the gym if there are other people in it because I'm too embarrassed. (Thankfully the gym at my apartment complex is rarely in use).

    When I'm feeling overly fat I suck in as far as possible and use my hands to push down the fat to try to envision what I'll look like at my goal weight.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Okay first - Thank you for this thread! It makes me feel so much better! I have 2:

    1. I won't let my hubby see me do Insanity because I'm afraid he'll laugh (even though he swears he won't). For that matter, I can't bring myself to leave the house to workout because I don't want people making fun of me.
    2. I don't have very many workout clothes, so I hang mine up to dry and wear them a couple days in a row. Then they get washed.

    Also - Yoga pants FTW!

    I wear mine for a week or more at a time, but I don't sweat a lot and I work out at home, so nobody else has to smell me :)
  • I put on weight and my Spanx don't fit anymore, so until I lose some more weight I'm just gonna have to jiggle!!! It's seriously de-moralising to try getting them on then needing help to get them off from the highest point you got them too :blushing:
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I laugh at the idea of a thigh gap. My thighs are very well acquainted and probably always will be even when I lose the chub I've recently gained.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I am another who doesn't even own yoga pants.. but I've got plenty of sweats.

    I won't go to the gym if there are other people in it because I'm too embarrassed. (Thankfully the gym at my apartment complex is rarely in use).

    When I'm feeling overly fat I suck in as far as possible and use my hands to push down the fat to try to envision what I'll look like at my goal weight.

    LOL I smooth out my belly, too!
  • LearningtoFly1
    LearningtoFly1 Posts: 2 Member
    I got some from Old Navy's website. But it has been awhile
  • YearsWorthOfFAT
    I ask my family for smaller clothes to motivate myself to eat healthier.

    I can spend 10 minutes just looking at myself in the mirror T_T

    Sometimes i step off of my bicycle and walk a couple of minutes, getting on it later again while going to my destination - i get tired easily. I ALWAYS HAVE THE WIND IN MY FACE.
  • pmuise1991
    One more confession: My thighs rub together when I walk so bad that I end up wearing holes in all my favourite pants! Haha

    OMG HELP ME WITH THIS PROBLEM... I have ruined so many pairs of dress pants :)
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    When we are at family things with my size 2 sister I sit there and will her to eat more of anything just so she can gain weight and be semi "fat" (maybe a size 10) I also will men to check me out or think I'm never happens, I think I will have more luck on my first one then my second.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I wear yoga pants daily and never do yoga.

    Me too. Best kept office secret. Put a nice heel with them and they look like business attire. :)

    I have considered these but never sprung for them:
  • KristaPerseveres
    KristaPerseveres Posts: 87 Member
    I bought a maternity swimsuit to take on vacation to Mexico last month. I haven't been pregnant in 12 years....ugh! I don't know why, because I avoid the water, I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together when they are wet! LOL :)

    I also have jeans & yoga pants with holes in the thigh area from them rubbing together.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    One more confession: My thighs rub together when I walk so bad that I end up wearing holes in all my favourite pants! Haha

    OMG HELP ME WITH THIS PROBLEM... I have ruined so many pairs of dress pants :)

    This is the story of my life!!!!

    Also I wear 2 sports bras, or a sport bra with a built in one because I'm afraid the girls will spill out. Also so I can pull one higher in the back so that my back fat is covered when running!
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    One more confession: My thighs rub together when I walk so bad that I end up wearing holes in all my favourite pants! Haha

    You know how many pairs of pants I used to go through because of this?! I have a lot of pants that are in good condition with the exception of the thighs.

    It was a sad day when the inseams of my jeans developed holes while the knees were in great condition.

    For swimming I have taken to buying workout clothes. The tops fit better than tankini tops (actual bathing suits are cut in such a way I always seem to spill out :grumble: ) and the shorts keep my thighs from rubbing. As long as they have the built in bra/underwear workout gear is great as a bathing suit.
  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    I jiggle my fat in the mirror. I confessed this to my best friend... and she is also guilty lol

    and i do random excercises while cooking, or waiting on a timer. haha.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    I get frustrated when I do Turbo Jam because when I do the "tuck" it really makes my belly look huge. :'(

    Oh! I dislike doing the knee lifts in my Walk Away the Pounds DVD because I hate it when my thighs touch the part of my belly that sticks out still.

    But I keep doing the workouts because I do feel good afterwards.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    One more confession: My thighs rub together when I walk so bad that I end up wearing holes in all my favourite pants! Haha

    Even at my smallest and fittest this happens to me :( I guess it's just the shape of my thighs.
    Me too, even when I was a way-underweight 105-pound college kid. I don't see it changing. At least I have an excuse to buy new clothes once in a while. :ohwell:

    ETA: The worst thing is shorts riding up while walking or running. Doesn't matter what size they are or how "in shape" I am... Cotton, cargo, or underarmour... I'm yanking those babies down every few minutes. Ick. Nothing kills that "I'm running like a beast and feeling so sexay" buzz so fast.
  • epona08
    epona08 Posts: 39 Member
    Sometimes I sleep in my gym attire so that when I wake up all I have to do is roll out of bed and GO.

    Genius! I might need to start implementing this to help me get my lazy, sleep loving butt out of bed in time to workout before work.

    I have these jeans that I bought a size too large (almost two sizes since it's cut big) that I break out whenever I'm really struggling with how slow weight loss is or am having a day where I hate what I see in the mirror. It sounds super silly but it kind of helps.