Paleo or South Beach?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Might I suggest the wonderful world of IIFIYM?

    You would be able to custom tailor the foods you want to eat without having digestive issues. Sounds like you just need to pre-log food for the day.


    A diet with a name??? :noway:
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Just my two cents...Believe me I have tried every "diet" out there. I have finally had an epiphany and erased the word DIET from my mind. Quit DIETING. This isn't something you are going to do for so many weeks or months. This is something you are changing forever. You are doing a lifestyle change in order to be successful & stay successful. Two step simple - lower your calorie intake & move more! Once you shed the DIET mentality and focus on a new eating lifestyle you will have this made. I never use that 4 letter word (diet) anymore.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    The point that eludes you guys is my point is when a doctor says stop eating all carbs and gluten, and it works, it really is not very helpful. So, my suggestion is for the OP to eventually work to learn the specific issue, rather than a large ridiculous belief that an entire macronutrient is 'bad for her'. It may not even be the case at all. It's what they call a false positive result. You think it's carbs and gluten, it might be neither, really.

    And my point is that there is little utility to knowing WHY and that you would be the kind of patient that would go through any time of expense and misery and doctor shopping to know WHY...even though a simple solution resolves your issues. Knowing WHY isn't always possible, for a variety of reasons I've already stated. And you don't have to give up on a food forever. You have a false impression of the elimination diet. You slowly add suspect foods back into your diet after a period of abstinence, and track your symptoms.

    That's what I was saying. Thanks for reiterating it.

    Except for the "not knowing why part". That's not a smart way to approach eliminating a bunch of stuff, including an entire macro-nutrient, from your diet. But, do whatever you want. i'm tired of arguing with people that are close-minded and can't see past their forehead. Data is data. You can do research, learn, and explore. you don't have to spend thousands at a doctors office. in fact, I advocate not doing that, because doctors tend to be kind of campy with their silly watered-down pop-science advice.

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Data is data. You can do research, learn, and explore. you don't have to spend thousands at a doctors office. in fact, I advocate not doing that, because doctors tend to be kind of campy with their silly watered-down pop-science advice.

    I guess all those "Evidence-Based Medicine" courses I took at the Boston University School of Medicine were worthless. Damn those physicians and their silly pop-science.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Also just to point out I have been on the MFP site for a couple of weeks now and they are really helpful, and to date no-one has provided any documented studies or evidence that the primal blue print does not reduce body fat or maintain lean mass - so that would suggest it works.

    to date no-one has provided any documented studies or evidence that the Count Chocula Diet does not reduce body fat or maintain lean mass - so that would suggest it works.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Also just to point out I have been on the MFP site for a couple of weeks now and they are really helpful, and to date no-one has provided any documented studies or evidence that the primal blue print does not reduce body fat or maintain lean mass - so that would suggest it works.

    to date no-one has provided any documented studies or evidence that the Count Chocula Diet does not reduce body fat or maintain lean mass - so that would suggest it works.

  • krisbeck1982
    krisbeck1982 Posts: 3 Member
    whenever i need a jumpstart or break a plateau i go back to south-beach diet phase 1 for 2 weeks. i like it because it helps retrain your mind how to think about what you are eating. i do not find it restrictive at all. the first 3 days are pretty horrible though, i just felt foggy the entire time as my body learned to live without sugar for a little bit.
    i also like it because results are pretty quick, which is a great kick-off motivator.
    after i feel like i've broken through the plateau i'll just go back to MFP and logging,etc and that usually works for me.
  • breeshabebe
    Might I suggest the wonderful world of IIFIYM?

    You would be able to custom tailor the foods you want to eat without having digestive issues. Sounds like you just need to pre-log food for the day.


    A diet with a name??? :noway:

    Everybody run!!!

