
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Alison:smile: Sure hope today will be a better day for you:flowerforyou: !!! More snow:noway: :angry: :sad: ! Spring is coming, let`s hope soon!!!!!

    Viv:smile: Glad to hear hubby is feeling better:flowerforyou: ! I would still push for him to see a Dr.!

    Joyce:smile: Hope you can make it to Y today!

    Michele:smile: Even though it`s supposed to be really nice here when you leave for FL, I`m still jealous:blushing: ! Hope you have loads of fun!

    Barbie:smile: I did put ice on my back, then followed it with heat, felt so much better!!! I also did some stretching exercises, that felt nice too!!!

    Kay:smile: Congrats on getting back to your walk!!! I think you would be very happy with a FitBit! I`ve had mine for about 2 years, I love it! I don`t have any friends on my FitBit account, I`m not in competition with anyone except myself, and I honestly don`t have time to comment on any thing else except MFP. I love being able to check throughout the day how I`m doing! There are plenty of other pedometers out there less expensive, Barbie has a really good one too!!!

    Jb:smile: Love the story of how the fire extinguisher came to be:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!!

    Vicki:smile: Glad your dad is doing so much better:flowerforyou: !

    Gloria:smile: What an awful time you`re having:sad: ! Sending hugs to you!

    I`m going to have the grandgirls today:love: , picking the oldest one up this morning around 9am, the youngest has to go to school today, make up day for the snow days:cry: , I`ll pick her up around 3pm, then we meet daddy for dinner tonight! My daughter is out of town on business until tomorrow, she`s had a nice little break from the snow!!! I have a feeling the oldest is going to want to drive the golf cart today:tongue: , it`s only supposed to be in the 40`s today....brrrrr......makes me think about getting a new golf cart with heat in it:laugh: ! I`m thinking about buying another one anyhow, it would be fun to have 2 so everybody could ride at the same time:bigsmile: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • lah60
    lah60 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning. It's balmy -3 this morning. I have been of and on with MFP. On WW. Go to planet fitness. Recently received for Christmas a fitbit. For my birthday hubby got me the fitbit Force. love it, I have started to move more last couple days sore from using in used muscles it's worth it. I enjoy reading everyone's ups and downs keeps us all on track. I will be back more regularly.

    From. Upstate NY
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee - my DH got a golf cart cover and propane heater for Christmas from Golfsmith.

    DrKatieBug - I have the Fitbit Zip and like it. ~$60. Seems very reliable and Fitbit has terrific customer service, should you need it.

    Gloria - I'm so sorry for the situation you're going through. Its never easy. When the hospice nurses visit they will notice the change in your mom and make adjustments. Will your stepfather continue on with you? My grandfather lived with us while I was in my teen years, and my MIL lived with DH and I for almost 20 years.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, I've been cooking again for tomorrow's lunch! :laugh: Butternut and tomato soup, cold salmon and salad, and skinny raspberry sorbet. I won't be having any sorbet, but I know my friend loves it.

    Eileen - many congrats on the new grandson! Wonderful!:flowerforyou:

    Michele - I started with 2kg weights, then bought 5kg. Soon switched to 7kg and then went up to 9kg. I use different weights for different things. I still laugh at the memory of the postman staggering up the path with my latest ones! DH also uses the heaviest ones.

    Viv - glad your hubby is over his scare. Would be good to get some diagnosis though!:noway:

    Gloria - so sorry for what you are going through. I could never have had my mother with me at that time, or any time for that matter. I just don't have it in me. I hope things settle and her passing will be peaceful.:heart:

    Deedee - have a great time with the grandchildren. You seem to have such fun with them. I am missing mine already, although they wore me out!:tongue:

    Another quiet day today, though I am getting ahead on the cooking. Have some admin jobs to do this pm and want to download some photos and print them out. I tend to put that sort of thing off. Couple of things hanging over me, so it would be good to clear the decks.
    My phone is on a go slow. It is very old, but I have been resisting getting a smartphone. I hate monthly outgoings because I don't like possibly getting overdrawn. I could try to get one on PAYG but I'm not sure if that would work. But I have got to do something now. Also I have so much stuff on my old phone, music, photos etc. I feel a real techno idiot as to how to save all that stuff. Oh woe!

    Love to all, especially to those who have much bigger problems than mine!

