

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts and wishing everyone well:flowerforyou: , just don`t have time to reply:sad: ! Yesterday was a complete day of jumping in the car and running to this appt. and then another, and another, and another...I didn`t even have time to eat lunch:frown: ! I did manage a long walk yesterday morning before the madness started and last night I took little Noel out on a good 45 minute walk, it was dark by the time we got in, I`m so looking forward to when it stays light longer!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ...I echo the sentiments here...log every bite and every sip you have, move more than you were doing before, and have patience! This is a great group of supportive women, every one of them is a jewel:heart: and I`m happy that I call everyone of them my friends! Caring and kind people on this thread!!!

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (it really is important) and log your food!!!

    Margaret:smile::drinker: :drinker: Having my coffee and water with you this morning!

    DeeDee in NC
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends!
    Seems like a long time since I posted. But have been popping in here often to catch up with whats happening.
    Joyce so glad Charlie is better and you were so good throughout:flowerforyou:
    Rebelrenny love your new picture :love:
    Sylvia congrats you are doing so well :heart:
    Heather always an inspiration, by revealing your earlier struggles you give me hope :wink:
    Barbie thanks for all your practical doable tips:heart:
    Grandmallie :flowerforyou: missing your lemonwater
    Meg and Michelle inspite of having busy schedules I admire your regular posts
    Katla always there with kind and practical advice. Hope your DH sees it my way too :heart:
    Brenda :flowerforyou: happy birthday
    Deedee and yanniejannie I'm proud to be your friend
    Hearty welcome to all the new ladies :flowerforyou:

    Have the school annual day,the day after tomorrow, little busy with the play the students are putting up.
    Shall go shortly for my weight training today. Trying to get up early and do an hour or so of ex at home. Yoga suits me the most . 21 rounds of sun salutations leaves me sweating. the warm up and cool down takes up time, and I was feeling fresh as ever. Of course today was the first day. Wont it be wonderful if I could just keep up with it? Barbie and her zillion steps inspire me so much :heart:
    Best wishes to all
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: .I am up earlier than usual.....dogs have had one walk, I'm eating my breakfast----Isagenix chocolate shake with walnuts and flaxseed
    Jake got up early, too, so he's having breakfast with me----Isagenix chicken soup.......soon I'll walk the dogs again.....no rain.....sky is clear enough to see the moon. I'm going out to lunch today at Appleby's with my line dance friends....the last time we went there I ordered a broiled chicken breast, sliced tomatoes, and a steamed veggie with no butter or salt and it was a great lunch so I have high hopes for today......last night I practiced the new dance we're learning in line dance class so I have high hopes for class, too.

    :flowerforyou: enjoy your day and don't take things personally :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    on the run,woke up late and didn't even have lemon water, a cup of tea and a banana,will have salad in a wrap this afternoon for lunch and then a cheeseburg tonight
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good morning,

    Deedee :drinker:

    Barbie love the dancing cats. Good weight loss tips.

    Brenda Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Joyce happy to hear Charlie is improving!

    Patty sorry your test fell through again. I know you’d like to just get it done.

    Heather I like how you said it this is for life not a diet. Thanks for the info on the UTI, uterine tract infection as regards to how the infection can affect the brain. My mom had one in the fall.

    Alison I agree with Katla give yourself some of that wonderful care of yours.

    Renny great new pic.

    Kathy T sounds like you are going in with a good attitude towards changing you eating habits.

    Eileen blessed to have those wonderful grandchildren.

    Carol from Iowa watching portions and counting calories sounds the way to go.

    Gloria hugs:flowerforyou: :heart:


    I like the part in The Happiness project that talks about love. She talks about Proof of Love. It is one thing to say you love someone. Actions of love do speak louder. This fits well with the Nurturing Discipline workshop I went to last week. The emphasis is to notice the positive and tell them why. An example I did yesterday with a Kindergartner was I noticed you picked up all your clothes and hung them up it shows you were responsible. In the past I might of only said Good Job! Tomorrow my son and I will go see the LEGO movie together.