    (Or lift, because it's the only acceptable exercise.)
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    I have done both. I followed South beach for 3 years. I then switched to paleo. I lost weight on both, can't say one is better than the other. I did get leaner on Paleo than south beach but I think any time you start really paying attention to what you are eating and the calories you will probably lose weight. I follow a 80/20 paleo approach now.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Hello all!
    I am currently in my first week of my weight loss journey and am trying to figure out what diet plan will work best for me. I have 100 lbs. to lose and am looking to make a lifestyle change in the way I eat. Originally, my doctor recommended the South Beach diet. However, I have been hearing great things regarding Paleo and am not quite sure what direction I want to go in.
    Right now I am trying to get together a good menu for the next couple of weeks- so I am a clean slate! I can pretty much go in either direction. Here are some of the things I need in whatever diet I choose:

    -No bread, rice, pasta, and as few gluten products as possible.
    -High in fiber (I have severe colon issues following childbirth)
    -I love seafood- and I live in Louisiana, so I have access to a variety of fresh seafood.
    -Low sugar- still a little fuzzy on what fruits constitute as "low in sugar" and would be the best for me digestively

    I am also hoping that, along with losing weight, this new lifestyle change will result in better digestive health for me. I am looking for a COMPLETE overhaul of my colon.

    So, which plan would you recommend? Paleo or South Beach? Thanks!

    FWIS, I've been eating Primal, which is sort of a variation of Paleo, or some people call it Paleo-permissive. For example, with Primal, you can eat dairy if it agrees with you (don't have any adverse issues with lactose, casein, etc.), though they aim for full-fat varieties over low fat versions (cream, butter, cheese, full-fat yogurt, whole milk, etc.). But strict paleo adherents will say no dairy at all. For more info on Primal, check out

    I find that I just feel waaaay better eating Primal, and I think that's something you'll find with a lot of people who love the Paleo/Primal lifestyle. However, I now understand why it feels so much better to me. After years of bouts of major fatigue and weight gain/difficulty losing weight, the only thing that had helped was switching to Primal. Although the fatigue had gotten better, I was still really struggling with losing weight (I had a good 30-40 lbs to lose). After eating at a deficit of 700+ calories/day and not losing any weight, my doctor was finally convinced to look into it further. He finally believed me and that "eat less and move more" wasn't enough for me and something was up.

    A few specialists later, and I was diagnosed with both Hashimoto's thyroiditis (thyroid condition) and insulin resistance. Primal works great for Hashi's as it's an autoimmune disorder and they think is triggered by certain foods -- gluten seems to be the most popular of the suspected culprits.

    I suspect that a lot of people that love Primal have experiences like mine -- they've had undiagnosed conditions for years -- either digestive issues, thyroid issues, lymph issues, etc., but they haven't been severe enough to be diagnosed by their doctors. They start Paleo/Primal and all of a sudden a lot of their symptoms clear up and they feel awesome.

    As for weight loss, I know a lot of people that have done great body recomp and weight loss through Primal eating and exercise, though that may be accomplished just easily with a similar macro level. Usually, for Primal people, it ends up being a high fat, moderate protein and low-ish carb diet. The carbs are adjustable based on whether you want to lose fat (then lower the carbs) or are already at a good weight and just want to maintain or gain muscle or focus on performance (then can have more carbs). Eating Primally just sort of lends itself to these macros generally since you're really only getting your carbs from vegetables, some fruits and occasional starchy carbs like sweet potatoes.

    I cook Primally, and I don't find it difficult at all. Vegetables, often in butter or coconut oil, tons of herbs, full-fat cheeses, tons of protein (love me a good steak), fruit on occasion (I'm low carbing it for the insulin resistance so I limit my fruit intake), dark chocolate on occasion, certain nuts (almonds, macadamia, etc.), bacon, etc. Shoot, I make a mean vodka sauce and instead of serving over pasta, I use spaghetti squash -- it's really good.

    So, yeah, you're giving up grains so if you're a big bread, pasta or baked goods/sweets person, that part may be difficult. I have dark chocolate from time to time and I find that satisfies my sweet tooth. But, personally, I don't miss the bread, pasta, rice, etc. at all anymore. If I want to do something that they'd normally be served over -- like my penne alla vodka or a nice curry, I just make the sauce and serve it over spaghetti squash. I find it to be an awesome sauce delivery vehicle.

    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hello all!
    I am currently in my first week of my weight loss journey and am trying to figure out what diet plan will work best for me. I have 100 lbs. to lose and am looking to make a lifestyle change in the way I eat. Originally, my doctor recommended the South Beach diet. However, I have been hearing great things regarding Paleo and am not quite sure what direction I want to go in.
    Right now I am trying to get together a good menu for the next couple of weeks- so I am a clean slate! I can pretty much go in either direction. Here are some of the things I need in whatever diet I choose:

    -No bread, rice, pasta, and as few gluten products as possible.
    -High in fiber (I have severe colon issues following childbirth)
    -I love seafood- and I live in Louisiana, so I have access to a variety of fresh seafood.
    -Low sugar- still a little fuzzy on what fruits constitute as "low in sugar" and would be the best for me digestively

    I am also hoping that, along with losing weight, this new lifestyle change will result in better digestive health for me. I am looking for a COMPLETE overhaul of my colon.

