Things People Say When You've Lost Weight



  • fchavez
    fchavez Posts: 4 Member
    I heard a few of those but the best one is when a friend of mine who hadn't seen me in a while asked if I was sick.
    Don't worry about it meet your goal.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Funny how so many people get "have you been sick" and "don't make yourself sick".

    Makes me think that most people have never known anyone that lost weight and didn't do it by going on some crazy *kitten* crash diet and make themselves weak and ill.

    Lately, I've been getting "don't lose any more/you're too thin". At least this one I get. I don't carry much fat in my upper torso anymore, so my ribs and clavicle are visible. I just reassure them I'm taking care of a couple of vanity pounds hidden by my clothes, my goal is in a healthy weight range for my height, and I'm only losing about a pound a month so it won't come off too fast.

    The other one I get is the constant "how can you eat THAT" or "surely you've had to cut out flour/sugar/carbs/etc". Always from the same people. Obviously they don't listen or they don't believe me, so I just say "I eat what I want, just not as much" and move on.

    I wonder what they'll say when I start to bulk? That should be in the next couple of months.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member

    The reply to this is simple! "The pill called getoffmylazyassandworkforit!" :D

    I always get the "what are you doing or using?" "Umm nothing special watch what I eat & exercise" and people are shocked it's not some fad diet or pill......Really?
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    I have started getting some my aunt busted out the "youre wasting away" line and I just said thank you, I am just aiming for a healthier me.
  • hammondo
    hammondo Posts: 43 Member
    I get -

    Wasting away, don't get any thinner etc. Even though I eat like a horse, in public, I don't eat crap and people think I don't eat!! They also don't realise that running 20-25 miles a week means you can eat pretty much what you want!

    But even more annoying is that I don't drink anymore, so when at anything where alcohol is available and I don't have any (unless i'm driving, then people don't question it!), I get treated like some sort of kitten murdering weirdo!


    Really bugs me!! I had someone have a go at me because I passed on a desert with alcohol in it. Really bugs me!!!
  • HealthfullyOffensive
    After my first initial 50lbs, I got "Wow! Your body is starting to match your face now (: (:"

    Didn't take me more than a second to tell them to *kitten* off. There are compliments, and then there are double-sided compliments. I don't need negativity - if someone can't be decent and give a mild-mannered compliment, then I certainly can't give a mild-mannered response.
  • claudineer
    claudineer Posts: 144 Member
    It really bugs me when I am at work or with friends and I get comments like "You're wasting away!" and "You don't need to lose anymore weight, you look good". I know they are trying to be supportive, but it really irritates me. I am only half way to my goal, I am still considered obese, and telling me to stop is the opposite of being helpful.


    Anyone else get stupid comments from people trying to "help"?

    Just remember people don't like change. They see you a positive light and they are in the same spot-whatever that is. Humans are jealous by nature. Be flattered. Its all how you look at. When they say "you're wasting away!" ..say "aw-thank you! Smile" ...You will get a different reaction and even probably feel differently towards that comment.


  • claudineer
    claudineer Posts: 144 Member
    I think those people are a little jealous that we are trying to change our lives for the better. Consequently, these people try to feed us crap or attempt to encourage us to stop our journey.
  • CoreyGDS
    I got some interesting reactions to my weight loss or for better terms my transformation. At the rehab centre some cried when they saw me. I go back and visit so they don't see me as often & after I have had my first skin removal procedure.

    Some others and more then once. I was asked if I was sick. Like the only way I could loose this amount of weight is through illness?!! The other is, you don't need to loose more etc...

    I have been use MyFitnessPal to just track macros and not worried about the suggested calories the app gives.

    I was once 800, on the edge of life & death left the hospital 400'ish......Joined a Anytime Fitness Gym in Jan '12 & now weigh 270. Once I hit 250, these means 550 lighter.
  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    skinny bi@tch
    are you ill
    if you loose those puppies when you loose weight we're getting a divorce..... yep that was just the hubby
  • viviyueyue
    I take any comments to my weight loss as compliments. Doesn't matter if the comment contains positive or negative energy, as long as they notice I lost weight it'd motivate me more. I was down from 195 to 140 and not many people said anything in my first 40 pounds and I was really discouraged how not many people noticed and was doubting myself. So I'd take any comments over no comments, at least I know my weight loss is visible. :P
    We're all working hard towards our goal weight and shouldn't let anyone or any comment put us down. So IGNORE THEM! We deserve better than that and we're the only ones that can give ourselves what we deserve. :)
  • jimihndrks
    jimihndrks Posts: 9 Member
    During my journey of losing 60 lb in 6 months just by changing my eating habits my customers would come in after a few weeks see me and say "Are you sick"? I just chuckle and tell them what I did just by changing the way I ate. It seemed to motivate a few and they asked for more specifics on what I ate. I never mind the questions or interest as it gave me a boost to realize just what I had done. I looked better and I was healthier and it was noticeable to others. THAT felt good.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with Glenelliot. Take these as compliments. I get some comments too, but they are not killing me. There are worse things to get annoyed over. Get over it.

    This is so right on!
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    Considering the fact that NO ONE has noticed I've lost any weight, then no. I don't know what it's like to be commented on with weight loss. :angry: :explode: :grumble:

    I kinda wish someone would comment, even if it seemed somewhat condescending, because then it would mean that my hard work is yielding results.
  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    you know... I love reading this thread. It's a good place to come and just remind myself that honestly.. I think most people are well intentioned. As I've been a member here right now, I'm down 18 lbs. But I've lost almost 40 since my highest weight a few years ago. I have so much to lose that it's hard to notice on me, since it's been a gradual loss, but people are starting to notice something is different about me.. I'm losing some inches now too and I'm getting sort of puzzled looks like.. did you do something with your hair? Or.. hey, are you losing weight? You look different.

