I have a "Desk Job" anyone else?



  • tx_leigh
    tx_leigh Posts: 18 Member
    I have a desk job as well. I try to get up every hr and walk around a little. And every afternoon I try to walk a quick mile on my break.
  • NYChaCha
    NYChaCha Posts: 1 Member
    I have a desk job on the top floor of a high rise building. I make it my business to stand at my desk for 10 minutes every hour, even if it means leaning over which I feel in my hamstrings. I also make sure I get out of the building & go for a walk before I eat. Now that I rely on MyFitnessPal, I see that I burn 72 kcal when I do take a 20 minute lunch time power walk. Try not to snack while at your desk, if you do make sure you stand up and/or move around when you do.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    Desk jockey here as well. What I had been doing (until it got WAAAY too cold) was eat a salad at my desk for lunch, and then walk around the building for 20-30 minutes.

    Now its too cold..:( looking forward to the thaw.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Mouse jockey here.

    I usually eat my lunch while I'm working and use my "lunch break" for going to the gym.

    Also I incorporate either a walk or a cycle into my daily commute to work and use the stairs as much as possible. Those daily habits add up, an extra 12 miles walking/cycling a week on top of planned exercise and hundreds of stairs climbed every day.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I have a desk job!! I tell myself no excuses so I wake up every morning before work to work out. :)
  • I sit in front of the computer all day long. I have brought two 20 lb dumbells to my office which I use for 5 minutes every hour. At lunch I walk up and down the stairs for 15 minutes. Along with going to the gym every morning before work and eating right and then doing these minor workouts every hour and on lunch break, I have lost 20 lbs since January 1st.
  • melzielkie
    melzielkie Posts: 90 Member
    I got one of those mini peddlers I saw someone post on here this weekend.. it's great for under my desk!! I can sit here and workout as much as I want now! Makes me feel WAY less guilty about sitting at a desk all day!
  • I have a desk job and make it a point to park far away when I go anywhere and to get up and walk every single chance that I get just to get extra steps in. You can do this ! Make every choice count !
  • dryusri
    dryusri Posts: 1 Member
    Deskjob here, now using MFP, fitbit area and force and hopefully HRM next.
  • trjlove75
    trjlove75 Posts: 3 Member
    I took have a full time desk job, two kids, and a hubby. I have been back in the health seeking game for five weeks now. I have lost 10 pounds of my 50 lb goal. What has made me successful is to get my exercise in at 5:30 a.m. before going to work. I pack a food bag the night before. I eat every two hours!!! This keeps my metabolism burning. By the time I get home, not as hungry. Also I invested in a cool Lfefactory water bottle, which I throw a slice of lime or lemon in with ice and fill up all day. It is 22 oz. I endeavor to fill this bottle up four times a day. The snacks I pack are: fresh fruit, love Kind bars (if you are a candy bar person, awesome replacement - dark chocolate nuts &sea salt THE BOMB); cut up veggies and organic hommus (get from Costco), etc. Lunch and dinner for me is veggies and protein. After doing this for a 7-10 days, I felt amazing and I did not crave sweets or junk. AVOID FAST FOOD in every shape or form.

    Hope this helps!!! Keep me posted!!!
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are my life. I workout at lunch everyday. What I've found that helps me is that when I'm hungry but don't need to eat, I drink water or coffee. When I work out, it's an hour or more of high intensity stuff.
  • I work from home at a desk so I can definitely relate. I am lucky though since I have my kitchen right there to prepare healthy meals but before I worked at a bank all day. To keep me motivated here, I come onto these forums and chat and go on Pinterest (if you have the time) and look up motivational quotes and what not. I also Instagram throughout the day (follow me: jphulksmash) and I follow other fitness and health enthusiasts! Add me on here if you'd like!
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I am bumping to so I can read this later, because I too have a desk job!!! :)
  • I have a desk job - and a long drive to and from work. It is possible, you just have to be very strict with the diet!! Its hard when colleagues bring cakes and goodies in on birthdays etc - I have almost learned to say no! I walk at lunchtimes, stick to fruit for snacks and salad for lunch, and try to have a big healthy breakfast before i leave in the mornings. And i do Insanity as soon as i get home before i collapse on the sofa!
  • Linda6580
    Linda6580 Posts: 192 Member
    I also have a desk job and was able to lose all the weight I wanted to. Your diet is going to be most important here. Make sure you're staying within your calorie limits and you should see the weight come off. I have a hard time not snacking at my desk, but I try to bring some healthy snacks from home and drink tea or chew gum when I'm feeling hungry. I plan all my meals in advance and pack them the night before. You can do it!!