    Heather in dull Hampshire UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Drkatie - I absolutely love my my Fitbit Flex! It motivates me to keep moving even when I don't feel like it. I also like it better than any other pedometer that I've ever had because it stays where it is put. I've lost a number of the clip on kind because I don't wear a belt 98% of the time and the pedometers fall off my waistband or don't work in my pocket.

    Sandy - I was remiss in not congratulating you on your loss! It is so incredibly exciting when the first number on your weight changes.

    I can't remember who had a chocolate binge, but I have been right there with you. I've been stress eating a lot with all of the health issues with my children. I also have my 6 months mammogram check up today. The last two times I've had one, I've ended up with a lumpectomy and I am dreading this in the most miserable way. I am literally nauseated this morning.

    Gloria - I am so sorry for the hell you are going through right now. Your stepfather seems to have blinders on and I completely understand about your concern for all of this going on in the same house as your son. My son is 17 and I would be really worried about him in a situation like that!

    Speaking of my son, the insurance company refused his new prescription, saying it needed pre-authorization. That means I get to play phone tag with his gastro today and that he has to suffer that much longer before tests can be done to determine the source of his non-stop vomiting.

    I will go ahead and admit that I am not in a good place emotionally today, so I covet your prayers and good vibes that I find some peace within myself.

    Carol in NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    @Gloria: So sorry this period of time is so hard for you. I know there will be different opinions on this, but mine is: don't worry too much about your 7-year-old. It's a cliché, but...it's all part of life. I know there may be specific procedures etc. that you might not want him to see; I can imagine that. But he may even appreciate being kept "in the loop" instead of having Grandma somewhere else and just "disappearing". (He may still be very sad, but that would be normal.) I'm sure you'll be able to tell how he's doing.
    Hope you don't mind me giving my view on this. Have some experience (though not with a child).

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    YannieJannie and Michele, no our Y doesn't have family changing rooms. It's a really old facility. But I talked to my son and he agreed that the little guy should wait till the next session of lessons, so it will be just me and the two girls. That will help a lot. I'll try to make it up to him when I take him to story time on Wednesday.

    Heather, I had a dream the other night that we all got together for an Over 50 MFP event like a class reunion, and you did the catering. It was table after table of yummy foods!

    About facial exercises... I have been doing them for about a month now just as an experiment, and thought I would let you all know how it's going. I looked carefully yesterday and believe that the long, deep creases that run from the corners of my mouth to my chin (and make me look like a nutcracker) are much shorter and less deep, and my cheeks are a little thinner and less round and less droopy jowled. The empty pouch of skin under my chin (where my double chin used to be) is not much better, but it's certainly no worse either. I feared it would make the loose skin worse but so far it has not. So my feeling after a month is that I will continue doing them. I think they are starting to tone things up a little, so for me it seems worth doing. I am doing the ones where you stretch your neck up and stick out your jaw, and turn your head left and right while saying "a, e, i, o, u, u, u". I do 50 each morning and I do some extras when I'm in the car - alone. But I refuse to let hubby catch me doing it. He would crack up. Has anybody else tried it?

    Today I'm going back to the Y to work out again instead of to rehab. It's hard to get back in the habit after so long away. People have taken over my favorite machine at the time I used to go, so I have to figure out a new schedule.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: On a beautiful Monday morning, HI ALL,

    Will see if I find time to come back and read the posts.

    Only 4.5 hrs of sleep last night, didn't get my exercise in:grumble: and my computer here at the office is not working right, it took over 30 minutes for the monitor to come on. Will have our IT guy look at it when he gets in.

    I had taken work home on Friday only to find out that our small laptop doesn't have excel on it and our good one that was stolen back in December is still sitting in the evidence room at the policy dept:mad: I wish they would get their act together and return our computer to us.

    Yesterday I was busy around the house doing my prep work for our meals during the week and general puttering, I just love being at home. I was washing some vests hubby brought home from work and he missed a pen in one of the pockets and I ddidn't see it either.....there was blue ink all over the inside of my dryer:sad: Hubby came and cleaned it out with goof off and got about 98% of it but boy was it a mess.Only ruined about 3 of the 8 vests, it's been years since I've washed something like that:blushing:

    My logging wasn't the best this past weekend as I had no idea how many calories some of the food was, but am back on track this morning.