    Shake my legs out more often through the day. I am on my feet a lot.
    Drink more water
    Take Magnesium before bed.
    I had bad leg cramps last night, so didn’t sleep as well.
    Take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    For the information of newcomers: This is what my eating day consisted of yesterday:
    Breakfast: chopped apple microwaved for a few minutes, sprinkle with cinnamin and 150 gr of low fat yoghurt. Coffee with a bit of milk.
    Lunch: DH's famous low fat creamcheese sandwich, on low carb bread with tons of veggies and yes, wait for it: hot peppers.
    Supper: tuna and large salad. Canned tuna this time. (Typically we have some chicken or fish with stirfry veggies and more salad. ( Occasionally with quineo. )
    Snacks: yoghurt, prunes and dates, a couple of unsalted peanuts. That is not my regular snack. I missed a sliced up carrot yesterday, which I normally eat for afternoon snack.
    And...drinking lots of water. A 20 oz bottle is by my side all the time. Drink at least 3 of those. I
    never drink juice and I don't like pop. I try to keep wine to the weekend.

    I do not have my diary open; many do. Can learn a lot from people that way.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: for some reason I had posted before finishing, and the edit function refused to work. :bigsmile: I am one of those people who has really been helped by eating the same or similar things each day. It removes the grazing and constant thinking of what to eat. Always, always have the right foods in the house and deliberately remove all junk and trigger foods.

    My strategy is having a tasty and nutritious eating plan, and work the plan. I fall off the wagon at times, but it no longer destroys me. With all this support, I pick myself up again, feeling all those mfp friends' arms around me.

    One of us coined us their "vitamin F". Coming here for my vit F has been helpful. So grateful for it.

    Have a great day. I need to go back to sleep yet, a little too early for this westcoast gal.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: I went for lunch out twice in the last 2 weeks. I chose the White Spot , their lifestyle Grilled Chicken Asian salad has 290 calories. the nutritional values are on line and on the menu.

    I declined the office Valentine's feast this year. Just knew I could not refuse all the sweets. Lo and behold, still people like me anyway.

    Okay, that was my 3rd post! Since I am off this week, who knows how prolific I will yet wax.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Yippee, Happy Birthday to me, I lost 3.5 lbs this week, I've never lost that much
    in a wk. That puts me at -15 lbs since Nov 15.

    Thank you for the BD wishes. They really meant a lot to me.

    I'm so glad I joined mfp and found this awesome group of ladies. Your
    Constant reminders to write down everything we eat and drink and not
    giving up has helped me so much.

    Heather-Way to go on getting yourself back on track, that is one of the biggest
    hurtles to conquer. Give yourself a pat on the back and thank you for posting it,
    The next time I mess up I'll remember your post and not sabotage myself. Which
    is something I've always done in the past.

    Party, sorry to hear about your knee and missing your personal trainer test. I hope
    you make it next month.

    Barbie- 23,000 steps, "Oh My" I'm in awe.

    Exermom- I use the pasta pick-ups too. My grandson calls them " yummies for
    My tummy".

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Good luck today. When does DH get home?:flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: I've had my share of knee trouble and have some suggestions. I had to sleep with a pillow under my knee for several months, and it eventually helped. Losing weight helped, but it took a long time to get there. Stay away from treadmills and stair steppers; use bikes & elliptical trainers instead. You get a good workout without pounding your knee joints. My personal favorite exercises are walking, yoga, and riding my recumbent trike.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika from Mumbai: It is good to see you posting again.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie from NW WA: Enjoy your lunch with line dance friends.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope this turns into a good day. Your planned meals sound great.:flowerforyou:

    Newcomers: Like Renny, I don’t share my diary. I have food issues stemming from lactose intolerance so many foods are not possible for me. I’ve settled on portion control as my primary strategy for weight loss and it works for me. I bought a food scale and dishers to help with managing my portion sizes. Dishers are measured scoops used by the restaurant industry to standardize serving sizes. They may not be as scientifically accurate as scales, but do the job of portion control for things like potatoes and rice well enough to help with weight loss. Eating out in restaurants can be a challenge, and some of us lead lifestyles where it is a frequent event. Some restaurant chains post nutrition information on line so you can plan your meal in advance. Olive Garden and Subway are two that come to mind. Many of us are taught to clean our plates from childhood, and huge restaurant servings can be a problem. I sometimes order a take out box to be delivered with my meal. I put half of the food in the take out box before I start to eat and eat the half left on the plate. It helps me keep my calories moderate and gives me a ready made meal for another day. I hope this sparks some strategies that will help you be successful. Bottom line, count every calorie and move more.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.
    DIL is home sick,was up coughing all night.Didn`t get much sleep.
    Gonna take Violet to chuckie cheese after school,she`s so excited as she does`t go much.
    Have a good one
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Thank you lovely ladies for your kind, understanding words. I thought it better to "fess up" and not keep it as a shameful secret. I see by doing that I have helped others.:happy:
    I managed to get through until 12.45 until I ate. Yeah!:bigsmile: I have had porridge this afternoon as a snack. I like it with just water and salt so 150 calories is a filling snack. I've been watching a French film so haven't been thinking about food too much.

    As far as I know DH hasn't set off home yet. It's a 3 hr 45 min drive. He has a cinnamon crunch muffin waiting for him!:love::heart:

    Bye for now! Heather in dull Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, you ask how Charlie is taking all this. Well he is taking it like he took his heart disease. He out's it in his emotion box and puts it away, never to be seen again. If I ask him how he is taking it he just says that whatever will be will be. He also doens't ak how I am taking it. That's why I told him that I notified my family.

    I love how different insurance plans are having health incentives, really nice ones like providing a FitBit. When Charlie was working the health incentive was that at the beginning you went through a series of test, body fat, glucose, etc, and if they identified a problem they gave you counseling. You had to set a goal for yourself, then you got a worksheet with how you were going to implement that goal. All you had to do was to fill out that worksheet and turn it in by a certain time. No one was with you to see that you were actually doing the things your worksheet was telling you to do, you just had to check boxes. So there was no actual accountability. Anyway, you got a discount on your insurance. I don't know what they do now.

    Trying to get back in my normal habits of going to the Y 3 times a week for the Silver Sneakers classes. Today is the chair yoga.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    We are at 50 degree and the sun is shining!!! Yes, I took an outdoor walk today.:bigsmile:

    Just a quick lunch up date, I've logged my breakfast, lunch, snack and exercise so far, this is a goal that has, so far been hard for me to keep up with. I need a new scale as the one I have here isn't working but I'm trying to use my best judgement and past experience.

    :flowerforyou: Katla from Oregon, thanks for the tips. Thaose are pretty much what my doctor told me also. I have been using the pillow and I think it helps the knee, however the hips are another story. I am going to look for a place to take Yoga, my Y branch doesn't have evening classes and I work in the day. As for the weight, I'm trying. I've lost a lot but have so much to go, one day at a time. Getting back into walking and more cardio is going to help.

    Signing off,
    Patty from Cincinnati
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Had a great night's sleep,9 hrs without getting up even once. That seldom happens for me. Weather is beautiful,yesterday too,tons of sun,lots of melting,drying out. Going to be 60's tomor,with rain.

    Feeling low today :cry: Gained 2 pds since last weigh in a few wks ago.No matter where I turn,don't understand it :sad:
    Just last wk,family Dr said I cannot cut out any of my 5 medications.Nearly a yr ago had a heart "episode"....No problem since,cardiologist turned my care over to family Dr & dismissed me as a patient.So the 5 meds are ones he put me on.