    ^^^^Exactly this!
    It is starting to warm up so hopefully on breaks I can start walking around the greenhouses and check out all the flowers. Springtime is here for me at work. I should start taking advantage of that!

    Good luck!!
  • missing75
    missing75 Posts: 26 Member
    I also have a desk job and was able to lose all the weight I wanted to. Your diet is going to be most important here. Make sure you're staying within your calorie limits and you should see the weight come off. I have a hard time not snacking at my desk, but I try to bring some healthy snacks from home and drink tea or chew gum when I'm feeling hungry. I plan all my meals in advance and pack them the night before. You can do it!!

    THIS! I also drink tea with lots of lemon throughout the day, to satisfy my hunger...
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    The most difficult thing for me was finding time to work out. Lunch breaks aren't an option for me, and I rarely actually made it to the gym after work because I was so exhausted that I just wanted to collapse on my couch! I finally started going to the gym in the mornings before work, which took a while to get used to but ended up being just what I needed. It gives me energy for the day and makes me feel so productive before I even get to work! If you don't want to work out so early, try to find a way to exercise during the day. My sister does 15 squats every time she goes to the bathroom. You could climb stairs or go on a walk at lunch. Clench your butt while sitting at your desk!

    Other people are right about diet being the most important thing. Avoid snacking or partaking in the office "treats" (donuts, lunches, birthday cake, etc) and be sure to pack your own lunch. If you prepare your lunch and snacks the day before, you will know exactly what you are eating (you'll also save money!).

  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    I have a desk job but I make sure to exercise everyday between 1-2 hours a day. I prefer mornings but sometimes it's during my lunch and after work. I have alarms set on my phone to get up and move every hour. Every little bit helps. Good luck!!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and then I go to school at night. I am out of the house from 7:30AM - 10PM most days.

    -I bring an arsenal of food with me and graze throughout the entire day so I'm never hungry but I'm only consuming about 700-800 calories before dinner.
    -Whenever I use the restroom at work, I do 10 squats after I wash my hands.
    -I go to the gym and do HIIT 3 times a week, usually after work but before school.
    -I lift weights at home on days that I don't go to the gym.
    -I park farther away from my office building/school building so I have to walk more.

    When it gets warmer out (an stops snowing a half foot every 4 days) I will be walking for 30 minutes on my lunch breaks.
  • nicechap
    nicechap Posts: 3 Member
    I have a desk job - an inevitable situation because of my role. However, I also believe in managing by wandering around so I keep going to different teams within the organization and having quick chats with managers & business leaders. It helps immensely to drive good leadership practices and at the same time force me to get out of the chair.

    I use MyFitnessPal, Runtastic, Runtastic Six Pack ;-) and Runtastic Pushup apps right now. I am thinking of buying a fitness band - am vacillating between Fitbit Force and Garmin Forerunner 620. Both have different features and different utilities - unable to make up my mind yet. I will be spending some time reading reviews. If you have a recommendation, I would love to hear.

    Thanks. And weight loss is possible with a desk job. Trust me. Try to move around - and if that is not possible, balance it with small breaks every hour and eating healthy. And the cliched - take the stairs instead of the elevator. :-)