    Hoping everyone had a good weekend, for you that have today off enjoy your day. Remember to drink your water:drinker:

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    It's Family day here in Ontario, nice to have a day off in Feb. It's also a "free" day at the Y today so it's very busy. DD and I got up and went to aquafit at 8 am. Had 2 great NSV's after class. Had a woman ask if my DD & I were sisters and the look of shock on her face when I said she was my DD. I don't think DD was too impressed. The woman turned to my DD and said "I'd apologize but your Mom looks great". DD agreed. I had another woman tell me how great I looked and how you can really see my curves :laugh:

    Eileen congrats on your new grandson!!

    Allison - more snow? yuck!!! Sorry your DH is taking his unhappiness out on you. You don't deserve it

    Sylvia - I have tried facial exercises but I'm not consistent enough. I really should, thanks for the reminder

    Gloria - I'm so sorry you have so much to deal with. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers

    Drkatie - I absolutely love my my Fitbit One. I clip it to my bra strap. It keeps me motivated though weekends I sometimes forget it because I tend to go in the pool and it's not waterproof. I love that it syncs with MFP so I don't have to double log things and if I've burned more calories then MFP has calculated then fitbit adds an adjustment to my exercise diary.

    Carol - sorry you are having a rough time. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

    I'm off to watch the Olympic hockey game and then dinner with DD, DS & DS's girlfriend to celebrate her bday.

    Have a great day.

    :heart: Sandy in ON (getting 10 cm of snow tonight)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi again,
    Just wanted to pop in and tell you all that I have booked my New York hotels ! ! ! ! ! !:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    I find it all very stressful, but I am relieved it is done.:happy: We can cancel up to the last minute, though we had to pay now by credit card, which I hate. We treated ourselves and booked a room with two beds in it. There is nothing worse, when you've got jet lag, than being kept awake by the other person tossing and turning. :laugh: Or having to lie still if it's you that is awake. Now got to sort out the visa waiver thing. DH had to get a new passport, but that has arrived.

    Carol - sorry you are so worried about your children. It is the worst thing, isn't it.:heart: And all the wrangles with meds.:noway:

    Sylvia- so glad my food came up to scratch! ! ! ! :laugh: Nothing would please me more than catering to you ladies!:love:
    I am still doing my face exercises and do think they are helpful.

    Bye for now,
    Heather, much relieved in Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

    Wish I could comment to everyone…

    Laurie Co sorry about the computer and ink. What a hassle.

    Sylvia I have looked at books on the subject and taken a few classes on facial exercises and skin care using natural products. I have yet to get the exercises into my routine. I do use coconut oil as my moisturizer. I know I have to be careful how I sleep I have a crease on my left side from my sleep patterns. I also know I need to be consistent in my water intake so my skin is hydrated.

    Carol I am sorry for the stress you are under. Hope that mammogram goes well, and the insurance issues with your son straighten out quickly. Hugs:heart::flowerforyou:

    Gloria hugs to you too for this stressful time.:heart::flowerforyou:

    My plan for the birthday party was successful. I filled my plate with veggies and fruit and some nuts and some turkey wrap also drank a glass of water before I went. Instead of having a piece of cake I had another turkey wrap, the wraps were cut into thirds. When I added my calories from the party I came in at about 600 calories. In the past I would have come in well over 1000.

    Off to shovel some snow.:grumble:

    Eat the veggies first with water
    Chew slowly
    Mindful of breath and posture.
    “Take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.”
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I made it to the y yesterday and did body pump. She moved us up
    to a 45 min class. It felt really good. Now I know what they mean
    when they say "feel the burn". Especially my calves. I'm hoping they
    won't have to cancel any classes at the y this week, because of snow.
    They've cancelled 5 classes in the last 2 wks. I've been doing well
    with my diary and exercises. It's getting harder to stick with it.

    Gloria, I am so sorry for what you are going through, I went through
    that with my dad. Except I had to work with my(6) siblings to make
    decisions since my mom already passed on. It was a terrible experience
    Since we weren't all on the same page about what was best for him.