    Decided last March to lose this weight.lost a few pds before joining MFP,then slow as slow can be,lost total of 23 pds.There hasn't been over 4-5 times in almost a yr where I barely went over my calorie count of 1509,try to stay between 1200-1500 & average 64-80 oz of water a day.

    Have not been able to get to gym for water aerobics this winter,but that is more for flexibility than for wt loss.

    Haven't lost an ounce in last 6-8 wks,but never gained.Dr said my wt was fine,whatever that means. DH says being in my 70's,it's not good for me to lose wt. Feeling at a loss.:sad: Nothing works,so Hope you all have some ideas to share with me.

    Pat in Ohio
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Happy birthday Joyce and Brenda (more or less on time!). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've been doing a little reading on strength training and weights for women lately. It does sound like working up to heavier weights has much better results than staying with light weights. So, I have been gradually increasing the weights I use, per my February goals, keeping in mind that smaller muscles require lighter weights. There is even an added benefit! Strength/weight training also increases bone mass even if you are in your 80's or older. Thankfully, I have very dense bones; still, that is a GREAT benefit for many of us over 50 folks.

    Night snacking is my nemesis too. Still trying to come up with strategies that are effective for me <sigh> :grumble:

    Icy/freezing rain today - yuck!

    Jill in wester MA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Pat in Ohio

    Have you tried a lower the sugar in your diet. That means lowering artificial sweeteners, things sweetened with agave, sugar, Fructose, maltose, almost anything ending with ose. I have recently lost 4 pounds by reducing my sugar. I was maintaining a 25 pound weight loss for over a year. I was happy with my weight loss. I just notice how much better I feel since I have gotten diligent in reducing sugar. The problem with artificial sweeteners is the add to the cravings for sweets instead of reducing it. Good luck. I hope you find something that works for you. Here to support you on your road to good health. The only sweeteners I allow myself and those in very small amounts is honey , real maple syrup, and fruit.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Sounds like its going to be another beautiful day in the 50's. But then they already have us in a winter strom watch for tonight and tomorrow. Gotta love it!!:sad:
    So I did have alot better day food wise yesterday and hoping that means I am back on track. One day at a time.:smile:

    Welcome Linda--wishing you and DH good wishes on this journey and glad to have you with us.

    Sandy--You are doing soooo well!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Joyce--glad you and DH got some answers and can move forward with treatment.

    Michelle--glad you got to FL safe. Hope you feel better and can enjoy the time there.:smile:

    Heather--I understand about cheese, growing up and when my children were growing up we might be out of milk but never cheese. I have cut back ALOT but it still talks to me.:blushing:

    Patty-Sorry to hear the news about your test. Maybe doing it on site will be better. I know I do better in person then on paper.

    Barbie--Thanks for the good words. I really have to work on not taking everything so personal. I can not control what others think or do. I am only in charge of me!! Thanks for the reminder.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda--Congrates on the weigh loss.:flowerforyou:

    Well so far it is 54 degrees here. I voluteer at the hospital gift shop after work today so will be here until 8pm. Our patient count is high so that means I could be busy. Well enjoy your day and log your food.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hello & happy Hump day.
    I was having a hard time getting to this topic today. I tried to get to it by my going to my topics & the Women's Ages 50+ was locked. Finally with help of DH found art 2 to the topic.
    Weather here in Texas is wonderful. It is the 70's & no rain, Yah!! :love:
    Today I have been really busy working from computer & phone & only gotten in about 1000 steps. Really bad since it is almost 3 pm. I need to get up & at least get a few more in & ride my bike.
    Hope you all are having a better day that me so far :bigsmile:
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hi Tammy
    Just wanted to let you know I use the FitBit Force. It also gives me extra steps I think. I tested it the other day & it was under but I am positive it adds steps :laugh: Either way it has given me something to use as a motivational tool. Need to get to stepping today.