How does your spouse support you?

I've got three anti-spouse posts in "My Topics" alone. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day people.

Let's hear some good stories about spouses please.


  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    What I have to say might not be what you want to hear, but here it goes.

    My husband is only supportive now because I didn't give up entirely. I did discontinue for a while because he got upset with me eating healthier and working out, but then I decided I couldn't be a slave to his feelings or my own and did what I needed to do. As time went on, he had to admit to himself the benefits of being supportive and being healthy. Now it's so much better because when I tell him how other people get mad at me for losing weight or tell me not to eat healthy, he says they need to shove it, lol.

    I think when DH saw that I wasn't just doing it for myself and I was doing it for HIM, too, he must have changed his mind. DH realized being jealous and insecure about what I was doing for both of us didn't make sense, so now he's making a commitment to work out too. I mean, what guy doesn't want a wife with a nice body? DH also brags about my cooking because I cook healthy, but tasty meals. All of this took time-- as in YEARS-- so it was a process.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    I wish mine did, but nope not at all. Never has. I've had a stiff neck for 4 weeks now and not once has he asked me what's going on, if I've been to the dcotor, no a thing.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Yay, finally some thread about spouses worth reading! :)

    (If it doesn't transform into an anti-spouse one...)
  • mdinms
    mdinms Posts: 42 Member
    My husband is very supportive. He's currently in Afghanistan, so the only progress he's seen is on Skype. Since deploying, he has lost 50 pounds, and as of this morning I've lost 34. His is much more noticeable, (at least in my eyes), but every couple of weeks he makes me stand in front of the computer, turn this way and that, (I really think he's checking for boob shrinkage! lol), but he never fails to tell me how proud he is and that I'm looking good. 2 1/2- 3 months left to go till he's home, and I hope to lose some more before he gets here!
  • jlmuise25
    jlmuise25 Posts: 45 Member
    My hubby is 100% supportive. He reminds me to not eat something if I look like I'm about to fall of track. He ensures that I get my workout in whether it's in the morning or in the afternoon. If I miss the morning he encourages me to go later in the day by leaving out my workout clothes for me. He knows that if I don't go in the morning I have a hard time being motivated to go later in the day and that's his way of showing support. If I have to go later in the day, he cooks dinner and makes sure that I have my healthy options even if he is having something not so healthy. He does what he can to keep me motivated. <3 my hubby for all of his support and understanding during this challenging time for me. :-)
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    My husband completely supports me, and he joins me with workouts when he can. Unfortunately he has a new position that has resulted him working much more.

    He eats whatever healthy dish I put in front of him, but I try to make sure I prepare things we both enjoy. He even tells me how proud he is on a regular basis.

    I really feel bad for the posters that don't have the support that I do, but you are your own person and entitled to your own happiness.
  • batesmama
    batesmama Posts: 19 Member
    My husband is amazing! He never questions when I try and make a family favorite dish healthier and doesn't complain about my post workout hair. He also tells me how great I look and encourages me to buy better fitting clothes. The most important thing he has done so far was when I was having a moment of self doubt he told me when he married me it was forever and didn't matter what size I was. It really gave me the motivation to pick myself up after a hump or slip up and to not give up or beat myself up. He has even started working out again!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    With my dietary issues, he's had to keep an open mind about some of the food experiments as I've adjusted recipes and menus. Even if he didn't enjoy something, he never ridiculed or tried to persuade me to quit or cater exclusively to his appetite.

    He's impressed with my lifting and never makes me feel less than feminine for doing it. He's good for a spot when I need it or to just watch lecherously when I do hip thrusts.

    When I'm feeling bad about myself- not seeing progress in pictures or the mirror- he's always there to tell me it's all in my head and pull me in front of the mirror and show me all the changes that he can see.

    brb- I need to go give him a big ole kiss
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    I can't help but to sympathize with anyone whose spouse is less than supportive. There was a time when mine wasn't very supportive, but at least he was never trying to sabotage me. After a year when he saw that I didn't quit and that I was getting results with my trainer, he started going to see him too. Now he works out with me :heart:

    He bought me a TRX for Christmas :love:

    He goes grocery shopping with me, so we do our meal planning together.

    I don't take my good fortune for granted, and I let him know that I appreciate his support.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    My hubby is great -- he knows that when I go to the gym I'm in a better mood, and is not only good about sharing me with the gym (lol) but also about helping me find the motivation to go when I don't feel like it.

    He has found the perfect balance of encouraging me to eat well and workout while still making me feel beautiful just the way I am.

    Plus, for a very logical and pragmatic person, he's truly a romantic at heart. <3
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    My husband couldn't care less if I go for a run/bike ride - nor does he care how far or how fast. Nor does he care if I'm sticking to my training plan, or if I've managed to lift a new weight. Sometimes, I'm not even sure he notices I'm gone (to workout). He refuses to eat half the food I make, and constantly has the nerve to eat cookies and chips and stuff right in front of me. He doesn't give a rats @ss about how much protein something has, or whether it has 2 calories or 2 million.

    But he is the most supportive husband I could ever ask for. He moved half his crap in the basement so I could have a gym (which he then bought a TV for). He bought me a bike and went for a first ride with me last summer - because it's something he has wanted us to do together but I was never able to. When I complain that my compression shorts are too big and wrinkly, he says "that's because there's nothing left to compress". I've had a terrible time "seeing" the smaller me and have a hard time telling if clothes fit and/or look appropriate. He answers honestly every single day. He helped me make my redneck squat racks even though he has no idea what they are for. When I was nervous and uncomfortable at a pool party over the summer, he told me people were staring because I'm hot.

    He doesn't care about my workout plan, he doesn't care what I eat, but he supports me in every way that actually matters (to me).
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    First, he tells me I'm hot just the way I am.

    He fully supports me working out at home or at the gym, even though it means he is left with MY daughter. He loves bikes as much as I do and we ride together as often as we can. He's just a good guy and always tells me I can do whatever the fck I want!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    He tells me I'm sexy no matter what and doesn't care where I end up as long as I'm happy.

    He keeps me supplied in cookie dough and ice cream without complain

    "Eat if you're hungry" has been his mantra this entire time.
  • popshoveit
    He does a workout video with me every single night!
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    He likes to keep me naked, he surprised me with a squat rack because he knows how much I love to lift, he is easy going about what he eats even through those dark times that i refer to as the "lets try quinoa experiment", no really it's delicious they told me. it wasn't but he ate it and smiled.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    He pays for my Louboutins.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    My fiancé joined the gym with me <3
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    great sex.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    He cups them gently. :drinker:
  • molllissy
    molllissy Posts: 16 Member
    My soon to be husband (as of tomorrow) has been the only person who has ever supported me in my weightless. We used to eat out all the time, always bought candy etc. After saying we would stop a million times I came to a breaking point where I just broke down and started crying and told him how unhappy I was with myself. Since then he runs 2-3 miles with me everynight, always ending with a high five and a I'm proud of you. He reminds me to eat healthy, and always asks me if I worked out while he was at work. He is amazing, he has been my motivation and we're even doing a 5k together in March. I am so grateful for him.