    I hope everyone does well this week. and that spring will finally arrive.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    KathyT Everett: Calculating the bite calories is a valuable thing to do. When you go out for Italian you might consider Olive Garden or another restaurant that posts calories. They have all their calorie counts posted on line so you can figure out what to order in advance. I appreciate that. Some other chain restaurants are now doing this. Subway and Outback Steakhouse come to mind. Olive Garden also has lower calorie options available. The other restaurant strategy I’ve learned from people here is to order a take home box delivered with the meal and divide it before I start eating. It keeps me from pigging out, limits calories for that meal and gives me another great meal for later.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Your adventure at church sounds way too chilly. I hope it didn’t give that virus a chance to catch you.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Enjoy the Olympics. Your yoga session with Jake sounds lovely.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Thanks for the Tai Chi recommendation. I’m lactose intolerant. Tofu is soy and doesn’t cause problems for me. Neither does cheese, but milk, cream and butter are another story. Lactaid helps when I’m in a situation where I don’t know what I’m getting or can’t control it. DH went gluten free for a while for his MS and eventually determined that it didn’t make a difference, so he’s back to eating things that include gluten. I remember you talking about using silken tofu in baking recipes and wonder where to buy it and what you replaced with it.:flowerforyou:

    Eileen: Congratulations on your new grandson!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Kay: Barbie uses a pedometer. I just time my walks with a stop watch but I doubt that will work for your challenge. I’m delighted that you’re feeling enough better to get out and walk with DH.:flowerforyou:

    Viv: Nice to see you. I’m sorry your DH is being stubborn about the blood testing.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Gloria: People have to do the best they can. My mom wanted to come home and die at my house. DH and I both worked full time, had teenagers at home and no spare bedroom, so we put her in a care facility. She died among strangers and I regret that, but I don’t see how I could have made a different choice. All you can do is the best you can do. Then you have to forgive yourself when things aren’t perfect. Good luck to you. Hugs.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Iah from Upstate NT: Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: We’re an Apple family. I’ve had an iphone 4 for years and decided I want to upgrade to an iphone 5. I‘ve ordered it and expect to receive it in the mail soon. The phone companies here subsidize the purchase price of smart phones if you sign a contract to use their service a certain length of time, but this is not a free phone even with their subsidy. I think the price tag is worth it. Since they’re the only provider with reliable service where I live, it is an easy thing to promise. Perks include facetime video calls with DD & DGD. I can see DGD, she can see me, and we can chat. DH, DS and DDIL also have these phones but not the same service provider we have. All the features work regardless of provider. Do your kids have a particular phone product that has similar capabilities? Would you want to pursue a situation where you would have easy contact with them? RE saving your old stuff: can you back up your old phone to your computer so you don’t lose pictures? Good luck with your decision process.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Prayers for you & your son. I hope problems with the insurance company are solved quickly and your son gets the medicine he needs promptly.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I want to try your face exercises. Is there an online place to see what to do?:flowerforyou:

    The river is deep but not worrisome at our house so far. Our drought worries are over with for the time being. Part of Alaska still shows concern on the NOAA map, as does southern California and parts of the southwest. I can get all this information on the NOAA site, but I miss the Weather Channel anyway. Darned Direct TV for taking it away and substituting an extremely inferior weather channel.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I'm off from the paying work today, but have gotten a lot done over the long weekend - laundry, dusted furniture, fan blades, baseboards and window blinds, steamed the floors, vacuumed, and cleaned the bathrooms. DH was supposed to golf today but begged off due to his foot neuropathy. It makes me sad that diabetes is limiting his activity. It also means he moves less and less, and all the other effects of the disease are amplified. He has always loved sports - played tennis, volleyball, golf, and also loves to dance. He goes to far fewer dances now, and listens to the music more than he dances. (This is contra dance, zydeco, etc. -- patterned dances and the like.) :ohwell:

    The books I had reserved at the library came in and I’ve been on a book-reading binge. The first, “and the Shofar Blew”, by Francine Rivers, was recommended by someone here. I read it in one sitting, staying up until 2:30a one night. (That’s part of my reading problem – I can’t stop once I start! Thinking back, I believe my mom had the same problem – many the night she was up with a book. I’m better off doing word search puzzles on week nights so I can go to bed.) Today I finished reading the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. Great read, very thought-provoking and it is one I may actually buy. Have any of you read it?

    The historical papers of 2013 sit in witness of another year gone by – needing my attention later today so I know if there is any info to track down. The thought of doing it is likely worse than the actual task – especially with Turbo Tax. Now that we have gotten through settling estates and other special circumstances things are much simpler. I like a simple life!

