How does your spouse support you?



  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    He buys my running shoes.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    My husband is awesome. I got a wild hair and decided I wanted to train for a marathon. He trained with me.
    Let me explain why that's a big deal.

    He's a football player. He sprints. He does insanity. He DOES NOT DO long distances....LOL
    He is built like a greek god. He works out for 15 minutes and looks like I would after a year.

    Every time we run our long runs he chants "THIS IS SO STUPID! WHY ARE WE DOING THIS" LOL...

    We've done insanity together. We've done BFL.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    OH YEAH and he downloaded the app and started tracking his food so he could see how I felt.

    Now... it kind backfired because he has to eat like 3500 calories a day and I am limited to 1200 :/

    HOWEVER, he has to watch his sodium intake big time.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    My boyfriend is supportive of me. I think he has comforted me too many times when I have got upset about my weight not to be.

    He helps me get motivated to exercise when he can by dragging me (sometimes kicking and screaming) for a walk down the canal or through the woods.

    If he buys something nice to eat that I can't fit into my day and it comes in a multi pack, he will eat all of them to "save me from making a bad desision" lol (I think he is just being a greedy bugger and using my weight loss as an excuse)

    He is always telling me I am doing well and that I should keep it up. He also reminds me why i want to lose weight when I can feel my willpower ebbing away.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    My hubby is A-MAZING I just love him to pieces!

    He doesn't bat an eye when I ask him to read the scale (I bought one of the generic versions w/a dial vs. an electronic read out and can't read it myself) bleary eyed first thing in the morning on weigh-in day.

    He doesn't complain about the Sugar Free Coffee Creamer I buy - just chooses not to use it instead

    He doesn't complain when I weigh my food and portion my food out perfectly - he even does it for me when he makes my lunch every morning - yes I said every morning!

    He fixes my water for the day (we use a Brita Pitcher at home and he fills my freezable water cup with water & ice + an additional bottle of water for after lunch)

    He doesn't complain when I am on MFP logging my food and asking about what brand of this or that we ate for dinner/lunch

    He listens to me go on and on and on about this or that regarding my weight loss program

    He's agreed to find a babysitter for our kids so we can go shopping together for new clothes that fit me! Can't wait for that shopping trip!

    His schedule is weird because he works retail, but he always makes sure I get my work out in 6-days a week, whether at home using a YouTube video or when I go to the gym.

    I am royally spoiled I know but he's the best!
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Nice thread! Sorry I just came to it late but it's nice to see supportive comments about spouses rather than people just venting about their significant others.

    I started with MFP on my own while hubby was on deployment and I also started running. He's always been a runner, but now we work out together (when he's home) and have trained for 5ks, 10ks, and now want to start training for a half marathon. Even though he's on deployment, we have training schedules that we try to stick to and send each other our workout summaries for the week to encourage each other to keep on going to get healthy. We also signed up for classes at our gym and do TRX and boot camp style classes. He was nervous to be the only guy in the class, but has stuck with it and really enjoyed it. He's still working on trying to log all his food intake when he's in town, but he's making an effort to do so. We also stick to the same diet plans (although he gets larger calories than I do, obviously) so it makes it easier to prep meals.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    I absolutely LOVE hearing these supportive partner posts!!

    My husband is wonderfully supportive. I don't know what I would do with out him!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    He participates in races with with me.
    He could probably kick my *kitten* in a race but we always do the race together and at my pace.
    He listens to me vent about blisters and sore muscles.
    He finds new music I can listen to when I jog.
    He stays hawt for me.
    He doesn't ever complain about the time I spend on MFP.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,521 Member
    My husband showed me how to use the machines and helped come up with a strength-training plan for me. I know he doesn't like to stand around and watch/critique me (he'd rather be doing his own thing); BUT when I ask him to help, he always does.

    He also NEVER and has NEVER complained about my cooking. I think he's just happy that I make him food at all...even if it is tofu sometimes.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    He took me shopping and carried my new 50kg weights set to and from the car... 'nuff said lol

    And, he's started watching what he eats and walking more - he's lost 1kg so far, and that's pretty awesome in my book :love:
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    My spouse is letting my do a competition in a city 5 hours way on June 1st. She is due June 4th.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    My husband couldn't care less if I go for a run/bike ride - nor does he care how far or how fast. Nor does he care if I'm sticking to my training plan, or if I've managed to lift a new weight. Sometimes, I'm not even sure he notices I'm gone (to workout). He refuses to eat half the food I make, and constantly has the nerve to eat cookies and chips and stuff right in front of me. He doesn't give a rats @ss about how much protein something has, or whether it has 2 calories or 2 million.

