How to make plain Greek yogurt taste good



  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    i add in fruit(like a banana or fruit cups that are in 100% juice/no added sugar), raisins(with no added sugar),sliced almonds and a scoop or two of protein powder......keeps me full for hours and takes away the sour taste
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Add granola

    Chocolate chips and cookie butter

    Diced fruits


    Slivered almonds

    *a little vanilla extract into any of the above too
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    It depends what I am doing with the greek yogurt.

    For breakfast:
    *I'll pair with pureed or raw berries and/or banana.
    *A 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with honey

    If I am using it for a condiment, I'll add some fresh grated garlic, cilantro and dill. Or I'll add some curry powder to it for chicken marinade or spread. Some fresh roasted red pepper and/or sundried tomatoes make it a wonderful spread or dip for veggies.

    You can also use as a soup topping, or a sour cream/mayo substitute.
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    For breakfast on most mornings I eat 6 ounces of Chobani nonfat plain Greek yogurt mixed with 2 ounces of granola and 6 ounces of fresh berries (usually blueberries). That's roughly 450 calories or so. It's a wonderful mixture for me with enough flavor and crunch and "satisfaction". I just need to watch what kind of granola I use because some of them are overly sweetened with sugars. And it's a bit costly particularly because of the berries.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    honey and cinnamon and usually sprinkle so chia seeds and walnuts on top. Also use as a substitute for sour cream. My fave brands are Fage and Voskos.
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    I love Chobani fat free, and I am NOT a fat free food person at all. I can't for the life of me figure out how they make it so rich without fat!

    I like it with honey mixed in and a little granola on top.

    Yes, yes, and yes!
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    A teaspoon of honey or sugar or brown sugar doesn't "cost" that much.

    I usually mix plain yogurt with a half pint of blackberries or raspberries. Or a cut up banana. Or a tsp. of honey and about a dozen well-toasted unsalted almonds (this is my favorite). Or a cut up apple, a little sugar and some cinnamon.

    Any flavor out there that you like can be duplicated in a healthier fashion. Dabble with a little sugar and vanilla to get to your "vanilla-flavored" base that you already know you like. Then sart experimenting on the other flavors you know you like. You already buy "vanilla-strawberry"? Then add vanilla, a little sugar, and some cut up fresh strawberries. Mix. Sometimes the flavors will meld a little better if you give it some time, like mix it up in the morning if it's going to be lunch.

    Have fun with it!
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I think Greek Gods brand, plain, full fat, Greek yogurt tastes just takes getting used to is all. I mainly eat a small amount as a pick-me-up and savor the texture and the knowledge that it will be filling and low in cals. I also sometimes mix with granola for a yummy breakfast.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I eat full fat Greek yogurt nearly every day. I mix mine with some honey and peanut butter and it tastes like peanut butter cheesecake. It takes some fooling around to get the ratio perfect and some days I use more or less peanut butter depending on where my macros have gotten too. It's usually about 150g yogurt, 10g honey and 20g peanut butter.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    I will substitute greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise in an improvised chicken salad...chopped chicken, apples and green onion with a little garlic salt and pepper. Tasty!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,078 Member
    Sadly, you may just be someone who doesn't like Greek yogurt, but do try a different brand. Look for a brand that's just dairy (milk, cream) and bacteria cultures, so that it's thickened by straining, not adding corn starch or other things that might be giving it a bitter taste (yogurt should be tangy or sour, not bitter).

    How to eat it? My new favorite way is spread on toasted homemade bread (something with wholegrains, nuts or seeds, maybe dried fruit), spread thick like cream cheese.

    It's also good as a topping on chili or a spicy curry (it cools the heat, both spicy and temperature.

    Most of the time I just mix it with raw oats, nuts, fruit, occasionally adding other things like pureed pumpkin, peanut butter or defatted peanut power (PB2), coconut, chocolate chips, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, molasses...

    I'm sorry plain greek yogurt isn't delicious to you.
  • Marcolter
    Marcolter Posts: 103 Member
    I was raised on yogurt as a savory item so adding sweet and fruit was foreign to me. Yogurt with squeezed lemon juice and a little Olive Oil with pita bread and a dash of salt. Adjust as you see fit. I never never buy flavored yogurt or with fruit. Make my own now if I need that. Breakfast parfait with cereal and yogurt when I get tired of soy milk and cereal. Also now Greek Yogurt and frozen fruit in blender = ice cream.
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    Peanut Butter or
    Protein Powder or
    Almonds or
    Any kind of fruit

  • Blueyedgrass
    Blueyedgrass Posts: 1 Member
    How to make plain Greek yogurt taste good ~

    Buy the good stuff ~ Fage is great !

    Since I try to keep carbs low, I get the full fat which is hard to find in my grocery store these days :grumble:

    If you want it sweet and are avoiding sugar add a few drops of liquid stevia.