    So, which plan would you recommend? Paleo or South Beach? Thanks!

    Congrats on your decision to make a Lifestyle change!! The first thing you need to do is ditch the 'which diet' mentality. Do you really plan on not eating bread, rice, pasta or gluten for the rest of your life. Heck I know I don't!! Learn portion control and moderation and eat foods that you enjoy. That's not a license to eat cookies for dinner (been there done that) just means DON'T eliminate entire foods groups from your daily diet because you think it's the key to weight loss.
    1 - let MFP set your calorie intake goal
    2 - stick to that goal like glue, log everything accurately and honestly
    3 - eat foods that you love in sensible portions

    Stay consistent and you'll get there!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.

    I think we all know why it's no to beans - erm Blazing Saddles!
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Thanks for the advice, everyone! Looks like I have some homework to do!

    To be clear, neither of these fad diets has "exactly" the plan I am looking to follow- I need the high fiber that Paleo can't offer, and I can't eat the breads, pastas, etc. that South Beach starts introducing after a couple of weeks. I was on Weight Watchers before I got pregnant- and I LOVED it. I lost 25 lbs. and felt great- and I was still eating foods that I loved. I was lucky back then- had no digestive issues and could eat whatever I wanted and have a bowel movement 20 minutes later. Now, if I so much as LOOK at a piece of bread my body shuts down. Nothing is the same as it was before and I am MISERABLE. It isn't just the weight anymore.

    Anyway, I will look into some of the websites and "clean eating" resources you guys suggested. I think this might be my best bet. Also- to the person who suggested a licensed dietician- thanks! I go to a colon hydrotherapist and she is also a licensed dietician. I actually texted her as soon as I saw your post;) (don't know why it didn't occur to me to just call her in the first place).
    Thanks for the help yall!

    What is a colon hydro-therapist!!?

    I know a lot of Registered Dietitians ( i.e. they have a degree). Are you sure that your person is a dietitian not a nutritionist?
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    I am on ketogenic diet for health reasons (hyposthyroidism) its v similar to the paleo apparently.
    It took me a little while to get in the swing of this diet but i am fine and happy now (minus the cookie cravings!) so i personally would go for the paleo out of the two you have suggested.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.

    Have you read any of the research on lectins? I believe that's the primary reason Paleo/Primal tries to avoid them.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.

    Have you read any of the research on lectins? I believe that's the primary reason Paleo/Primal tries to avoid them.

    I have. Have you seen all research showing legume rich diets like vegetarian and Mediterranean to be the healthiest?

    Most heatlhy foods have toxins. Our bodies are well equipped to deal with them.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.

    Have you read any of the research on lectins? I believe that's the primary reason Paleo/Primal tries to avoid them.

    I have. Have you seen all research showing legume rich diets like vegetarian and Mediterranean to be the healthiest?

    Most heatlhy foods have toxins. Our bodies are well equipped to deal with them.

    I think that's true, but I also believe based on findings I've read that some people have considerable reaction to lectins.

    As for vegetarians being the healthiest, that's just crazy. Humans are not herbivores. We do not have the GI tract and related organs to consume an all vegetable diet -- we do not have the advantages that cows and koalas have in their GI tract. That's only been possible in modern times where food is in abundance and adequate protein sources have been mobilized from vegetarian sources.

    So, yeah, anyone that thinks vegetarian diet is the healthiest, I'm going to strongly disagree with on a purely biological basis.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I'm not sure why Paleo/Primal gets so much gruff on this site, but I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

    I will give gruff to any diet that says beans are unhealthy. It's a lie.

    Have you read any of the research on lectins? I believe that's the primary reason Paleo/Primal tries to avoid them.

    I have. Have you seen all research showing legume rich diets like vegetarian and Mediterranean to be the healthiest?

    Most heatlhy foods have toxins. Our bodies are well equipped to deal with them.

    I think that's true, but I also believe based on findings I've read that some people have considerable reaction to lectins.

    Key word is "some".
    Not really a basis for all people to eliminate from their diet as most Paleo absolutists would recommend.