I have a "Desk Job" anyone else?



  • nicechap
    nicechap Posts: 3 Member
    I have a desk job - an inevitable situation because of my role. However, I also believe in managing by wandering around so I keep going to different teams within the organization and having quick chats with managers & business leaders. It helps immensely to drive good leadership practices and at the same time force me to get out of the chair.

    I use MyFitnessPal, Runtastic, Runtastic Six Pack ;-) and Runtastic Pushup apps right now. I am thinking of buying a fitness band - am vacillating between Fitbit Force and Garmin Forerunner 620. Both have different features and different utilities - unable to make up my mind yet. I will be spending some time reading reviews. If you have a recommendation, I would love to hear.

    Thanks. And weight loss is possible with a desk job. Trust me. Try to move around - and if that is not possible, balance it with small breaks every hour and eating healthy. And the cliched - take the stairs instead of the elevator. :-)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Also have a desk job, I drink a lot of water, forces me to get up constantly for refills and to go to the bathroom. Have not used the vending machine in over 2 years, bring my own healthy snacks. I am fortunate that I live close to work so I can go home for lunch, which helps to cut down on temptation to go out, over even to our on campus cafeteria (saves tons of money). Also, and this is a very important point....Please DO NOT put a deadline on weight loss. It will take as long as it will take.
    ROBINCAN2 Posts: 33 Member
    Set an alarm on the phone to make sure to get up and stretch or at least walk around a few minutes. Great Idea!!:happy:
  • pyramid918
    pyramid918 Posts: 23 Member
    After a week with my Fitbit I realized how sedentary I really was, even after my morning workouts! I work on the fourth floor of a building in an office complex so I started going to the first floor to go to the bathroom. And since I drink a literal ton of water every day I go like once an hour! The steps really add up and with a lunch time walk through the buildings or around the complex I usually hit 10k steps by 2pm! Just be aware of how long you sit and make goals for yourself :)
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Desk jockey here as well, I work from home at times as well with no where to escape to. This new Fitbit Flex is showing me that I need to do something in addition to watching my meals. These are great ideas and I have already started moving more after reading these. Feel free to add me as well.
    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions!
  • pinksmama
    I have a desk job as well plus I work from home - I am definitely not chained to the desk and get up pretty frequently to pop downstairs and check on the husband & kiddo, plus trip to my printers, etc.

    Thankfully I hate snacking and working or I might have a real struggle here.
  • hillcityjosh
    hillcityjosh Posts: 6 Member
    I do...hate it...10 hrs a day/5 days a week in the same darn chair...but I've started using a treadmill on my lunch hours...just walked 50 mins at lunch!
  • fitnessqueen49
    I have a desk job thats located on the 3rd floor. I been taking the stairs instead of the elevator. and I walk 30 minutes during lunch. I have lost 5 lbs so far. You can do it! Its a long way to the water machine which I visit all day to fill up my 64 oz jug.
  • bigshawn905
    Hi I have a desk job and don't get out of a chair much not my style of job but that's where I am for now looking to meet people to help me through my weight loss also I would like to help others through there's message me if you want to b weight loss buddies
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I work part time and sit at a desk most of that time, I walk to work, most days and sometimes part of the way home, i also take the stairs at work

    good luck with your joruney
  • firelight4321
    firelight4321 Posts: 60 Member
    I have a desk job too. Just changing your diet does a lot for weight loss! Being active helps too, of course. You'll definitely see progress here!
  • piejin
    piejin Posts: 41 Member
    I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and then I go to school at night. I am out of the house from 7:30AM - 10PM most days.

    -I bring an arsenal of food with me and graze throughout the entire day so I'm never hungry but I'm only consuming about 700-800 calories before dinner.
    -Whenever I use the restroom at work, I do 10 squats after I wash my hands.
    -I go to the gym and do HIIT 3 times a week, usually after work but before school.
    -I lift weights at home on days that I don't go to the gym.
    -I park farther away from my office building/school building so I have to walk more.

    Are we twins?! I also have a desk job during the day, go to school at night, am gone for roughly the same hours most days, and I have many of the same tactics.

    Other things I do throughout the day to help:

    *Use my desk job to help me drink enough water! When I show up at work, I tell myself I have to drink a glass of water before I can have any coffee, and I try to make sure I have a cup of water with me at all times. This has the added bonus of giving me a reason to get up and walk to the water cooler many times throughout the day.

    *walk/climb stairs during breaks. Every little bit of being active helps, right?

    *walk to/from classes at night. This gives me a break between sitting on my butt all day at work and sitting on my butt all evening for class.
  • samanthajoellen
    I have been using MFP for 45 days and am feeling great about the changes I have made. Now, I do and always will have bad days which I know some people are totally against, but I used to be a closet eater (lol) and I feel like if I never eat anything bad that is what will happen. I still drink, still eat fast food, may help myself to a doughnut on Friday's when the boss brings them in, still go out to dinner, and still order pizza! I switched to diet soda, only 1 cup of coffee per day, drinking more water, oatmeal for breakfast almost every day, tried to cut out most of my red meat, eat more soups and lean cuisines and salads, and eat smaller dinners by making less food (ex: chicken and veggies - you really don't need a potato side, or rice side, or pasta side like you think you do!

    Your will power will grow so much when it comes to portion control, you will be proud of yourself and your stomach will shrink! I am on track most days, but not all days of course. I have joined planet fitness and am working out 45 min/day 3-4 times a week. Usually the elliptical because I love it! I think cardio makes the most sense.

    The hardest part by far has been not snacking after dinner, but after a few weeks I don't even want to anymore. I hope at least one person finds this helpful for them because it is working for me!

    If anyone would like to be my friend I can use all of the support I can get and would love to help you. I would love different healthy food ideas if you have a bunch! Thanks for reading and good luck everyone, we can do this!!!

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