    But he is the most supportive husband I could ever ask for. He moved half his crap in the basement so I could have a gym (which he then bought a TV for). He bought me a bike and went for a first ride with me last summer - because it's something he has wanted us to do together but I was never able to. When I complain that my compression shorts are too big and wrinkly, he says "that's because there's nothing left to compress". I've had a terrible time "seeing" the smaller me and have a hard time telling if clothes fit and/or look appropriate. He answers honestly every single day. He helped me make my redneck squat racks even though he has no idea what they are for. When I was nervous and uncomfortable at a pool party over the summer, he told me people were staring because I'm hot.

    He doesn't care about my workout plan, he doesn't care what I eat, but he supports me in every way that actually matters (to me).

    I absolutely love this! Your husband sounds a lot like my fiance... absolutely will have your back, forever :)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    My wife is the single most supportive human being walking this planet. She is beyond incredible, and I am beyond blessed to have her.

    She knows how miserable I was with the state and look of my obese body, and she's cheered me on all along. And while she was keenly attracted to me even at my heaviest, when I wondered how any woman could be, lately she really can't keep her eyes, and her hands, off me and she often tells me how sexy and "beautiful" she thinks her man is.

    And this is all taking into account that her own journey hasn't been as successful. She's been struggling a lot. It's not always easy for a spouse to cheer you on, and watch you lose so much weight, while they've been battling to strip weight off for years to little success. Also my aggressive, single minded pursuit of fat loss has altered how often we have our couple-eating-bonding times over lots of tasty, high calorie food, eaten freely. My wife LOVES food and eating, while I don't share that same passion. So we have much less of our old throw downs, and that was hard for her to accept initially.

    But this woman is the very definition of an incredible spouse and human being. Wouldn't want anyone else but her to walk by my side on this, and every, journey.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,629 Member
    Mine tolerates eating dinner at 21:00 on weekdays so I have time to get a workout after work. Oh, he has to make dinner too and writes down the weight of all the ingredients so I can log it.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Financially -> everything

    He supports any activity that I want to do.
    He deals with my crazy diet.
    He watches the kids when I want to run.
    He likes it when I buy crap I don't need for working out.
    He always says "good for you" after I exercise.
    He doesn't mind all the money I spend when I sign up for races.
    He bought me my dumbell and barbell weights.
    He gave me my heart rate monitor.
    He encouraged me to sign up for the 10 mile race in October (which I did) and the 1/2 in November (which I may do).
    He says he is proud of me.

    Best guy ever.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    On days when I'm feeling fat, he'll eat half my donut so I dont have to log all of it.

    He has promised to honestly tell me if my butt starts to get big.

    He has actually swatted a cookie out of my hand before. It went flying out of my hand across the kitchen. It was hilarious because it was so unexpected.

    True love, I tell ya!
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    My husband is very supportive! He goes to the gym with me and we work out together. He encourages me to go to the gym. He asks, "Are you going to work out today?" If I don't feel like working out he tells me I need to.

    He does a lot of the cooking in our house and he tries to cook things that work well with my plan. He does a lot of fish because he knows I love it and it's healthy and low in calories.

    He compliments me when he noticed I've lost weight.

    My DD also encourages me to go to the gym and eat healthy.

    Maybe there's no good answer to this question, but how can I take comments like this from my BF as "supportive" and not that he's saying I look fat and wants me to lose weight. I am feeling insecure at the moment. Any words of wisdom??
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Mine tells me I'm sexy and rubs my legs so hard I almost cry. It hurts SO GOOD.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    My husband is awesome!

    He cooks dinner most nights (I'm supposed to cook one weekend night and I don't think I have yet since he's been home LOL), taking into consideration my calories, weighs everything out for me.

    He encourages me to buy to tools I need/want to be successful (workout DVDs, HRM, shoes, etc.).

    Once I am ready, he'll help me use his TRX program.

    He loves me just the way I am, but knows I need to get healthy and be happy.

    He tells me how proud he is of me when I push through a workout I didn't feel like doing. Or when I meticulously weigh out my food and/or pass up on something I love.

    And he gave me the most wonderful incentive once I've reached my goal and maintained for a few months.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My husband is very supportive! He goes to the gym with me and we work out together. He encourages me to go to the gym. He asks, "Are you going to work out today?" If I don't feel like working out he tells me I need to.

    He does a lot of the cooking in our house and he tries to cook things that work well with my plan. He does a lot of fish because he knows I love it and it's healthy and low in calories.

    He compliments me when he noticed I've lost weight.

    My DD also encourages me to go to the gym and eat healthy.

    Maybe there's no good answer to this question, but how can I take comments like this from my BF as "supportive" and not that he's saying I look fat and wants me to lose weight. I am feeling insecure at the moment. Any words of wisdom??

    If it makes you feel insecure, sit down and talk to him. Either ask him to refrain from making comments (admit that it's you not him that has the issue here) or ask him to encourage you in different ways.