Any Empaths out there? Hello? This thing on?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I have empathy for empaths. No really I do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Empathy is a human trait that probably goes back possibly more than 2 million years. Even bonobos have it to some extent (more than common chimps but less than humans). Non-verbal communication of emotion (among other things) pre-dates spoken language.

    some humans are better at this than others............ re the bit in that article about detecting "true" feelings underneath the facade, that's been shown to be an ability to read other people's micro-expressions (yes like on "Lie to Me" - that series is based on this particular branch of science). It's nothing supernatural, or even anything that unusual. And the fact that some are better at this than others, is because there's variation in any population. But compared to most animals, humans are geniuses at empathy, it's a trait we evolved, presumably because co-operation and helping sick and injured people in the group increased the group's chance of survival, and individuals who were more empathetic were more likely to do those things, and able to work together more effectively due to understanding each other at a deeper level. Anyway, my take is that the OP is better than average at reading micro-expressions and other non-verbal cues in other people, or maybe some neurological variation that leads to a great degree of empathy than average. If they can detect this on brain scans between bonobos and common chimps then it's likely something that shows some degree of variation within species as well.

    Thanx for this :) and solidifying that empaths "can" exist. Now I'm going to feed the trolls. I do "special talent" isn't being an empath, but cleanse energy and chakras through heat and meditation. I also invoke reiki when I meditate and do yoga. If it IS all in the mind, the mind is a very powerful thing :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    darkside? Cookies?

  • harribeau2014
    I was slightly interested to see what an empath is and found, "Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions." from but just as I thought how I MAY perhaps be classed as one (WAAY too much empathy here) I found THIS quote " I Am An Empath. I came across this definition in my psychic ability group in yahoo ..."from

    there's a psychic ability group!!!

    Do they all know it's there?
  • Str0ng_Heart
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    Me either, but i really dont like thinking that i did offend someone.. This whole post started by me just trying to find some common ground with other people getting in shape.. I didnt think itd be like this..

    I think you are a really good sport about all of this.

    Me, too.

    Sometimes I wish I could care about what others think about me, but I cant, I only care how I think of others..
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    darkside? Cookies?



  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I wasnt sure were to put this, so im putting it here..
    I am empath, and Id like to connect with others, positive vibes, but Im also willing to be there for support.. Its hard for an empath not to support..sooooo :-) Yup, thats about it!

    Oh im not psychic but I can see this coming.. "Whats an Empath?" <<<< GO RUN! SKIP! FORWARD MARCH! Gain knowledge for gods sake! Thats the best part about life!!

    Hi there! You can send me a friend request if you like.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    Me either, but i really dont like thinking that i did offend someone.. This whole post started by me just trying to find some common ground with other people getting in shape.. I didnt think itd be like this..

    I think you are a really good sport about all of this.

    Agreed. And it's mostly people blowing off a little steam. While it sucks when it's your turn to get your thread poked, it's not personal.
  • fortally
    I am an empath but this is not the place to post about this. The derp energy is overwhelming from some of the respondents.

    So I'm a twerp? Really?

    Ohhhh, you said derp. So sorry, my apologies.

    Wait, what?? What the frell is a derp?
  • Str0ng_Heart
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    Me either, but i really dont like thinking that i did offend someone.. This whole post started by me just trying to find some common ground with other people getting in shape.. I didnt think itd be like this..

    I think you are a really good sport about all of this.

    Agreed. And it's mostly people blowing off a little steam. While it sucks when it's your turn to get your thread poked, it's not personal.

    I agree, Over the internet its very common to forget theres a living breathing person with feelings behind the screen.. Its whatever.. Maybe some of these people needed a laugh on a bad day, glad i could provide that.. :-)
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I don't get why they're mocking. I straight up believe in ghosts and ****. I won't let a Ouija board near me. THAT'S some mockable fodder right there. ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't get why they're mocking. I straight up believe in ghosts and ****. I won't let a Ouija board near me. THAT'S some mockable fodder right there. ;)

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    We will discuss this at the next community meeting.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    Me either, but i really dont like thinking that i did offend someone.. This whole post started by me just trying to find some common ground with other people getting in shape.. I didnt think itd be like this..

    I think you are a really good sport about all of this.

    Me, too.

    Sometimes I wish I could care about what others think about me, but I cant, I only care how I think of others..

    as long as we're all in agreement that all of the others are pathetic losers with low self esteem, right?
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    This popped in my head, and I don't have a good gif to go with it.....

    "c'mon c'mon... feel it feel it.....feel the vibration

    Its such a good vibration, such a sweeeeet sensationnnnn"

    Gotta love Marky Mark

    Is that how empaths work, and is this your theme song?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    We will discuss this at the next community meeting.

    you know the rules....SNITCHES GET STITCHES!
  • fortally
    For the record, I don't find the Rosa Parks thing to be offensive in the least.


    Me either, but i really dont like thinking that i did offend someone.. This whole post started by me just trying to find some common ground with other people getting in shape.. I didnt think itd be like this..

    I think you are a really good sport about all of this.

    Agreed. And it's mostly people blowing off a little steam. While it sucks when it's your turn to get your thread poked, it's not personal.

    I agree, Over the internet its very common to forget theres a living breathing person with feelings behind the screen.. Its whatever.. Maybe some of these people needed a laugh on a bad day, glad i could provide that.. :-)

    I actually wasn't laughing at you at all. It's the snarky responses that gave me the giggles. I'm also a little in awe of how great your attitude is. I wouldn't take the snark or the giggles personally. I'll also be the first to admit that I'm a little envious of people with empathic skills. And yeah, I believe people DO have those skills because I'm on the other end of the spectrum myself and know what I CAN'T do. Best of luck in your journey. Sounds like you've met a few like-minded friends and as a side effect created an entertaining thread for those of us along for the ride. Cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I think I have empathy?
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    empaths - they *do* give a rats @$$
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    So I guess we're not talking about empaths as opposed to sociopaths, but people who are generally more empathetic than others?