    The sun is shining so brightly outside – I’ve been in and out of the back yard with the dog. An afternoon walk is definitely required. I’m looking forward to the coming spring. :love:

    A friend of ours is having their master bathroom updated. Yesterday she came by after church and we dropped a quilt top she completed off to be quilted. This required a browse through fabrics, of course, but all she purchased was a couple packets of needles for her beading. I enjoyed the browsing because I love fabrics. I’ve been known to go to JoAnn’s and just walk the aisles of bolts, touching the fabric that appeals most to me. Then we went by the tile place looking for something for the bathroom. They didn’t have what she was trying to match, but I got a sneak preview of their choices. Should be beautiful and they will enjoy it.

    Well, I’ve sat still long enough and I’m getting hungry for lunch. BBL.

    OOH, so nice! Our next door neighbors just met us at the fence and gave us black bean soup for lunch. Great timing!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Is there anyone on here that is from the Austin area? My sister has received a job offer for a position in Austin and is looking for an apartment near the Met. She needs something small and low cost, but in a safe area. She is fine with a studio apt and likes to walk for exercise. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me. She needs to make a decision very soon and needs to know how much living expenses will be.

    Deb A in CNY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, YouTube is full of videos on facial exercises. I watched several and they turned out to be very similar. Mostly stretching the jaw up and to the sides. Some of them say to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, some say to jut out your lower jaw, but it seems to me they all stretch the same muscles. At least the ones for the neck and jaw. You could kill a whole day watching nothing but face exercise videos. I pretty much did.

    I just finished swimming and working out at the Y and I feel SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! I don't know how I survived without going to the pool every day. It felt so good to stretch out my arms and fly through the water! I was going to start out slow and go three days a week, but heck, I'm going tomorrow too.

    I don't remember who mentioned treating the idea of drinking their water as a prescription, (Barbie maybe?) but I really liked that. So now I sit here drinking my prescription water. If you had asked me before I got sick I would have told you that I drink LOTS of water, but apparently it has not been true lately. I find that some days I don't drink much at all except for at meals. So I'm going to combine that idea with Katla's. Plus a bottle before and after swimming. I may just float away!

    It turns out that the swimming classes were full, so the girls will have to wait till March. They will all be disappointed. I hate that. Maybe another trip for doll clothes is in order.

    Bye again. I'll stop pestering you all for today.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Gloria in Detroit - So sorry that this is such a hard time for you and your family. :heart: Will keep you all and especially your mom in my thoughts.

    Alison - Come up and play with me anytime you want a break!! :tongue: We have lots of room and I have some extra passes for the Y here too!! Maybe your DH would appreciate all you do for him if you disappeared for a couple of days. I wish he didn't take out his frustrations on you the way he does!

    Finally a sunny day without snow coming down (yet). I live a little ways north of Alison and Kevrit, so we get similar weather here, though they have taken the brunt of the last two New England storms for sure. Hoping for only a couple of inches this week. Just keep repeating 4 weeks til Spring!! :laugh:

    Joyce - don't beat yourself up for the milk duds! We all have bad days and just have to get back up and keep going!! :flowerforyou:

    Jill in western MA :drinker:
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member

    Just wanted to introduce myself and join the women age 50+ group. I am 55 yrs. old, married, have a daughter who is almost sweet 16, and a mixed yellow lab (maybe part white shepherd).

    I love Royal Caribbean Cruises (especially now with the 55+ discount!), racewalking, Chalean Extreme exercise DVD's, Whole Foods Market, and playing bells, chimes, mallets, etc. in my church's Bell Choir.

    Feel free to add me. I would love to have more friends over 50.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    Well, I just wanted to check in and update my goal stats so far. Will probably be joining Alison in shoveling snow tomorrow! So tired of snow but, a great workout! :)

    My SMART goals for February:
    I will lose 5 pounds by February 28 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week1: steps average: 5066. Curves 3 times (closed do to snow). Lost 1 pound
    Week 2: steps average: 4636 (getting worse!) Curves 3 times (closed do to snow ) shoveled snow 3 hours this week! No loss but 6 inches gone!
    Week 3: steps average:
    Week 4: steps average:

    Rita from snowy CT!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just shoveled 2xs about 6 in and still coming down.YIKES.
    Sending hugs from snowy IL