    I've stopped trying to hide under black clothes too., bought a few colorful jackets and work items and people are noticing something is different.. I'm just trying to chug along.

    But I love this. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Usually I get the typical "You don't need to lose anymore weight.", "You're going to disappear", etc, but, I got a new one the other day which was just aggrivating.. I had turned down breakfast pizza at work because I'd already eaten my normal breakfast at home. I later ran into the woman who'd offered the pizza in the breakroom (and by offered, she said "There's breakfast pizza in the break room, but I'm guessing you won't be having any."). I was getting my yogurt and she stopped me and said, "It's nice to see that you do eat."

  • hmtreacy
    hmtreacy Posts: 2
    when people tell me i am wasting away or don't need to loose anymore weight, i just smile and say i have never had more energy and i feel great which i do!
  • hmtreacy
    hmtreacy Posts: 2
    I have lost 66lbs in a very healthy way, i have got a lot of attention and most of the time i am not comfortable with it, a dad at my kids school telling me i look sexy! ( was shocked and accepted his slightly drunken embrace as i was so surprised and taken aback by his comment! )a friend asking me with a very serious and concerned face - am i ok or have I been sick? and not being really interested when she heard i had taken up running - i think she wanted the drama of a major sickness! my husband telling me i have no *kitten* now to look at and i might need a boob job as my breasts have lost so much ( to which my reply was have you looked in the mirror recently darling! he has man boobs and a huge beer gut and accepts them why should he not accept me and my new found fitness?a good looking man i have know for years has started to pay me attention ( very unwanted) i get looked at so much more by men now ( am 46 yrs old) and one of the first comments i got which still astounds me was from a very very skinny mum who has told me a few times - be careful you don't want to loose anymore weight, she is a size 6, i was a size 14 when she was telling me this - i mean does she look in the mirror at herself - or maybe she has a warped body image thing going on?!!
    i feel very proud of myself as i have put in such hard work to get this far ( have gone from 104kg to 73kg in under a year)
    comments are such a minefield - the whole you look amazing makes me feel even more crap about how all my life i struggled with weight and obviously did not look hot in societies eyes.
    i know people are trying to make me feel good and that is great . the best thing is that at least 3 other mums have come up to me at school and said that they have lost weight through healthy eating and exercising specifically because i have been their inspiration - as one mum put it i have seen heaps of my friends do it but when i saw you do it i thought to myself if someone like her can do it - i can!! oh those thoughtless well meaning comments!!!
    the best thing is that i feel fantastic, i am so healthy, i have heaps of energy, i can now run and play with my kids and i feel and look great - well done me!!!!!!
    loved all the posts it showed i am not alone in being commented AT - re significant weight loss!
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    i had a doctor's appointment today, prepping for upcoming surgery. I did tell them what I've lost and the physician assistant looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said there's still lots more to go. She thought I look fine, which is a compliment in a way I suppose. LOL

    Because I chose to not share my journey with most of the people I work with, comments have been kept to a minimum. It's to the point I can't really hide the loss under a big sweater though, so I'm expecting to gradually get the questions.

    We have another person in our office who underwent weight loss surgery at the same time that I started making lifestyle changes. She has no boundaries and over-shares everything. She's had all kinds of problems and believe me, everyone knows everything about the littlest detail. Funny part, I've lost more than she has so far. LOL I've not mentioned that little tidbit either.
  • jdaveclark
    It's not just fitness. It's anything new and improved about you; people are going to be skeptical that you came by it through hard work and dedication. Perhaps it's because we're saturated with quick-fix ads to the point where we think that that's the only way to get things done anymore. Or maybe we're just so jealous of people who succeed where we have failed, that we can't just make ourselves believe it's true, and be happy for them. It's an envy society, either way, and we have to live in it while changing it.

    Wealth is the same thing. People never want to believe that you made a little money through hard work, either. You got lucky, or screwed someone over. If you're even a modestly financially successful person, people always want to know your "secret". There was no secret. I woke up before the sun for ten years, and put in the hours. I sacrificed, planned, and executed. I stepped over barriers instead of letting them turn me back. I didn't get lucky. I worked.

    When I showed my old neighbor pictures of the new house we were buying, his response was: "You're a *kitten* with too much money."

    Basically fitness is like wealth - Of course everyone wants it...but until they get it, they are going to hate everyone else who has it.

    When it comes to fitness, it's different for us men, generally, though. Someone can call me fat, and it's okay because it's not an implied summary of my worth based on the remnants of a centuries-old socioeconomic system that treated me as cattle. I can only imagine what women go through on a daily basis. I've been guilty of it in the past, as though freely offering my unsolicited opinion on your appearance is not the least bit offensive on multiple levels. What's worse, it's not just men; women do it to each other! It really does objectify a person. And that's no good for anyone. It's bad for you for obvious reasons. It's bad for me because, seriously, who wants to be that guy?

    You took control of your health because you wanted a healthier you. It's got nothing to do with me. You sure as hell didn't do it so that I'd offer my appraisal.

    If it's an acquaintance, here's the extent of my comment: "Hey, congratulations on taking control of your health! Keep up the good work." No opinion offered on the appearance vis a vis my preference about how your body should look. Just a simple positive acknowledgement of your progress.

    If it's a closer friend: "Wow, whatever you're doing is working!" No annoying questions. No disingenuous expressions of concern. No imposition of my own values. Just a slightly more intimate acknowledgement and encouragement.

    If it's my wife: "Get over here. Now." But that's a different story.

    TL;DR Haters gonna hate, and stop treating women like objects. Unless they say it's okay.
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