    Like many have posted, it makes a great sour cream substitute.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I love plain yogurt, Greek or not, but I didn't like Oikos. Tasted both bitter and overly processed to me. (I can't really explain "overly processed," but the texture was oddly stiff, and it seemed like it had something in it besides milk and happy bacteria.) Try another brand and see if it works better for you. I've been enjoying Cabot and Green Mountain Creamery (delicious, but may not be available outside of New England.) The Stonyfield Farms brand of Greek yogurt is probably good too, though I haven't tried it, because their regular plain yogurt is mild and creamy and delicious.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    2-3 packets of stevia & Lots of Cinnamon :) I'll add some sliced amonds and frozen blueberries.

    2-3 packets of stevia, Apple Spice,& sliced apples

    2-3 packets of stevia, pumpkin slice & bananas

    Dear God... might as well replace crack cocaine with the stevia. Artificial sweeteners are a chemical mess...

    I am not going to get into the debate on artificial sweeteners vs natural sugars.

    But stevia is not an artificial sweetener (It may be processed) but it is plant based and is best used by diabetics as a sweetener.

    *Super quick research from wiki
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I like to add honey or almond butter to my greek yogurt.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I mix protein powder in mine occasionally but I really like the taste of plain Greek yogurt. I much prefer it to the flavored ones, they are all way to sweet for me.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    How to make plain Greek yogurt taste good ~

    Buy the good stuff ~ Fage is great !

    Since I try to keep carbs low, I get the full fat which is hard to find in my grocery store these days :grumble:

    If you want it sweet and are avoiding sugar add a few drops of liquid stevia.

    Like many have posted, it makes a great sour cream substitute.

    Yea me too, they are only carrying the 2% and 0% these days.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Personally, I prefer Chobani nonfat plain yogurt with fresh fruit and Bear Naked Fit natural granola (or unsalted almonds). I have also used it to make post workout protein shakes -- it is wonderful there as well.

    Good luck!
  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    I know you said you tries fruit. Perhaps try putting the feuit in the microwave with a little water and some stevia for about 30 seconds. Let cool for a couple of mins. Then put in yogurt. That way you get the tasty juices from the fruit to flavor the yogurt.
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    I add a wee bit of vanilla extract, and about 1/2 tsp of real maple syrup (it's sugar yes, but it also has B vitamins) to 1/2 cup of my unflavoured yogurts. If I use it in a smoothie, I'll just blend with banana and berries to sweeten. I don't mind eating it plain though, with just the vanilla. Cinnamon can also be used as a sweet enchancer, allowing you to use less sweetner.
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    How to make plain Greek yogurt taste good ~

    Buy the good stuff ~ Fage is great !

    Since I try to keep carbs low, I get the full fat which is hard to find in my grocery store these days :grumble:

    If you want it sweet and are avoiding sugar add a few drops of liquid stevia.

    Like many have posted, it makes a great sour cream substitute.

    Yea me too, they are only carrying the 2% and 0% these days.

    I make my own yogurt, and made my 1st Greek yogurt this week. You could buy a full fat plain yogurt and line a colander with cheese cloth (or get a super duper fine mesh strainer) and let the whey strain out of the yogurt into a pot below. Takes an hour or two. Some folks actually squeeze the whey out, but it's easier to let it go by gravity. It really diminishes the size of the final product, but it worked well for me. I got about 1 cup of Greek yogurt from 1 litre of regular yogurt.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    I know you said you tries fruit. Perhaps try putting the feuit in the microwave with a little water and some stevia for about 30 seconds. Let cool for a couple of mins. Then put in yogurt. That way you get the tasty juices from the fruit to flavor the yogurt.

    You've probably already tried this, but, just in case:

    One thing that I also do is to use freshly frozen fruit (4-serving bag -- I prefer the Triple Berry Blend), let it thaw overnight, add a little Stevia, and then mix it with my Chobani. There is an awesome amount of fresh fruit juices in the bag (after thawing) to add to my yogurt and I can prep portions to bring to work with me every day.
  • honey, it's magical.
  • I eat full fat Greek yogurt nearly every day. I mix mine with some honey and peanut butter and it tastes like peanut butter cheesecake. It takes some fooling around to get the ratio perfect and some days I use more or less peanut butter depending on where my macros have gotten too. It's usually about 150g yogurt, 10g honey and 20g peanut butter.

    I use PB2 instead. Tastes awesome with plain Greek yogurt and way less calories too :)
  • osborneaw
    osborneaw Posts: 5 Member
    Add blueberries or other fruit and add a few chopped almonds. Split in half- that is what I do.:smile:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Oikos plain Greek yogurt is what I'm using?
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Greek gods full fat plain with 1/2 tsp of brown sugar. Perfect.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I usually mix it in with other stuff I'm cooking, sometimes I have it plain with protein powder mixed in